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<br /> -°-- - -�= THIS T6tU3T�EED.m�d�thie_�_��y o9 XS3v _ --•1� 9�by ancS anon{�thr'rru�tnr�_..,,.--»., ..+.......,_.,,._.._....._..._-, . � _ -
<br /> Donn7�..I�i�1Py °•,a cArnlvn K.,�T. Br��},�ev. t►uet� d and w�.fe --
<br /> �� �_�+,�(MrNn'dorrow«'l.
<br /> - --�_ _ .-,_�—�.�._
<br /> ........a Te��.,a_ N8 b8803 . - -
<br /> whos�rt►�INng�ddr��t b - 41 y Q N.,H�ward Y1H���, yy°.y, y
<br /> _J�� t��rio�t wenc�a �on O�I1a. Nebra�i a M_.,._,., lh+rsin"7ruite�"f,�nd th�
<br /> artd FinTler Rank �-.--C
<br /> Bmsfi�l�ry,Fln'fler *�nna� A 3 ra i nn. Omaha�b�t�oe�m�llinp nddress Is 1700 F8Y'na,�et e,..
<br /> .�3An1C�..IIA �.���•��.�..._
<br /> ,.,,,...,.,.�.., �q7 n9 lhsrNn'Lend�r'1.
<br /> � _I1��}in, - � --
<br /> BQRROWEP.,in consideration of ths indsbtednesa h�rsf�racoived end the truat herein crseted,�i���y Countytl�libea�kr.om�Ya�����Q^�to -
<br /> � Trustee,in TRUST,IMITH POWER OF SALE,the tnilowing dsaoribed propsrty,laoated in��
<br /> Lot 2� Block 2, Tmperial Village Subdivieion, Grand Ysland� Uall County,
<br /> -- - � Nebraaka.
<br />- -_- --�=.���� _
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<br /> .�;.y, � -,7rr4 TOGETHER with all buildings,8xturos,improvemente and nppurtananoes now or heroafter areoted thareon end eq rights•oP-wAy,eaaemcnte,ren e, ,.t,�=-
<br /> '.�;;;C,;,� ,,: issues,profite,fncome,tenemente,hereditaments,privllegea,appurtenenaos,royeiries,end mineral,oil,gae and water dphte therounto bolonpirtg,usad �,u
<br />--- �•=��`� or enJoyed r�tth eaSh cand os ony part theroof,ali of whloh,Inetuding replanemente end addiUone theroto shell bo doemed�o be end remnfn n part of ___-_
<br /> ;;_:_.y.`_W �s:
<br />-;,'".-.� •x,��'s the property covered by tNe Tntst Oeed;end eli ot the forepoing togetheT wleh edd property ero harein roferred to et the Property."
<br /> -:;X�^:,r .ro �..�.
<br /> "` ' ��`•' TO SECUFIE to Lander tha rspayment oi Indobtedness evidenued 6y Borrower's Home Equlty Line Loen Aflreement and Home Equlty Note dated
<br />--'?��u�'�]$+ ���
<br /> MaV_15 . 19 95 ,together with any and ail renswela,modiflaaUona,end extensiona theroof end subatitudons or exch�nQe�therotor
<br />-�i•'L_•-�` nnfl_(1� .to�ether with interost rt tho rete —
<br /> �r. ` Iherein the"Note")in the maxlmum pdncipa!aum outsteMing et any one time ot��*y� and as eecudty for any future edvenae9 that mey -
<br /> -:;:�`:.�s; provided theroln,with e tinal metudty.i}not sooner peid,ot M� 1 5 . V9.Z(10� ---
<br /> �,"' ` ^,� be made by the Lender to the 8orrower from time to time ond aa seourity for the peyment ot any end all�ther Indebtedness of tho Borrowe�to the -
<br /> Londer which mey edae,ell of eeid eume not to oxcead in tRe oggregete a sum equat to three timea the ori�inel pdncipoi amount of tha Note. For .�:.,
<br /> ` � �'� purpoaea ot the Nomo Equity Llne Loan Agrnement,paragrophs 1,3,4,5 and 11 below shatl be deemad covenents reierinp to the Aroperty. �r'm
<br />:.a'.�...i.t�.-_. 4; "�"-`_
<br /> :�._.'
<br />,�;--•���^��� BORROWEA c��anaate that the Barrower la Iawfuily seized of the Property hereby oonveyed and hae the Nght to gront and aonvey tho Property,c at `_:-
<br /> -•=t '"��:�"."•�j the Peope►ty is unencumberod by eny mortgage,truat deed,contraot to eurohase or othetwise,exoept for n ��,°
<br />_=::�,.�;,;;-� ;;' in fevor of Home Federal Savin e and Loan Aasoc a on
<br /> V=�`"""�lk ��'' `on which the unpetd beiance on thfs date does not exoeed 9 . The Borrower covenante to compiy with ell Yhe terms and
<br />"-Y. �{L.'�;1�.,,.
<br /> i q;+,„ .•�' provislons of any pdor mortgage, truat deed or contrant to puro ee, upon the Property end to make oil payments the�eon before they become
<br /> _�'''':?'„RR"�;�'_ "` delinquent. If na name or emount ia inserted in this peraprnph,then the Borrower covenanto that thore ero no pdor Iiens or encumbranaea of ony kind
<br /> , . - +;�•�' ��� upon the Propsrty. The Borrower further oovenants to warrant and detend the titie to the Proporclr agafnst all clalms and demands.
<br /> "' �"y'�' � Tho Borrowe�nnd the Landor further oovenent end epree as tollowe:
<br /> '_ .("';�`..t4 .
<br /> ';'Y'��..':. 1. The Borrower ehoil promptly poy whon d�ee tho prMcfpnl and Interoet on tho indebtodnoss ovidenood by the Noto.
<br /> •'��`�-�. .� ,:1,�, 2. At least ten days befo�e they become delinquont. Borrower shell pay oll texos and speoial nssessmonts loviod or ossessod ugafnst tho
<br />° ���'•��� property,cr eny pert theroof,end nll toxes,leviea end essocsmonts levled upon this Truat Dead or tho debt whtoh k securoe.
<br />'+ti�d4:'.:'��lit.;�i�i;
<br /> • • � 3. Tho Borrower ehoil keap the Improvemonto ond buf!dings,if ony,upon the Property fnsured,wlth a aompany or companfos opproved by tha
<br /> ;.,., ,`.'-`:`%.�.� Lerodor,for an amount not leee than tho unpald hatanco on eho Indobtodnoss nocurod by this Truat Doed with o etenderd mortgnge clause
<br />: r :•'• • - with loss payabie to the Lorv.ler. The Borruvror ahell deliver eatd potiay or policlea to the Londor.
<br /> :��."�
<br /> '.• >• _-�a�A�,�"-� � In the ovent of e losa,the Dorrower ehnli give prompt notice to ti�o Insurenoe carrior and the Londor ond filo n praof of{oss. If tho Dorrowor is not
<br /> -- --- ____�_.........�..,.....ia�.:t,o d�mened Peouertv,if eoonomioally feasiblo,ond �_��
<br /> _ ,-�--._ ---F - - -... ,---•-----
<br /> - otNetwiso tn defoult,tne nortower muy oieci iv opyt7 tno���wonuo p�..00w�.�.�r-•^^r•--- =
<br />_ �',,,�K,,,°. , the soaurity af thie Trunt Doed woutd e�ot se Impoirod. If the Borrowor ie In default or eteote not to ropafr or roplaco tho dumagod Proporty or ropuv
<br /> :��:�,..�:•• �• .•� or replacoment wt�uld not ocono�nlonlly foaaible or the eocurity of thle Truet Deed would be Impeirud thon tho insura�so proaoeda shail be appliad to
<br /> _ -� :he laat maturinp peyments due on the Note. If the fnsuranne proceede ero In exaess of the totol omount duo on seid Nute,tho exoosa ehnll bo pafd
<br /> •'�. ''`:�; , to the Borrowea In�uronao proaeeds tut ropoir or roplecement ehali bo ptooed In eaorow wlth the Lmndor und dlobursad by tho Londer dudng or upon
<br /> completion of eunh ropr.fr ot roplaoamont. If tho londer aoqutree titto to tho ProportV by exercfsinp ite power of aale,torocloauro or othurwfao, in
<br /> .Y'-`»•� saUefeotlon of the Indebtedneea eaoured heroby,in whole or lo part,than nit right,title end intoreaT of thu Borrower In nnd to such insurance polloy
<br /> ,'.;� or polfolea ohail poes to tho Londer.
<br /> . ��. .
<br /> 4. Tho Borrowor eholl koep tho Fropurty in flood ropuir ond ohali not commit weste or pormit Impoltmunt or dotoriornrion of tho Propc�ty.
<br /> . ,-�• .
<br /> { !'�_'�aM,���'��� ,�.
<br /> , + .
<br /> .
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