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<br /> �.�. G.ASSIGNMEI�f�'OF I.EA.SRS. Upa►I.a�da�'a roqua�t,Ba��orvor a�lt�esign ea Le�xler.atQ ls�r�o�af dja
<br /> Pro�ty and aU sa:urisy ckpoate m�de ia caanation with le�r,�of tha Ptapaty. Upoa tha�ent.T��O�ec
<br /> �t ha�e�e rt�nc a mawy.extcnd ar tsrnin�te thr•esiaiag laua+�ad to eacaute ne�v kas�+.in La�&r'��oie
<br /> Gb.1Cd'Cl�Of1.AS L19C��Il f$L7 j7A��1�1�1��It1C WO[d"�Ci7C" S�IS�l ITAEAII"Sq�t�1C� �l�Id�OCUfILy IIAy{�tlotildlt B OI!•
<br />-- - -- - - - .. _ ��. .
<br /> _ Barnwa absoluuly and ut�toafiuon�elly assig�e and tians[ers W Lrend�r ol!ds�rrnts and r�veteuea�(`Rtnls")of Ifie
<br /> Pmpaty.regardiess of w wt�om the Renc�uf the I'rcip�aty aro paysble.F�arow+a authari�es I.ander a Ld�dar': ,
<br /> agena co a�ltoce�ttenu,uxi a�groes�uc e�ch�aw�c af d�e ProQa�Y ah�t pey�he�a�u r�i.a�aer«i.a�dec�� �
<br /> --- --- ageriH.Howevu�Bon+nwa slWl reodve d�e Rtnv unW(ij Lerider han givrn Borrower�wtioa of de�aWtt�x b
<br /> �---- -'� ��?���. i�1...�Cr�f`n1ifV Jjl¢ff�nw!l1s�{ii��rl{r1eY��Y4y►IYMICE 11q I�1C{CII�flt���1}Lft IEIC Rlatl�[1C 1�17G __.
<br /> — paid to Irerider a I.eiWer's agcn�. 'IT►is assippmeat of Renp c�nstin�s su► eb�lut�e a�gament m�d not ea —
<br /> assignment far ad�idonal secuuity only. .
<br /> _ _�___.___._—� If L�Scr uives noti�ce�brcach w aotrower:G)�11 Rtnt;receivai by Barawzt shall be t�eid by IIotmwa aR `-
<br />—._=--�:---�
<br /> tru�tea for the bauCt of I.a�cla only�w be ap�slia!W�he swns xc;iuod by the 5�curlty Ias�ait:(ii)Ixt�drr�a�.i
<br />:-`""�_�''j be endtkd to asn7k�ct and roceive all of the Re�ts of the Pro�xxt�: (iif)B�xrowa �gncw d�at each tra�ant of the
<br /> - Fmperry shall pny all Rents due and unpa�id to I.ender or L,encicr's agents upo�L.aided's writta�dawnd to the
<br />='�"�'"��`• tenant; (iv) un]css xpplicable law provides otherwise.all Ru►ts coUccud by I�etKla�or Lenda's�nts sbaLl be
<br />°_���,�yie�t� a�plied 6rsa to Ehe wsts of talong conun[of and m�ic�ing the P►x�perty an:i cwlJectin�'u`.e Ru.�.;;,:.�u��.w;t a�t --
<br /> ---°=�`"'�� limired to,uttomeys' fees,retaeiver's ftxs.praaiums on receivu's bonds,re�ir and mair►tcnance eo.vt�.Luurac�ca
<br />=�!�� premiums, taxes,asstssmentY and othu charges on the Propeity. and then to the sums secured b•�the Socurity
<br />-`x';:;�- in�rmmen�fv�isader,Lendr,r's agents or aaY�udiciallY enpainted recciver st,aatl be liah3e to s,ccov�t�'ar only those
<br /> _-':�:�,��.',;:� Rents nicwalty sccelved;and (vi) I.endei shaU be entidexl w have a rc�eivu aprpointed w taka possessiwa of a.nd
<br />--�f'.:�=�`�i� •,` m«�negc the Property and colkct the Rent�and profits derivEd from tho Praixrty with�ut any showing as to t6c
<br /> .,-..,
<br />-;''-°,�r:`•�'�'^r inad«luacY of the P�o�xty as securiry.
<br /> �' '���` ' If tl�e Reats af the Proputy ere not suft'�cknt to caver the costs of talcing control of und maiwging the
<br /> f`��'�; , P�opatar and of cotlucting the Rents any funcls�aucpended by Leitder for such pueposes shall 6ecome indebtedness of
<br /> _� ,ry � Homowu w L�nder securad by the Sxurity IASuument pursuant to Uniform Covenant 7.
<br /> `-�--' Bocrower renmsents and wamants thai Bormwcr has not eaecuted any priorassig�une�t of thc Rents and hag
<br /> a��hRfn(:'e.�PT -
<br />`'"'"�� �• not ond will not perform any act that would p:evcnt Lendcr from caercising its dghts under this paragraph. -
<br />.-'-h�;;�;;,,,;�;;,�;,'_, Lender.or Lende.�'s agents or u judicially appointed reccivcr.stiall not be rc:quired to cnt,�r upon,�sice control -
<br /> . _. : ,�;,;,,;ti� , of or maintain the Pcoper�y bcfoze or aftGr giving notice of dcfautt to Borrowu. Howuvcr. Lendcr,or Lendea's --
<br /> .�;�o;t;�;;;;�,;, agents or a ju�cially ap�oinud reccivcr,m:.y do so at any dme when a defnult occ�ra.Any ap�st;cadan of Re�-�ts =---
<br />:-w;.r���«o� shal!not cure or waive any default or invatidate any othe�r rlght or remedy of Lender.This essignment of Rents of �;,,,
<br /> -�a �',"°ti,��"- . the�'taperty shall teaminate when all the sums secured by the Secwity Insuurr�ent ara paid in full. � ; •
<br /> �==r��;r::��,i'� I.CROSS•DEPAULTPROVISION. Borrower's default or breach uadcr any uote or agreement in ,�-.�:_
<br />-''r""��" ''�� which Lender ha9 on interest ahnU be a breach under the Security Instrument and I.�ndu may invoke any of the
<br /> �.h'...1'. ..� .i'JIiY
<br /> .. remedies pem►itted by the Sectuity Instrument r_,
<br /> ..... ." ..� BY SIGNIIdG BII,OW,Borrnwer eccepts and ugrees tc�thc tem►s and provisions containcd In this 1-4 Famlly ---,�
<br />-_ , ' , Rider. � «�'z
<br /> ,i . ,�4�: . �� .
<br /> =,� ''..,` .. :��' MARTIN D CARPENTBR .g ts�, LORI A CARPENTBR .g(��r
<br /> �.
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<br /> ". . °"�' •Bnrrowor -Borrowcr
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<br /> , ' ^t �•59 (o3ot) Pap�2 ot 2 Form 3170 9l09 �
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