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' .�/ ..-.,." Y.�, �� ��If� ` . .•.-- �-�~•^. <br /> � �p:. . .. . � <br /> , �ZJifY�1�I --� .. � <br /> -��� � C , f 1 _ .�.—. <br /> - -___* � ��� �:+ �� � ��. ,. `�P r � �, •.. �� —r <br /> -� t •i �:•�,'�tl c 4� � ' r,� ; : E,�r , ' �4_. <br /> _ _ %' ` � ' f� �l :: �� . . �) � , <br /> , w� .:) ..� ..:. <br />._.�� _ ° � � � .i �" ,� .. � � N =-°°_- <br /> � � s � �.• .� .� <br /> a 7C '� �' C�7 � ; ..� � <br /> � ,� 1 Q � � � � <br /> � � �..'. i <br /> 4 � � � <br /> -� � y� , �' � � � - - <br /> G.� r+ <br />_- — � � ~, ~ '� � <br /> _ �.' o � r <br /> � a�m oF rnusr � '� W <br /> � <br /> - � eAee7�:Tha Qced ot Truat le mede on��r.i�. 20. 1995. _� _.,smon�tn�onn:or, Ravmond a Keeezer, <br /> — �� Lin� K x,pe�4,��}Z,,;nd anc7 Wife (^&xrowH•1, - <br /> - Arpnd R Baack, Attoxneti -�'' <br /> � wfioN asfdsnc�addnss I� P.O. HoX 790. Grand ISlarid� H,'���,N�bratk�t'Trusteo"1.�nd the B�rnfkisry.� <br /> ■ fiame Federal Sav�reas b L�oan Association _ ,s corpor�tionorpad:ed � <br /> - -- r��xhtiop und�r th�law�ot rTebraska wha��addross te <br /> 221 3outh Locust ° <br /> Grand I�Iand. Ne: 68802-10d9 �,,,_ �'u^���• <br /> - - COIWEYIINC�:Fa valu�ne�fved,Bortoww irnvocriify pe���t:or+ct cnr�v:y:to Trurtoa,In tru:t,r:ith poexr o!a:le,ttn reel pro�erty,of whlch _ <br /> - ' BorrowM I�lawtul�r�Nxed, deacrib�d Ddow and eil build(npa,f{xtwe�, �cd axtathg and tuturo Improvam�nti thsrean �nd �If riphts-af•waY. <br /> eu�em�nt�, rent�, lasuss, protks, ineom�, t�nem�nt�, hendit�mont�, privibpes snd any eppurtm�nc�s thsruunto b�longfnp (ell ca1Nd tF� <br /> "��;�� �pfO��'...,..r.. 4136 Liberty Lane Grand Island ,Nebreak� 68803 �__ <br /> �.._ CnvraaZ�Yi�..............i� _ ....__ �_ _-- -. <br /> ISVMU ICItM WDGOOH <br />:��� LLVNLYiAarileC�tVi�: � <br /> �� Lot Twenty-Three (231 Fseedom AcresSubdivision, Hall County, Nebraska. � <br /> �_ <br /> _�,� — <br /> �� -- <br />,:�� � <br /> A.�� <br /> �.� bc�tad In Hall County County,Nebraska. - <br />_r�.� <br /> TiT1,E:Borrowsr covennnt�and warrnnte tftls to the property,except for r�� <br /> '�� tECW{ED pEi7c Th(a Cssd of trust sscuros to Lender rapayme�t ot the eecured debt end ttae parformanoe ot the covenante end apre�mente �._y;± <br /> -:=y, .� <br /> '�ti� cont�ln�d In this daed of Vust end tn eny other dacument incorporated hereln.Secured debt,as usad in thts doed of trust,inctudes eny emoun4s <br /> Borrow�r owa�to Lsnd�r under thls daed ot truit or under eny Inevument secured by this deed of truat,end e11 modiflcations, extenafons and �`� <br />��'� renaw�h thereof. <br /> ^��� The sbcured deDi la e�idenced by(Liat ell Insmiments end egreamente secured by thla deed of trust end the datea thareof.l: -•��:� <br /> T�� (� A Promissarv No�� and S�curitv Aareement Dated APril 20. 1995_ �' - <br /> _�� -- <br />--�� [�Futur�Adwncn: Tho ebove amount is secured even thouph ell or part ot it may nct yet bo advanced. Future edvences ara �Yi�� <br /> -° co�templ�ted and will be secured to the sama oxtent as ff made on the dete thie deed ot truat la executed. 'w . <br /> h�,:� <br />___ � Revo�vinp line of credit epreement deted .r.,with initlal onnual interea2�ato ot 96, � <br /> ..}'t,;- <br /> � Ap amauMS owod undor thls eyreement oro secured even thouph ail emounta may not yet be advanced. Future advancas under . <br />�— the egreement ere corrtemptated and will be secured to the seme oxtent oa if made on the dato thla deed of truat la executed. <br /> —� MaY 1 . 2005 it not paid earlter. � <br />,;��',� The ebova obligetion Is due end paynble on� <br /> ���:� The totel unpeid brlsnce eacurad by thia deed of truat at nny one ttme shall not oxceed e maximum princlpal emount of <br />=�; Fourteen thausand f ive hundred and no/d��e 1e 14,500.OU �,plus Interest, <br /> "�'r�' plus eny amaunts dishursed undor the terms of thia deod of truet to pvotect the erecwttV of thls deed of trust or to perform any of the " <br /> covenants canteinod tn thfe deed of Vust,with Intorast on such dlsbursomente. <br /> =Y`_�:' ❑YarI�DO�R�t�:7he Interest rete on the obligation secured by thie deud of trost mey very according to tho torms of that obligation. <br />_-=Yz' . <br /> �.,H; ❑ A copy o1'the loan apreement containing tho torma undor whlch the Intereat rete mey vary lo ettached to thle toed of trust nnd <br /> "�'� mede e part hereof. <br />-s�, RIDEHSs ❑ Commercla� � Assiunment of Rents ❑ <br />-;;�� DEBIQNATiON OF HOMESTEAD - <br />��v�- 1'�Kauant to tM Farm Homa�tead Protection Aot,deelgnation o}homeeteed ❑ Is attached to thia doed of truet nnd made e part heroof <br /> ' j ❑ has been dlsGatmed;the disclalmer is et�eched to thie dosd of truet end made e part hereof. <br />�•-� 6IaNATUR�S:6y dyntn9�to►v,Borro�v�r a�w to tM tsrms�nd cowncnu contr In thtt dNd ot rivst,includinp thos�on p�s�2,end In <br />_^.,�� �n Y i dtscribed rbov�d p n�A by Bortowu. � /� <br /> --- � e .✓! `� /��.v� iliJ � /I� �OD��� .. <br /> __ , ,� ..�,,...�.... . <br />_�-t•_=� aymond D. Keezer Linda K. Keezez=/��=� <br /> ~`�i�' Y._ <br /> y*^ � <br /> ;_w,.�C', ACKNOWlE00MENT:STATE OF NEDRASKA,�3L�.CQ�1.Q�y County sa: <br /> ,; �:�:�. Tho fore8oin01naW ment evas ncknowledgod betoro me on thie 2 0 t h� dey ot �pr i 1, 19 9 5 � <br /> ,�h�.�� by_Ravmon�l 0. Ke�zer and Linda K. Keez�r, Husband and Wife <br />,,.��.+;� m�uuu <br />- � �� CaDOUN w Of INkna of Capontlon or P�rtneroNpl <br /> , � Pa�tnuaND i <br />-,:r.'._ AcMOwlWynent e W ��`� on boha:4 of the corporntlon or partnorshlp. <br />~v'�Y My co wirlllwBll►�If.l�l� /J�/ <br />:;-����;�• ' 16etl1 �� �G�'� • "�r�����1NotW Cu611c1 <br /> Thislnetrumontwaspropnrodby SHaron Kl�ink _—.,, , � � <br /> " " �188E OMIKER9 6Yt'iTEME,INC..6T.CLOt1D,MN 6E901 11�L00.?97•1347)FORM UCP�MTON'c EA B/Di �oaee•�ol 2J� IVEB�ASeI�A <br /> Apppl(100006332 i <br />