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<br /> _ -- — _ _
<br /> . �f'�.. • --
<br /> .' , � - �%�v... � �,!f�'.��±�!� . � ., - ==-_
<br /> C. fi�.Yim: � .0 1L� ,.fi�'�1 ���;�:U„ m�. .:1�:. � ..._., Ji..:��..�, . .. L ,. , .�, .I�. ' u , ii� ., . iq._Sf�..,�..�;,:,, .� ,�-
<br /> ���
<br /> 7. t�.�s:E..i7a�:e�}a!�t�:'1 nt�?nt-�n nr n�y th�;+r�,!m:!ur the ro�xiir�clln�uranaa ti ths Nrup��tY,�rbl yey�tAxr�brfu�.uo:��r�v�:.t,��-�yy •��� ,-
<br /> �mount dut uixl+r a ptio�mortp�p�,at tPUat dsMl h�foro r�e4+�L��nt,ar dl malr�tafn the Ptaperty In�;�owl i►palr,ot+11 p�tiurm any oi ii�a�vnw.a,��...,�
<br /> pra�ntf Pf thl�Tnut D��d,tMn I.�ndw rriry�t It�opdon p�y euah Inwr�ne�pr��emo,t�xa,rnnHO�os?ruit dwd Pryrn�eb. a tn��nOrn
<br /> w�d diMbur�e wuch+rutn�encf tukn euch�oti�n a�It Q�sm*n�cee�ary to pmt�at it�IntKe�z werMwt w�fwng a�kwiMny fa elpht to dsM���d�l'auM
<br /> �nd aaal�nt�rhs d�bt �neur�d hrnby ben�we o}any aueh f�We!e of 1h�Bovp�u. Any amounte�o dl�burees�by.tAe L�nda s�l oendtuu _
<br /> oddition�l ind�btWnN�of Borrow����aur«I by�M�Tru�t D��d snd ihall M+r Int�re�t tPOne 11M daN of dfdlur�ert»M�¢.th�t�t�p�y�bN uAMr�c „ -
<br /> Nets. Nothln{�contela�ed In thla peraqruph shMl eaqulro Lender to m�ka�ny�unh di�bura�nt�or t�kr a�y sadan wiu�tsowN.
<br /> 8. L�nd�r Ray m�fu or cru�a tn b�mad�re��on�bl��ntrlee upon en+!ltirpactlon o}th�Prop�rty. ' -�
<br /> 9. Th�ptuce�d�01 rny aw�rd or claim for dsmaqas,direot or consbqu�ntld,!n conn�otiore wlth sny condomnrNon or nfhnr t�kinp ol tAs Prop�rty,
<br /> or pert thenof. or lor conv�y�nce in Ileu ol aondeYm�tion,era fi��Aby�t�lpn�al�ixi th�ll b�pald to Luxi�r ta tM�xt�nt of1M fuH onaunt of 1M
<br /> remslnlnp unQsld Ind�btedn�rs ucured by thla Truat D�ed. _
<br /> If th�Property to sbandoned by 8orrower,or If,after notice Gy i.sndsr So Bnrrower tfu[th�condsin�o�oi?�n tn mak�rn�w�rd or a�ttl�A d�+for —
<br /> damapa,Borrow�r f�ila to�espord[o lend�r within 3U dnyo attar th�d;ia r•uch r.oticals m.�lctS.Lendetle!�+.itherEz�ct to aolleat uxl M►pIY��P�oo��•
<br /> to the sum�tecured by thla Tnut Qetd.
<br /> Condemnatlon proceede or nwaids shnll be aredited to the lest msturing In�te(tment�of ths ind�bt�drNts�ecuv�d snJ shNi�ot exe�ed ur pa�tQon�
<br /> the Sus datn of the irestallmante raferred to in Qaragraph� 1 entJ 4 hereot ar ohange the amount oi rur.h f mteilm�nYS.
<br /> tp. If the Lsnder Isauas a partid roleoea ot thls Truet Deed,the prooeed�ncsived theref�r ehdl he cr«fit�d to ths I�ft matudnp inwt�kr:ent�of tM
<br /> indebtedneaa sacured herobg.
<br /> t 1. If Le�der eitfaer vuluntarily or fnvotuntarity becomo�e pady to duy auft ur tag«proccaCl�s�relatihp tc tht Propartq,Note m*�4?wat Oi�d,th�en .
<br /> 8o�rower will reim�uvse tho Landor for all coa4s end,to the extent pormitted by Invi,rea�onablo attotney ice�incurred Ay the l.atder r�l�finp tb sult
<br />- or leqal procoedinfle and oald sums shalt constitute addidon�l fndsbtedness�oaured by thtt Tn+st 6eed end be�r int�reit at th�rst�pay+G�undtrr tl»
<br /> Note.until aald. - -
<br /> e.c_�„.a i,.rh.n..enrm�nc�of anv nt the bmv or
<br /> 12. Aa addltlonat seounty Sorrower aoAS nerepy asaign,trensier enu no�uvo���i.o�NO..7�.�:.�a�•..-•--•-•.• .
<br /> aonditiu�s of this Trusc Ooed,tha Noto, or the terms of eny Indebtednosa secured herohy, dl uf the rents,�evenues nnd any ineome of any type _
<br /> whateonver to bn derived trarn the Proporty, i��cludtng land contreot paymente. Lender,In poraon,by ugen2 ov by recelver,without regard to tfie
<br /> solvenoy ot ineolvuncy of the Borrotivet or the valua of the Property,shall be ontitled to take posea�sion of,repair,rent and manage the Prop�rty�rw1
<br /> to collect the rants,revenues ond incom�thor�irom and it may pay out of eold i�comsnll expanso9 0l rope{r and cocte ineurred In rcntijig end marta�ng
<br /> tho�Ptope�ty and collecting rontalfl and for payrciont of Insuranco prcmiums wlth eny remstn}r.�balanen Tn be a?ul:ad to the lest ma:u�ing payments _
<br /> 01 the debt socured hereby. Upon presanting a copy of this Trust Deed and domand to any lestee,tenant or aontract purchaao►of the Property,such
<br /> person shell pay ell ronts,paymonts ond profite acorued or thareefter acaruing to the Lender until further�otice from the Lendor. _
<br /> 13. If all or env aart of the ProDOrty or Any Intorest therein Is deeded,sotd by tand contract at othorw(se conveyed,allenatad or further encumbe�ed
<br /> o(ther volvntarily oi(nvoluntarily without Lender'e prior written consent,or If the Tnittor is a oorporarion arxi�here is e onenge ir���.:�;a;::.�,o�50�
<br /> o�more of the aorporeUon's stook,or if tho Ttustor Is a partnarehtp and there Is a ohanpe i�tha membereh{p or a dissolutio�of the partnarshlp, 4i;__„
<br /> oxcluding !a1 a transfe�by operatian of law u�an the death ot e Jofnt tenan►or(bl the�rant ot any loasehold interest not nontafning en option ta -
<br /> purchase wlth a loase torm oi two years or Insa,or(c)the creation of tho purchase monoy seoutlty intorest In household appllanca�,then Lender may,
<br /> et its optlon,dealare a11 sums securod by this 7rust Daed to bo immedlately due end payable. In the event the LeDder consenta to bny euoh change
<br /> in ownerehfp,co�trol nr dlssoiuilon or transfor of all or any part ot the Proparty,then Lender may at ite opdon edJuo2 the interest rate to the provallin�
<br /> rate of Interest that fe charfled on now securod loAns of tha typa eocured by this Trust Doed et the timo of the chAngo in ownershlp,control,diasolut�on
<br /> oT transfer and may uha�pa a transfer fne.
<br /> 14. Upon Borrowor'o broaeh of any oovannnt or ngreemont of Borrower(n thle Trust Deed,including tho covenante to pay when¢�ue any iume secured
<br /> by¢itis Trust Deed,Landor at Its optlon may doolara all of tho sums socured by thla T�ust Ueod to bo immediately due and payabie without further
<br /> domand and may Invcke the powar of 3ale a�d/or nny other remedfe�permitted by epplicable law ineluding the riflht to foreclose thft Truat need in
<br /> tha manner provided by lav+ for tho foroclosuro of mortflapos on raal ostoto. Londor ahell be ontitiod to oolleot at{reosonable eoste end oxpenses
<br /> incurred in pursulnp such ramedios includfng,but not Iimltod to,and to tho oxtant pormittod by law,roasonable ettorney tana. _
<br /> If the power of sale Is fnvokod,Tru.�tee shall record u netiue of dafeult In oach county fn whlah tha Proporty or somo part thoroof is loaated and provlde �
<br />` notice thereof in the manndr prescribod by appllcablo law. Aftar tha lapso of such timo os may bo coQulrad by npplir,ablo law.Trustoo�hall give public .__
<br /> notico of salo to tho poraons and 7n thu munnor prasaribod by applicablo law. Trustao,or tha ottornoy fo�the Trustao,without dumand on Borrowor, ;,-_
<br /> - shell sell tho Property at�ubtio euction to tho hlghest biddor et tl�o timo and placo ond under tho torms doslpnated in tho notico ot snlo In ono or more
<br /> parcele nnd in suoh ordor ua Trustoo may dotcermino. Truetoo mny postpono sele of etl or any parcol o([he Property by pubiio onnouncemant at tho -
<br /> timo and pleao of nny provio�sly sohodulad snla. Londor or Londor's dosignoe moy purehaso tho proporty at any snlo.
<br />= Upon roceipt of payment of Qho prico bid,Trusteo eholl dolivm to tho purchosor a Trustoo's Doed,without worranty,convoying tho Property sold. Tho =
<br /> ronitals in tho Trustoo's Dood ehall bo prima tacio ovidonco of tho truth of tho sta4oments mado Shoroin. 7nistoo ehall supply the prooaads of tho solo
<br /> - in tho following ordor: a)to oll ronsonnbto coets nnd oxponsan of tho enlo,Including,but not lirnited to,Trustao's feoe of not more than Fivo Hundrad '
<br /> ' and No/100(S600.00)ptus 112 of 1°b of tho omount socurou horoby ond romaining unpaid, and coste af titlo evidonco;b1 to all sun�s socurud by this
<br /> Trust Dood;and o)tho oxcoss,if any,to tho porson o�poreons logully ontitlod thatoto. -
<br />- 15. Any forbneronae by Lendor in oxorclsing any rlght or romady horoundot,or othotw(so aftordod by uppllaablo low,shall not bo n walvar ot or
<br /> jprocludo tho oxorcfs�of ony suoA right or romody in thn ovont ot oontinuing or futuro broaohes by the Borrower.
<br />= 18. All romodios providod In this Trust Doad aro distinot nnd oumulativo to any othor right o►romody undor this Truot DaRd or nftorded by law or cquity,
<br /> = and may bo oxorciacd concurrantly,indopondontly o►succnsaivoly. If Borrowor hns givon Londor a chnnol mortgagn,or socurity ogrocrment on pe►sonul
<br /> = proporty as additional socurity for tho dabt sacurod horoby,in tho ovont of dofeult heroundor ar tho►ounder,Londo�shall havo tho right and option to
<br />_. flrst foraaloso on oaid poiaonnl proporty wlthout projudioo to ite rlght to thoroafto�soll or forocloso tho Proporty or to pursuo all sucuri[y a+.tho samo
<br /> tima or to pursuo tho peraonal proporty aFtor tho salo ur forocloauro uf thu Proporty.
<br /> 17. Upon pny�nont of all sume socurud by this Trust Dood.Londor shnll roquont Truetoo to rauonvoy tho Proporty and ehnit surrondor tNs Trust Doud
<br /> and ell�otoe ovldancing Indobtadnass socurad by this Trust Dood to Trustoo. 7iustoo sholl rocanvoy tho Proporty wlthout werranty to tho porson or
<br /> porsons logally antitlod thoroto. Such porson or pareons ehflll puy all a�ste of rooardotion, if nny.
<br /> � 18. Londor,at Londor's upNon,may from tlmo to timo romovo Tnistoo and appofnt a suoaassor truetoo to any Trustou appointod hernundor by en
<br /> fnstrumant racordod In Iho County in whfch this Truet Ooad is rocordod. Without convoyonoo of tho Proporty,tho succossor trustuo shalt suocood ta
<br /> ioIl titto,powor and dutios conforrod upon tho Trustoo horaln r,nd by applloablo Inw. .•;
<br /> � ..�.. .�_...,. �`'
<br />.� 19.Gxcopt tor nny noucas,OOmO�las,�oquo:�ta or otnor aommuniaaiivnu tvWiwu a�iuoi dpyiiuo`v�o�e:.i8`vo y:�o.-�:�.o�.w.`.o:TB:R:,:, :..�.:�:C.�........:, i----_
<br /> j Borrowor or Trustoo givos or eorvas any notico (includmg, wlthout fimimtion, notiaa of dafault md �otico of solo). dumonds, roquoste or otho� �
<br /> i communfoatlon with rospoct to thi^,Trust Dood,ooch such nutico.domand,roquost or other communiRatlon sholl bo In wntinfl and shall ba offocuvo �
<br /> � only il tho samo fo dolivorod by porsonal survlco or mnllod by cartifiod mail,postogo prapaid,roturn rocoipt roquostod,�ddrossod to tho addruss�s sot �;
<br /> �
<br />__� foath at thu boginnlnp of ths Trust Dood. A copy of any notico of dofoult,nny notico of salo, rnquuod or pormittod to bo givon horoundar,shnll bo
<br /> j mailad to ouch paraon who is a party horoto at tho addrass sot fonh at tho bopinning of thls Trust Dood. Any party mny at any t�mn chnnflo ite addross ��
<br />;� for such noticos by dolivorinr�o�mnding to tho othor pnrtias horoto,ns nforosnid,a notico of such chongo. Any noticu horoundcr sh�ll ba doumod tu [
<br />- hovo to boon pivon to Borrowor or Lundor, whon givon in tho mnnnor dacipnatud horufn. j
<br /> �� I
<br />_) 2b.Tho oovo��ants and�qroamonts hcroin conminod yhall btnd,and tho rights haroundor ehall inuro to tho rospoctivo hoirs,roprnoantauvos,successors
<br /> :1 �nd nssipne of tho p�ttios. All covonnnts and oproomnnro af tho Borrowo�ehn1l bo jumt and sovorol. Whonovnr roforonco is mrido tu thn singular �.
<br /> = hnrow�dor,It sNoll Includo tha plural nnd rho plurol shnll In�ludo tha singular. �
<br />:; I
<br />,ri
<br /> _ i
<br /> � I
<br /> � �
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<br /> � '
<br />