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<br /> _ 06�Ah1A,P1E 6aZG3 r
<br /> _ - !��gn�; Qt;Y;;S��r�Say -
<br /> _ THIS pEED�F TTtfIST("Security Instrument")is made an t"�►Y 8. 1995 .Tf�e trustos is
<br /> -._r—.--�- Larry x. 8LL4i civaa+:•CC T� Un��sT��A A��alsss�� altc� w'{fP. � _..
<br /> �o�...��. —
<br /> �"ROIT(1WCT��). TI1C[[US[CC IS
<br /> � Norweat Bank Nebsaska, National Aseociation
<br /> —._ ("Trustee").The beneficiaty is �
<br /> - ��a NnrWest Bank Nebxaska. Ne�tionr� ���oci�ation t �___ �,�
<br /> ,�;�� which is organized and existing under the laws of �:n� t3:'ilcea ai.ai.�n v,. ���..iza .�•-
<br /> �- ,,,�.�
<br /> - ;,_:,;;; ,� address i, 202 West Third Stre�t. Grand Iol.R�d, Nebra�►:s Fia801
<br />��_:�.,;,�,,� {"Lender"). Borrower owes Lender the principal sum of _
<br /> - =_:sc
<br />-_`_—_,�...�1�
<br /> �;��-:�t�� Six�teen Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty and 7I/1U0---------Dollars(U.S.$ 16,920.71 )•
<br /> ��'""`� - 'this debt is evidenced by Borrower's note dated the s:une date as this Security Instniment("Note"),which provides for
<br /> � �"—"'�p� monthly payments,with the fitll debt,if not paid earlier,due and payablc on May 20, 2000 •
<br />-_�:_���� This Securiry Instivment sr.cures to Lender:(a)the repayment of the debt evidenced by the Note,with interest,and uil renewals,
<br /> �;.�a�.er�� eatensions and modifications of the Note• (b) the payment of all other sums, with int�rrst, advance.d und.er paragraph 7 to
<br /> ----�--- protect the security of this Security Instcument: and (c) t3�e performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements. For this
<br />==:�Y i�� purpose, Barrowe�irrevocably �rants and conveys to Trustee. in trust, with power of salc, the �a���ns County Ncbraskay =
<br /> "-_"°�� located in —
<br /> r._�-��;�_�9 .---
<br /> "`������'� '� Lot 1 and the Southerly 4Q feet of Lo� 2, Block 2. _--
<br />--�,�.� -=-
<br /> William .T. Burger's AddiCion to the V3��.uge of Doniphan.
<br />--_---=�-���• Hall County, Nebraska. �-_-
<br />_"�,--
<br /> :.'4;v .
<br /> :.�.�:. �`-r'
<br /> _„� �s_�..
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<br /> �;..�_q;.., .., ,L_:
<br />_.-,:�;:, , �Strcct.City�. ,�v
<br /> `�`:;"��� . which has th�address of � �Y'�
<br />:u��.��4'� �� Nebraska 301 Chureh Doniph�t�• ("Property Address"); •
<br /> r..`
<br /> .r.. '.,.� ' 68'$32 [z�p codcl
<br /> r-
<br /> ";..•�•'-.::]E:: i'!
<br /> .. �.� ...,w y.�;.
<br /> ' �'.2:.�w
<br /> TOGE'I'HER WITH ail�he improvenunts now on c�reafter erecteci on die property,and all casements,appurtenances,and '�;;'
<br />_ " .' �?� fixtures no�v or hereafter a part of the pmperty. All rcplacemeuts and additions shall also be covered by this Securiry
<br />'�":�'�i:• 3 Listrument.All of the forcgoing is rcfcned ro in th�s Securiry Instrument as the"Property."
<br /> �;�;q:::" :� BURROWER COVENAN'CS that Sorrowcr is lawfuUy seised of ehc cstatc liereby conveyed and has the ri�ht to grant and
<br />~: `: � � eonvey the Fropeny and th:�t thc Property is unencumbe�ed, except fot encumbrances of rccord. Borrower wamants and will
<br /> dcfcnd Fcncrally thc titic to tlic pROperty agauist all ciaims ar�d demands,subject to any cncumbrances of record. �
<br /> �"'•"� �' THIS SECURITY IN51'�tUMENT cambincs unifarm covcnants for natianal usc and non-unifonn ca�•cnants �vith limited
<br />` ''-- �-'��., variations by jurisJiction•to wnstitute a unifurm security instrument wvering rral property.
<br /> -• -�,
<br /> _..•�, , UNIFOI�M14 COV ENANTS.Borrower and[.endcr covenant and agree as fullo�vs:
<br /> _.. . - ...e... o.,.� r�o rt.���_ [�,rm.ver shall nromntiv pav when due thc
<br />�: __��--�° I. YHYIIICIii OI �I1tCt(/ii a�na ansc'ca.� a.s�,rj........ �..� --- -- —' - . . .
<br /> -, '.• •,,.,f principal uf:end intercst on the debt evidenced by the Note:utd any prepayment and late charges due under tlie I�ote. �
<br /> M,;:;�;:-.� , Z. Fundg�'�r Tsnx�v and Insur�nm. Subject to applicable la�v or ro a written waiver by Lettder. Aorro�vcr shall pay to
<br />-°'=,�-.':• Lcnc4cr un the day monthly payments are due under thc Notc,until tlic Notc is paid in full,u sum("Funds")for:(a)yc,uly taxes
<br /> -� '�.�.: aud asscssments wl�ici�n�ay �uttain priority ovcr this Securiry Instntmcnt as a licn on thc Property:(b)ycarly Icaschold payments
<br />-- �� �F�r or ground rents on thc Propa:ny.if;a�y;(c)ycarly h�lcard or�roperty insur�ncc premiums;(J)ycarly tlood insur.�ncc prerniums.
<br /> "' ; �������; (�)vcarly mortgage msurancc premiums, if any; .�nd(t�any sums payablc by Borco��•er ta Lendcr, in accorciance �vith
<br />-� • -;; the pruvisionsof paratir�ph R,in lieu uf�he pay��.�ent uf mongage insuauicc pnmiums. Thesc items are c.tllcd "Escrow Items.` � .
<br /> ' ' " " Lcrtdcr nu►y, at any time, cullect and huld Funds in .in antount not to excecd tlu m:ixinzwu amaunt a lendcr for a fcder.illg
<br /> related mortgane lo�n ma�• reyuire f��r Bonu�ver's escrow ac�rount under thc federal Real �state Setdement Rrocedures Act of I
<br /> • ' � 1974 as mnendc�i from tii�TC w tinsc, 12 U.S.C. Scctiun 2601 et sey. l"RESPA"), unless anuUier law th.it applics w the Fumds �
<br />.`,�;�:.'�,��� sets a lesscr anzount. If so. Lcndcr may, at any timc, cullrct and huld Fwtds in an amount nu� to cxcccd thc Icssc�amount.
<br />.;�;�y�,�;� • Lender may cstimatc the amuunt uF Funds due un dtc b:sis uf rurnnt data and n;,,�uonablc estimatcs of expenditums of futurc I
<br /> . � Escrow Itcros or othenvisr in aa:univicc�vith applicablc la��•. �
<br /> I
<br /> NEBRA5lIA•Sinpi�Fc+mcty-Fenni�MaalFraddi6 Mac UNIFaRM li'1ST8UMENT Form 3028 9190 ;�
<br /> �N112T'J7!UIT(i VRIP11'0�7T�ACiF�O����G �313�]`J38100 �900�5]1 1d91 Rvo�014 qmen�ed ti191 �
<br /> . � �
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