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<br /> �� . .n: ,� si��;:�.,^e •,.�d 1 rndrt f!�vt}ie.'�'ctnCnatd 3lfcl Jt�bt f.nf}O�W�' • - - "' —
<br /> ;:+Ci;v•ti',viici�:,i.i f'::'.�.�.�...[ ,. . . -
<br /> 17. F�.:tcicisokr,Prv�z�eclure,. ir{.cndrr �c��urr, mm�cd�aut pa�rnr.nt u� fuL uttdet'�:ur�ny��4,i.,rau�u ju+y 1.:.uw.��ir•. „
<br /> . ,. , �. ! . . � h.'�h_•P�u�r.i �„�nla�'1 1�1�t,j�iwr:�c4 ri1CUI7'+C,tfL ^ _--
<br /> ` ,, , .. , �::'.. � ' ' ' . _. • . , �, . • , , , i �.� �.,-
<br /> .. �UI\lIl1A�L1K,I�:IfNwli�..��1{U11w�..�1� .�.1. � •, � � ',�• ., _ . �
<br /> _ �vu;u:::�:. Tr�b�dsifl euw�l s aoli�+e a(de['a�i[ �s esu�aw�:�i.:���."'i--�t�t� -
<br /> 1[tiie p..v�r r�f�is levaiwd. � 1nr/a iae�a�rr aM M �
<br /> r,r�i�b I�c.�aa�a�!.h.N k��.r w�b.ean a 1t�.w.l�.:w�+w+ J�rrwl�a�1 d*o�b�t
<br /> die ofi1C pwrMr 1M����d'7' �!!��r''� ACprr tAMt d�oe�Ind bf' aPD��
<br /> •si b 1d wMrr A��M1'�IN��. T^��x����aw wre�sw�r•
<br /> natlor,pt sAM fa 1�}M+�+� •��{.y�.,� bfd�d�r al tfu�tlme artb pMiex fw�wir iY Iw�R�d�v „
<br /> r��-M..w11��D�w�Y/il qY�IMC 1111C1jqU�O YR�qP�" . ..."' ....1.�....+..�1�wI wM�v Mo'
<br /> td 1Mf�E!�iAM V OM of�/R����p�ll�e ow�w��! k r.�..r�»ro r'--�'--- ._
<br /> p�rc�l,o[tbe PruPe�1+�►r���t 1bs Nr...+ p1�o.ot wr.!�'M••b��o��wiw.L.drr...l�r
<br /> t�e PropeQly al�wr de.
<br /> ��'P� of t�e P�in bi�,'frti+t�e sl�ll�er ta tbs prrcL�r'Y'r�beo.'.s t�sd oow�ie�lb
<br /> UP� ��Pt u�P�Y� o[tA�tr�d!M sl�q��p t�'i►
<br /> prepq�tr. ?bs reciWs iw thR Tn�r/�e'r deed sl�b p+riw hck evi'1p�ne W �l co�ts u1!rxp��� � .
<br /> .. 'Y'�ee sh�Y a�� P�a of lLe s�k in the tdb'� v� e�
<br /> �w�r ot�la,aad tt�sa4e,[nch�1�RR th�p►v�nmt d tlre T,nrt�e's feea�y�i'x'�4�ot 10 eYeMi
<br /> o[tht prir�ip�l �aouol ot the nole wt t6e W� of tbe �eclaratia� 9[ defiwii�+aod sw�.�wbi: �� �ess !n
<br /> pernnMteii by I�w4 (b)to w11.9�uns s�►red br Ihls SecuritY I�+ �{c) �°l' ��f�o tLt pr�'� or pM� ,
<br /> 1e�1ty eotitkd w it. . .
<br /> 18. Reaonveyanee. ilpan payment of all tiunts seeurecl by 4hss Seeurity in�trumen�L.enckr sha11 rrrclue�t Tr�'u� tQ
<br /> re�convey 4he Propeny and sha11 surrender this Stcuriry Instrument:u�d ali n:otr�+evickncing debt securod by thi�Sccurity .
<br /> Instrument tu Tnestee. 'i'nistee shaU reconvcy the Pm�x:rtY wilhovt wuranty und without citiarge w tt►e perxat or persona
<br /> legally entiUed to it. S�ach person or per�ons shall.pay any rxorda�iun custs.
<br /> I4. S+�bstHul�e T�uslee. Lendcre at ii�uE,iio�.�-�ay fr�.^.t tir.�w!i.^.:»rr�n^ue T►vstce and an�soi�tc a aua�e.cscx uu�ua u�
<br /> any�Trus�e�c a�pointed hereunder. Withaut eor�veyanee of die Property,the successcx trust':e shell succ,aed to all the:pUG,
<br /> power nnd dupes conferre�l upon Trust��herein and�y applicable law.
<br /> �u. ieey►.r�:�v�r:��i�.;�. °Urrc:re'�e9ze`-�5�}ti�t conics of thc notices of defoult�nd sa�e bc tient to A�rro�ve['s addreas
<br /> whicn is it�rr�xa�y r'�uu,�ss. • -� -
<br /> Iii�dercs to this S�+r�t,Y lr�st►.ument, If one or more riden��executed by Borrower a�.�recorded togethrr wi►h this ,
<br /> S��curity Instrument, the covennnts of each such ridee sl��ll be incorporatai into and shalt amend ond suppkmeat tht Y
<br /> covcnants anJ �greeiuents of this Security Insu•ume+it as if the rider(s)were in a pan of this Securiry Inswmcnt. (Check
<br /> �pplicabl�box(es)I.
<br /> ��Condominimn Rider �Graduated Pay�nent Rider �Gm�ti•ang E9uity Ricler
<br /> �Plnnnc:d IUnit DevetQpment Rider �Other[Spxify],� t10RTC�At�E A���
<br /> BY SIGNIN� BELOW, Borro�cer accepu and agrees to the terms concained in pages 1 through 4 of this Security
<br /> Insorumcnt nnd in nny ridcr(s)cxccuted by Bon•ower nnd recardcd•�vith it.
<br /> Witnesses: y��� �
<br /> � -�C� (Seal)
<br /> � �IEL I US Uorc�wcr
<br /> � BRAa � ,
<br /> ��� �� � , (Scul)
<br /> {3orrowcr
<br /> - NAOM I L OORh1EL I US
<br /> (Sc��l)
<br /> florroucr
<br /> - (SCAI)
<br /> – Florrowcr
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA, HALI. County ss:
<br /> -- On this 31si: day of May, 1995 ,bet'orc mc,thc undcrsigncd,u Notary
<br />- Public daly commissioncd and yualificd for saiJ county,personally camc
<br /> - gRpp OpHNEL I US ANp NAOM! L OORNEL I US HUSBANO AND W�FE .�o ine known co bc tlie =
<br /> = identicul person(s)whasc numc(s) :u�c subscribed to chc foregoing insaument and acknowledgcJ thc cxecution thereof to be
<br /> � their voluntary nct.md dccd. in tiuid cuunty,the
<br /> Witness my h�utd snd notarial se�l at GRAND I SLAND
<br />�- datc ufores;sid.
<br />„a
<br /> .-� � Tlt.i I
<br /> - My Commission cxpirer: Nou�ry N°�i�c
<br /> .....ve-nrw 1 OCtll
<br /> -' JULY 30�, 1998 mroci..r• �- ,•---
<br /> _.-° GENERA1MOTaAr•St�teolNeix�slu R����-�FOR RE�:ONVEYA[VCE
<br />�� ROBERTA l.REE�
<br /> �+ S(�h-�a 6p.lub 30�1995
<br /> _ �v u �rs�gnc �s c � er of thc nute or notcs,ecurcd by thir Uced ot'Trust. Said note or notcti,together���ith all
<br /> .:� other indebtedness secun:d by tliis Uced oF Trust. have Nccn paid i�i full. You.ve heitiby dircctcd to canccl said m�tc ur noleti
<br /> � and this Uced of'Crust,��hich�re dclivcrcd hcrcby,.►nd to rc��nvcy.�vithout wiirrunty,all thc estatc now h�•!d by you undcr
<br />:�� this Dced of'I'rust ro thc per�un or pcnons legnlly cntidcd thcrcto.
<br /> •t ' Uatc: '
<br />-_� f puge d u�d�,ugrsl
<br /> . �
<br />