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<br /> _ TnGLrPM�3R W1TH oll the improvements naw or harceiter eracted �n the pm�erty, and aII'r�'ementg,
<br /> appurtonenc�s,end iixture�naw ar horeetter a pert oi the property.Atl repincemonte nnd�4d ti ions ehall�Ieu t�cavered
<br /> by thle Socuri4y Instrument,Ail of tho toregoing ce reternd ta in this Security TnAtrument�e�he"Property."
<br /> � --� IlOP,IiOt"JL�.T'�CO�lER11�NT5 t}►nt�30,�-����r.r iA IR�vi��tly e�inecl or the e+atat�heraby conveyod end ha�the right to �_
<br /> - gran!and convoy the Preperty end thst tho Prap�tty ie unenenmberod, e=cept for encumbrencee oi rocord.Borrowor
<br /> �� wnrrAnts end will dstend generally tho titla to tha Propert3r egainst all claims and demnnde,eubject ta any encumbraaces _
<br /> �i�� of record.
<br /> THIS 3ECU1tITY INSTRUMENT coenbin�s uniforro cc�vanante tar nr�tianel usss nnd non-uniform covenanvs with
<br /> limited variations by juris4iction to conatituto a unifarm security instrument covering r�al praperty.
<br /> -- - iJNIPORM COVENANTS.Aonower and I.endar covennnt and agroo ns tallawa:
<br /> -----` --� 1.Psymont oi Prin.ciFai�nd IQterest;�':rc�yment and L�to C1hRr�es.Borrower ehall pror,zptlq pay whtn d•.ic -
<br /> -- the grinci�al of and interest an the deb�r.vider�d b�tha Note rind any prepeyment and late charges dua nnder the Note.
<br /> 2. Funds for Texes and Insurz�e�.��:b,�et.to applicabl.t law or so a written waiver by I.�ndar; &�rrowtr�taall
<br /> ����� pay to L,ender on the dey monthEy paymea2��re dun under tF�c i�lata,until tha Nnto ie peid in full,�aur'n{"Fuude"�f a;r.
<br /> ---_—_ __ (ay yearly taxea and assessmerts witich msy attata�riarity ovor tAis Security It�strume�t as n dien on tht�Pruperty,�.(�Et�
<br /> --"_�"='�'= yc�rly teasohald paymenis or ground cents oa the�'rnperty, af any; �c)yearly ha�ard or�propdrty insur�nce pr�miums;
<br /> ':..�..� r
<br /> �;;•r, ; ,} ,� (cl) yoarly tlood insuranca premiums,if any;(ej yeerly moMgege inaurance pramium9,if any;and (t)any sume�payable
<br /> •�� tir by Borrower ta L�udec, �u Qecordance with tho�rovisians of par�grph$,in lieu of ihe gagrnent o8 mortaage ins���+�nce
<br /> ;,�.;�� premiume.These items ara ca�led"Fscrow It,�sme."Lender may,at any timo,collect end hold Fundri in an mmount not
<br />,s•������ to axceed the mexinnum amount a lender for e federelly related mortgago loan may reqvire for Bonower's eacrow
<br />=.?�i• �� aceount under the Pedersl Real Eetate Settlement Pracedurea Act of 1974 ae amended irom time to dme,12 U.S.G
<br /> __��T-'�_=_-�' Section 26U1 ei seq. t"�NA"),unless another law ii�at appii�to �ho Punds sCte a Iesaer annovnt.If eo,I.ender m�y,
<br /> _ . . �-�-'----___.._. T --�-----•-�:-.-'--L--�.........t
<br /> --- - • -^
<br />- ., . • - • • •-- -----
<br /> wr:�;<<" ' S at any time,collect ana holn runas in au amuuui uu.w�ew.�.�uv avawa oaaavuu�.aivuuv� �uoy w►�.uuw►�av auavuu.��
<br /> --.�t_ _._�✓�
<br /> ��yi� Funde duo�n tho basie oi curcent data and reasonnble estimates of expenditures of futuro F?scroH Iume or otherwieo in
<br /> -___�;�� accordanco with applicable lac�.
<br /> --��--.�:,._ Tho Funde ehall be held in an ir.etitutian whose deposite aro inaun:d by n federni ngency,�netrum.enulity,or ontlty
<br /> �-'=�.� .
<br />:_::,,.� .. (including Lender,it I.eilder ie such en inetitutton)or in any Federal Home Laan 13enk. Lander ehell a�ply the Fund.q to
<br />- ?�?:�*�:w; pey tha Escrow Iteme. I.ender may not charga Horrowor tor holding end appiyIng the Funda,annually andyzing Ehe
<br /> •-;'-��; escrow account,or vorifying the Escrow Iterne,unless Lender paye Borrower interest on tho�unde and applIceblc Isw
<br /> c_,,c>;:6,!i�.;��;. ' pormiis Lender iv mali.o nui;; d C�'i8i�v. Hili4ui'v'T� �..."'i1.a.K tiioi i.°�iiitE �LJTSY3::'Lf 2C �S� ° ati�`'it!!1�!'�for �ttc art
<br /> -� �� - independent real eatato tax reporting sarvica used by Lendez in connection with thie loen,unlese applicable law prov{des
<br />- � ; .�" � t otherwise.Unless an egreomont is mada or applicable law requires interest to be paid, Lender ehall not be rcqu�ral to
<br />`����>.� .��y'�'" '� pay Borrawcr eny inurest or earninge on tha Funds.Burrower and I.ender may egrea in writing,howev�r,that interest
<br /> :•��L>•�s�;::'•�;•:_ shall be paid on the Punda.Lender ahall give to Borrower,wtthout charge,an annual account'sng of the Funds,atiowing
<br />. �� +��' � � credits end debits to tha Funds and the purpose tor which each debit to the Funde wae made.Tha Fuada erA pledged es
<br /> '?;.; .�.;:; .
<br /> � ,; „�. � ,!�„ additional security turall sums secured by this Security Inatrument.
<br /> '�-�� • �� �aR ' If tha Nunds held by Lender exceeci the amounte pannitted to be held by applicabla law,Lender shall account to
<br /> �� %�� $orrower for the excess Punds in accordance with tha requirenr►ents of applicable law.If the amount of tha Funda held
<br /> • •• ��"'• by I.ender at eny tima is not Rufticient to pay the Escrow Iteme when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,
<br /> � '` and,in such case Bonower ahall pay to Lender tha amount necessary to make up the deYiciency. Borrower ehall maka __
<br /> • up tha deficiency in no more than twelve monthly paymente,at Lender's sola discretion.
<br /> :. _ f,�z�� Upon payment in full of all�ums se�;ured by this Sacurity Inetrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrowar _
<br /> ;;`.,: ' . any Funds hald by Lender. If, undet paragraph 21, Lender ehall acquire or sell the Property, Lender, prior to tha �:
<br /> �. .. acquiaition or sale of the Property. ehall apply any Funds held by L.ender at the time of acquieition or eale as a credit
<br /> ., against the sums secured by thie Security Inetrument. __
<br /> , 3. A,ppl�cation of Pnyments.Unlesa applicable law provides otherwise,all payrnents received by L,ender under __
<br /> �., paragrnphe 1 and 2 shnil be applied:fir�t,to any prepayment charges due under tha Note; second,to amounts payable _
<br /> ::'� under paragraph 2;third,to interest duo;fourth,to prinaipal due;and lest,to any lata charges duo under tha Nota.
<br /> � 4. Chai•gos; �.iens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments, charges, fines and impositione attributable to the
<br /> • Property which may attain priority over this Security Instrument�and leasehold paymenta or ground rents, if any.
<br /> " ,...,�;;` Borrower ehall pay th�se obligntions in th�manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not pnid in that manner,Bc�rrower =
<br /> � ahntl pay them on time directly to the person owed payment.Borrower ahall promptly 4urnish to Lender all notices of
<br /> amounts to be paid under this paragraph.If Borrov�er makes these payments directly,Borrower shall promptly furnish �,=,
<br /> to�.ender receipts evidencing the payments. `_-
<br /> ' Borrower ahall prornptl�dischnrge nny lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower. (a)
<br /> agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by tha li�n in a manner ecceptnble to Lend�r; (b)contr�ts in
<br /> � good faith the lien by, or deEenda against enforcement of tha lien in, legal proceedings which in tha Lender's opinion
<br /> ' operate to pravent the enforcement of the lien;or (c)secures from thc holder of the lien an ugreement eatiFfactory to
<br /> Lender subordinntir.g the lien to thie Security Inatrument.If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject
<br /> to a lien which may nttain priority over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrower e notico identifying the
<br /> „ �� . licn. Borrowcr Fhall sntisfy the lien or tnke one or more of the nctione set forth nbove within 10 daye of the�ivin�of
<br /> , notice.
<br /> , �
<br /> Form 90Z1 /9� `
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