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<br /> -„�.'::):..,�t.�?ri7�,.:,: (� � �R�4��':R
<br /> t • 9A,�i�a�Yii6�'� 6���t58 4r� �t�l�4lAY�t�� t7 t�::;r,.:rs�e r.�.e�ali�e�li�s�,Et�xa�at�'1 Pu�Ve tl��i�ht to har��a ��., ,
<br /> . tR�i Qa�t�fRy Iratautiail db�txKix�a►1 ix:y tir,9 P'Er,�to tr►a auli�r at: (nj B dayi (r,�cur.,fl ai�e{;�+X�d a� �p�:+►bt�ww cn�1t�R�11� ,•-�
<br /> �T ��:.,,, _
<br /> " , �.:::;:'�::��r,�C_."�:3 C::'_� c7 L':9['::.;�..,� G:::.^"�.3 �� 3:�y (:�:_�s C9 �':'� C�;.,':�� i7 L�'7 �':.��;,:)t::'.1::.5:.::; ct(]�) C;�•_:1 c1 ���..� m ; �
<br /> .
<br /> ' enlofci��N �eo+ulry In�liw�oS. �iAaw canOiNone �ti►r¢ 8carrr,w�r: {wD w�$�.ca,;wu aa cu,-.;a �:�:� [:;� c::.;'3 C� ��a �::�'.r C'.3 �_,_.?�
<br /> •�,� :' .� �, � B�xay inaYUnwnt �nd tM Wola rw M na Aoo�Mr�had uooua40: (b) ow�my d�buit af anY atPN►r.nwK,�l ur u���:(o)i�1'� ����-.,.=.-
<br /> "`�;'-;:::�. ``".;^ai'' � �/wp�rM�s ho�Nnd h�tLoeOho IhM 8lqxky MetMwnMM�hsLdMp,bW no1 MtM�d io.�uw�bl��t�xrNyr�iMa:w�d(d)M4M woh roYon _
<br />:-,.�,;,, ` ' M l�nMr nwY nwa�bA�n4uY�to 1utw�N iA�t IP�Nwn W t�M L4�x+c�Y InsYwirx�,��n�ida ri�l�1�1M Prupwb�nd 6DROw�a ob111�M1an �_
<br /> . ,;�-���;�1~ 16 ph1 tlr MMM��qMrd b�l IhN�rour�r In�irtMMM shd oo1M1t�M onolwqid. 11po� �N�f►�rowK� Mb i�owry In�Mw�e
<br /> �nd Ih�obl�fkm� MotMOd h�r�by �Ad nnrkf�N�v MICdw w M oo AooNn�Uon b�d oocur�d. t4ffwerc►. MM r�iM b nf�Nbl��hM nof ---
<br /> ;;���;�:: �ppy in w+.o...a�oo.Nr,�+on w�dK v.rrw�h 17.
<br /> " �� _,•��,'���` 10�8M� Of Note;C1wti� 01 L+oa�1 S�w1�Nr. TIw �� a � 0� �+� in tl+� ttow (tooW� wIM �hb awwb --
<br /> ""�a� M�runwx) m.y a. .o1A on� «ma+�urn..wMout�rfa noaa b 6v�i�w:. A.w nry �wut h a oh.np� 1n 1!a«�tlh►(knaw� �w.
<br /> -' 'rkh��'` 'Lo�n BMViD1r')tll�!Oebob n1011Mb WI�MM� dus und1l V'i(i0N Mod 1lIM 81i0�MYY iMMIMIM�. 7Tw1r�fio I�i�blt on�8f r11/N o�M��YM
<br /> � � a th.lo�++s«�rtos.urM+.w�a a. .aM a a»t+oM. e a►x.M p oh�npv a w.�oen e«w�r�earow.r w■b.pl�n �n na�w a Ih.
<br /> Chr►D� M �oOOtdY101 N�iA p�npnpA 14 WO�rY YOd i�pfDSbb larv. 71r rtofb�twi��01A�tfN nMrN Mtid iddnbN Of IM rNw I.R�i1 BMMOM
<br /> ' �nd tht WdrK�b�whfDh paynlMM�should b�R'+�. TIN��Otlo�vr�tl10 odN�h nnr o4t�fniurrititi;,t�r.ipttra�tiy��� — -
<br /> . , �o. t�ta�rtfoq��ubsUncll�. eor�ow.► �nu nae owe. « p�n�1 ►h� v�w�o�A w.. dbpo.�t s�a.a. a �•�• a .m►
<br /> " Ha�rdous BubaMr�on a b th�Prop�ty. Barow��lst1 not do.na obw r►yon��Ma b do.�nylhY�p�oW�p 11M�'�op�l�1�b M _
<br /> , " . „ '• vloWbo of�r►y Ertrtra�nlel Law. 1'h�R���two�ntw��hN no1�pDN to th�Pr��.�.oP�on th�lhup�rq of�1 --
<br /> ` �� a ra�ao„s aaw�oos a►u a�s w��r n�a+d�o a .va�� ��a+n+w� rw �o �w«w�o. a a�. _ —
<br /> � � i Rrop.n,y.
<br />-_ �� , 6artowr sh.r prompay eN•�•nd�r wiWn notk� 01.ny Mn�tUpttbn.CWm, a.m.ra. hwsuR a atw ecxion or �m w���a
<br /> . rW tk
<br /> �F � nWt�orY �onaY o►D��M WnY��0��Y��c►y Fir�rdous Jub�t�na�EmYoMnmW Law dr wi►i�A 6�irr�r��.� __N+
<br /> 11 knowi�dp�. M Botro�w IMms� a k nodlNd by nt►y povrrwrt�nql a npuWa�► ��'�� �»� �� sD00rdM�w�
<br /> �� �� 11�t1fdou�i blibifNlC�aM�DtYfQ th� PtOp�rty I� MC�iifY. BOROwK 6tli� P��y -,��
<br /> - --. .. _ . i:.,_.-s. .
<br /> EfIVkO•fM11�MT11�.lW. �y� J_�.�.' {.�� � ---
<br /> ._."__,.'_:___'.'___"'__ I�� � �I 41+ �� WI �f1W VW� 4JYU�_ � m�� ���� J � � N ��M�1YY r����1�� e'
<br /> y` il�i�Y w
<br /> . Y�t' FnviromrnW Law md 1h� bbwtrp wbsw�at: pa�otn�, kira�. ath�r IitrtxrobN a twdo IK�►'o� D��� �oodo pNtlaldN wid �"--"°"`
<br /> hitblCklls. t�ti� toM�nb. rtwt«itY ConWnlnG a�batOS or to�fn�idThYd�. �nd ladbacdw fn�lltiatt. l4 YNd In tfil� p�r�Aph 70� -�� ,�
<br /> .y� 'EnvhonnwnW Law" rttwns NdMfl I�rts utd I�ws Of th� J�xltdiMbn wlwr ttw ProP�1y h foc�bd M�t n1�M Eo hMMh. M1�Mf or =-
<br /> , jfix•:�,s`
<br /> . �f1VMOfY11�flW PfOMCllal• -'=--
<br /> . ° NON�UNIFOFNA Ca1fENRNT& Baroww and Und�r Mutt�er Co�naM�nd WrM�e A�owr. m`•�^
<br /> �t. ACClIQ�MI4fls Remedloa. Lender shdl �ive na�tice to Borrow�r prfor to �ccNWa�o+� lolbwinq ��,
<br /> . BOnOwK's tXO�CI� oT �r1y covenarti or s�'aemen's in uw. c�:�v3:� :.....:�:"r.•;� ��'�* nn* nrler tn�cCNlKdbn _-_
<br /> ,. undar pra�r�h 17 unless �pltcabls Isw p�ovtdei otherwl�e� 7h� notic� �IWI �picify: (�)ttw dN,�ult; �:,..
<br /> � (b) the actlon rmquked to cure t1w defauft; (e) • d�1te� not leq th�n 30 d�ys 1r�m tM daS� th� �otic� ia �'�=
<br />� qhrsn �o Bo�ower� by which 11� dahutt must t» curod: snd (d) that f�lu�� b cur� th� dtT�uit on � ;
<br /> befor� th� d�te �pecMed In th� �otic� msy result In scceleratlon of th� �ums �ecur�d by thls Sew� �:-�-~
<br /> i`•; �:,;�^
<br /> Instrutnent �nd�a1e ot th� Property. The o�tic� shall turther Int�m Borrow�r of tM �InM tio relnataRs
<br /> � acceleraUa+� �d tlw rlpAt to brinp � coun �cUon to osaert the non-extstenc� ot • daf�ult or any othM' _
<br /> aa
<br /> dsien� oi Borrower to acceleratlon �nd ale. If thm defsutt ta not cured on or baton th� d� �peclMd . :..
<br /> ��� In the noUcs. I.�nd�r �t its aptbn may rsq�lre Immodlsts peyment In full of dl �ums �ecur�d by thi�
<br /> Sec�rity Instrument �althout turther dem�nd uid may Invok� the power of sal� and �r►y otfi�r nm�dles
<br /> permltacd by �ppllcabte Iciw. Lender sh�tl be entltled to collect atl e�enaei Incu�red In pur�ul�� t�e
<br /> . remedtei provtded In thls pra�r�ph 21, Includinp� but not Ilmlted to. reasonabls atCo�neya' fea� and cost�
<br /> of tltle evlde�ca „ .
<br /> ° ` If the �ower of sats ts Invoked. 1Yustee shatl record � not�ce of default In each county In whlch �ny
<br /> part of t� Property ts bcatad and shall n��tl copls�of�uch notic� In th� manner preicrlbad by appllcabl� ,
<br /> � law W eorrow�v er�� to the other p�raon� preicrtbed bY �pPllcsbt� law. A� tt�m Um� nqulrsd by
<br /> ' �ppllcabls law, Trusiee sh�11 plvs publ[c r��Uce of sale to thm psr�ons end In th� mumar preacrib�d by �
<br /> appllcaible I�w. Trustee, wttheu4 demnnd on BorroKer� �11 sell th� ProRerty n pubtic auctton to �
<br /> „ �:;;�y;.:, hl�hsst btdder�t the ttms �nd g�lace and under the term�sfeslgnated In the noUce of sate �n one�r mor� I
<br /> � parcels �nd In any orde� Trustee det�rml�es. Truat�e may postpone sale of ell or amy p�rcel of tho
<br />_ Property by publlc anno�encement at the time snd place of any p�rsvtously Reheduled sals. l�nder or Ib �
<br /> desl�nee m�y purchase the Properry at�ny sale. � � �
<br />� Upon reaetpt of payment of the pelce bfd. Twstee shall d�llver t,o the purcluser Trusteo• deed `
<br /> conveyinp the Property. 7he recltels In the Truetee's deed stsall �e prlma faols mvidence of the truth of !
<br />- the Wetement�msde theretn. T�ustee ahall appty the proceeds of the �ale I� the follou+ln� order: Qa)t�o all �
<br /> �� cost��nd expens�s of exerclatnp the powe� at sale. and the salo� Inatudlnp th�+ peym�+nt of tho Truate�'s i
<br /> � tees�ctu�lty Incu►rod� not to �acceed 3 % oi the qrincl;pal am.�unt ot the ncte a4 the ttms o4 the �
<br /> � dectar�tlon o! detault, �d rea�onable �ttorney'� tees as permitt�d by law; (b) to dl iums securad by thls �
<br />_ � Seau�Ity In�ume�4; �nd (c)any excess t�tD�e per�on o� per�ns le�ally en4lUed to it ;
<br />= � 22. Raconveyance. upa,wrmmt ot.r a,ms wcuroa oy�n�soa�u�y msroruman4 t-e^as��►�N n�,�t rn,tw co naonwy cn. �
<br /> Prop�rty �nd thall aimnd�r lhM SocunTy Ins3roment md a1 notas rvbanalnD dabt aecuraef by thR SoeurRy lnsuumont to TrustM. Trustw �
<br /> shaJl roconv�y th�Propwty wkhout w�rranty�rtd without Chatp�t0 thY parsoe or Darson� Yap4My M�tRlod to k. Sbch pwso+�or Pw'oons itwM
<br />" ' a.y any roeord.elon costa.
<br />_ �3. Subttituts Tro�atee. �anaer, at Ra opUon, may Nom tMe to Urn� r�Brtfow Tructw�nd apRofc�t � .ucc.s�a w�ca. ro eny
<br /> - Tn�a�imdnud A�nrutd�r hv an Mtttumr�!rocortf�d b tlu COUt1N h whbh th(t SaCUrity Instrumint b trCRrd�d• W�thOUi COIIWyNC�Of
<br /> _ _ _- : -: ••--- -------- - -- -- -• --
<br /> � tho PropMty, succasw Wstaa chaM succ�ed to al tM tltw,power and dutta ccnNrr�d upon Trustw honY��nd by apptic�bls �w•
<br /> - 24. RQ¢qilCSt YO� NOUCCi. Borrowa roquosta Nat copbs af ths not��s of dW�uR and sa.r b�aant to Barovir�s addr�ss whbh
<br /> f� tM Prop�rty Addr�su.
<br /> _ � �6. Rlde�rs to thls�ecartry In�trumenL ii on. or moro ridws �n �cacut�d by BomovrK �nd r�ordad topatMr wKn cn�.
<br /> SecwAy Instrumont ttN cwiemnt� md �prr�rNnts of �+ah tuch � shtll b� Incapont�d htn ond shaY �rn�r►d and suppbrnmt tP�s
<br />'t. � cownants�nd pr�rtNnts of th� Socwity Instrumm!ae M tM�idK(s)won a p�ut al thk S�curity Instrumw►t.
<br /> P
<br /> r ;
<br /> _ . � P�p��OI 6 Form QO:�i!�
<br /> �; 1 F,o,��,,,��
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