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<br /> - 'PN1Fi.��F.()QN'it�US'i',irrne�dah�alti�a..,ise.L.tl:y.ua°�u1.....__ -.-
<br /> - - th�TruHor,.w.�a�ck J. Statf.dra and I(�rea J. 5taffucd, hvbbana and wf€c� . � _�._..._, --
<br /> whaa m���Inq addre�a 1� 1..��et�6„�h Stxe�t, Gruad Talsnd; N� �b8�(��0"Tru�or,"whM��on�a�rtKSn1.
<br /> � t#�+Tr���..r., _F.�qe.Pol.T�tR 'n ,, A �1 ,��K1r� Cor;�*,�*�.i�on ----- . ' '
<br /> whow m�llinp sddrNS�� P�D. Box 1567, Grand Islsnd, NE b8802_ _._ �her�,"Tru�w"),�nd
<br /> J� th�E�nMiclary�. _.....�.ivs Pssint� Bank __ „_. __.._.�
<br /> � who�e rr.elllnp a�dnu la P�Q• gox 1507, Grand Islan�, NE 6�802 � �(t�retn~l�ndw'q.
<br />__ -_-_ _-- - Jnck J. Sta�fiord end
<br /> FOR VALUABRE CONSIDEHATION.Inctudlny Ler�der'a extet�s{on at cradlt IdCnH!i�heieln to_�....._-• ----�---�—
<br /> ttp�en J Stefford, hu�band_end wife ^�hereln"Borrower",whetha'one or mora)end ths�h�'�In cn�»d,
<br /> the recelpt o1 which Im heroby tcknowtedQed,Trustor hereby Irrevocably prants,tranatere,conw►y�u►d uslpm to T►uatw,IN
<br /> TRUST,WI7'H POWER AF SALE,to►tha t�ertetlt and aecurlty a}Lender,unclor�nd subJoct to ths brma and condttiont hYnlnafMr�M
<br /> torth,the ra�l prs�ieAy,deacribed aetollowe:
<br /> Lot 6� Block 5, f�ollins Addition� Citq of Grand Ieland, iinil Cuunty, Nebraske
<br /> ---� — _ Yogetner wliii a16 uultdtn��,trnFra�emenM,l(xturca,streeta,alleys,passegewaya,easemenW,Plghtt.prtvitepee wnd eppurte- �
<br /> ;,;,;,�;�;��.,..�n.o.�,n�r tn,+nvwlsa oortalnlno thereto,and the renta.Isauea and 9roflte,rovaston�enai�emairxk���:�:H�,s�d _
<br /> such peraonel properly that Is eitached to the Improvemants eo ae to conatftute e 8xture,IncludlnQ,but not IlmitW W.hetiqnp�r►A
<br /> ¢ooling equlpmen�end toflether wltA tho homestead or ma�ital interests,II any,whlch I�tereste are heraby rele�ss*.I�nd welvad;ell
<br /> of whlch,Including replacements and addltions theret�n,Ir hareby declared to be a part of the real eatate�curAd by�tt1e Ilen of fhle
<br /> � Deed of Trust and all 01 t�e toreooing being referred to hereln ea the"3'�opeRy".
<br /> �� This Deed of Trust shell aecc�re(o)the payment ot the princlpal sum and interest evldanced by e promfaeory��te�r cre�J(4
<br /> _ ____ agrRement dated _.. M8y���L9s-'� ,having a maturlty date of June 1,�, 20U5 ,
<br /> — In the orlginel princlpal amount ot$ '^ ^^n nn ,nnd eny and all modlficationa,extenalons and renewets —
<br /> -�__� thoreof or theroto and any and all tuture sdvancea and readvances to 8orrower(or any of them if mora than one)heroundsr
<br /> ___—� pursua�t to ome or more promissory notes or cre�lt agroements(hsraln called"Note");(b)the paymoni of other auma advanced by
<br /> Lendor to protoct the securlty of the Note;(c)the performance of all covenanta and egreementa of Truytor sattorih he►eln;and(d)ell
<br /> --- present end futura Indobtodness and obllQatlona of Borrower(or any of them Ii more than ane)to Lender whalher dirt►��Indlrect,
<br /> s absolute or continpent end whether arlsing by note,guaranty,overdraft or otherwlae.Tha Note,thls Deed o1 Trust and eny end all
<br /> � �� other docuents thateecure the Note or otherwlso executed In connectlon therewlth,lncluding wlthout IlmltaUon guarantoea,aecurity
<br />-__...,m,,,�,�,,, agraemerets and esalgnmente ot leasoa and rents,shall be roferred to herefn as the"Loan Documents".
<br /> ,��`����� Trustor covenants and agrees with Lender as toltows:
<br /> --,_u:;.�ba,,:� t• p�ym�nt pl Indti�Mdn�•AII Indabtednesa saoured hereby shall be pald when due. �
<br /> --•..�:;H��. �. TIN�.Trustor Is the otvner of the Property,hae the rlght and authorlty to convey the Prope,rty�and wnrrants that the lien
<br />.-:,;o;.�.$-K�;"� created hereby is e tlrst and prior lien on the Property,except for Ilens and enc�mbrances set torth by Truator tn writln0 and
<br />- ,-u�-a,�:; doflvurt�d to Lentler betore executlon oithla Deed ot Trust,and the executton snd dellvery of thle Ceed ot Trust does notvfolate any
<br />_,�r,,y�,,,,�_,.� contract or other obllgatlon to whlch Trustar Is eubJect f
<br /> ..:_,2�-�--� 3. TaxN.Aa�mont�.To pay betore dellnquency all taxes,epeclal assessmenb and ull other cha�gas agalnst the Properry L
<br />,�� - now or heree►8er levied.
<br /> 4. Intur�ncs.To kErap the Property Insurod agalnst damage by tlre,hazards Included wlthln the term"extended coverage",and __
<br />;'.';� r� such o4her h�ards ea Lender may requlre,ln amounts and wlth companles acceptablo to Lender,naming Lenderas an addltlonal _
<br /> �'A�`� namad Insured,�vlth loss puyable to the Lender.In case of foss under such pollctes,the Lender Ia authorized to adJust,coflect and
<br /> . compromise,ell clalms thereund�r and ahall have the optlon of applying ell or part oi the Insurance procesds(I)to any Indebtedneas L
<br /> �-t�,� '=} secured herehy and in suoh order ae Lendar may determine,(II)to the Truator to be used tor the repolror�-estorallon otthe Property _
<br />`*�''���'' or pll}for any other purpose or obJect satlatactory to Lender wlthout atiecting the Ilen of thls Dead of Trust for tho tull amount secured =_�_
<br />�""�""'°�� hereby before such payn�ent ever took place.Any appllcatfon oi proceeds to Indebtadness ohall not extend or postpone the due
<br /> .., �.-
<br />,i:y�"=�.:��; �
<br /> date of eny paymenta under the Note,or cure Any default thereunder or heraundor. �`�`
<br /> ,�,.�;, `�•;.A�:, � 5. E�cr�w.Upon wrltten demand by Lender,Trustor shell pay to Lender,In auch mannor as Lender may deslgnate,suiflcfent
<br />,.;��,�,`:�.';�,�;;'� suma to onable Lender to pay es they become due one or more of the following:(q au taxes,essessments and other charges apafnst
<br /> `:}'• � ;,�r:: the Property, (II)tho premluma vn the property Inaurence requlred hereunder,and(Ilq the premlurs on any mortgage Insurance
<br /> , raqulred by Lender.
<br /> ,� � _:�:�� 8. Mslnttna�c�. R�patn�nd Compltanc�wlth Law�.7rustor shall keep the Proporty In good condltion and repafr;shall
<br /> �� •••� promptly repalr. or replace any Improvement whlch may be damaged or dest�oyed; shall not commit or permlt any waste or
<br /> ' � "t� deterlore.tton ot the Proporty;ehall not remove,demollsh or substantlally alter any o4 the Improvements on the Property; shall not
<br /> " •� commlt,auHor or permlt eny act to be dono In or upon the Property In vlolation ot any law,ordlnanca,or regulattnn;and ehall pay end
<br /> -�. promptly dlechargo nt Truators cost c3nd expense ell Ilena,encumbrances and charpes levied,Imposed or assass�d agalnst the
<br /> �•� ^ Property or any pert thereof.
<br /> � �. � 7. Emin�nt Dom�ln.Lender 13 hereby;�sslgned all compenaatlon,awarda,dameges and other payments or rollof(horolnAftor
<br /> �� •e�. "Praceeda'1 in connectlon wfih condemnetlon or other taking ot tho Property or part thereof,or tor conveyanco In Ileu o4 condemna- ;
<br /> " '�" tlon.Lender shall be entltled at its optfon to commence,appear In and prosecute In Its own namfl any actlon or proceodings,and ;.
<br /> '' shall nlao be entltlod to make any compromise or settloment In connectlon wlth such teklny or damage.In the event any partlon of '"
<br /> •-'i°, :
<br /> �,,,, . the Property le so takon or dameged, Lender shall have the optlon,In Ite sole and absolute dlscrotfon,to apply all suoh Proceods,
<br /> ' atter deducting theretrom ptl costa and expenaes Incurred by It In con�octlon wlth such Proceada,upon any Indeblednesa secured I
<br /> .... ,
<br /> ,...
<br /> '"�. -----'--. . . .. _ ... __..____�__�__��..�W....t..e ...�..enwl..ell cunh Prnr.�ln akar auch daducUons t0 th8 fB8t0�8U0f1 O}th0 ,-.
<br /> . ,`.------- n6f84yf 8n0 t�13YGn vruor oa�o��aoe mo�uow....��...�... .....r�.��...__.... .'_'--^-•--� ---
<br /> Proporly upon such condltlons es I.ondor may deterrnlne.Any applltatlon of Proceeda to Indebtednesset�all notextend or postpone r
<br /> ' , the due data of any paymente undor the Note,or cure any detault thereunder or herounder.Any unapplied funds shall bo pald to i
<br /> Truator.
<br /> 8. Pedormanc�by Lsnd�r.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Doteult hersunder,or Ii eny act Is taken or 18ga1 p�oceeding
<br /> � commencod whlch matorlally flffects Lender's Interost In the Property,Lender may In Its own discretlon,but without obll�atlon to do �
<br /> so,and�rfthout notice to or demand upon Trustor and wlthout roloasing Truator trom any abllgatfon,do any act which Trustnr has i •
<br /> ' ggread but falls to do and may also do ony other act It doome necessary to protect the¢ecurlty hereot.Truator ahall,Immedlately I
<br /> ,, upon demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lendor all coste and exponses Incurred end suma exponded by Lendor In connecdon wlth �
<br /> the exercfse by Lender of tho lo�egofng rlght�,to0ether wlth Interest thoreon etthe default rate provldod In the Nota.whlch shall be �
<br /> � add�d to the Indeblednees seaurod hereby. Lender shall not Incur eny Ilablllty becaus� ot anything It may cio or omlt to do ,
<br /> heraundar. `
<br /> ., ,,} �. • . '
<br /> . ..
<br /> .
<br /> " .. .... . .. _.. . .. . ...._ .. .. . .. ... . _. .. ._ ----._._......_ ..._..._ � ..-.--.- - ... -- ..
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