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<br /> ap�ficable law may specify for reinstatemrnt)bcfaro salo of thc Propeny F►un�uAnt to nny puwcr of sals contaiued in this
<br /> __._� Sccority Insuumcnt:or(b)cntry uf a)udfimcnl enfarclnp�Uiis Securlry Instrufnritt T'hosc condUions unc thui Hurrower: (a)
<br /> - - - paya l.endrr all nums which �hcn w�uld t►e duc under this Security Instrument arid thc Nata as ii no �ccetctrtlon had
<br /> a:curred�(b)cwrs any default of any o�her cUVenams or agrcements;(c)pays al!expenses incurrtd in rafor�cing this Sa:uacy
<br /> --�• lnstrunkm, including,hue not limited ta. r�asu��uble attnmcys'fecs;o.nJ(d)tukc� sucfi acNan as Lender may reaton�b9y
<br /> requin to assurc that the lien oF this Recurity Inst�nmens,L.ender's rights in thc i'roperty nnd 8ortower's ablig�t�on to p�y tl�
<br /> sum9 secumd by Ihis Securiry Instrument siu+ll condnue unshunged. U�on reinstatement by Dorcower. �his S4cwity
<br /> _ —= Instrument nnd the obligAtions secuc�ed hemby shnll remain fully effective ns if no ucceler,atiun hud occurred. Howev�r,this
<br /> __-_,_ _, dght m ret��t�tc thull not iipply io the cnsc aF nccctcrution undcr pamgrnph 17. ___
<br /> 19. S�fs of Note;Cl�ange AL►l.oan ServkYr. 'f'the Note or a partial interest in tha Note(together with this Securiey
<br /> --- Inswmcnt)may be sotd one or more timcs without prioe notice to f3orrower. A salc may result in a change in she entity
<br /> - (kno�vn a�the"Loan Se�cvicer")that collects monthly pnymeats due under the Note and this Securiry Insnvment. There also
<br /> - - may b�one or more c�anges of the Loan Scrvicer unreluted to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan.�,ervictr.
<br /> Bormwer will be given wdtten Rotice of the change in accurd:u�ce with paragmgh la above ond appllcable law. Tl�c n�tice
<br /> � wil!state the name and address of the now Loan Servicer nnJ the address to which payments shoutd be made. 'i'he�otice will
<br /> also contain any other informadon required by applicable law.
<br /> -� 2�. H�►°cioi�.v Subai�iices, 8ujiawer shail noi cause oe pe►�it c,'�e p,-escr�ce,uso,disposal,staragc�or.�.easa of any
<br /> - Hnzardous 5ubstances on or in the Property. Dorr�wcr sn�ii not do, nor allow unyone elsc to do.nnything uffi�cting thc
<br /> == Pcop�rty that is in violauan of any Environmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply�,t.o the presence,s�u,or
<br /> -_..__��_=.� staragc an th;.Prapert}�of small quantidcs aS llaz„�daus Substunc�s that ar�ocnc:ulljr TCCObi117.C�tO�/�i{���SI�IiSI�IN�b ta r.cT►n:.. .- -
<br /> -°- � -= resiacnpa�uscs anu to mumtenancc oi tne rroperry.
<br />�--;x:_,�� Borro�ver shall promptly givc Lcnder written noticc of any investigaqon,claim,demand,lavlsuit or ottxr acuon by any
<br />��"''' govemmental or rc�ulutory agency or private parry involvin�the F'ropeny and any Ha•rardous Substance or�nvironmental
<br /> :_;�y���� Law of which Borrowcr has actua! kno�vledgc. If Borrowcr leams. or is notified by any govtmmentul or regulatory —
<br /> -- -;,,, authoriry,that any removal or other remediation nf any Hazardous Substance nf€ecting the Pcuperty is necessatyr,BonoK�cr
<br /> -���'= '"`" shall promptly take all necessury remedial actior.s in accardaace with Environmental Law.
<br />�_.';;,;,��..��'e`�, As used in this paragraph 20."H,�znrdous Substar.ces"are those substnnces defined as toxic or huzar�dous substnnces by
<br />-��`�"'�5'� Environmental Law and the followin substances: �soline. kerosene. othertlamma�le or toxic troleum roducts,toxlc
<br />-�.s•*;�' :':, g S• P� P
<br />_-?�.:.z:�•.;:;d.ct';• pesticides and lierbicides. volatlle solvents,materials containing asbestos or formaldchyde,and radioactive materiats. As
<br /> :--''�.r1yj�'. � used in this paragraph 20."Envimnmenwl Law"means federal laws and laws oF the jurisdiction where the Ftroperty i�lacated
<br /> `''':'`' ' that relnte to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> "� "�''�:�r' ` NON-LJMFORM COVENANTS. Botrower and Lender funher covenunt and agree as follows:
<br /> �,t�`�;`�"•° � 21. Acceler�Hoa; Remcdies. I.ender shall give noUce to Borrowerprior to ac�.:leration [ollowing Borrower'.s
<br />- ,� •�-t i��),f�^t'. ; breach otany covenant or egreement in tP�ts Security Instrument(but not prior to acceleradon under paragr�p617
<br /> ``�`'"""'i`"`" unl�s a licable law rovtdes otherwise). The not�ce sh�ll s (b)tl�e actian requt�d to curn the
<br />� .��,'��;f�;�:Y� { PP P P�Y� (a)ihe default;
<br />�,�:�,�:;ti., 1�' :' default;(c)a date,not less than 30 days from tt�e dete the notice is given to Borrower,by whtc6 the detault must be
<br /> 'd=•"��=��' �: cured;aad(d)that CaUure to cnre the defeult on or before the date spocil7td in the nodce may result in acceleradon of -
<br /> :,••..r.. .-,..
<br /> ..>,•.a� :4.a:� ,: the sums sec�ired by this Security Instrument end sale of the Property. The nodce shall further inform Borrotver of ___
<br /> w:�.pr;w,r,�a•�c the rig6t to re[nstate sOter accelerallon and the rip,ht to bring a court ection to assert the nou�exlsfence of o default or -�
<br /> -•• �:�t:.,E:;"�*� uny other defen.se of Borrower to acceleration und sule. Ii the de.fault is not curcri on or betorn the date specilied[n �`�
<br /> ' r__
<br />•• :�i�,;ti:�'i: the notice,Lender ut its opdon may requtre im�ne��ate payment in fall af ull sums secured by this Security Instraameut -
<br /> _.�':,.�:..:,?,„� ���_
<br /> ,:_ ,�:.;. �„-,,; , w�ititout furfher demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedfes pera�itted by appllcabte tew �-
<br /> °�'`�-"+?��°��*"�' Lender shall be entitled to collect sill expenses incurred In pursuiag the remedies provided En thts pairagreph 21, `-
<br /> "'�'�•�`��`t+ *' induding,but not Iimited to.ressonable attorneys'fces und casts of title evtdence. �`-'�'
<br />-`w`'.'.'"��:
<br /> I[the power of sale is invoked,llrustee shsill record u notIce of default in each county[n which nny part of thc � ��
<br /> �" , ����,;ry".•; .� Property is located an�d shall maA copies of sucl�nodce in t6ne manner prescribed by eppl[cable law to Bormwer and to r_-
<br /> "'!�;`-' the other rsuns rescribed f� a ltcuble law After the¢ume uired b u Ilcable law.7lr�stee shall ve ublic �--;�
<br /> f;;�y��. Pe P Y PP �9 Y PP � [� ..
<br /> '� notfce of sale to the persons and in the manner prescrimed by applicable law 7lrustee,without demand on Borrower,
<br /> shall sell the Property nt pnbllc auction to tE►c hbghes4 btdder at ahe tlme and placc und undcr thc terms desfgnated in
<br /> , �';�, the notice of sale In onc or morn parce4s and in any order'Itustee determines. 'Ilrustce muy pmstpane salc of ell or nny
<br /> ,,,:,. ._� purcel of the Property by publtc announcement at the tlme und pince of any prevtously scheduled snle. Lender or its -
<br /> � '':'"�:,:�. � desG�;nce may purchase the Property at nny sulc.
<br /> �"�:':�•.;�;:?�• ' Upon receipt of payment af the price bid, 1t�ustee shall deltver ro the purchaser'[Y-ustee's deed conveytng the
<br /> ' '. � PropeMy. The recitals ln the TYustee's deed shall be prlmu facfe evidence of the truth oY the stntements mnde theretn.
<br /> ' , '' 'I�ustee shall npply the proceeds of the sale in the following order: (s�)to all costs nnd expenses of ex�acising the�oK•er
<br /> �:
<br /> . .,
<br /> -.�'..i-, M
<br />_ .-�:1. . I .
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