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<br /> - -- - ht the option ot I.ender, iP mort��e in»urance coverape (in the emoant end for t e �riMi t ,t _n�?rr ten�+irr�) �
<br /> -------___ : ,
<br /> prc►vided by an insursr npprovod by�nder again becomes available and ie obtained.�3orcawer shall peiy the premiumR
<br /> rtquirod ta maintaln rnurtgago ineurance in citect.or to �tovFde A Iqsn xeaerve,untll the roquirement for mustge�o
<br /> _�� insurnnce ends in eccardanca with eny written agroemcnt betwwtn�+xrraw�c a�d I.ender or applicrible law. -
<br /> 9.Inspection.I.e�Ytloc or its egont m�y m�1ce reasoaablo enirtes upo�a�and it�apectiona of tho Prope,rty,l.ender ebaU
<br /> .,� �tir•e Borrower notiGO at Cha i�me a!or prior to�an inspoction s�ocitying reasansble catvse for the inspoction.
<br /> --y; 10.C�ndemnR4iott.'The prarceeds�f any award or clnim for damagc�v,diTect or conseqwmtiel,in connxtion with
<br /> - -'� an condemnntion or other takin of.en of tho Pco
<br /> y g y part perty,or for convoyance iii lieu oY wndemnation,are hereby
<br /> eseignai end gl�all be paid tA 1.ender.
<br /> In tho ev�nt ot e total4aY.ing o[ tho Pmixrry, tho�raceoda ghell be a�pplied to tho auras eecured by thie Se�urity
<br /> Imatniment,whcthcr ur not then d�x,with eny oxc�ss peid to Borcower.In tho cvent at e ptrcial ulc�ng of the Property ea
<br /> which the felr market value ai the Property immedi�:cly befora tha t�kipg is eqwl to or Qreater than the�mount of tho
<br /> � snms eecurod by thie Socurity Ynbtrument immediate:y Ueioro the talcinQ,unlere Borrower�nd Lender otherwise a�roe
<br /> in writina,the surr��+socurod by thie Socurlty Inst�ument ehy11 be reduced by the amuunt of the prooeede multip[iod by
<br /> , tnn io9lowin�fraotion:(e)ii�o tn4a1 emuuni uF tha e,ume newurod fmmodi�3ely beforo tho t�kin�,divided isy(o)tha fair
<br /> m�rkot val��at the Property irremedl�tely befora the takin�.Any b�lance etull bo paid to Bacrower, ln the evant ot a
<br /> �rtld t�king of the�'roperty in which tha iafr m�rkot valuo of tho Pra�perty immediately beforo the taking ie��es th�n
<br />_-__------__� the ar••ount�I tho suma c�,curcd imn�d;ately bciurn 4he tnking,unlesa�orc•ower end i.ander otherwiee agree in writin� �
<br /> - _ __ v. Niuwo o�:riiv`ovio ioii v it�►vt�0 pTOVIOCA� iR0 proceods ehall be applied to the sume eecured by tbie Secutity
<br /> - - lnstrument whether ur not•.he sume sro then duo.
<br /> It the Propesrty ie abandonod by Borrower,ar it,efter notice by Lender to Yiorrower thet tho conrlemnar offere to
<br /> --- mnko en nwerd or setile e clsim tor demeges,I3orroaer feila to respond ta Lender within 30 daye aitcr the date tho
<br /> -=r��y�II���•�•+� notico ie given,Lender ie authorized Lo r.�!!�,^L and�gp:y th�pror.�eda,at its option,either to r�u,ration or repair of t�ha
<br /> _— Property or to the sume securcd by thie Socurity Inetrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> ---=�---m -s� Unless Lender and�rrower otherwise agrea fn writing,any application oi procxds to principal ehall not ex'cend or
<br /> ��"-=°�'� pustpone the due dute of tha monthly paymente raferred to in paragrnphe 1 and 2 or chango the emaant of such
<br />-_������
<br /> ..�.T„_-�,, ":__�- PaYmente.
<br />_�_.�.��?��:1 11. Hnrrower Not Released; Forbeuance By Lender Not a W�avss. Esteneion of tho timo for payment or
<br /> �'y •-r�• modification of amurtlzation of tha sume secured by thie Security Instrument granted by Lender to any succe�ssor in
<br />'r��'���'''�;°s� interest of Borrowar shall not operate to release the liabili4y of tho original Bonower or Borrower's succcssore in
<br />�J'-`"•��� interest.Lender shall not ba required to commence proceedin�s ngainst any succes.sor in iaterqt or refuse to exiend
<br />,:�?s. .., .,.:
<br /> ... c `-��.���. ' tima for paymeni or ot�nerwise modify amortization oi the sume secured by this Security Instsument by reason of any
<br /> �'��'�^`:�� �"�' ' demend made by the orig�nal Bonower ar Borrawcr's successore in interest.Ariy forbearenco by Lender in eurcising
<br />�����"��"�''`'�� any right or remedy ehflll not be a weiver of or preclude the axercisa of any cight or remedy.
<br /> �r;-.,.��..
<br />:%,t>_.•.•.;.�il,:�y;
<br /> ,� 12.Successors and Asaigns Bnunai; Joint aad Sever�l Liability; Co-sigaore.Tha covenante and agreamenta
<br /> -''i°�`�"�"�Y°'` of thie Security Instrument ehall bind and benafit the successorA nnd essigae of Lender and Bonowor,eubjat to tha
<br /> . ...,..a.
<br /> provisions of partsgraph 17.�onowor's covenant�end eg�eements ehall be joint and several.Any Bornower who co-�igna
<br /> ;y;,1: ., thie Security Inetrument but dr�es not execute tlie Note: (n) is co-signing this SecLrity Instrument only to►nortgage, _
<br /> -�_��•_�,,. ,- grant end convey that Borcower's interest in the Proporty under the terms of this Security Instrument; (b) is not -
<br />_�' ~ • � personally obligated to pay the sume secured by thie Security Inetrvment;nnd (c) agrees that I.ender and any other
<br /> .,:.� ..;
<br /> �r�.�ri� Bonowcsr may agree to exte�nd,modify,forbear or make nny accommodatians with regnrd to the terme oi thie Security
<br /> � � �'°°�� Inetrument or tha Note without that Borrower'e consent.
<br /> �;z, 13. Loan Ch�rgos. If tha loan secured by thie Security Instrument ie aubject to e law which sete maximum loan
<br /> �t charges, and that la�v is finally interpreted so that tho interest or other loan charges collected or to ba�ollxted in -
<br /> •"� connection with tha loan exceed tho permitted limits, then: (a) any such luan charge ahall bo reduced by the amount -
<br /> , necessary to reduco tha ctiarge to the parmitted limit; and (b) any eume already collectal trom Borrov�er which =
<br /> exceed�d permitted limita will be refunded to }iorrower. Lende: may choose to meke thie refund by reducing the _
<br /> , principal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to Bonower.If e refund reduceu principal,tha reduction -
<br /> will bc treated as a partial propayment without any prepayment cherge under the Note.
<br /> 14.Notices.My notice to Bono�ver provided for in thie Security Ins¢rument shall ba given by delivering it or by -
<br /> ' � mailing it by first class mail unleas applicable law requires usa of another method.Tha notica shall ba directal to tha
<br /> Propeny Addresy or any other address Borrow�r designates by notica to Lendar.Any notice to L,ender ehall ba given by °
<br /> first clnss mnil to I.ender's address stuted herein or any other addres.9 Lendar designates by notice to Borrower. Any
<br /> notice provided for in this Security Instrument shall be deamed to have been given to Borrorier or Lender Nhen given
<br /> as provided in thie para�raph.
<br /> 15.Governing Lew;Soverability.This Security Inatrument shall be boverned by 4ederal law nnd the law of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located.In tho event thut eny provieion or clause oi thio Security Instrument nr the
<br /> . IVote conflicte with applicable law,such conflict ehall not afPect other provisions of thie Sacvrity Inotrument or the Note
<br /> � �vhich can be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security Instrumenx and
<br /> the Note are declaYed to be severablo.
<br /> --_ � �-BRWE)ro��» Form 902! 9 90
<br /> o.�•� er a
<br /> Initietc
<br /> . . -- •. , •� - .
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