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<br /> ° -- lf,Borrower'e Cnpy� Borrowu shaZl be given oue confarmed copy of th�Note and of this Security[nsuumen� �� f�
<br /> _��:'�'�] 17.7'r�n�t[e�af thr 6'rapert,y or R�enePkial Intcrdt in Borrowsr� If sU or any�a�t of lha Wopertyr or nny intuest in it is °-`° -
<br /> sold or transfa'eod(or if p Fxnefi�tal interest in Borrower is sofd or tea�sfrarW and Borrower i9 not a natu�a!�erson)wid�out y� �'
<br /> �.:_.�,
<br /> - - --- x.crKlu e prior wriuen consent�l.euder may,st its a�Pl _on�requlre immedinte payment in full of all sums secured by thi�Security °'"'"""_--
<br /> - -'=e''��,:� Ins�u,r.wnt.Ho��ever. thlq aptlon shnll not be cxcrcised by Leader iF excrcisc is prohibitcd by tedernl lnw c�ef thc dau of this �':�=.�'-��
<br /> --__= Securiry Insuuman. "�>�
<br /> - -- If Lefldu oxerclses this antion,L�endic;rr shail give Bonowec nodce ef acceluatbn.'Il�e naka siu�ll provido a pertod of nat less y_-_
<br /> =��'�°� thatt 30 d�ys from t4ie date tho notice Is dclivcred or maUed within whkh Borrawu must pay aq sums secursd by this Soc�uiry ���;�:�:.�,
<br />-�,�,�,1� Instrtun�t.If Borrowu fai19 to pay these sums prAar ta tho oaplratbn of thls pcdnd,L.endu may invako any remedies pumiucd �`�:.�:
<br /> -�....-���_ by this Socurity Insuumcnt wl�out fyrlJses natioc qr•dpn8�lon Darrowu. .' ';;�
<br />_ :�;�;,��,� la.Borrowtt'e Ri�L�t to Nefiostpta 1f� Borrow��meets certciin candIdons, Borcower shaU have the dght to have . �_ y _
<br /> t ii
<br /> - � �,� enforc�mtint of this SceuritY irotrumait dlsc�ndnuod at my dme Pn�r w tha carlier of: (a) S days (or such othu period av
<br />-.�"';;�•.;"�r"� app l k a b b l aw may s�ecity tbt retn�taumait)t�efore sale of tHe Property pursuant W��y powr,r of sale contained in this Sc�un'ty ,.� .. . :`:
<br /> _� Insuument;or(b)entry of a judgmcnt enfoc�ng this Socuriry Insttumen�'Ilwso conditions are that Boaower(a)pays Lender�Dl . '. .
<br /> �;,:�'�t;�� sums whi�h tba� wouM bo doe under this 5ecuriry Inswment and the NoYe es if no acceleradon hsd occurred;(b)cures t+�y �'.,, ���'
<br /> .�r=:��:ue�� datault of any ather covenants or agraments;(c)pays ell oxpsnses incurred In enforcing this Secudry Inst:ument,including,but "�' ��
<br /> _�.�y�� not Wniud tc�,reasona6k aunmays'fces;and(d)takes such action as Lender may reasonably require t4 assure tlust the lien of this '`'����
<br /> Securiry Insuument, I.enclGr�s n8hts in the Proparty end Bo�rowu's obllgat�on oo pay the sums secured by this Securlry .
<br /> .�� Inswment shal! continue w�changed. Upon relnsteianent by Boaower� this Securiry Instrumeait and ihe obllgatior�s secured .'��i?:�::',_
<br /> hrseby st�sll remA;n f��lly eflFective es if no acccleradon had occurred.flowevu.thls r�g6t w reinsmte shall not apply in th�case of �''•�•`--
<br /> -..�:a'.";�..� ecceleitdonunderparagreph 17. . ,r<4'
<br /> ���� 19.Sak a�Note;Chsnge ot I.aan Servicer. 71ie Note or a partial interest 1r► t1�c Noc,e (togeth�r with thL4 Sacurlty p
<br /> � _'�'� Instcument)may be sAld one or moro dmes without prior notice to Bocrowc�.A sale may result in a chaa�e in the endty(imown • -_
<br /> :��sti�-�_� pa�tK^�.w�srn,�er�'1 ch�,colicci�u�uut,"�IY is�Y�•CIILS�IIG L'R(�8C t�IB N4t�en�thiv Security Instrumest'Ihere aLso rnay be one or �.... :
<br /> � s- '_�..�.. C�Fo I non CPT1/fV► Arrmara►aill M l':.. �
<br /> y��t� more changes of the Loan Servicec unrelauA to a sa�e ot tnc ivu�r u VIGlV 1fp Y M��YU�v�. »,____. __.__.., _ _:
<br /> _ t�" given writun notice of ihe change in accordanco w[d�para�rsph 14 above and apnlicable law.'[he notice wiU stete the name and �r
<br />-;�.i'?� � eddnss of the neR Loan Servicrs a.�d the address w wtuch payments should be made.'itie notice will also contain any othcr ; �r,;''�{':_:
<br />_,;,;,;y� infom�ationroquircdbYAPPlicablelaw. •.�::,;r� _-.
<br /> + 20.Hazsrduus SubstAnces. Boirower shall not cause or peimit the�resence, use. disposal, storage, or�lease of any •,��,;t�;.••.
<br /> t,,.,;`;,;,c' Hazardoi�s Substances on ar in t�e Propertp.Borm�vez shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do.anything affecdng the Propeaty . :^
<br /> ' that is in violation of anY E�►vIranme�►tal Law.7he preading two sentences shaU not apply to the presence,uss.or storage on the �.;,rt,>r
<br /> ci
<br /> ;:;�'`'�=,,'t. ', Pcopecty of small Quanu@es of Hazardous Substanccs that are generally recognlzed to be appropnate W nortmal msidcntuil uses -
<br /> - �ih nnd tn maintenance of tha Propeny. ��
<br /> - ?�"`� '�� S�iOwet shell pmmptly g"tvC LGtdet w[itt�en notiCe o[ any invwtigdti���.�i�;r�.du�ar,d� faw�uit ar a�o,.sios h�wzy :Y
<br /> - ` ''` govemmental or rcgulacory agcncy or private party involving die Property and any�ia�ardous Substance or EnvironmenW Law �, ..:±�--
<br /> ..`.. ,, .- • '. '_.
<br /> � �, . of which Borrowcr hav actuat Irnowledge.If Bonower leams,or is notffied by uny govemmental or regulatory authndty.that any �,v..R�
<br /> ' '%�'���" � cemoval or othu remediation of eny Ha�ardous Substanse nffecting the Froperty is necessary,Borrowe� shall pro�nptly take all .;�,:��t_
<br /> -,'•;.:•, •, .' necessary remedial ecdons in eccordance v�ith Environmental Law. :t'!�: =
<br /> ,. . .� ' ,:,:.�.-�
<br />_• � ��:% � i74' As used in this parnBraDh ZQ• °Ha�.aMous Substances" are those substances dei'med ac toxic or lia�ardous substanc�s by ,,;:;,;,;,,_
<br /> ��1;�,R:'�i.�, � � . 4�,� � _
<br /> � , �r,' 1R.crvironmental I.aw and �he fonowing substances: gasolid►e, kerosene. oQier tlammable or ¢oxic nkum noducts. toxic �,, `f{�9�
<br /> ,.�,���,,, �, , pesdcide,y and herbicides, volatile salvents,macerials containing asbestos or fonnaldehyde.and radioacdve matcnals.As used in . �t� '"`'
<br /> :!°;��:.. 2p,"Environmental L,ew" mcans fedeml laws and laws of the jiuisdictian where the Property is lacated that relate '�"� -�
<br />_- ,,,�s-/��"-!�:y�•���. w healtA�or environmental protccdon. u�".;,..
<br /> t f �.
<br /> "•��t.4�SI..�'�yb.��a ... ....
<br /> ' �'�"'�`' '`f'?� ' NON•UNIFURM COVBNAN'IS•Borrower and Lendcr further covcnant and agct;e as follaws: � ,
<br /> -'�,;:...,.;,,� , �;.,.:,
<br /> ''r.�l::;:',.;:..�;. ZI.Acaleratbn;Remedks.Lender shall gEve notke to Borrower prbr tu nccekration tollowing Borrowee's breac6 ot , . .
<br /> �"``'�,YY"'^�""`',. •'� Any rnveeant or agreement in thts Securtty Instrument (but noi prior to acaleration under par�graph 17 uniess
<br /> :�;.�.��a,,., ;:� :
<br /> '�"""�'"'�'` t�'� �pplkabk Inw provides otherwtse).7'I�e notice s64�1 specUy:(w)!he dtfoalt;(b)the Qctlon requfred to cure t6e defAUih(c)
<br /> .v....;�� ..'�
<br />:,�'r.�_ :'� " -- a dnie,0ot kss tiwn 3U dAYs from the dAte We notice b giveo to Borrower,by whkh the defpuit must Iae cured=and(d) • „
<br /> s;,,.,,, ,�� • �.
<br />�;;r:�;?;��� that tailure to cure t6e defauk mn or betore the date specitied tn the notke may result in accekrat(on of the sums secured
<br />��1'��'�' by th�s 5ecurity Instrument and sak of the Property.T6e notice shall furthtr intorm Borrower of t6e rig6t to reinstat� _
<br /> � atta aceekratioi+�and the rtght to bring a court actioa to assert!he non��stence ot a defauit or any other defcnse oi
<br /> , ,,;� Borrower to accc4eratwn and sale.It the def�tult Ls not cured on or before the date specified[n the no4ice,l.ender,at its
<br />���;":;;�`''":., optiod,may requlre I�umalfate payment in tuU of sU sums secured by this Security Iastrument wit6out turthee�demand °
<br />: ::;,,�'� ond m9y invoke the puwer at sek nnd any other remed[es permftted by applicable law.Lender si�il be entitkd to coliect
<br /> _ -';;..:,;,;. •;,�;��,. All e�penses iac�ned i� pursuing the remedies provided [n thl�paragraph 21, fndudi�g, but nat Iimited B�,reasanable �'
<br />—^r'.:_,;�::-::��'C:; attorneys'[ees ancU costs of Htk evidence. �° ..
<br /> ---: ::'�;�: ��_ I f t h e p o v r e r o!c a l e i s i n v o k e d� T r u s t p e shall record a no4ice of default in each coun¢y ia whfch any part of We � •
<br /> �� � 3 ' Properiy b located smd s6aU ma[I copks o!surh notke Im s�e mamier prescribed by applica6le 9aov to Borrawer an�l to the �
<br /> �� '� �ther persons pr�scrlbed by applia+ble t�w.Atter the tlnne required by applic�ble law�Trustee shall give public notke of ,,
<br /> - ="� •�� ` sak to the persons and in the manner prescri6ed�y appticabk iaw.Trustee,without demund on E3orroner,a6a11 sell the i •
<br /> �. . �`�'' properEy�t publlc auctio�to the highest bidder Qt the tt�e nnd placP and�nder the terme deszgnated in the notice ot sale r
<br />. .. .. ,�1�:• �
<br />- . . ��.�.
<br /> . . �.
<br /> j'�:, I .
<br /> ,p�.
<br /> .. Form 3028 9/80
<br /> . ;:
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<br /> �•dR(NE)ro2�z� Paq�601 D �nmau: ;'�;:•• .
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