�•A• '� . . - �f_ �- ..-..
<br /> "__ . �_.. . .i
<br /> • ��� ... _. _"...'_.____-
<br /> . �4' - - .._..— - �- - --- -- . . . ._-.
<br /> . ,f,•� —_—= liuc:,��cr :,i;:111 ����°n}�ily' (;i���•l.t:a;�r�•��itfan tl�,tiC�:e�S��i�+: Inv��,iig..li:�ii, i IriRn� c'.rnW»d, la��,uit itir i,thcr acti��r. hy �ny*
<br /> - I . „ :�'R.i� i ��1 �. � ! � -'y'1� ��,.�. . �. /%,i.���t. i: ' [ , - i,-Z, .� .1 � . -�:., 1-..i',. - �"t � .���� .
<br /> �i ,:iii��i 't•�,;��„.:;� ��::� ,<iu.;1 I,. . •, � •': ' � , �c� F
<br /> - � clb�..�y. . �i �..��f,.i'..-� �: ..� ., ��i�. L .'.II' ,� 1�.' �..; �;1;. � r. 1 -Y�� .
<br />��_— UILy 1'tItN�Vy)ltY 111hti�refrteriia+.iun�R uny iiu�rard<ws yub�te►kr uiir�iiu�:i�t'I i�r��c�ia/ f�ln:i�.+.:��i�.r:�l+�i+w��S+�i1��k��+ri�1FI���t��'C�
<br /> a�! �ce�ry r�medial actions in accordar�ce wlth lEnvlrcxunental l.aw, �0
<br /> AN��xc*� in thie�n�gnph �q.""Hu��►c�d:x►s Subst�ux:�e�►" �u'o ttw+�bub�trrk.ti:s defina!us:oxie nr hu77.etdcws subsw�s bY.
<br /> E�nvironir�entaD I.�w a�v1 the tulluwfn�{ substwwes: gusolinr.. �ChiStilt, uthe, Il�rrur�blr. ar toxic }xtrnitunt �nx�uctz, tc�xic �
<br /> pra�icidts u�d btrbicides,volatile snlMents,mrtcrial:contai�ni��abaur�or forrnKkiehyde��r�1 cAdic�ncavc mNenaly.Ay u�e�d in �
<br /> --_ _ _ thiw iwra�raph 20, "fuvirunn+cntul Gxw" meHns r�ae�� ��wg � ���vs���n�Ju����diciian when thr, Pro�e�ty is Ic�catad th�t ►�
<br /> rci�te to hallh,�laty or Cnvironcnentai protertion. �1
<br /> NUN•UNIFQRM COV8NAIVTS.Ba'rnwer anci Lender furtl�er coverwnt�otd��ree as follow�:
<br /> 2t. AccelerRttoa;'I�cmedles. �xnder e1a1t give m►tice ta Borrower p�iar to accekratbn tolbwi�Bnrrower'�b+�rf��
<br /> -.�= of spy cavtrwat or �reaneM fa this Secudty Iuetro�na�t (but nal pKlar to scoelr.rat{on under p�r�r�p� �17 unfesa
<br /> oppltat'rie i�w pravldet+dl�trwi�e)o Tl�e nMice shall�cli'�: (�)the Rief�utt;(b)tlet�ctiun reqtllred to care kbz de�wly
<br /> (c)n d�te,�wt less thut 3Q days trom the euwte the iatice 1�given ta I�mwer, by arhkh ttx default mu�t be�eured;and
<br /> (dl)tMt �tdlurc ta cure the dtta�lt un or bePorc thc ditte specit9ed In the notisx may rc�at[��erAtlon o�'the sunas
<br /> -- �,--_ etcurcd Dy ti�Lv Secuflty dr�strument�nd safe of the P�oprrty. TIAC IMK�Cf S�WI= Ifltit�cl'�ii�0i[ii PJBi'faW7 O��IlG!'I�'Et� IO
<br /> reiustate sRer pceeleration and the ri�ht ta bri�a court �cNan to s�s�rt the non�exi�tance of a det�ult a' wy otb�'
<br /> defcnsr ut&►rrowrr to accdentk►n and:sa{e. 1[the�kliait Is �mt cured on or b�fore tFae date�speclfkd in tbe notice,
<br /> I.ender, �+t fts op�ion� may requtre Irom�dlAte p�yment In tull o�all s�ms serured by thLs Security Iastruinent without
<br /> furlhcr den�ar�d artd mAy invobce the pnwer o[sale and s�ny other rennedies permltted by applkable IAw.d.endtr s1wAt.6r
<br /> entitled tu collect oll eapenses irteurml in pursuing the rernedky pravided in thls�nr�rAph 21,inciuding,but nM Ilroited
<br /> - to,re�.�ble�ttotrneys't�es and costs ot titte evidence.
<br /> If the�orrer of si►te ic invoked, Tnistee s{u►11 record p nolice of defi�ult In aich carnty In which any p�rt vP t6e
<br /> --- Pro�xrty ly loc�ted and slwll mal➢ eopir.s�C such notice in the rn�nner prescdbRd by uAFiircabie law to Boe�uwer:nd ao
<br /> tl�e M�er pers�s prcsc:ibed by applk�rble law.Afrer the tlme requiral by appl�pble IAw�Trus�tee slwll give puMlc nmtice
<br />------ _._, ar�.�le t�t!!� ���a 911.,!E�tt���::.��zeer F•�•.•,!'tb2d by=�n,�!!��!►!a 1Aw.'A��+�tee,witlWx�t demand on Borrower,shall.wri!
<br /> - - thp o.�.+.�w�tv a�.�.H�o uurfinn m tluR hivhe_d hldder at t�e time and dace artcf wtder the teanu d�sienated In 7he uotiCC mfl
<br /> sxk in o�e or rtiore{wrcels and In any order'Fnistec determ[nes. Trustee may postpune sale of wll or any�wrcd oP ehc
<br /> � i'raperiy by public announcement At the tin�e wnd plpce oF any previously scheduled s�te.i.¢nder or tts desFgnee may .
<br /> purshase the Property ot eny ssile.
<br /> - � Upon recefpt of payment of the prlce bld, Tr�ste�e shall deliver t� the purchas�r Tzustee's +leexi conveying the _
<br />------ Property:The recifals in Ihe T�ustee's dced shall be prima [ucEe evtdence ot the sruti�ef the stutenxnts mAde tNerein.
<br /> frustee slwll ap�y the proceed9 of the sale in 3he follow[ng order: (r)to ol!coste und expenxs of exercisin�the powGr af
<br /> sRie,and the sale,tncluding the payment of lhe Trustee's[ees actually incw�red,noR to exoeed q7iE� OF 50.00 OR�`�
<br /> --�� of the princQpal amoun3 0!the note xt the time of the declar�tion of defnult,aaa�reasunxtsle attorney�s'[ces As perneitced
<br /> .. ....-�--
<br />_.,�,_ by I+�w;(6)to all sums secured by th(s Secur[ty Inssrument;and(e)ar�y excess to ttoe person or pe��ie�su�y cnu��eo�v
<br /> ---_=- ft. �
<br /> �� 22. Reeunvey+anee. Upon payment of nll sums secured by this Security Instrutnent. Lender shall request Trustee co
<br />_��� reconvey the Ptoperty and shall surrendee this Security Instrument and nll note�evidencin� debt ��ecured by this Sc:curity
<br /> -^°°--°--- Instrumsnt to Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey the Property without wnnanty and wdahout charge to the pc:rsun or persons legally
<br /> ------°=� entitlai to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recardation costs. '
<br /> -- --- = 23. Subst(tute T�vstee. Lender,at its option, may from time to time remnve Trustee and appoint a successor trustce to
<br /> any Trustce appointed hereunder by an instn�ment recorded in tlie county in which eriis Seci�riry Instnunent is recordcd.Without
<br /> '__;��� conveyance of the Properry. the successor trustce shall succeed to all the title. power and duties canferred upon Trustee herein
<br />— =-� and by applicable law.
<br /> w;��;� 24. Rea�uesi for Nottces. Borrower requcsts that copies of'the notices of degault and sale f�e sent to Borrower's address
<br /> .;-:,�;.;�"� which is the Property Address.
<br />°°�•�_•k� 2S. Rlders to thts Security In§trument.If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together with this
<br /> '�'�=-�''�'� 5ecurity Instn�ment.the covenanu and agceements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall:unend arul supplernent
<br /> _ ""�.;_�.� the covenants and�grcements of this Secunty Instrumert as if the rider(s)were a pa�.�'t of this Security Instrument.
<br /> ,:=z;.
<br />�_�_ -_ [�heck applicable box(es)j
<br /> =��`"-`�'��� �Condominium Rider ❑ l-4 Fumily Ridcr
<br />-J; [�Adj��gtablc Rate Rider
<br /> �`, - [�Graduated Payment Rider []Planned Unit Development Rider [�Biwcekly Payment Rider
<br /> ' �'> L-]Balloon lt':dcr 0 5econd Homc Ridcr
<br />., ...� [�Rate Improvement Rider
<br />`=-•t�"9�':_ 0 V.A. Rider CX�Other(s)[specify�
<br /> .;.��;_��, NOTICE OF llEFAULT
<br /> _ :�'� _
<br /> 'F.C`i�l S•��t _.
<br /> " � •.'j,
<br />. "''' BY SIGNINCi BELOW,Borrower accepts and agv�:es to the terms and covenunts containc;d in this Security Instcument and -
<br /> .��� in nny ri�er(s)executed by Borrower and recorded with it. -
<br /> �. '�l' Wimcsses: ��
<br /> � � � (Sral)
<br /> -. �`'. STEVEN F. SORAHAN -eorroacr
<br /> . � _ 1��.Y.(Seal)
<br />. ., ..� _ DEB ItAH L. SO -dorro��•cr
<br /> _�1'''
<br /> -- - � _- _ (Scal) lseai�
<br /> .•-c . -Hortowcr •Dorm�ccr
<br />' ° • ` STATE O�1V�BRA�TtCA, County ss: �,L �•
<br /> � , ' Tho fnregoing instrumcnt wus:acknowledgcd before mc this 8th day of p�y � 1995 '
<br /> . . Wimess my hand and not:irial s�.11 at in said Count ,thc da aforesaid.
<br /> ' „ My Commissim�Fxpires: �'d+�l� a�C�
<br />: -� " , � ���� Nntar blic .
<br /> . ���
<br /> , ' • . Pauo e oe a Form 302$ 9/90
<br />