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<br /> -.-e..��.,ier -- -- -._._ _�_—�.___� . .... ____,��_�. � . . . _..._..�............�....�......---
<br />-------_�� �5.�- �,ti��?4 � . --
<br /> p,y�d�t,m.y no 1an�a�be ro4ua�ea.st d�e ap�o�n of l.a�aa.if n�anga�Inrur«xx c�vaa�e(in me rmouat�.a cor d�a perio�a
<br /> -�-= G`,:2 LMa'Y="a�:ke�;provi+!-!1 hy r�in•,�!�rr rrr.x�vt�by x:e�x.ticr roaie F�atx�e avsil�bk anJ ia obtaittod.Soa�t�+u a1�ll p�y dee
<br /> P���l� �o tn�inuin maAg�e ln�ir�nce in sfYat. or W pro�vida a las re�an�,�mtil tbe roqu�e�nau[ar aanrt�s�e
<br /> inaar�nce atid�s in�coordance wilh any wriqa�sgroe+nau betweai&xro�va��r�d I�oerdx cx y�iicable law.
<br /> -� 4.�pectlor. Lsncia or itf�c may mvice�ic eosrieaµpon and in�ections of�e PmpatY.La�d�r ehW giMe
<br /> - Borrower�atica at ttie ttme of ex prioe w an in�pocd�epoc'.1fY�►g ro�o�sbb cau�e fa the irty�octioo.
<br /> = 10.Co�cse��atia. 'I't�e procxxcis of�c�y �►w�nt or cWm far dans�gea�dic�nnct ar cauoqua�wl, in canno�don with any
<br /> °--�-�--°� �mrs�t�±n�other t�ng o�'r,ny p�rt of the Propaty,ar fa r,onveyance in liw of condcnu�tion,are hatby�i�nal�d
<br /> � - slu�ll bo paid t+o Len�det.
<br /> --- In�he evart of a tattl talcing of Ihe Pro{rtrty.ihe procooda shatl be applied w the sum9 socurod by efiL�a.�.--uxiry Iastcuaxat, --
<br /> --.---�- whelha ar not Iha�duo.wilh any ca�ces.v p�W W Basox�r.In tho eveat of a p�cti�tskirsg of the Pcop�rty in which d�e�'air m�rket
<br /> - �-,u_--= vilue of the Property immaliAteay br,fon�Ihe hking is atwl to a greater theu the amouat of the sums aecured by thi�Se�urity -
<br /> - -- Ianruma�t immediately befac+e tLe la►ia8, uniess Borrowa and E.esrSex att�aNi90 agrao in wnriting,the sums xcuorod by 1t�e�
<br /> -�"' Socurity Insuumait sh�il be reduced by tho wnount of d�proceeds muWpliad by the falbxing fiaction:(a)the ioW r�nount uf _
<br /> ,�°���� the sans sacured immaiiateiy ineia�4`�e�cing.d:.�id�:�by tb)��fa:r r.z...^�'�_es vr�s�of t�Pr.e�ty ia±•�wti.a.�y lx.�ae�e the
<br /> '�� nking.Any b��sh�11 be paid to Borrower.In the evcat of a ps�ti�t C�king of the Pra�ecty in which the fair a�dcct v�af tho
<br /> ,,;`~��=��'' . �ronatY iri►mediately hcfare �he rotin� is ka� than ihe ernaunt of the sums seaared imrt�odiatzly befae dw talting, un�
<br /> _.,W��,bi:���� Barowu�Io.,ades nthuwis�e�cje in writing wr unless applicat�b law ahuwise�xovi8es„Itw proc�ods sh�ll b�appiied W�hc
<br /> .`..`--_ _°°'=� a�.. •�..:..��..r.W« t w�.�,.r�_a,�wtw rv�±n tlan nima an:thr.n dpe. `—
<br /> - -_--- - s�.:��.,�........�i.. i.. ^ --
<br />`-��?-'.�"'}� ' � If U�c Property is abaMoixd by Bomnwer.or if,efter notice by Londer to Botrower¢h�t the condemnor offas to�nake nn
<br />=.-��~'•'�'• franrd or sett)�e a clam for darnages�Barawtr fails�n respond to d.�endtr with;n 30 days agJtr the data tho notice is giWCn,Lendc�
<br /> :.'ri��'��� is suttarizett to colkct and 1 the at its opsian,eitlter w res�oration or rc,gnir of the P�aty oc W the sums gecured
<br /> sPR Y P�s� -
<br /> - :� �.�� by Ittis Sccurity Instcurt�n6 whcthcr or not then duo. __
<br /> Unkss I.cnd�x and Brxrowcs othciwise agree i�writiAB�enY ePPlicatifla of proca�ds to�rincipal sha�li�M catend or postpone
<br /> sha
<br /> .`'��',."' �' ,�', the duc da�of the monti�ly paymanls n:f�red w in paru�aphs 1 and 2 or change td�e emount of svch payments. =
<br />. - -�-a�,.,• - li�A1�RI11Cf�►r_ ss_■ � o _t. O � �..I�..N��W�Sv� r ai �►�'� � F(N�,M'�IMCQ� �T I110d1�1C.81�
<br /> :':r: ;.�.Y:;� t�ui aaca"au'c�af a�a'��r►c�a.,.:w..sj...�.
<br /> ,, of amatization of the sums socurod by this Security Instrument grantcd by L,endcr w any successor in interest bf gocmwu shall
<br />.. ` � not ope�at�to rckase the liabUity of thc original Borrower or Hoirowu's successors in interesG 1�ender shall not be requirod to _
<br /> , ,_ commence proceedings against any succcssor in interest or refuse w extea►d timc for paymeat nr ethe,�wise modity amorq�atiou of
<br />, . •; w ' the s�amv sectued by this Security Itutrume�►t by reason of any demand mad�e by the original Hotrower or Borrower's successore
<br /> , ,�,:,...��;.�• . �• i.�inte�es�Any forbearsince by x,.cnds in euercising any sight or remedy shall not be a waiver of or precludc the exercise of an;� �
<br /> 1. ,��;,: �..�,� , dght a mncdy. ��
<br /> . ° 1Z,Successors and Aasigns Bauod;Jo3et and Severs�!Lia6Sfity; Co-s[gners. The wvenants und agreements of this
<br />" ,.:r.,. .�,.,,,,. • Securiry Inslswnertt shall bind and benefit�Le su�ccsso�s and assigns of Lender end Borrower. subject to the prnvisions of �'��,�
<br />. � . �^ • paragraph 17.Bornnxu's covenants and agreemerits shaU be joint and several. Any Borrower who ca•signs thi.s Scxurity �e•,�.
<br /> � `_'f Insuument but does not ea�ecute the Note: (a) is co•signing tlils Security Ins�ument onQy to mortgage,grant and convcy lhat :j;�
<br /> • • • ;� •. Borrower's intertst in the Property under the terms of this Security Instnunenx(b)is not personally obllgated to pay the swns .�,_v:.
<br /> - , �_ .w _;: sccured by this SeCUrity Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agroe to e�tend,modify.forbear or 'R�
<br /> . .�.� ; mafce any accommodations with regttrd to the teims of thLs Security Insmunent or the Note without that Borrowet's conse�t _
<br /> , . � 13.Loan C6erges. If the loan sec�cd by this Securiry Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum loan charges,
<br /> °.;,:'�::� and that law i�finally inteipreted so U�at the interest or other loan chsrges callocted or w be collected ln connecdon with the loaa
<br /> excead the pelmiu�ed limits,then:(a)any such lnan chazge shall be reduced by the amnunt necessary to reduce the cfiarge to the
<br /> , t r p�nittetl WniG and(b)any sums atrcady collcxted from Borrower which exceeded peimiued limits wi11 ba refunded to Borrower. `
<br /> . � Lenda may choose to ma{ce this refund by reducing the principal owcd under the Note or by malong a direct payment to
<br /> Borrower. 1f n refund reduces principal,the reduction will Iw treated as a partial prepayment withoua any prepayment charge
<br /> � under thc Note.
<br /> . ' �4.Notices. Any nodce to Borrowea provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing it
<br /> �� � by Cust class mail unless applicable law requ+res use oF another method.'me notice shail be dirccted to the P��aperty Address or
<br /> _ �r:� any other address Borrower designates by nodc�to Lender.Any nouce to I.ender shall be given by fiest class meil ro L.ender's
<br /> • eddress stated herein or any other addces.c Lender designates by notice to Bonower. My notice provided for in this Security
<br /> .�� Instrument shaU be de�.med W hove been givca�to Horrowee or Lendcr when given as pmvided in this paragmph.
<br /> � • ' , 15.Govemtng Law;Severs�mi�ty. 'Ihis Security Instrument shall be govemed by federal law and the 7aw of the �
<br /> ' � jurisdlction in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note j
<br /> - confL�cts with opplicablo law,such conflict shall not affeet other provistons of this Security Insuument or the Note which can Ue �
<br /> � �. -- given effect without the conflicdng provision.To ihis end the provisions oF this Su;uriry Instrument and the Not�are declared W i
<br /> ,�:�
<br /> „ be severab!cs. , ' ,
<br /> ' . ' Form 9028 9I90 �
<br /> �•6R(NE)172t21 aup�aote mmat.: .. _
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