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<br />_ . • ry�( ,•i� �.:.� .� .. . ,�cVn�fin'-
<br /> ��'• . �'�:1, Yn. �� .. ' . r...urJ'.
<br /> _.l:�ra."
<br /> ; __ ._ ... '._"—
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<br /> . _". .. . ..__�____" _____ ... __ ._ . __'__._ _ . . . .. ., ._ . .
<br />- 1N.�� Skut,rhr: >i..ci1 ��:oyupity gitio t�:nrlr: writt��n iuni�r� nf ar�y �tr,.+t:�:�iti�;n, c►airt. cicmanil, Is��•�.t�it nr nlnrt'o(".i„tt hy n»y -
<br /> v� f ,� i it., , �•. ''�t ; ��r T r�:�r.r..r,..�..,� � S�
<br /> , � �:�C ..�';., ,' �.'i. � � . �. . > •��. :'.-,... �J ,' �':.• 'i 'i'i�� .�. • ' .;. " , -r`• 't . ,.•. .; .vs•.. ':
<br /> � � .
<br /> –:_ – tll Y.�t�\�I 1nniUn�i �- - .�l � i.i.:.'.i.'Lv... �t : .�l�is.. . t.� ,�t.� �� 71 � ��. ��'y -i... �r.� ' !1.' , . .. . , , _
<br /> �»v rrnx���p9 0�•n�F+�►r rcn,��1��1�t�;a�f anv }1arHnrl�nia Gi�.fdIK:E Aff�,C11R1R II1E. �MRCY/y Iti IktiC5S111)', ISorscawer atui�t pmmpti}tpf�_
<br /> -- - all nccsstary rcmr+dial xcyions In�:canlanct wilh Envimnmental Law. �' •
<br /> As ux�d itt this pNregrAph 0, "Fia�rdous Subeturu:es" :u+c tiws� su�st�nccs dcfinai ns toxic nr huxnlou�aubnuu� .
<br /> Envirann�tntat [.+aw 9�w�1 the fo9�owiog yubstxnees: gNsoline, kerosenn, ather tlammable or tnxic�petroleum prixiucta, tc�xi
<br /> �eaticid�u errd hetbiddes,vnlatile awlventa,muerialw coi�tainin8+�alxuos nr f�rmaldehyde.end radl�►WCtive m�terielr. A�uwd i
<br /> _ _ _
<br /> tliis �ara�rr�sh 20, "Pnvironmeatsl Law" means falersl laws aad la�,vs of the jurisdictian where ctte Pn�pen,y is,lc►Ea1od t
<br /> relate iu 1►eaith,safery or enviranmentui protr,ciion. ,
<br /> ' NON•UNI�ORM COV81dANTS.Bs�rrower anc!i.,ender funhercovtnant and agree as foAlows:
<br /> Zl. Aoceleraliai; Remedia. I.ender ahall glve nutke to Ikxrower prlor to socekralf�►n Q'oalowi� Bonbwa'��
<br /> _,��� of auy coreeant ar agreeqnent id thfs Sa.�urity Irutrument (M�t not prbr to �oeferatiort under pnrxgrbpie l7 unlew
<br /> ppplicable laN�provlde�s otlleerwise).The nMicr,shwll 3pecAty: (a)thr defoult. fb)the�ctlon reqKired ta cdre tke delwk;
<br /> (C�A/L�l�tWt Iq9 1�!!3O(�AyB�IYX11 l}IE/IARC 1�IQ ltOflCt I9�IYM CO BOI't�OWlY'� by whi�the de�,�ult must be cnred;and
<br /> (d) ttu�t [dhu�e to eure the�]cfauit on or be[ore the dste epsciifed ln the natke may reault in ac.cderation ot tbe aums
<br /> ____. , �cured fiy thl9 Security Yaistrumrnt wnd�ie uP ti�e F��o�;2rty. 'I'he itot�:�s1t�ll turthr.r inform Bnrrowtr ot itst.d�h�t to
<br /> reir�tate Atlter nocckrAtbn end tlk rlght Oo bdng a caurt wctwn to wxaert ihe nao-exlsta�ce oi w de[�uit or any other
<br /> defense ot Borrower to x�cdtntEon and sole. It the dc!'ault is no3 cw�rd on ur before the date specitkd in the notice,
<br /> I.en�der, At its optioa, mny oea�uire Immiedis►Se p►�yment in full of a�ll sums secured by thiA Secuaity Instrumemt witMout
<br /> fairther detttAnd and nxay invoke the power Qt sale and nny nther rcmedits persnitterd by Applic�ble law.�rnder shall br
<br /> c7iXltled to coliect�li expa�ses incurred in pu�suing t��e rern�dje4 pirrivided In thls par�raph 21,inciuding,3�ut t�ot lim�ted
<br /> to,reasonsibie attosneys'te�w»d casts of tttle evides��.
<br /> If tbt pi►w�r of sale is involced, 'x'n�stee shat! ►e�r�rd e natic�e of defRUlt in each county In which wny pa�rt ot the
<br /> _ - Proputy is i��Ated and s1w11 malt co��r:s of such notice in tF�e rnanner prescribed by�ppiic�t�ie iaa:o��,:�::e:�.�ri ta
<br /> thc nther pNrsons�cribed by applicable taw.ACer t�he time requirtdi by appiicable Istw,Trustee shail give publ�notkr.
<br /> of sule to the pessore and�.in the matuur prescribed by appl(cable lAw. Trustar, wttlaout danfu�d on�orrower,shall seli
<br /> the Pmrwrty:et pL�lt�auctt�r,Qa u�e���.u:.�S.u��r:;t t:::Sf�:�an.a����,;y�a+trulnr!�?P tPlmc decial8�tel9 iIl tI1�E llotlCC o�
<br /> " — ae�e a„�„.....�..���o.��w.lz o„d In unv nrtlp�Tn�s.tee detemtlnE9. T�vstee mLV aostpone sate of x!I or any Qnrcd oP the
<br /> — -- .-----•
<br /> — Property by �ublic w�nouncement nt the time and pluce aP Any previously rctieduled Fale, Lenckr or i[.s aes�gn��z,xy
<br /> purchASe the Pmpetty at auy�le.
<br /> _ Upon receipt oP payment of the pr�ce bid, Trustee shali de�iver to AhQ purchaser Tr�stee's deed conveying �tlie _
<br /> Propert3�.'i'he recitals ia the Trustee's deed shatl be prima fade evfdence oP the tcuth oi the statemcn4l matk thtrein.
<br /> J � Trnstte stw�ll epply the prnceed.s of the sale in tha fnllow6ng order: (a)to all costa and expeases of exercistng the poher of
<br /> _. sale,an�d the sale,incl�ding the{�yment of tde Trusfee's fees ach+aUy i►��rred,not to exceedN�g� OF S0.I1C3 OR � �
<br /> ut the principal umount ot the note a4 the tfine of the declaration of defeult,end�son�a6le attorneys'fees as pcm�S.rt�
<br /> -- — by law; (6) to a11 sums secared Uy this 5cxur[ty instrament;and icj any exc�io i�c��a�:i.e.�a:�:�.::a�•.�• a_�
<br /> - — it.
<br /> --_ - 22. Reconveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this 3ucurity Jnstnm�ent. Lcnd�r sliall rcyucst Trustee to
<br /> ,,�,� recouvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instntment and ull notes evidencing debt secured by th�s Security
<br /> _ Instn►ment to'�rustee.Trustea shall reconvey the Propeny without wurruncy and without charge to the person or persons Ics�lly
<br /> entitlad to it.Such persan o►persons shall pay any recardation costs,
<br /> _ _.—_ 23. Substitute Trustee. I..ender, at its option, may from time to time remove Trustee und appoint Q successor trustee to
<br /> any Teustee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorcied in the county in which this 5ecurity Instrument is recorded.Withaut
<br /> � conveyance of the Peoperty.the successar trustee shall succeed to ull the tiele, pawer and duties conferred upon Trustce herei►e
<br /> "'�'— und by upplicable law.
<br /> �-�'"� 24. Reguest for Not[ces. Bonower requests that copies of the notices of default and sa(e be sent to Bon•ower's address
<br /> ;�;_;;« which ls the Property Address.
<br /> - ___- ,- 25.Riders tv this Seeurity Instrument. If one or more riders are executed by Borrower 4nd recorded together with tliis
<br /> —_--" — Sa;urity Instrument,the covenants and a�reements of each such ridcr shall be incorporatcd into und shal!amend and suppleinent
<br /> �=����� the covennnts and s�greements of this Secur�ty[nstrument ns if the ridcr(s)wcre a part of th�s Security lnstrument.
<br /> __-.-_ _ (Check upplicable box(es)]
<br /> j,r�-=-4 �Ad,justable Rate Rider 0 Condominium Rider � 1-4 Family Rider
<br />,�<:�• •� - [�draduated Payment Rider �Planned Unit DcYelop►nent Rider �Hiwcekly Payment Rider
<br /> '�°"�LL [�Balloon Ridcr �Rate Improvemcnt Ridcr �Second Home Rider _
<br /> '_'-_t'?'°�'� [�V.A.Rider �Othcr(s)(specify�
<br /> -•�":,1�,'�'�;� HUME EQUITY LINE RIDER
<br />-�=��;wl:ti=-:.:�'
<br /> _�;,.,.�,_.
<br /> ' �:•
<br /> :3.:;:,'_• .
<br /> '�''� ��• BY SIGNING BELOW,Borrower nccepts and agrees to the terms nnd covcnants contained i n this Secserity Instrument and
<br /> °`�� : • in any rider(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with it. ,
<br /> "" . Wimesses: `�� -, �
<br /> . �.,•�t �N�' ��
<br /> -- (Scal)
<br /> DAVID D. PIARLER -Aarrow•cr
<br /> '�R " � . �IAJLlL_ (Scal)
<br /> . JUDY J. Y �R FKA JUDY J, FILI,INGL�R�urcu+�•cr
<br /> _t_.��s
<br /> __
<br />- �;` . � __ (5c:i1) --�Scaii
<br /> ' ,. -Bnm�wcr -Rorrowcr
<br /> 5TATE OF NEHRASKA. Cnunty ss: t�,LL
<br /> �• The foregoing instrument was acknowleciged before me this day oF MAY 9 • 1995 •
<br /> Witness my hand and notarial scal tu GItAND ISLANU, NEBRA in said Caun tl �t yc�toresaid.
<br /> ' � � (,��t ,L �,�/�G��
<br /> ' _ • My Commission Expire,: —
<br />- ,.. ��.�d� No�nry lic
<br /> ,; ' '�pp����
<br />- , Peaoo�ia Form 3028 9180
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> �
<br />