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<br /> --.�"__"-_'-:° ��,�j,w �l.�lat3iRAi4 �—
<br /> 7ruNcx ctsatl kMp Ih�Pr�MrfY In comp�l�na wltY►NI sppll b l�I�N.O�'d t}i�'��'�YoO�+��11
<br /> 1. Nutar�atiM MM�MM. -
<br /> rN�Urp M Induslrid hxrplNwr a�vka�i�l proisctlon(coll�c!lv�ly r�rnd te h�e�n,�"Environm�nh!I,�w�'7..TruMor
<br /> k�eip tixProp�i4y hM�ran�WI wlwtancw d�rn�d to t�hazrrcloos ar�oxla unc�w afiy Environmar►�I 4.avr�(co1M�oN��1�'d�
<br /> hwr�in M"►MzWdous MI�Mri�le'1.7ruM�h�rMsY wur�ir s�npr�nM�lc LOw'►tM►ttut Rhtf�t»nes H[�'do}�
<br /> __ ,- , urtdM'dM i�rc+�tty.7rurkx hsrnby apnM tn Ind�cr►nliq Mnd hold he►m1o��,L4�Mr,.,Uj�syr�iu d IUiWlltha 111�I�1rW�n C44uNCtlun wlth
<br /> _ o n y w o o�M o n t o l.�n i�'s i�ri w a..,h:�����.3:�.1:.:.c:.;..r_�!c_.�rt-. T t i t r(.�v�e�ri,i„�.�i '
<br /> 1tw P�'�nc«uM,di�pw�l c►1��n�port o@ MY Hastrdou�AA�iwi�la on�undw�hom or tl w u R t l w P r o p a i y,
<br /> � BI.SflVIVE RECONV�YMiCE UF TWlii DEEq 0�7RU8T. op�rty;W
<br /> 1 Q,�M��W�,�.Tru�Nir h�rbY a�lpn�W�LencMC ttw nnb.Istiu�s u�d Pratib of tM Pr o+►Id�d 11►�t Trwlor
<br /> - sh�.u�Yl�tM occu.y�nh!!:U�n th 1 ocau�ucw of�Evint o O�t�u�4 LencN�rtiay,sHher In p�non or by aprn�R wr�a w�
<br /> _ . __ _� b�.,o:s`.d_a..!!s!p_,_ 1'sa�
<br /> _ -°- b�innirp Q�iy a+:ilo:►�Pracasdlr.�.ot by e reCe!vM obpotnt�d by e court 1►nd withoat�qatd to tM��cY a Ns�ICwity,sn -
<br /> upq���poe��lon qi thq Pr�ly,ar any pan ttNnol,In Ib own nt�or in ihs�ot trie`t rusM�,�nd dn a+'�+�w�k�K
<br /> - �rte�n�c�ry or dalrsqi�to pr�rv�the v�lus.m�rk�fabillty or renabtl{ty of th�P�oQ�'�y.or any port thar�cf or InMrwt th�r�in,
<br /> In�rsaM lh�Incom�th�niront or prat�i tha asuu�lh/h�raof And,wIM ar wlthout twklr+9 Poia�lo^°f�ProMrty.wt 1nr w'
<br /> -- ptt»rwNe cGi{ect th�rersU,Istuis�nd protib thereof,Includlny tfio�s pwt due and unpald,And epply th�aarr�.�s�co�N�
<br /> �xprnee�af opsnNor�and collecUo:nd takin�Attor�n�on o th�P ope ty,the col{�atioen�ut�hHanls,I Iau�e�"d� �
<br /> may d�Mrmine.Th��ntKinQ upo� Q Do
<br /> �ppltc�don thsroof se sf�rs�ald,sh�ll not cure or wAivs any dMault or noUcs of defwult herwnder or Inv�lida��p�y�
<br /> � re�ri�io6uc�do�uftcrrur;.:tenttanuahrte?icn�±lcldaultand,notwilhil�ndlr�theconUnuRncNnpou�o�
<br /> t17�cdbcUon,recetpt and appllcation o4 rents,lal�ues or Drofib,end Tru�ta��nd Lsnder th1�11 ba sn�siad fo ex��l�:s�v��+�'�ir`�'
<br /> Rravid�dfwln any oitt�Lan DACUmenbor by lsw upa�occurrer�ce o(Any Ewntof Deiwlt,lncludkiy witl►nut Iimft�tlontl»riphtto
<br /> "'�"�� Axercl�e the p�wer of eate.Further,Lendar's rights an�remedlea�mder thia parAyrnryh sh�ll b�cumulativs wfth,a�ci fn na w�y a -
<br /> --�-- — - � Ilm4atlonort,Leriderariflnis�n�irmaauivaunua�ai�yeasi�rmarialto:.:,.:..arci�:.�Yr�r::�a;,a'.ns:lhePtCY rty.�.°^�`�Tf���rn
<br /> ___- - - df1G t1M feCelv9f si�a►ii iro ii�uin iv awv::R:;�:����'=••t,Mturlly raC9lYbd.
<br /> � �t.E�nN al l�tdt.The tollowing ohall cortstitute an Event ot Default urider tfi�la Dee�of 7ruat
<br /> _ (e)Fallure to pay any instafimont of princlpal or Intere;t o1 any other sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> (b) A breach of or default undereny prc��fslon contained In the Noto,thla Deedof Trust,any qf the Loan Docu�nent�,or eny
<br /> `-`�- '` othar Iien or encumbrancb uROn the ProperlV;
<br /> (c) A wr14 ot executlon or attachmens or any elmllar process ahalt be eniered syalnstTruator whlch shell become a Ilen on
<br /> the PropeKy or eny portlan thereot or Interest therein;
<br /> (d) There ehell�e tiled by or against Trustor or Bonowor an actfon undor any present or tuture tedoral,state ar oU��r
<br /> - - g+ai��4a;1aw ov reaulatian relatfnp to bankruptcy,insolvency or other rellef for debtors;�r there ehall be eppotnted eny trusbe,
<br /> �°,■ recefver or liquidator of Trustor or Borrowe�or of all or any pan of ihe Propariy,or 5�o rc��,l4�uw ar pr�lF�thn�anl,�r Truatnr .
<br /> --__=�•�.: or Borrower shbll make any general asstgnment for the benefit ot creditora;
<br /> (e) The,sate,transter,lease,essignment,conveyance or further encum6rence of ell or any part of or any Intere�t In the
<br /> _�_,��:���_ Property, ofther volunterily or f�voluntarily, without the express written consent of Lender; provided that Trustor shall be
<br /> --=.=���.., permitted to execute s le3se ot the Property that doea not contaln en optlon ta pu�chase end tho term of whlch doee not exceed
<br /> ,°'._..�rrnr�in'��'., one year, '
<br /> "-__--_—�"� (� Abandonmont of the Property:or
<br /> �""� :, (g) If Trustor is nut an Individus!,ihe issuance,sale,tr�nsfer,assignment,conveyence or encumbrance of more ihao a total
<br /> _--,�.,.,....,A.�;,�r° ,
<br /> _�=�'�{"h��P � o(�_percent ct(ft a corporetion)Its issued and outstAnd�ng stock or(If a partnershlp)a total of perce!ttot
<br />�����'����=•�.� • pertnerEhip Interesta ddring tho perlod this Doed of Trust remaina a Ifen on tha Properly.
<br /> -��`�`����:Y �aw,dect�ar�elaldlMndeb e�ss se�CU ed ho+o4ylto be d�stand p yable andethelseme shalthereupan become dute and paeble _
<br /> :�tat�;�fer• . .r ..
<br />"�=s----�L-LL wilhout any presentment,demund,protest or notice ot any kind.7hereafter Lender may:
<br /> -`="''='9f��=�r-��.. �• (e) Demand that Trustee oxercise the POWER OF 3ALE granted hereln, ertd Tru3tee shall thereafier cauae Trusior's
<br /> --�'•�..'��T �'"";.�• Interest in the Property to bo eold end tho proceeds to be dietributed,all in the rnanner provided In the Nebraske Trust Doeda
<br /> :�::"°6�c'�- .. ,.� � AC�
<br />�:i�?i3';c���•,�J��� `-;t�� (b) Exerciseanyandellrightsprovidedforfn2nyoftheLoanDocumentaorbylawuponoccurrenceotany�ventotDotault;
<br />,_y,.••�.:;.;,..; and
<br /> - � " � . �. (c) Commence an actlon to forecloso thls Deed of Trust es a mortgage,appoint a recefver.or specifically entorce any of the
<br /> � covenants hereo}.
<br /> � No remedy herol�conferred upon or roserved to Trustee or Lendar is Intended to be exclusive of any other remedy horefn,in the
<br /> �� Loan Documents ar by luw provlded or permftted,but each shall be cumulative,shali be In additlon to overy other remedy given
<br /> '..,� ,,' �',�t h3reunder,In the Loan Dxumenta or now or hereafter oxistinfl at law or In equfty o��y stetute,snd may be exercised conC�rrently,
<br /> - ' ,• `; indepondently or successively. !=
<br /> :' �; . *, 13. Trust�e.The Trustee may reslgn at any time�vithout cause,and Lender rnay at eny time and without cause appofnt e �
<br /> � successor or sub�tltute Trustae.Trustee shall not be ilable to any parfy,including without Ilmitativn Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any �
<br /> ' • �� � pu►chasar of tite Property,for any loss or demage unless due to reckiess or wllitul mf sconduct,and sNall not be requfred to take any ,.
<br /> ;c-.• ' action in connectton wf4h the entorcement of thls Deed of Trust uniesa fndemnified. In wrlting,tor all costs, compensatton or g
<br /> � expenses whlch may be associated therewith.In addition,Trustee may become a purcheser�t eny sele ot tha Property QudtCfal or F
<br /> under the power of saie grnnted herein);postpone the sale of all or any portion of tno Property,as providod by law;or sell the F�
<br /> ' " Property es e whole,ar In soparate parcels or lots at Truatee's dlscretlon.
<br /> � � t4. Faes and Hxp�n���.In the event Trustee sells the Property by exerciso of power oi sale,Trustee shell be entitled to appiy
<br /> ' eny eale proceeds first to payment of all costs and expenses of oxorcislnp power of eale,Including all 7rustoe's(ees,and Lender's
<br /> end Trustee'�attorney's tees,sctually incurred to oxtont permitted by appllcable law.In the ovont Borrower or Trustor exerclses any �
<br /> . ' ,. rlght providad by IAw to cure an Event of Dotault,Lender ehall be entltled to recover from Trustor all costs end oxpenses actually �
<br /> Incurred as a resuit of Truetor's defaul�Including without Iimitetion aii Trustee's and attorney's fees,to the extont permitted by �
<br /> epplicable law.
<br /> ' � 16. Fatun Advance�.Upon requv�t of Borruwar, Lender may, et Its optton, make eddltfonal and tuture edvence3 and re- �,
<br /> � � edvancos to Borrower.Such advances and readvances,with Interosttheroon,shall be secured by this Deed of Trust At no time aheil i
<br /> • .�__.,....�..e�e.......,.�..*,ho��dphtndnASS secured bv this Deed af Trust�qS��►,�,c�dlq�sums advanced to protect the security ot thls ,,
<br /> --•---_--_
<br /> •. „- - -= ���oN���....,,v......__..._._._..--- - - .,,�.,.,.,.�,..
<br /> Deod oi Trus�exceed the orfginal principel amount stated hereln,0�$ —WItICh9vBr is greaio�.
<br /> � • 16. Miscelleneour Provislons.
<br /> (a) Borrower P1o1 Releas�d.Extension of the timo for payment or modlllcation ot amortizatian of the aums secured by thfs
<br /> " Deed oi 7rust granted by lender to any euccessor In Interest of Borrower shnll nat operato to releaso,In any manner,tha IiAbtlity
<br /> � of the orlpinal Borrower and Florrower's successors In Interest.Lender shall not be requlred tu commence proceodinga agelnet
<br /> nuch succes�or or rotuse to extend time for payment or otherwlso modliy amortiietian ot the sums securt�d by thf3 Oeed of Trust
<br /> ' by reason of any domands made by the origfnc�l�orrower and Borrawer's successora in interost.
<br /> (b) Lender'� Powaro.Without attecting the I�abllity of eny oiher person Ilablo tor the payment of any obllgatfon herein �
<br /> m�ntloned,and wfthout aftoctinp the Ilon or charge of tt�is Ueed ot Trust upon any portion ot the Property not then or theretotore
<br /> released as sacurity for the tull amount of all unpafd obligatlona,Lender rnay,fram time to timo and without notice(f)release any
<br /> person so Ilehie,(II)extend the maturity or alter any of the terms of any such obligatfons,(ifl)grant o4her fndulgences,(Iv)release
<br /> � � or raconvey,or cause to be reloased or roconveyed at any tlrne at Lender's optlon any parcel,portion�r all ot the Property,
<br /> � (v) take or reloase any other or addittonal securfty for any obligation hereln mentioned,or(vf)mako compositlone or other
<br /> arrungements with debtors In relatlon thereto. •
<br /> r
<br />