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<br /> ' ...�-=is,�.:�;��rir w�waw,r4-,»� -.,�•-- ' ..,._ _ „_ _
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<br /> — = . ��������"���
<br /> ,�.Haiwrd or L'in�reNy ia��c�r. �cxrower ntudl koe�tho impovo+nentr naw exis�in�ar harrafta erocted on tbe I'ropaty
<br /> -- inwcYC+!�rir►�t{ox»by(ira�hyrsrd�fncludcd wllhi�i tt�o term "cxiendsd covasge" und�ny otitiet har��incluAing tk�ad�c�
<br /> - - �
<br /> fkac�ln�,for whlch I.endcr roqulrw tn�u�co.'afiia inxunu�co ei�ati�o mxinwirxxi 6u uw w��aarw��fu�a i,,,.:�,J�:i:�:�:Lc�;,.;.z �- - _
<br /> roqu�irer,Tho ituurenco carria(smvlding dx�in�unnGe sh�U bo choaai by Barruwa su�Joct w LenQar'a�pprov�l wi�kh ehal!not
<br /> bo u�nra�sau�ly withtkW. It Barower Cails co maintain covern�c de�cribed aUovo�I.end�s may. at L�'� opda�� oh�n
<br /> :��� oo�ue�ago w protoce Len�la'a rt�ht�in the Propaty in accocd�nce with F+�ragrq►h 7.
<br /> __ All insurance polkles and renewule shall bo acceptaba w l.�du and�haU Inclucfo�s1a!xurd maygaga cl�se.L.endu ahW
<br /> __ -- --_--�
<br /> havc Qxi right to hokl the poUcie9 and renewels. If L,endcr coquirta�i9orrower shall prompAY Bive w I,�ender all naipls of paid
<br /> - — pra»iums ar+d rtnewd notices.In the avent of toss�Bottoweir shall givo promp¢notiee w Uw u�su�anca c.arrkr ar.d Lc�:d,r. .-_
<br /> — __ m�y make proof of los+if not mada pcomptly by Harrowtir.
<br /> - �Jnkss I.eixkr iutd Borrov�er othuwise agroe in writing,inaw�nce proceeds ehall be appllsd to rest�oret�n or repait of d�e
<br /> ----_—=; prolxr�y du�wged,if the,req►.aatlon or re{iair ls econamicaUy featibk arnd Lendel's s�curiry Is nat le.ssenod.If tho nsstoratton ar
<br /> - re�ir is not economlcallY fcasi'ble or I�der's sccurity wtiu{d be lessensd� th�insurance pcoceeds shall be applied to tt�sums �
<br /> - socured by �his Securiry Instrument, whetl�u ar not tt►r�t due,with eny excess pald tu B�rsouu. Yf Horrowcr abandone tltic
<br /> -- --- _ _- Pm�+e�ty.or c}nc:n rux answer wldiln 30 days a nouce from Lender that the insurance cuirler has offerod w 6etrlo a claim,then
<br /> --_-�--��; I.enckr may colloct the in�uranco pmcads.I.endtr muy uso the pmcads w repair or rescore tho Prape�ty or t,o pay s�,ims secured Y-_-__
<br /> 4 -°_° by this Sec�uity Instrument,wh�ther oe not thei�due.'l�l�e 30�day period wlll begin when the notice is glveai. �
<br /> =�'=��uw�' Unkss Lender and Hoirower otheru►�ise agree in wriunB,ar►Y aPPllcadon of proceeds to Princlpnl shall not extcnd or postponcs �=:_�:* �
<br />---=- ..,_.__...��.. �����,�is�n of�hc monthlv navments rcfeired to in D�ueDh-°1 and 2 or chanite the amotuit of tha pavme�ts.If ut�fer oar�aph =`-- _
<br />-_��;";���i^� `! _�_
<br />___�� 21 t1�e Property is acyuired by Lendr�,Boaower's dght to any insurance pollcies and proccxds resuldng fram da�nage w the �,�n,w::
<br /> - � Pmpary prior ta the acqu3sldon shall pass to Lender to the eatcnt of the sums secured by ttnis Securlty Instrum�t immediately `';�~ -
<br />_�y��"�� prior co the acqulsidon. �.a"�='..=
<br />�'`��� 6.Oowps�ncy,P�eservalion�Motntenxace and Ptotection of the Pmpeirty; Borrower's Loan App�lcation;Le�seholds. ,�,.�,�•__
<br /> ��� .:.Hr: �_w_�.. ...
<br />�:=�`�r�.��`: Homnwer shall occupy,estabUsh�and use the Prope�ty as Barrower's principai resldence�r+[thin sixry days afttr the exocudon of =:-<_-_
<br />_fj;�N''^. r`y`"""--
<br /> �� ,• � this SecurIty Instrument and sball coatinnue w occupy the Propury as Borrower's principal residence for at ieast one year after the ����
<br /> �_.'���.��y • dasc of arcunancv.unless Lender otherwise nSrees In wridng� which cartsent shall rtot be unreasonKbly withhcld,or ualess � _-
<br /> L �' '''� "� eateaeuating circumstences eaist which are beyond Boarower's control.Borrower shall not desuoy.damt+ge or impair the Pmperty. i - _
<br /> �xt} • allow Ihe Preperty► to deteriorattss,or commit waste on the Propeny. Borrower shall be in default if any forfcipu�acdun ar 4���;
<br /> ra
<br />:.r,•,- :: ; p rc�c e e d iag,w he t h e r civ il ur c r i m i n a l.is b egun t b a t in 1.e n d e r's g o o d f a i t h j u d g m e n t w u l d r e s u l t i n f o r f e i w r e o f t h e P c o p e�r t y o r ;��:�
<br /> __.� .:; '�� otherwise mataially impair the IIen crcated by thls Security Instrument or Lender's securiry interest Bornower may cure s�h a ,;,���.;�.
<br /> ' ' ''� !',. dcfault end e+einstate,as provided in paragn3ph 18, by causing the action or proceedina w be dIsmissetD aith a niling that,in .�..
<br /> �, •,�.��., ----
<br />':�`r. �.�., . ..:<:-� :�'--
<br />�_;;r.r;�, ;*:� • Lenrlu's good feith detemiina6on,precludes forfeiture of the Borrower s intemst in the Property or other matexiel impairmcnt of ��
<br /> �� � ��
<br /> ,''' «`" '-• the lien cnauxl b y this Sccuri ty Inswment or L,ender's security interest Borrower shall elso be in default if Somower.duripg the �,�+ `'�
<br /> ^ `"%�' `•' " loan npplicarion process,gave mat�rially faLse or inaccurate infonnation or statements to Lender(or feiled to pmvade Lencicr with �n,.'�'
<br /> -�'"�'�6"''�"�'� any n�aterL�l informr�Lion) u� connecHon wlth tho loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited w, representadons ,. -
<br /> '�.��.... ,. r.,r� .
<br /> • .: ;..1 wncuning Hormwer's acc:a�ancy of the Property es a princIpal residence.If Uiis Security Insinunent�s on a leasehold,Bocrower ;.�
<br /> ��•:�r5,;:,;_ �` .;;.; :%-
<br /> ,,.p,,.,�...,,,,, sha11 comply with all thc provisions of the lease.If Bormwer acquires fee ride to the Pruperty,the leasehold and the fcc tide shfill �
<br /> ,.� .� not mage unicss I.enda a�rees tA th�merger in writing. ::`:•",.. •
<br /> .�;,r.,:�;:�;;;,;' '
<br /> �'���1.���_:�,1`f�... M.. ' �..�'�,.. .
<br /> ; •��;�_; T # 7.Protectian of L.ee�der s R(gbts in the Property. If Bonower fails to perfortn the covenants and agraements contained En °s" ��
<br />.'"'�`�':��•« this Security Instrumea�t,or there is a legal procceding that may sl�candy af�ect Lender's rights in �he Proput�(such as a
<br /> ��'��'y'� �"'��,° procceding in bankraptcy,pmbata,for condemnadon or forfeipua or to enforce laws or reguladons),then Lender may 6o and pay
<br /> ;��,_ .,..
<br /> ��"�'�� `''4' �" fa wtu�tever is neccssary ro protoct the value of the Propeity and Lender's rights in the Propecty.Lender's actions may include ,:.
<br /> .,,. ��� paying any sums secured 'b� a lien which t�s priarity over this 5ecurity Instrument, appearing in court, paying rcasonable ''"'=�� �
<br /> ,.:•,:,.,
<br /> . . � . • attorncys' fees tu�d eniering on the Property co make repairs. Although Lender may takc action under this paragraph 7, I.cnder '' ".
<br /> � � docs not havc to do so.
<br /> �. :��~" � t �ny acno�nts ciisbursed by Lender under this paragcaph 7 shall become adclidonal dcbt of Borrower secured by this Security
<br />: . �';:�:`„ " InstrumenG Unless Borrowcr and I.cnder ugree w othcr teams of payment, these amounts shall beaar interest from thc datc of � .
<br />_ ..:_,;:._...::�r'.
<br /> • disbnrsement at the Note rate an d s h a l l b o paya b le,wi t h interest,upon no t ice f r om L ca d e r to�o r r o w e r r e q u e s t i n g p a y m e n� �
<br /> � • � � ...: " ° 8.Mortgage Iosurance. If Lender required mortgege insurnnce os a condition of making the loun secured by this Security
<br /> � '= , Instrument, Borrower shull pay the prcmiums required to maintain die mortgage insurance in effect. If. far any re�son, the
<br /> ' mortgage insurance coveragc rcquired by Lcnder lapses or ccascs to be in effect,Borrower shall pay the premi�uns mquired to
<br /> ' # obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insivance previausly in effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the
<br /> � � N cost w Horcower of thc mortgage insurance previously in effect, from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lcnder. If I
<br /> � : . � ;, " sabstantiaUy equiva(ent mortgage ins�rance wvcrage Is not available,Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to ` �
<br /> ' ono-twalflh of U�e yearly mortgage insurarice premium bcing paid by Borrower when the insurnnce coverage lapsed or ceased to I
<br /> � „" � � bs in effect Lender will accep� us�a�sd retain these paymenis as a loss reserve in Geu of mo�tgage insurance. Loss rcserve �
<br /> �
<br /> • '�i' Fo�m 30�e 9I00 i
<br /> n .
<br /> _ ' _, !�•SA(NE)�ox�z� rao.so�e ��w.�r. I .
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