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<br /> -_-=---j v�riFyi�ag t};�f:"r�,w 11�•nir. unlc�+1 uire{ts��xriiw�er iu}►.aY a��rr�tlu::ch::.�o��far aFi ind���ndc�r�r�aS�e��ui��c:+x rc�x�cting scrvi�•e
<br /> a chArq:, liuwevKr, l.en�kr rnryr� • --T--�
<br /> ugod hy t.cncier in e�mntx:tlun wleh Ihir Inan, unie�s app�icKble luw provides;Utliert�is'C.�:T1»Iesti an�xg�'et���t i.; r::.:le ar
<br /> spplicYhla fww rayu6res itUr�cKc l�►he}x�ld.l�:�Cr xtu�ll►wt he reyuiral tu pay Bci�rp�vec'.�F1y�.intere�t or carnings an the F�unds.
<br /> &►rrnwar wnd Lenckr nuy �y{ren in writ�n�, hUwsver, tlut i g C�+t S�II 1iC jJA�c�:p�'I}1(�-�?unds. 1.�'ixlee stu�ll gevf�whicl►each . �
<br /> _ without chargt, aE�unnual uc�nunting uf thG �unde,tJwwin c�zdit�anc3 debits'.to tho F�unds a�xl�'ti�� Wi'P��
<br /> -- :
<br /> dtbic ta che runds was mru�.1'�+a i'u��S�::r�M%1;dg=:1�'�:�°-`±irinnnl�ec��rity#'or all:sutns EeCUre:l Uy t1�i is`Secur�ry �tstrumtn.
<br /> If thc Funds�e!sl by l.en�lee excroal the am�wnu pemiittal to be held by appliyable IRw. Len�er sfiait accouue ia►Bo►�ow...
<br /> for tha excess Funds in acCO�dxnce with the reyulranen�s nf ap�licable 1sw. If ih�tqn�u�t pf 1hC�?uads held by Lernler at w►y
<br /> ..a� Nme is not sufticlent to pay tbo�?scruw iteme when due,Lender may so notify 8prrow�t f:n.wrltin�,nmi,in such case Barrowor
<br /> shall puy to I.t�xler the amount neeessary ta meke up the deficiency. Bonnwur sh�ll�=ti�aice up tltc,def.iciency in no mars than
<br /> twcive manthly payments,ac l,encicr's sola discretion, �� rcfnnd to Bc�rrower uny
<br /> ,- - - - �
<br /> l]pon payment in fLll af all surns ��ecural By this Securiry Instrument. I.endex shatl p���p�lY�,
<br /> Funds held by II.e�nder. IP,uudeti�paragragh 2�.Lender st�all ec�uire or sell the Fraperty,j,xnd�r,�rtor ta the acquisition or • a
<br /> of 1he Pro�rry,sh�ll apply wiY fu►n1x held b,y L.ender at che tirr.o of acquisition�r sala�.s e a►�clit ag�inst the s�.-:�x%•.��E�by
<br /> this 5ecurity�nslrument.
<br /> �.Agptica►tlon af Payments.Unl�sy appllcuble law provides otherwise.all puy�ents re.�eive4l'6y.C.er�der unc�r�r�,xragrephs
<br /> --= 1 and 2 shalt�c appliect:finst, to nny prcpaynxnt chArg�s due under thc Note;second,ta wnounts�p�YaU1s undCe Fr,ragrap�2;
<br /> -- t�ird, to Interest due;fourth,to principal due;and lust.to r�ny lute charges duc under.the Note.
<br /> 4.Chn�gea; L1ens� Borrower shall pay al1 taxes.asscssments, churges, Fines�id in�posidbns utfr3butable to.the Property
<br /> _ -,
<br /> wiuch may altaln priority over this Security Instntment, nnd leasehols!payments o;.�gtoi�n�1 reqts, ff uny. Batrower shull pay
<br /> these ohligations In the n�s►nncr proviciai in puru�i aph 2,ar if not paid in thai manner,Bcs=crower shall p�y thcm�A�i�direct y
<br /> to ihe person owed payment.�orrower siiall pron�ptly fu�•nish to i..ender ail no�tccs of arr�ounta•to be pwd under ehis parugraph.
<br /> If Borrowcr makes thesc payments dircctly, Farcowcr shal!promptly furnlsh to L.cnd�sr�recaipts evidanCing the�Sayments.
<br /> --�-- `_� Borrower ei�uti Nromnt{,dis=hc�rgo amy licn which has prlority over this Security Instrument Unless Horrower: (a)agrecs in
<br /> _ „... .��__.a.... _..».�.+a.,�hA itPn in u r,innner ncceoiubiC to l.,endar;(b) contCsw ir.gccd f»ith d!e 1��� _.-.
<br />------- - WltllIIlg W UIC Nriyu�ciii J� u+c uvu�a..v.� .�v....w-.,, -_.
<br /> by, or defcnds against cnfarccment cif the licn in, legal praceedings which in tlie l.ender's opiniuu u�caw w•k����� �.-
<br /> enforcement of the lien;ar(c)sccures frain thc liolder of thc licn nn agreement satisfactory to I.csnder subnrdiniiti�ag thc lien ta
<br /> '— this�ecurity lnstrument. If Lender determines thc�t nny part af the Property Is subject to a lien which may atuiin priority aver
<br /> -- this�eciviry Instrument, L.cnder may b�iv�Borrawer u notice idcntifying the lien.Borrower shall snt�isfy thc lien a�take one or
<br /> �-- ���° more af thc uclions sct forth above wltl»n IU dayti of the giving of notice.
<br /> -- 5. Hazard or PropeMy Insurt�nce. Borroacr shall keep �he improvemcnu now existing o•r herenfteK erected on the
<br />_:��±rlti�� Property tnsured ngninst Idss by Gre. ha•rurds fncluded within the tsrm"cxtencied covex�ge" aud any other htizards, including
<br />:'=:=�`���:+'.:;� � tloods or flooding,for which L.ender requires Insurance. This insucnncc shall be maintained in the amounts and for the periods
<br /> :`�:"�'`'���• thut Lender rcquires. The insurancr carncr prv��di��b ih� lasuranrt°tl�! Y."'rh"�''n hy Borro�ver subiect to I.endeY's appeaval
<br />`, .,::,;�;,-
<br /> °f,;,�::;:; r. which sholl not bc unreasonably withhcld. If Borrowcr Ifulls to mui��tain covcinge.described above, i-ender may. at l,etxfer's
<br />_•=;;.;���;:=�„�,.:�, ' aption,obtain covcragc to pmtcct Lendcr's rights in thc Property fn accordnnce with para�raph 7.
<br /> �=�:a";,;;��•�,�•; All insurance policies t�nd renewnls shall be ncceptuble ta l.ender und shall include a stundn:•il mortgage clause. i.enaer
<br />��_.`;"=;�t�j� shall have the right ta hold the policies a:id renewnls. If l.cr,cicr rcyuires,Borrower shall promptly give to Lettder u�[receipts of
<br />::=�u�,:�,,,,,:;;� paid premiums cu-,d renewal notices, ln the evcnt of loss, Borrowcr sh�ll give prmnpt notice to the insurance carr3cr and Lender.
<br /> ,,�:u;�„�?''`�" L.ender may make proof of loss if not madc promptly by Borrower.
<br /> --' Unless I.ender and Horrower otherwise ngree in writing,insurance proceeds shall be appliecl to restaration or repair of the
<br /> �'3`S"'�'�� Property dameged,if the restorntion or rcpair is cconomicnlly fe�siblc nnd I.ender's security is no:lessened.If the.restomtion or
<br />=��:S t�"s.;�:''�`;u�:"!
<br /> ,.., repair is not economically feasible or I..endei s security would be Iessened,the insurance proceecis shnll L►e applied to t e sums
<br />`"��4`�+«s': t. ' prOpe�rty,orhdoes not�unstwerrw thln 3Q daysrn no icc fromaLendcrtthut ihc insurnncc CanBorh�s offered to sett e a cla m, tt�cn
<br />"1��'�r�=��� Lender may coUect the insurance proc;eeds. Lender miiy use the praceds to ��epair or restore the Propetty or ta pay sums
<br /> __,...,��L.;x,?�.'s�
<br /> _.,.;;�,�.i_..��� secured by this Security Instrument,whethcror nut then duc. 'Phc 30-dny pertcxf will begin when the noticc is g ven.
<br /> ::,,�__� Unless l.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, nny application of procceds to princip�l shall nat cxtend or
<br /> �'��"'"'_�``"� s one the due date of the mondily pa�rmenta rcferred to in parugrn hs 1 and 2 or change the amaunt of the paymcnts. If _
<br />�:�:�,�%�. Po tP
<br /> - ,��4 :�; � undcr pazugraph 21 the Propeny is acqared by Lendcr, Borrower's rfg t to uny insurance policics and proceeds resuleing from
<br /> ,�'�+�;��:'•..'. ' damage to the Properry prior to ti�e acqmswon shall pass to I.endcr to the extcnt of the sums sccured by this Security[nstrumcnt
<br /> `�'�:'�'%' �; immediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> ' 6.Occupancy,Preservation,Malntenance nnd Prutectlon of Nu 1'roperty;Borrower's Loan Applt�tion;Leusehot�ls.
<br /> � ��+',. Borrower shull oceupy, establish,and use the Propeny as Burn►wer'a principal rcs�dence within sixty days after the execution of _
<br />�':i•''I�'.;�'.;,' this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Properry ►►s Ho►'rower's principal residence for at Ieust one year after —
<br /> °:'` 't;� the date of occupancy. unless Lender othcrwisc abrces in writing, which conscnt,hull not bc umr.asonably withheld, or unless �
<br /> . � +• `
<br /> cxtenulting circumstanccs cxist which are bcynnd Borr��wcr's cuntrnL Horrow�r r.hull nut dcstroy, demsge or impair t c
<br /> _ ;�:" I�roperty, allow the Properry ro datcrioratc, or commit �vsi,tc on the I'ruperty. Aurrower shuli be in default if any forfeiture E ,
<br /> -• • uction or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is beyun thut in Lender's goud huth judgment cuuld result in forfeiture of the
<br /> _ Property or otherwise materially impair the licn creatcd by lhis Security lnstrumcnt or l,cnder's sccurity interest. Bonower mny
<br /> • �,`...,`' , curc;such a default and reinstate,us provided in parugrnph 1 S,by c+iusing tl�e uctinn or proeeeding co be dismissed wilh a ruling
<br /> " that, in Lcnder's good faith dctermi�ation. precludes forfciwre ��f the Horro�ver's interest in the Propery or other m�aterial
<br /> ` . '� ��"� � impairment of thc licn crcatcd by this Sr.:currty lnstrumcnt or Lendcr', sccurity intcrest. Borrower shall also be in default iF t
<br /> ' "``'�� Borrowcr,during thc Ioan application proccss, gavc mntcrinlly fidtic or in,iccurute inforn�ution or statements to Lender(or tnilcd
<br /> - to provide Ler�der with any matcriul information)in canncctiun with tl�e lo,ui cvidcnccd by the Notc,including,but not limited .
<br /> :�t �'� to,representations coneeming Borrower's oc:cupancy c�f the Pri�perty ns u{�rincip;il residence. Cf this Security Instniment is o�a E
<br /> �, .��' IeaseholJ. Borro�vcr shall comply with nll thc provisiuns uf' thc Icasc. If t�urrowcr ucc{uires fee title to the Propetty, the ;_.
<br /> - leasehold and the fce tide shnll not mcrge unless L�:ndcr ugrecz to thc mcrger in writing.
<br />` 7.Protectton of Lendcr's Rf�hts in the Pro�rty.If Hurru�vcr fuils to perfurm thc covcnunts and agrcements contained in r;,
<br />� . this Securiry Instra�ment, or there is a Iegal proceedinb thut may �►�;nitic+mtlY nfl'ect l.ender's ri�lus in the PropciKy (such as a
<br /> f: � . procecding in ba�ikruptcy, probate, for condemmition or furfeiwrc air�o enforcc Ienvs or rcgulntions), then Lcndcr m�y do nnd
<br /> `� •
<br /> � .� � fiy for whatcver is necessary to protect the valuc oF the F'ruperry iuid l,c�idcr', rights in the Propcny, L.ender's actions may
<br /> _- -�-'�+:_, ' _ p_�...,_ ......:.,., o.,., �.�n,s cecured bv s lien which has prii�riry uver tliis ticcurity Inytrununt, appeanng m court, pnyin
<br /> _�. .,.Io��h:�nwruoranh
<br /> -------.-.--------.-..-_...---- � uwiauv �...�...t, ...y --"-. ... . . «.. ._ r _ o_�
<br /> • � rcasonnble uttorncys fccs and cntcring on thc Pruperty ti� mnkc rcpuuti. ntmou�;n unucr �n��y t«�a a�:.c•.....--. - � - -
<br /> . • 7,Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> '� Any amounts disbursecl by Lender wlder t6�i� para►gruph 7 rhall liccui��r udJi�iuuid dcht of Dorrower secured by this
<br />^ • .. S e c u r if di bur enctntUtl hc Nauw tc�a dl li II bc�puynUlc�tlw it h Intcr�+t���►'pon�n�il fc c�f ru m�l�c n d c rl t obBorrowcr re qucstin�
<br />� datc o
<br /> �. " payment.
<br /> � .. „ 8.1V�ortg�gc Insuranca If L.cnJcr req�ircd nwrtgagc intiur+ntcc�►ti n rundltiun�d�muklnZc thc luan ticcurcd by this Sccurity
<br /> Instrument, Borrower shall puy thc premiums rcquired tu tnwntnin the uwrlµnite in+ura�icc in eflcct. If, for any rcason. the
<br /> ' mortgage insurunce coverube requireJ by lAnder Inpscs ur ceases lu he lu clfcct• N�►rn�wer�Ir,dl pay the premiums required to
<br />�- obtain covera�e substantially equivalen►. to thr nu�rtg.ige iusurance �+rcvinu,ly In��If«:�, ;�t n cu�t rubtituntially eyuivalent to the
<br /> � ' cast to Borrowcr of thGmu�gagc insuroncc prevlously iu clfcct. Ir��m �m ahcrn;uc mur��ut`e inyurcr npprovul by I.t:ndcr. If
<br /> ' '. ' '' � � �a 1 �4 Form 3028 9190
<br /> „ . �
<br /> . ,
<br /> c ..... ..... __. - _.___....
<br />. ., - _�
<br />. . .... . .... .. .... . . .
<br /> • ---_. ... ------------- 1:'
<br />