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<br /> 1. Y�ymcttR of�'dncipwl,7nSerest�nd Y.iitk f,�iAiKi'. ilu:t��ti�,:.r:�i�;ll �1::}�r;;� �i�i�+;�t���� y�,u::�i�. u,. � „�
<br /> - ,
<br /> - _ thc deFd evide�r.ed by thc Nute and la;c ct�ati•�c��lu��>�ui�r tls.;^'�`•=. ���r�wtr ti I inc:tu�3c in cac:h nrundt�y p:+y���rr�i, .`_�"
<br /> �. ht th�Y 1►�!y�Gs o!Texsb,in.su�rancs aast flthcr " r�cs•
<br /> ec�qciher wi�h c prmclpal unct intert� � �t���h�ipra��ut(h)t�auj����t���y�ts�o n ruund r�n. c nithe Pc��perty.�nd
<br /> spoci�l n��ts� t.r l�vied cx to Ix lcviu �ui l� Y �
<br /> (c)preiniutrrs for surancc required bY�'a cePh a. ,
<br /> -- - - ��� Li;:::;i s::an•.l�ly inst�►I�r�nt fbr items . (b) �nd (c) :�ha�l cyu,f�one-twelllh of rhe�itinu•rE umount5, ��c rr*�`��y
<br /> ' A'I"�ACHE stinwted by I.ender. lux un a►nount tiuflicia to enainialn an additiona►b;►li��u::uf ssoi a+:oC��::.Il nne-One�����t� ,
<br /> REVISIU mOt1nt'. '[Y�C full ann ul wm�unt Eur caeh itc� shall be accumulatai by nder within a periud�4ndiab and(c) before they
<br /> -.-•�•� �em wauld bernn�de iqucnt. l.r,nder shall h 1d the ainouncs collectecl'n wst to pay items(r�.O
<br /> become de1'snque,ht.
<br /> If at:eny tirne the to 1 of thc paymr.n�ti hel by Lcncler for itcros(a). (b) and(c),togethcr ith the iut�re mon Y
<br /> payrt�snts for such items pay ble to Lcndcr prior to e due datcs oF such itcros,exceeds by more.�hssn ne-sixth thc e�tianated
<br /> ---------- - mnuunt of paymcn�5 reyuir •1 to pny sush itemti whcn duc, and if paym ts on the Nute arc rr�n�, tfun Lcnckr
<br /> shall either refund the cxcc.�s ver one-six�h of the c. imuted paymcnGS or Gnedi thA exc��s over or�o-si h af the cstimnted _
<br /> paymcnts to subscquent payme ti by Borrower,at the uption of Borrower. if th totnl of the payments� uck'by Boreowcr
<br /> for item(a),(b),os(c)is msuffi 'ent ta pay the item wf4en due, then Borrower sha pay to Lvnder nny a►n unt neceswry to
<br /> make ug the dcficien�y on or befo �the date�he item becomcs due.
<br /> As used in this Security Ins ent,"Sccretary"mea s the Secr�eta►y of Housin and Urban Dcveiopmc or h+s or ber
<br /> designee. In any year in which the nder must pay�mo�tBnge insur.lnce prc:nium t tl�e 5ecrctary (or any • in�vhicl�
<br /> such premium would have been req 'red if the Lcnder stdl eld the Security Instrume ),e�ch manthly payme t c:hull also
<br /> include etth�e (i)an installment ot'th unn�uul mortgage ins�ance pre�nium to be paid l�endcc to the Sccre�c •�nthl�
<br /> � manthly chtuge instcad pf a nortgage i surnncc premium if U��s Secnrity Instcuinent is he hp�he SecretarY• Y
<br /> installment of the inorig�ge insurnnce re�nium sliall 6c in a amount sutficient to acc ulate �he fuli unnual wrtgnge
<br /> --�---- = sec c�tarv.or�this Secur lydlu,tru it nt��s�E�e�d b� tl�e Seeret�rye f c�tch mondm�cha ee s allnbe I�rean umn u�u ual�to = --
<br /> .a►...t....,•.1..lun nn thc Note. � _
<br /> - one•twelfth of one-h;►If percenc ot tne ouw �u:��s N�=••��rµ��---- ---
<br /> If Bonower tendcrs to Lender tha ful paymcnt of all sums •ecured by thi; Sezurity In. mcn�,uorruwGi+a v���C
<br />_____�_ __� �emium enstnllm nt that�Ix der�hase o�b me blig tted�to pay t r thc S reiury��und Lende ahall p nmptly rcfund �ny
<br /> exeess fimds to Horrower. Immecliately prior u a forecle�ure sale o the Propeny nr its acquisi'on by Lender.Borrow 's
<br /> -- account shaA be crcdited wiui uny ba{arcc rcr.�a ning for all installmcnt_ for itcros(a),(b)and(c).
<br /> - 3, AppSicstion of PaymenEs. All payme ti under Paragrsphs I 2 shall be i►pplie�l by 1�cr. er u5 iollows:
<br /> _. FI S to the mort�age insurance premium to be paid by Lender t the Secretary or to the m nthly charge by
<br /> - ti�c Secretary instcad of thc monthly mortgage insurah ce p^cmiunnic or eround ren4s, and fire,�ood and other
<br />-- — SEC'O D. to any taxes, special u„c,s���enis. .°..°,`�..�.d ra,m- `
<br /> - hazard insurance premiums,as rcquirul:
<br /> - 'PHIRD,to intcrest due under the Nate;
<br /> --- O�UR ,to amortizauon oF the principal of thc Note:
<br /> --- FLh j�,to late cbsuges due under the Note.
<br /> -°,.A 4. Fim,FIoa1 and Othcr Hpzard Insurnnce. Borrowcr shall insure all improvemen�s on Qic Property. �vhethcr no�v
<br /> ----- in existencc or subseyuendy crcc[ed, against any hazurds,casualtics, and conungcncics, including fire, for which Lcnder
<br /> � requires i�sw�u►cr.. This insurance shall bc maink1�ncd in thc a�nounts and for the periods that L.endcr r�quires, 6orcowcr
<br /> -_= shall aJso inI�reu i�b�O� Secretaryh�A��lnsur ncc sh:ill be cw�ried wi►h co npanie�.,� approved by�I.ender51'il�e i�nSUr�nce
<br /> � to thc ext� eq Y
<br /> _-'_'"s pu]icies and any renewals sh�ll be held by Lender and shall include loss payxblc clauses in favor of,and in a form acceptabte
<br /> -��� tu.Lender.
<br /> —_-=�_� In thc event uf lotis,Borrovrer shall give[.endcr immediatc noticc by mnil. I.cnder may mnke proof of loss if not ma e Y
<br /> =•-1._ promptly by Boiro�ver. Euch insurance company coneemed is hereby iwthori��:d and directed to rnake payment for such loss
<br />= :�=�"r"� d'uectly to Lender,instead of to Borrower and to Lender j��intly. All or any parc of the insurance procceds n�ay be applicd by �
<br />-- --=�?.,:y� I.ender,at i45 option,cithcr(a)to the reduction of the indebtedncss undcr thc Note and this Secunty Instrument,first to uny ` -
<br /> delinquent;unounGs applied in thc ordcr in Parngr.iph 3.and thcn to prepayment of principal.or(b)to thc restoration or repn�r `_�
<br /> Mr���=- of thc damaged property. Any application uf the procceds to the princ�pal sh:►II not extend or postpone thc due date of the �.`,
<br />'�'�"�`�:'�� monthly puyment,ti which are referred ta in Paragraph 2, ur chunge the umount of such pAyments. Any excess insurancc
<br /> 's`y� "ti procccds over an umount rcyuircci to pay all ouGtitandmg mdebtcdness under the Note nnti this Sc�uriry Instrmnent sh:ill be =-
<br />-r„�fF_ . '.
<br /> •�""1' paid to thc cntity lcgally enuticd thcreto.
<br />.:�;.��,,��,�::::,. -.
<br />_'"..���'�� ' In thc event af fureclosurc of thiti Sccurity [nstrument or othcr transfer uf'title to thc Properry that rxtinguishcs t c _,_
<br /> R...,,�,•� . '_.�
<br /> - - indebtedness,sill right,ticle and interest nf Bonower in and to in,urance pulicies in f'orce shallB�p'�mer's LoR ayAppllcation: R_tr
<br /> �Q • 5. Qccupuncy, �'�rtservntion. Mt�intens�nce and ProtecEton of' the 1'roperty; � ��
<br />�_.,����; . Leascholds. Borrowcr shall occupy.cstabli�h,and usc thc Pcoperty as Borrowcr'ti pr►ncipal resid�ncc within sixry days.+ftcr
<br /> ._�tr�.,: r t he execu tion o f t h i s S e c urit y Instrument and shidl continue to occupy thc Property as Borrower s principal residcnce for at
<br /> �-��-• �; le�st one ye:�r after the dnte of occupancy. unlcss the Secn:tary detcrmines this reywrernen t wi l l r a us c undue h.udshi p for
<br />-Y""°��;�i• Borrow�cr,or unless cxtcnuating circumstancc+cxist which arc bcyonJ Borrowcr s cc�ntrol. Borrowcr shull noti(y L.cndcr::of
<br />"`="�"`{"-` any extenuauc�g circu�nsumces. Borrower shall not commit�vatite or desrroy,damage or substanti;dly changc the Propeny or
<br />�`�Y�`�'. allow thc Ro ro dcteriurute. rcasunable wcar and tcar cxcepted. Lender may �nspcct th� Property if thc Propetty i�
<br /> ,��_�:_: P�rtY
<br />'����+^'�-���� vacant or abandoneJ or thc loan is in dcfault. L,cndcr tiiay takc rcasonablc action tu�rotat und prescn'c tiuc vacant ��r
<br />._.a�iP]Td'Ai�"_"
<br /> -.G abandanul Property. Borrowcr�hull al�o bc in default if Burmwcr.Juring thc loan apphcatian proc:css,gavc matcrially fulse
<br />-:;r:'k�'n;,._ �.
<br /> _- t,:�k . or inaccur,uc information or,tntcmcnts to Lendcr(or 1:lilcd to pravidc Lcndcr with any matcrial information)ip`co y ccaon
<br /> :-.::��� with the lo.vt evideneed by the rlote,including.but not limited to, representations conceming Horrower'+occu mc of the
<br /> � v�'-Y �'°' Property as a principal rc�u'►res fcc tidc ro he Property[hc Icaschald�and fc'�titl�c�hull not bclmcr�6cci'unlch Lcna�Vagi c+►�
<br />'T"��- r thc lcasc. If Borrowcra�y
<br /> :.'-�-�.x:�� , dic mcrccr in writing• , Borro�vcr shall pay.►ll govcrnmcnta) ,
<br /> :-w�_--�..�:� • 6. Charges to�3orrowcr sind Protectton of I.cnder s Ri�t►ts in thc Property. p,y
<br /> :��:� or municipal charges.fincs and impositinns thut arc nut includcd in P.vagmph 2. Boirowcr,hull � thcxc obligations on
<br /> _;�--- time di��ecdy to che entity �vhich is o�sed thc paymcnt. [f fuiiun: lo p.�y �Y����� ua��:r��iy:►t�fcct l.endcr's interest in thc
<br />_- . �•.4; �_� prnncnv.unnn Lxqdc['s 1'CqUCSt BorrowCl'yhall promptly furni+h to Lcnd��nxcipoti'�,rdnh��R���f�il`�Wnperform uny othcr
<br /> ---_- ' p'^`...- _ ..-r(f�do►'nnvcr f,uls to makc [�1CSC P:l}�111Cillti OC llll' �.lylnctti� i�yu�a..v :.� .�«-a.=r.- _. . -_.
<br /> .�',�;Li�.�"lV
<br /> _-:'�t• �+:*�° coven;►nts and agrcemcnt��untaincd in this Security hi�trument,or thcrc iti a Icgul pr��cccdm�.thut ivay+i�,niticantly attcct
<br /> :"��;.'?`.;� Lcndcr s rigt��c in thc Pmperty (tiuch as a prurccJing in bunkruptcy.for conctcmnuuon ur ro cnforcr l�w� ur rcgulatiunsl,
<br /> ,'.•:r`'y':;.�',2!'' then Iw:nder may do und pay whatevcr i�neceti+ary tci prot�ct lhc valu� of th� Yroperty and Lendcr'.n�hts in dic Propcny.
<br /> . �i .�-: L `' including payment��f tuxes,h•izarcl insurance�uid other itcnts menti�med in Paragraph 2.
<br /> '•�:+;'��� ' Any,unou�uti disbur.�d by Lcndcr undcr this Harugr,iph+hall b�tiomc an aJdiu�mal Jcbt uf Bam�wcr attd h�xcurcd hy
<br /> . 1 ,-� I
<br /> . .:, this Sccurity Imtrum�nL Thc�c unwunts�hall brar intcrc�t tmm ihc dat�uf di+bur.cmcnt. at ttm Nutc rutr.:�nd i►t thc uption
<br />- ,r'' ~ uf Lcndcr,shall bc immcJiatcly duc and payable.
<br /> - ' 7. Cuudcnmat(un. Thc prucccds ut my i��•.trd ur claim tix dant.�Ee�.dircct ur crnscyucntiul,in runncctiun wi4� ,my `
<br /> • � condemnation or utiier taking uf uny{�art uf ttic F'rope��ty.ur fur runvcyanrr in place oF rundrmnution.ar� hercby a„i�ned i
<br /> .-' iuid+h.dl b� paid ro Lcnd�r ta thc cxtent uf thc lull umount uf thc inJcbtcJn�,.that rcntuin,ui�p:►iJ widcr thc Notr and llii. �
<br /> ?��r:3i':;:t`�t; Secu�ity In�trumcnt. yndcr.yull apply .uch prurccdti to dic rcductiim ul thr indchtcdnc.,undcr thr Nutr and thi,S�rurity.
<br /> ,�:�:`�`�r �_ � In�trumcnt. tir�.t w an dclin ucnt :�muuntx ;ippli�d itt thc urdr� pru�•id�d in Pura�;r:►ph �. .u�J thrn tu prcpaymcnt „�.
<br /> . ,�,,,,,.:,�r ri�,�e�•,�
<br />