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<br /> � �itYiYU/iVli%W'�V...1 . .� .._"_ _ - .. -- -- ___-_- --_ __ . __ _
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<br /> .i`.�..._..i�fLNIM�.'
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<br />.---.�:�sar��s�e� .__. ..S'�{Q�� ."�� .-"-_"" __ ---_. _-_--�.� -�
<br /> _:�c�-�:�"':- . �;. �'r��a#v�:' 04 SIiB PNt?�14r�Csa c�e e Bsns4lr.tal Irt1��Yerat In l�orcoveetro tt t�t cx any p.rt w tee Prop.rty a .�.-_ ._
<br />°`��;.'.;'}''�"�"'"'"�"� R.ily I7�lui7."'s1 I?l lS (S BUTA RP tYillDfdT6f1(OP H& beP.aHc�+�l tniere9!Ir� Bon•r,wer le aok�or trs^,ainrrad aitd BarUw�r le rc4 a�ti�tu��; -=� -�----
<br /> ,, �. , _, "'.;;- -
<br /> �....:�) r:;:�r.�,t!c.lf�r n E� ..:r:�;�..:�c�i;..�;�3. 1�ir%:i r��,y��t f?�c;>�^;i, r��„';�lrc.r.,,,�,y�r.;i�:r.tt fo tu?I �t e4 siean Kwcuri►ci hY �.; '��-��_ ., .
<br /> t?.h L'c::•�i::;r hut,ca:_�J. i4U�:�:,�, �,S��I�o;,"�,� ch°7�ta2 E�^ c�:^:,-�;^��h� l.ctt .�r li r.^;t'�:�l.� �r�r,l:.":..'_:f E:�t.:�' ..�1 L:•� c;c":t�:�: � ----- ._...y - :
<br />-�:� �. ,��'�,,,, c�s?� af!hh BHxnity Instrument. ' �`d
<br /> ,erae�cii:�'+,;.;ls`Zilti' °-_._._--
<br /> _,.m,�:�. It L�n�r werd�M t��ta opibn, la�dMr e�eN p��BoRONr�notka ol Ra:N�tia�. sh� nutlau sbeli provid�w p�d crd not� -
<br /> _-;z;^�:Ya`.;� le�� th�n 30 d�y� hom th� daU th� notla E�deNvMrd or n�i4�d witF�ln�vhV�h Harrc+wa mu�t p�y N! cc�nw s�auw.l by thl�� � — _
<br /> - 3�cu�ky Imtrum�nf. II @OfiOWM(�fli tQ PAy t�iNO 6Ums prlor to tho e�xpk�Wm of thb p�eiod, L�rtder may imok�� rwnatlks f'�
<br /> _ � p�mitt�d Hy thM E4�1ty ln�hum�M wkhout 1Urth�r notk�or denwnd on Bom�w�►. •
<br />..""`�'�'�`-`Y�'�`-� 1No P^�rr���''n �iQ�Mt !a R�Instt+tll. tf Eiorcoww mwta cart�Y� condWon�. Borrcwer etKN h�ve the rlflht to have �
<br /> _. _ _. -
<br /> ---= " • �--_
<br /> enlo►e�mmt o1 thb 8«xirfly Instrummt dhaootirw�d �t �ny dm� prlor t9 th�w14�r oh (�) S cMys (or wctn olh�r M�Ied aa � _ --
<br /> � �larv rtwy epecly tor nlnst�tNr►�nl)bMon a�le of the Pcop�rty purau+nt to�ny pawK of e�N confalnsd In tl►N S�axkY �J
<br /> °�=�°'°''-''�.� In�Uumant; or(b) en'�j af�judgr►iont e�faciny thla 3ecurtty Irteln�m�+►t.Thoie condftlans aro th�t Bortcww: (a) Mya UndK�i _
<br />_-- .._«�,J�J aums whkh thm �ouM be due undK thla Sea�rity lnatrummt�r�ri the Nat�u H no �cctl�ntlon h�d auurnd; (b) auw�nY
<br />.��q:u;r��,�•"�..7P����'�j d�lrurt ot�ny oth�►aov�nant or r9reementa� (e)P+rys dl expenaea incurred In entardng thl� S�curtry In�trument,Indudhp� bu! -
<br />.. r y,..4_:.w`Y7K�.7
<br /> ,•�r:�is�:���;;� not Ikrit�d to,re�son�bl��ttomeys'Te�s; �nd (�takee s�uch action os Lenda rn�y reasonrbly rsqs�k�to��euro th�t!h�li�n of
<br /> _.._:,.�_,°,:z.,u�:-,^;a thb S�curity tnstrum�nt, Land�r'e �lghla tn the Fioperty ond Derrawa's aDkqatian to pay the suma een.wred by thlR 3�curft1+ �_---___--- _.-
<br /> -�'v��`'"'°� Inatrument nh�ll conUnu� unclw�q�d. Upon relnat�tement hy BoROwer, thia Security InsUumalt �nd th� obMp�Goos ascured
<br /> _ �1d�n��1�` _ .
<br /> :�. hereby ahaN rarnak�fuly sftoctive aa N no acc�le�tlon had cecurred, Howsver�this d9ht to n+inetate ehaA not�ply In tNs cat� _
<br /> �"�" �"� ol nccelenTfon under�praPh 17.
<br /> .;�...:�'t,��.�..��'--
<br /> �' �"•' �• 19. S�{� O'P NOb; Ch�ny� of Lv�n S�rvict�r.Tha Nnte or a x p+ir1W Intareat tn the Noto (lopetfia wlth thls ■�-_� -
<br /> -�'''.,��i �------ '. s_..
<br /> _ •��1. Securiry In�Wm�t)rtwy b�a4fd one or more tim�s wkhout p+ioP noUce to Borrower.A sals rr►�y reauH in s ch�npY In the entily ��
<br /> ;;;;;�;;,;�x�; (known �a the'Lnan Savicar')that collecte monthy pryments due undx tha Note and thia Setx�rity Instruman� Thrs�ho tn�y
<br /> :.,",..'. b� w�e or r�iaa c7��sa of the Lan :,�vC:,cr�nr�-'t� fp n sab of the M!�i!. N thKe la � chang�af the Loan 3avlcer.
<br /> _ ,;,.,•,_,. -•• �-.- -
<br /> :z,i .:., .�r' ._._.
<br /> ..: ,,i,....�,.. (iqrowK wiM bs pNen wrkten notica oi the ch�nge!n accordance with para�h t4 above end appilc�ble Inw. The noUc�vriM �;,-,------.-
<br />:-:%'�p'� ` aute the nam��nd addrosa of the new Lan Se�v3ae�end ths address to whkh paymente nhauld bs made. The notka wWl dto
<br />