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<br /> 1. 4oytrMna. lbrmwar aqraes to mar�e r) �ay.ne:tt� un tha sccured de�t�1 wt�en AuA. U��ta�a lio�aowur erkl Leneter e!prer oth+�rwtsn, hn� i =
<br /> pMy�nenit L�rswi race:�.:��an i,�,r�wvr r �ur Fiu�rawa'n u�n+iit wiii br ��3isd fi��i to ui�y Fi.cu��f.BiJ�luNel 06'iC53 u�i..��e::cur_��:::,: ,,. `
<br /> � �xaluNw of Int�r�sc a pvinoi{iol�.�was�d t int�r�n,�nd tNm cn prineip�l.(f pwtl�l prepeymwnt ut Ihr��curtd dvbt ooau��tur sny r��eon,it wtU � -�
<br /> not ndut�w�ouN�RY soh�k�f�t}��untN th�e�cund d�bt Is pqldln lull. , �•
<br /> � 2.CNinr/I�iut Ti1M.�orroww iii�!pay�II bx��,s�w��mnt�,�nJ utlwr chatp�*�itribVt�bl�to ths prop�rty wir��dus�nA wiN drbnd dd� j Or
<br /> y to th�p�o�ny•p�ir�t�r ci�tm�whiofi would fmpai�tM N�n of tM�d��d af t�u�t.Undu rc+ry uquiu 6orrow�r to�sNpn�np ripht�,olrfms or , • y�r�
<br /> i d�fai���wNith Flor�owe�may h�va s�ein�t partiss whn aupply I�oa or m�t�ri�ir tn in�rov�or m�inlNn tha prr.peny. � '
<br /> �
<br /> �.In�ranw,dorrow�r will kNp th► prop�rty in�ur�d und�r t�rm��ac�ptrblu co Lu�du ot Borrowu'r�x�n���d fur L�ncf�r'� t»Mfit. iM �
<br /> � Inwrrna�polici�s�MN lncNxf���t�nd�d mortpap�o1w��In f�vo►cf 4eM�t.��rtd�r wflf b�iw�Q a lae�pay��or u tM imurad on�ny�ucA ' --
<br />- � I�wrWfa polioy.Any inwnnc�proc��d�m�y b�wt�li�d,with(n l�nd�t'�di�aretlon,ta sithsr thn reftoratlo�o�rpsir of th�demap�d prop�rty ; �
<br /> • , or to th��wund d�bt.11 L�nd�r rsquire�r►wrt�irinu�axe,8orrow�r�Qreet to mMfntMn�uch In�ur�nc�4.-.r a��onp��Lerd�r requir��. � , .
<br /> i.Mrop�rty.Borrowar wul kssp ths proputy in poai condiUon�nd m�k��I��p+Ir�roqonabiy nec�tsey. � "' �
<br /> 4 6,E�rN.dcrrow�r wr�iy ta p All l�rxJor's�xp�n��9,Inctudinq r�a�on�bl�attotrrsy�'Is�i,if Borrowe�bra�lca any cnwnant�in thi�d�ed �
<br /> + of truat or(n�ny obiig�tion�ecurad�y tNa doed o}tru�t.Sorrower wiU p�y th�s��maunto to Lender ae prc�vidsd In Cov�n�t 9 0}tfils d�W of ,
<br /> � trunt. 4
<br /> ' i • �,hioe{�o�xFlr ln1�w.UNe�� 8orrow�r tint abtainn Lender"a writt�n con�snt,Bouowsr wfll nat m�fcs or pnrmit�ny che►p�r to any prior � �. �
<br /> . � s�curity Ir�nruis. Borrow�r will paAorm ell of Rorrower'�obNpations under qny p�lor mortQ�p�, daxt of truat or other a�curiry aqreamnnt, 4
<br /> IncRudinp Borrovrur'�cov�n�t�to rnak�Daymants wh�n due. �
<br /> 7.Msl�rymnt o1 R�nt��tM Pro}fto.Borrowar e�alpna to Lander the rertt�snd profit�of'th�psop�rty.Untess Borrowar and I,end�r t�avo����d I .
<br /> .� ott+Kwla in ri�idnp, Bonorr�r moy ccUu:t�nd nt�ln ths rent�er tonp e�Borrower I�not In defst�lt.14 Borrowur defwlt�,Lendar, Lerd�r'�
<br /> sp�nt, or�cou►t ppWnt�d r�cMwr maY tak�poiae�slon�nd man�qe the proporty�nd cMlect ths renea. Any rent�I.erxl�r coNeoU�MM bo I
<br /> �ppYM Hrot to tM coat� of nuMyln ths prop�rty, includinp coun caiti � ettorneya'fe�i,oortxr�lsdom to rent�l• nta. ond any oth�r
<br /> :s:e._o:y�c!:t�c:.gane�.Tt:�resn�s�np emotint oi rents+vill then rpnRY te pryme�t�on tFu�sacurad dabt e�p�ovlded in�avanant t. I
<br /> . � 0.L,�whefd�•Condon�niurr:Pl�d Unit D�wlopnwna.Borrower eprees to comp ly with tho pro�rl�lons of eny losae tf thln daed of trust I�on �
<br /> �I�ssehold.If tM�dead of trust i�on�unit In a aonclomlcrnim or e plannad unit davelopment.Borrower will periorm sll of Borrower'e QuUsa
<br /> � under the oovenanto,bydews,m repulationa of the condomfnl�m or plannad unit develapment. � ''
<br /> ; • . . - • �„�w.,,..... ��a......�.... �.a.e�o.�t��m w,v of Borrower'��Sutls�under tN� daed of trust, lendet may i
<br /> _ o. nwua�.:j :,.:.::.::.� _ - _
<br /> parform the dutins or cause them to be periormed.Lender may nlpn Horrower'e rieme or pay enY emount if nene�sary tor p�rtorsnanca.it bny I
<br /> I cuniYruntlon on the property ie dlacontinued or not corriad on in e reesonable mann�r,Lender may do whetever fe neaeasery to proteat Lender'e
<br /> Z ��ourity int�rott in oho prop�rty.Thi�m�y include completlny the con!*��otlon.
<br /> i
<br /> ' �,• I.�ndu's faiiurs to perform will not preclude Lender from exercisinQ�ny of fts other�iphte undar the law or thle dEed of teus*. i
<br />- Any�rtxrunt�p�id by lendar to protoat Lender's eecurity Interest wil�he eecured bV thle deed of iruat.Suoh amounte will be due on demand �
<br /> ; �nd wiM baar int�nxt from ths d�te of the psyment until pdd in tull et the In[ereat rete In eifent on the secured debt. �•
<br />. , =.r
<br /> � 10.D�1wF��nd Ar.eal�ratloe. If Borrowor fdls to meka eny paymont whea due or trenke eny covennnte under tlde deed nf tmat or eny .,�,��
<br /> obHp�tion securod by tMs deed of truat or eny prior mortpepe or deed of trust, Lerxler may ecceterete tha maturity o!•.he secured debi and I
<br /> - ' uv'i�ni n�w��`ou'�iao�So"j. �7"�.. s .� •d ��rw iffwrl hv wnnllrnFilw Iww. � __T _�� _.
<br /> -r.:.-t: r i.:r. �tAs ga�sr af �rr'��;�thes�tm�l - -.+`r'------- -
<br /> i a
<br />"' 71.I�qutat fa Notk�of D�fwtt. It is Aereby req�ested that coples of the ootiaaa of Gafault and aale be sent to eech person who Is e par� ;
<br /> he»to,st the�ddro�ct o1 each auch person,e�ee4 forth heroln. �
<br /> i
<br />- � 12.�owN of SaM.If the Lendar invoke�the po,ver of sale, tlie Truetea ehell firet record In the officu of the rep�eter of deeds of eaoh county i
<br /> ' wMnin th�4ruet prop�►tv or acme pArt or percel tNsreof Ie situa4ed o noUaa of deteult contaninp the information requ(red by law.The Yruotea
<br /> ! �hall�Iso mail copfe�of the notice of defeult to the Burrower,to each pereon who is a party hereto, and to other persons ae prescribed by �
<br /> � appNcabt�law.Not lea�than ane month after the Tnistee recorda the notice of dofault or two months it the trust prcyarty fs not in eny
<br /> � incorpont�d clty or vill�pe and ie used in fazminp openttone carrled on by the truator,the frustee ehell pive pubtlo notice ot caie to the persone i ' ,
<br /> end In tM mann�r prescnbed by epppticibin lew.Yruatee,without demand an Bprrower,shsil sell the property et pubUo euctlnn to the hlqheat i !
<br />- I (��p,�}rsqutrod by the�erm Homested Protactfon Act,Truatee ehalt offer the property In two eaperete selea as iaqulred by nppUoafole law. i
<br /> � Tru�tee tnay pos�ona r�le of ell or sny percel of the property by publla ennouncoment et the tima and p!e^e of eny prsvioualy achedulod eale. � ; 1
<br /> Land�r or it�desipms m�y purahase the propert�r at eny sda. : •
<br /> • Upon tecMpt of peyme nt of the prlce bid,Truetee ehall deliver tc the puroheser Truatee's deed convoyinp the property.The�ociIIi�ls contefned in � �
<br /> T�uetee'�deed shall bs ptime fecle evi�ience of the truth o1 tiie stetemente contained thereln.Truetee ehall epply the prooaeds m4 the aale In the �-�
<br /> foNowi�p order: (e) to dl expeRSes o}the este, inctudinp, but not limited to, reasone6le Tru9tee's fees, reesonabte attorney's fees eM •
<br /> . � �einatotement teea;(b)to dl eums aecured by thls deod of trust,end(ol the baldnne,if any,to the pereons legelly entltled to teceive it. i ••
<br /> � 13.Fondwun.At I.ender'�option,thls deed of tnist may be toreclosad In the manr�or provide by eAplicable Inw for foreclosure of mortpaQee ' .
<br /> . on reel p�openy. '
<br /> 14.Irm�p�stla�.Lender may enier the ptoparty to Inspoot it{f Lender plvoa Borrawet notloe beforehand.The notlae muat etate the reasor.ehle I
<br /> aau�e tor Lender'�lnepeotion. , �
<br /> 16.CondNmadon.Borrower e�alpm� to lender tha ptooeeds of nny ewerd or cleim for demaqea connooted wlth o condemnetlon or other tekinp � �� � ,
<br /> nf dl or eny pert of the property.suah p�oceeda wil!6e epplied es provided In Covannnt 1.Thle esalpnment is aubJeot to the terma of eny prlor ' •
<br /> ascurity�proement. � '�
<br /> •� � 16.VY�Fwr.By exercleinp any remedy eveilable to Lender,Londer doe9 not plvd up any rlqhte to leter uso anY othar romady.By not oxorolslnp �. �..
<br /> eny remedy upon Borrower's default,Lender does not we(ve any rlpht to loter oonslder the ovent e detault 1!It heppena eqaln.
<br /> 17.Joint�nd 6�wr�l LiabiWtv Co�slpn�n: Bucasson �nd As�Spn� Bound. All daNes under thia daed of trust aro �oint ur.i several. Any i
<br /> Borrower who eo-slqns thls deed of truat but does not oo-slgn tho underlying debt fnet�ument(sl doea so only to grent and convoy 2Aet I
<br /> Borrower'e interoct in the properry to the Trusteo under the terma of thle deed o4 truet.In additfon, such e tlorrower egrees thet the Londar c�nd
<br /> . any other Borruwer under lh?!deed of truat mey extend,modify or moko any other chen oe In the terma oi thfe dead of trust or tho seauaad
<br />= Aebt wlthout thst•Borrower'e conaent aM without roleasinp thet Horrower from tho terma o�thfa deed of truat. �
<br /> The cluUes end benetlte of thfo deed of ttust shall bind ond bonnfit tho succossora nnd assfgns of Lo�der end Barrowor. �
<br /> � 1f1.Nodca.Uolesa otherwlse requt�ed by law,eny notioe to Borower ehall bo�iven by dotivering(t or by maifing it by Qortified mail oddressed to , ''
<br /> � � ' . Barrower et the property oddrose or a�y other address thet Borrawor hns piven to Lan�es.Borrowor will pivo any notica to londcr by oortifiad
<br /> • •f inell to Lender'e eddreaa on pape 1 of thle deed of ttuat,or to eny other eddress whfah Landar hns desipnatod.Any othor notic�to Londar yholl
<br /> � be�ent to Lender'e eddress es ateted on page 1 ot this dead of truyt. ;
<br /> � Aa�y nottce ehall ba duem�d ta l�eve boen pfven to Borrowor or Londor wlion fllvon In the mun�or statod e8ovo.
<br /> � i9.Yran�trr of th�Prq»rty a�64rf�fld�i Mt�n�t fn tt»Borrowu. If oll or eny pnrt ot the property or eny Intarost in It le sotd or trenaferred
<br /> �vrhput Lender's prior written ooe�aent,Lander mny demand immediate paymnnt of the secured dobt. LonQnr rt�oy ntoo demend Immadiate
<br />- ;�.1'%' � payrrtent ff the Borrower Is not a n�turel person end e benefiai�l fnteroat In tt�e Borrower la sold �r tmnaferrad. However, Londur may npt � }
<br /> �, demend payment in thn ebove eftuatfone IF tt fa prohlblted 6y federel law os o}the dete of thls daed of trunt.
<br /> ���, 20.it�conwy�nc�. When the oblipetionsecured by this deed of trust hos boon pold, and Lender has no funhar oblfgotion to moko advanoos
<br /> __$.� ..ad..d,.t...e..u„eroa nr anr..,n•.�m c.cured hv thfm daed nf rrunt. thn Trustee ahnll. unon v�rYtten muunst bv the Lendar.teaonvov tho trust
<br /> �� ptu�urtji.Tho Lender shall 7e6ver to tho Bonower,or ro Borrower'e succossor Ir.Inturos�,tho truat doed and tho noto or othur ovldonau of tho
<br /> , obi[�/otion eo setfofied.8orro�rer ohall poy eny reaordeUon costa.
<br /> � 21.Suca��or Tnxt��. Le��der, nt��r'ar's option, may rortiove Trustoe end nppafnt e suocessor truetoe by firet, mniling o copy of tho
<br /> • , eubstltution of trustae ea requtrad by oppllcable law,and then,bV tillnp tho subsNtutlon ot trusteo for rocord In tho oNioo of the raglstor of doads
<br /> { of eeoh nounty in whlch the truet propeny, or aome pert thereot,is eltueted.The suocoasor truatoe,wfthout oonveyano� of cho proporty,ehall
<br /> succeod to etl tho powor,dutles,uuthoriry end tltle of tho 1'ruaeee nemod In the deed of truat and of any suaaoesor tr�stoo.
<br /> �n# �
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