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<br /> THItS 1�RU�7 DE�D.�►-�aci�thl�,,,a,B,.,_d�y of,_,,,,,��„w,,,,,,,_.,..._..�1 a,.�,.�by+�t�d�monp th�7ruitqr�.,.......»..._,... - -
<br /> i rev�a i !� ' �'Cl��CK� ijliii�ifi..�.vs Y 'J ��� �� W�4 ._.,...,�,,,�--
<br /> ..t7�..+...�. �
<br /> ,�,Ihordn"�orrowa'!.
<br /> who..mai�inp addnrr��,,,.,o lielalYi NE 68803 ,_., •�---•�
<br /> + ,, scc�r�=!-:rn Qf�ti'+a N�brv�alca .lMrnln"Tiu�tw"t��ndtiw
<br /> rnd Hr�l'iv Rr�nk 1"��� -'-
<br /> B�neflciay,FinTiar,�I�k u.� in s�l � 18g�C t1Ai1„�_��_,_,,,��r��maiting rddte�s is 't 7[1[l �'�p*+� �*�.t.�-- -
<br /> _ �i� L�I�, Galp2.�2,'�� -___,__Ih�rotn"Londtt"1. _ _,_
<br /> TtpitaRa�in TRUST,�WII'M POWER a SA4E.ths foilowing d�o bed property,toeatsd In at�Hal iQCab1Y C unrytNe6rssk���V�Y�6Rd��sipn�to
<br /> Lot 22, Block 5. Ashton Place. Grand Ieland, Hall County. Nebraeka.
<br />- �--�
<br />_ �,_ -
<br />- uE
<br />-- t1
<br /> ..��.
<br /> 1� _•_
<br /> .+� ' +'�
<br /> TOGETHER with e9 buildf�gs,flxturoe,impravomente and eppurtenanaes now or hereefter orectod thereon and all rlgiits�of-way,easements,rente,
<br />- issuas,4rafits,Irtcome,tenamenta,hereditamento,privilegea,appurtenances,royalUes,and minorol,oil,gas end water dghte therounto belonging,uaed d-�;;,
<br /> or�njo�ed with aeid land or ony pe►t thereof,eil of whioh,Includinp ropiaaemente end edditione theroto ehall ba doemod to heaenryd�amain a part of �`;_
<br /> - the Oroperty aovered by thie Truat Oesd;and ell ot the foregoing topether with eeid property ero herei�refevrad to ae the"Pro e C�,,,-,__
<br />— T�SECURH to Lender the ropayment o!indebtedneae evidenced by Borrower's Home Equity Une Loan Agraement and Home Equfty Note dated [-;�`_
<br />= M_a�q,_1 R•19 95•topethet with eny nnd ell ronewele,moditioaUons,nnd extenaioo�theroof and substituUons or excfianges theeafor F;-;:r_
<br />— (hsroin the"Note")in the msximum pdncipel sum outscanding et any one time of S topether wfth Interaat ei the rete 1;!u7.z
<br /> ,rmd as secudty for any futuro edvances thst mey 4�
<br /> = p�ovlded therolo,with u tinal maiurity,if not sooner paid,of May 1 S _�.7 �'
<br /> - be made by the Lender to the Borrower from time to time end na eocurity for the paYment uf any and oll other fndebtednesa ot the Barrowe�to the � .
<br />� Lender wMeh may edse,all of eaid auma not to exceed in the epgregate e aum equal to thtee timea the o►iAinel principal emount ot tho Note. For �'�==`
<br />_� purposee of the Home Equity Line Loan Agreemeut,paragrepha 2,3,A,B end 11 below ehell be deemed oovenants relatinp to tha Propetty. �,
<br />— RROWER covenante that the 8orrower io lawfully seized af the Property heroby conveyed and has the right to grent and aonvey the Property.that �•_=^;
<br /> 80 nnoA nF Trnat
<br />�° the Property ia unanaumbered�y ony mortflape,trust deed,contmot to puroheae or otherwiae,exaept for u �
<br /> �,� In fevor of,_����� r�v'
<br /> � _on which tnn unpald balance on thie dete dooe not exoead3- . The Borrower covenants to comply with e0 the terms and �
<br />= provfeions of ony pr+ur mortgage,truet deed or contract to purohese,upon the �roperty nnd to make nll pnymente thereon betoro tha�beaome i
<br /> ' deilnquent. If no name or amount te Imerted In thta paragrep0,then the Borrower aovenants thnt thoro aro no pdor Ifene or oncumbrances of any kind ,
<br />-� upon tha Property. The Borrower turther oovenante to warrant end delond tho titta to tha PeopeKy ugalnat all cloims nnd demonds. �
<br /> � The Botrower ond the Lender further covenent ond edree ae followe: '�
<br /> � 1. The Borrowor shnll prom{tUy pny when due the prinofRal nnd Interoot on tho indobtodnoss ovidoncod by tho Noto. �`
<br />. �.,.' Z Property or eny put thereot end ali ta e9,levlee and ea eumentspevled uponethle Tmst Deed or t e debtlwhfah it secu oad agdnst the �
<br /> 1�� Tho 8orrowor shall ktop the im�rovemente nnd bulidinga,it eny,upon the Property insurod, with o company or oompanios apDrovcd by tho �
<br /> � 3 Lervdor,for en amount not lees then tho unpold balenoe oo the Indsbrodness seourod by this 7n►at Oood vrith a standnrd mortflape clau�o
<br /> i
<br /> w1tA loas payatile to the Lands�. The�orrower ehell daliver eeid polioy or policfos to tho Londer.
<br /> � � �_�_� .,._n........,�..i,.n av.�r�„nr notlee to the Irtsurcnaa aarrfer aad the Lender anJ filo o proof of lose. If tho Borrower fa not �
<br /> - in iim iii'v..•v......00....��_"_"" -.._.o... . .
<br /> �'� otherwise in defeult,the Borrower may etect to apply tho Insur�noe proaoede to ropair or rcplaoe tho damagaa Praperty,v eoonomiaaiir iaasioio,er,.:
<br /> 3• the�ecurity of thie Trust Deed Hrould not be Irnpaired. If the Borrowor ie In dofault or oleote not to ropair or roploco tho d�magad f'ropo►ty or ropair
<br />-,�' or tepiaoement would not 000nomfoelly teesfble or tho seourity of thfe Trust Deed would bo impaired thon thn Insuranoo proaoodo 3hall bo oppUad to
<br /> '{' the loat matudng paymente due on the Note. If the insuranoe proceade ure fn exaoes of the total emount duo o�snid Note,tha axcess ehall bo paid
<br /> io the 13orrowor. Inaurertoe prooaede for ropofr or replecoment ehall bo pleced In esorow with tho Lendor und disbureod by tho Lcndor durinp or upon
<br /> '',• eomptetiun ot auoh ropair or topiaooment. If tho londor aaquire�[Itle to tho Propetty by oxoroleing ite porver ot solo,forocloauro or othorwiso, in
<br /> satisfeotlon of the Inddbtednes�eecured hereby,in wholo or fn pert,thon nll Npht,title and fnterest of tha Borrower fn a�d to suoh insuranco polioy
<br /> o�poifcle�shall pas�to tha Lender.
<br /> 4. The Borrowor shoil keep the Ptoperty in{�ood ropnir ond ahel;not aommit wasto or pormft impairmont or doterioration of tho Pioporty.
<br /> I
<br /> I
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