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�,.,..,.'.- ._ <br /> ._ __ <br /> ..�. :_ -- <br /> ,�,,._. , - - --; _� <br /> �. ..----_ — – — <br /> � �..Fi�.yy`ei? f.E���;1'ui;�l�:��' f's"P"� ��E,,�� • �,.��,,,. .,: t;.., <br /> : c�� ,,.,,1..,..:.`.;�;..�. <br /> TFS19 YRU9T QEE�fa msde tM�Yj$e,day ot�„_._,_�(�y,y,_____..�.�10,�_•�y«r�7 Gotnge;�thEC Yrux¢��, <br /> ., �r31�1Pwr:...��'rri 1 �s�ti flE+lnYwfl C I�A.x7;j�l, t.,,�t,.rrj ar�l wi'�E) — _._..._.�..__.._...,.._..�.............._.. -- <br /> � �F►uNn"ilurrow�r"1, <br /> ..�.�.-.....---- ...��..._ <br /> '_°"" � _ <br /> whon rr�iliny�ddro��1�_� . . , •, • <br /> t�n:.a7 AS� i Il. (�11�.�c�hrrakn �,��Ih�roln'Trurt�e'1.�nd the <br /> �nd FlnTlu �,r�. •- whos�mWling nddr�n Is. , ^^ ^- �*` �r'"O°��' — <br /> Brn�lfet+ry.F'irrTier PbY'88ka <br /> (a�}r� [VE 6A1�,—?tti� lltiv�!n"Lond�r•1. <br /> 8[]RROWER.In oont�lAsratlon of the Ind�bt�dn���he��ln nalttd�nd the trunY h�rel�cre�4�d,Irruvooably granto end convnya to TState of+Nebr wk�: <br /> WITH THE POWER(IF SALE,th�tdlowlnp ci�soribsd prop�tty loo�trd In the County of Ha7 1 — <br /> • I,ot 8o Sunset Sixth Su6diviaion� Grand Island� Hall County, Nebxaska. <br /> 70GETHER w�th ell buildinga,ffxturee and Imptovemente now or hereetter ereotad theraon and nll rights-of•way,e�somonte,rants,Issues,profita, <br /> inoome,tenemont�,he►editemenu,pdaflepes,eppurtonancea, royalties,end minoral,oll,gs�nnd wate�rfghte thoreunto betonglnp,uesd or enjoyed <br /> with eald land or any part thsreo},and the homestoad or meritbl Intoreste,if eny, whloh interente ore hereby releaaed end waived.atxl�II of whlcfi, <br /> including replscem�nte and edditlona thereto shall he deemed to be and remaln a part of the property covered by tNs Truat Deed;end all o}the <br /> foregoing together with aeld property ere hereln re}errad to os the'P►oparty.' <br /> YO SECURE to Lender the repayment of Indebtednesa evldenood by Borrower's nnte deted MQV �8 , 19�,,_.,together <br /> with any and all renew�le,modiflostione,and extenslona thereof and�ubatltutiona or exahange9 thorofor, lherefn referred to as ihe"IVoie")in the <br /> pdnciprl aum of 4 'Q �nw�., - ,together with intoro3t nt�ho rato providod thoroin,wlth n ilnal maturity, il <br /> not suanar pald,af �,+,,.+0 7 , 1�_�nn ��end as securlty for nny tuture advancos that may bs made by Lnnder to Borrower <br /> trom time to time end as securfty for tho peyment of any e�xl alt other inde6tednesa oi the Borrower to the Lender whloh mav arise,ell of eeld nurna <br /> �ot to oxcaed In the aggregat�e eum oquat to three tlmes the origlnel pdnclpol emount ot the ebove rncited Note. <br /> 80RROWEA oovenente thet Borrower ia lewfully salzad of the Property hereby co�veyed and has the rlght to p►ant and oonvey the Pioperty,thet the <br /> Propetty i�unencumbered by eny mortgage, tniat deed,contraot to purchase,or otherwise,except for a npdri n f 'j ruR[ <br /> 7n fevor o! ' k <br /> on whtah the urepeld balanoe on thls date doea not excoed E �,,87�� . Eiorrower covonante to comply with ell tAe terrna <br /> ond provisSona of ony prlor mongage,truet deod or oontraot ta purohase,u�on tho Property and to moke all paymonta thoreon bofore thay boaorne <br /> dellnquent. If no name or emount is Inaerted in thl9 peragreph,then Borrower novenants thei thera ara no prlov Ifons of ony klnd upon the Proporly. <br /> 8orrowar further oovonante to werrant end detend tho titla to the Property agafnst oll ctafine and demands. <br /> Borrowor und Lende►turther o�venant and eproe os followe: <br /> 1. 8orrower ehall p►omptly pey when due the prfnolpnl and Intorost on tho Indebtednoes evidancod by the Noto. <br />— 2. At looat ten da�e betoro thoy baoomo dolfnyuent, Borrower shdl poy ntl toxes and epoclo)uesosoments loviod or nssossad agaMst tho Praporry. <br />- or n�y pan theroof,and all texee,leviee and nseosemente lovied upon tNs Tmat Oeod or tho debt whioh it soouros. <br /> - 3. Borrower ehell koop th�Improvomanto end bulldings,if any,upon the Proporty insurod,wlih a compony or componlea npproved by the Londer,for <br /> an amaunt not losa than the unpald belance on the indebtednese socured by thls Truat Deed with o etandard mortgado clouso with loss pnyablo to <br />__ the Lender. Borrower ahall dellver eald polloy or pollales to the Londor. <br /> In tha event of n loaa,8orrower eheQ plve prompt notlr.e to tho Insurenco oarrler and tho Londer and ffle o proof of loas. If tha BurroYVOr Is n�t othotwlse <br /> ;ndefaulc.the Bnrrower mav eleot to epply the Inaurance prooeede to repal►or wplece the dama3ed PropeKy,If economfoully fonaible,and tho soourity <br /> _—'---���_....... <br />° ol this Ttuet Doed vroutd not be Impalred. If tNe Bor►owot Is in detau►t or eloots not ta repeu or ropinae cno domagad?rvNa��i�fed to the�lest malurin <br /> would not eoonominolly foasible or the seourfiy ot thle Truat Dced would bo Impeired then th�insu�enco p►0000da sliall bo opp 0 � <br />— payments due on tha Note. If the ineuranoe proceeds ero In exceas ot tho totel amount due on eofd Noto,tho exooss ehall be paid to the Borrowor. <br /> Inaurance procoade for repafr or renleoement ehell be plaoed in eeorow with the Lendot and dlsbursad by Landor durinp or upon compleUon af such ' <br /> repalr or repleaement. I}the Lender aaquirea tltla to the Property by axercfefnp ite power Qf e�lo,foroolosure or othorwfse,ln cutisfootion ot tho <br /> - Indobtodnes�aeoured here�y,In whole or In part�then ell rlght,tltte end Interest of tha 0orrowet In and to ouoh Insuranoo polioy or puUcloe sholl pnss <br /> to the Lender. <br />— 4. For tha purpose of provldfng o fund for tho poymont ut texea,epeolal ossessmonte nnd Insuranae prernlumn,Borrowor eholl doposit with Londor, <br /> on tho dates that payment�ero due on the Noto,on nmount equol to tho toxea,uesosamunta and Insuronco promiums noxt dun(oll os ostimated by <br /> the Londer,lees einounte olreedy depoaited theretorl dlvlded by the number of paymente ontha Note thnt will boaoma duo prior to tho doto whon such <br /> -- taxos,asaeaaments and Insuranoa p�emlum�wfll becomo duo and poyabto. Snld tunde wll! bo hetd by tho Londor In a non•Intorost boaring oscrow <br /> occaunt far tho purposos yet fottfi abova. If the omnunts of thosa dopasfts oro not sufticlont to pay toxos,usaoenmonte and insuranco promiums os <br /> tnoy bocome dua,tho Borrower ahall upon request,pay Lunder tha nmount nocosoary to moko up tho doficfonoy. <br />:� 5. Unlese appliooble law provldes othorwlse,ull poymonto roceivod by Londor under tho Noto und paragrophe 1 ond 4 horoof ehall bo eppliod by Londor <br /> - first in poyment of nmounte puV�blo to Londor by Borro�vo►undor parapraph 4 horoof,thon to Intorost paynblo on tho Noto,thon to tho principul of <br /> - tho Noto, a:�d then to intoroat and prinolpol on any furtlior ndvan000 or othor Indeh4ednoec soaurod horoby. <br />,:9 <br />:�'`� _ . .. . . . . . ._. .. . . ...__ _. <br />