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<br /> i�n�►n� 'r�nt Af onyu��nt o[ tbe pri�e bW, Trwlee s�h�l! afe7lrar tu tae purc6ua 74�c�tee'� desesi c�reyinR t0� ...
<br /> TM r�titilk Iw t6e 7lrwftee'N deet!tb�l!��a�t�etWNCe of tlw tr�MY o�t!M ddrre�aelr a�tberd�. , ---
<br /> �h�iU�ppy Il�s procaai or the e�o�e w ebe rouo�,«da�:(.)ta��i cata.wa rxpeaw or ex�kt.�tbe p�,era��' ... _
<br /> ,�pd ti�wk�lneludi�tbao p��nnemt ot tfee Trarla'�[ea Rctw�lly Iaevrred, rwt#a cxceed aso o.�a 9i -
<br /> at deGalt►aad reMOwd►la attorreeri• tees a �eewkted
<br /> I�w;(b1 io�ll suwu eecurei!by tl�3ecw�ity InetrmNeah�ud(c)�ny accem to ibc perrou or persoru�icgallr eaNtled to
<br /> It. ___
<br /> ?.Z.RecnnveyaMCe.U�on ry�ymr.nt oP�il aum�exurcd by�his Security inatrumcnt,i.ender ahAU�equat Trusta to«convKy
<br /> the Prop�ny�ed sh�ll aunenckr this Socurity Instn�ment and all nota evidencins debt eecured by thi�Securlsy icutcueaeat to
<br /> Tn►uee.Trustx c6alt recomey the fPropecty wl�hout wurxnry and wEtl�out charge to the�penwn or perxm�legdly enUtled to lt.
<br /> Such p�non�otperson�ah�lt pay a►y ucarduion cost�.
<br /> 23.Subslitute'ilrastee.I.end�r.at it�optlon,teay fmm t�me to time remove Tmstee ond appoint a succts�or tcuatce to uny
<br /> Truux�pgc�inted herew�der by �n iiutnunent rncorded en the county in whicb thi�Secuciry Ir,sttumant l�e rxorded.Without
<br /> canvey�noe of the Ptoptny�the aucc�e,uor tn�ata sh�ll suor,eaf to all the tltle.power azxl duh�a�oaferrod upon Truate.�herein
<br /> •nd 6y armlicabla law. _
<br /> 24.Requat�a Notices. Aorcower requcsta that copiea af tl�c notica of default and sal�be sent to Dnrrnwer's addres�
<br /> which is thC Arop�rty Address.
<br /> ��.�lYHJ::.!!:��:,.:.:::y�c;�:c�,:ne„*_. Ff o�U[[�l4Ie rl��i�?�!e e•�[et��ted by&►ttowtr and rsc;ocdeci Mae�her with Rh�e :._-
<br /> Grurie��oetn�m�nt thw rnvr.nant�atul aare�rnnnta�f exh a�uch ritler Bhell hE inCOtTx►�atrA inta antl ahall nmewl arul annnl��nv.nt ""--
<br /> the covenant�a�rd�g�ementa of ttds SxurIry Instrument w if th�xlder(a)were a part of this Secudty instr�ment.
<br /> [Chxk applicable box(r.$)J
<br /> Adjustable itate Rlder �Condomintum Rider 0 1-4 Fan x Biweakly �
<br /> Graduatal Payment Rider �Planned Unit pevelopmeat Rider �P at Ri Secon � - --
<br /> Baliooi►Rider �Rato Iinpravemoent Rider me Ri r
<br /> V.A.Rlder Other(s)[epecifyJ
<br /> THIB I2iATROf«iT 1i119 DR,il�'T1LD a3Ct liORNtBT IIORTO1lQ , INC� Z T 3 /
<br /> BTREE'r,, OR712iD I8L712iD, 2ia 698010000
<br /> BY SIONING BBLOW.Borrower accepts an�l agrecs ro t : .ma v contai n !s ity Instrumern ar�d
<br />