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<br /> �}�_„ (Sptea Above'Ihb Lina For Rccordin�Dxuj —'
<br /> bate ot tvcbrneic« IDE�p OF'�'R[JfiT FHA Case xo.
<br /> 311-].7�0961-70�J Z03b
<br /> TFIIS DEBD OF TRUS'Y't"Sceutity Instntment")�S made an
<br /> It#Y 3rd. 199� .'[lic Trustot is ��
<br /> T+OR� J. �I1tI0 � 1T�1iCY B. aASi7AIf3
<br /> � HIJS�iD �11D �KY1S �
<br /> 0�`
<br /> ��Y�IUVSiN,�%. liiri��M�I.°i �17�LyRi 1J.n�•1� WI'�taaLLtl�ll 4V%•:u+*� ��• �
<br /> �"Tlruscx").�rne be,�efic�ar�is J�las a. �ioTrsA f� coxp�xSr
<br /> which is arg�nizcd and cxistinA under tha laws of THS 3TlET� Os 1[I93flUAI .aud whose
<br /> ��y� 4153 8R011A11�X, 1q11i8118 CITY, lI0 64171
<br /> ("Lender"),BoROwcr owes I.ender tbo principal sum of
<br /> gIZT7[ TSOB9lWD ONBC HQ11DR� it 00/100
<br /> �„isr �;�. � �i�:'!nn,nn �,
<br /> '['tjis debt is e�idenced by Barrower's note dated rhe same date es difs Security InsmimeAt("�Lnta").which provides for munihly
<br /> payments. �vidi the full Qebt, if not paid eariier, due and payab�a m�n J�NS, �0�5 . 'Itiis Security
<br /> Instn►ment seci�res to L�encler. (a)Ihc repaymcnt of the debt evidenced by the Note,with inccrest,and all renewals.extenston�and
<br /> modifications;(b1 the paytnent of all othet sums,with interes��dvanced under paragraph 6 to protect the scxurity of this Secnrity
<br /> Inswmenr and(c)et�e performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements under ihis Securiry Inswment and tha Note.For this
<br /> pncpose.Har.rower irrevocably grants and convcys to T[ustee,in trust,with pow�ofLi e. the foilowing described CQpe ty��a��
<br /> NSBRASlC�1. _
<br /> t
<br /> wh�Jch�6�as the address of 3811 �1'�O��R011iDd (iR11ND�, S�� Istrcet,Cityl. �
<br /> N � Address"); W
<br /> 68803 =-
<br /> TpC;E'�i�R WITEI all the improvements now or hGreafter erected on the propeRy,and all easements,rights,appurtcnances, i'
<br /> rents,royaltics,minerN,oil and gas rights and profits,water rights and stock nnd aU fixtures m��v or hereafter a part of the properry. �-,
<br /> All replaccments and additions shall also be covered by diis Sccurity Inswmen�All of ihe foregoing is refemed to in this Securiry F�
<br /> U�sttument as thc"ProF�ty." �`
<br /> gpRRpWBR COVENANTS that Borrowcr is (awfuUy scized of thc estate hcreby convayed and has U�c right to grat►t and
<br /> canvey the Properrj end th�t the Pcoperty is unencumbcred,except for cncumbrnncrs�f recard.Horrower wxrrants and will defend �
<br /> generally thu pda w the Praperty agau�st all claims and demartds,subject tn tu�y encambrances af record.
<br /> l.Payment of Pribcfpaf,Interest�nd Late C6Arge. Borrower shaU pay when due the principal of,and interest on, the dcbt
<br /> evidenced b�dhe Nota ar.d L�te charges due under the Note.
<br /> 2.Mouthty PAyments ot Taxes,Iasurauce und Other Cbnrges. Borrower shalt include in c«ch manthly paymcnt, together
<br /> wiih thc principal and intcrest ag set foN�in d�o Notc and any la2c chargcs,an utstaWncnt of any(a)t�uces and spccial asscssmcnts
<br /> levlctl or to 6e lcviccS ngainst thc Fi�nperty,(b)ieaschold paymcnts ar�ound rents on the Property,and(c)pccmiiuns for insuruncc
<br /> t�enuired bY D�aS�Ph 4.
<br /> F.:�;li rnonttily instaltmcnt for items(a).(t�),and(c)shatl cqu�ai onc-tweiftn of ine snnuai Amounrs,As reasonabiy csdmaced'oy =
<br /> Lcndcr.plus un amoant s�afCcient to maintain an uddidonal balance af not mnre than onasixth of thc cstimated amounts.The full
<br /> unnuul wnount for each itc�n shsill be�ccumul�ted by Lender�viU�in a period c.i�d'u�g one month beforc an item would becon�e
<br /> delinqucn�Lender sh:ill hnld the amowits couected in wst to pay items(a),(b),and(c)bcfore they become delinquent .
<br /> if 2t uny timc dic total of thc payments hcid by Lcndcr for itcros(a).(b),or(c),togather witt�the ti�ture monthly paymcnts for. .
<br /> such ttems payablc to Lender pdor to the duo dates of such items,excerds by more Ihan one-sixth the estimated amount of paymG�t�c�
<br /> requiced tcs pay such it�ms whc�n due, and if p�yments on the Nate are current, U�en I.endcr shnll eidier refund the excess over,
<br /> onasixth ot the estimated payments or crulit the oxcess over one•sixth of t1�e cstirnatod payments to subsequent payments by
<br /> Borrowcr�at thc ogtion nf Borrowar.If the total.of thc payments mndc by Borrowc�for itcros(a).(b),or(c)is insufficicnt w pay thc'
<br /> itcm v�hen due.then Idorrowcr shall pay to l.cndcr;u�vnount nc�ccssary m make up thc dcficicncy on or beforc Uie date thc itcm
<br /> bccomcs duc.
<br /> JeN076
<br />, 179522�ceaoo) Pnye 1 0!� l�f1A NcDraske Uccd oi'i'rust•4192
<br /> � '/....i f,j� �
<br />