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<br /> 17. Tes�ra�t'tr nt the Propert.y or a Se�elk1�11�Nerext ln Harowrr.If all or eny�nut af thc Prc�perty or Nny iraerest in it
<br /> i9 u�1d nr tra�sfeiml (or if a be�kfzciui intercst in Hcirrower is r:nl�!ur tnuLOfercal and&�rrnwer iv nur. a uataral prr.um�witFxr�t
<br /> l.er�ier's rricrr written consent, Lendec mxy.�at its �ption, reyuice lmmrdiste P�yment In �'ull af all :wmx �so�nad by thl�
<br /> _ __,__ Se��iricy Instn�ment.�lawever.thls optioji shalf not be exereised by[.r.rxter lf er.er�:ise is pmhibital by fe�leral iew as af the ci+ue
<br /> . of this Sccurit�bistruroent. '
<br /> :f t.Grxfer exercists thifi option,[�nder shall give Borrawzr notice of xcelemtion. 1'he�ctitico sh�ll pr�vide a peciud of nrx
<br /> les�lhan 30 days fram thc dnte the noti�e �s delive�ed or nwilec! w�thin which �lnrr�wer must pay uU sunts s�cured by thip
<br /> -�. Securiey➢nstcumrnt. If Bormwer fuils to pay the.ce cums prior tu the expirutian of this period, l.cikier ir�ay invoke any rcmo6iea
<br /> ptnnitted by this 5ec►srity Instrument without furttur nat9ce or demanc!on Aorr�wer.
<br /> 18. BorwN•er`s Ri�ht to Rdnsts�te. If 0orrower meets certain conditions, B�rrawe� sh:►It havc the riglrt tU ha�e
<br /> enPor:.ement uf ti�is Security Instri�ment discontinued at uny time prior to che earlier of: (a) S days (ar such other Exriod as
<br /> applicable law may specify far reinstatemenq bcfor+� sa[e of Itl�e �'toperty putsuant to any pou•n oP aale co�i2ainKi in t�is
<br /> Sccurity Instrument;ar(b)entry of a jud.gment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those conditions ure that Borrowc�:(a)pays
<br /> Lender all sums whieh th�n would be due ur.cler this Securiry Iastrume.nt and the Nute as if no accele.ration k�ad oewrrecl; {b) _
<br /> cures any default of any otl�er covenxnts or agree,ments; (c)pays all eapenses i�ticurred in cnforcing this Securi4y Instn�ment,
<br /> � including,but net liniited to, rcasunable attomeys' feGC;and(d)takes such action as L.ender niay reusonably rcquire to as.wr�
<br /> that the lien of this Security Instrun�ent, Le�tider's rights in the P'r�perty and Bormwer's obligation to pay tbe sums securod by
<br /> � this Securiry Instntatcnt shall ccmtinue unchungal. U�wn reinstatc[ncnt by Bon•ower. this Securlty Insttument :tnd the
<br /> - -- cb!':gatIons se!'i�rat hereby shall remain tully effective as if no acceterution had occurred.Mo�vever, this right to reinstate�teall
<br /> not appfy in the casc af acceleration under paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. 5ale of Note; Ch�ange of I.oan Scrvicer. The Note or a partial intcrest in the Nate(together with this Securily
<br /> lnst�ument)may Ix:sold one or neore times without prior noticc to 8orrawcr. A sale may r�sult in a change in the entiry{known
<br /> _�-r., �thw"i..can S;.n�icc:")that�:,It�cs montlily Naymcrrw duc ur.dcr thc P:a.c and th'ts Security[n�*_rument. Tl�a�e Jso mQy be or!p -
<br />- - � �....*-_-re...•..o..,...��or«d tn n a.de nf the 1Vnte.If thetc is st Chatt�e of lh�Loan Secviccr.Borrower will be
<br />_.__�� ur�uo�c�i�uugca u...............�..:__. _.----- � -
<br /> � given written noticc of the changc in:►scardance�vith,paragmph 14 abnvc and spplicable law.'1'tzc not�cc wnt stntc[ne nanw and
<br /> addrsss of the new Loan Servicer and the address to �vt�ich payments sliould�e made. Tho�otice will also contain:tny other
<br /> infornwtion rcquirod by applicablc law.
<br /> _-__.�� 20. Hnzurdous Substancq. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage. or rcicase of any
<br /> Hnzardous SubsGv�ces on or in the Praperty. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the
<br /> _ Propeny that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The precccling two sentences shail �tot apply to the presencc. use, a�
<br /> storage on tha Property of small quontities of Hazardous Substances that are gcner�ally rcco�aizod to be apprapriete to normal
<br /> -- — ��l�op,��c�g g,�ri qn maiorenance�f the Peoperty. —
<br /> ---. Bonower sl�all promptly givc Lender wntten notice of any investigation,cla�m, demand, lawsuit or��ther action i�y any
<br /> ---- govemmental or regulatory agency or p�ivate party involving the Property and uny Haz;irdous 5ubstance ar knvironmcntal Law
<br /> ===r�� of whtch Bonower has actual knowledgc. Lf Borrowcr Ie:ims, or is notifiul by any govcrnmental or re�alntory authority,that
<br /> =-°.�;=�;:;� any removal or other remediation of any Hacardous Substance affecNng the Property is necessary,Borrower shal!pmmptly take
<br /> - - all neces�;uy remedial actions in accordance with Environmentnl l.aw.
<br /> _-__-._:_= As used in this paragraph Z0. "Hazardous Substances" are thc►sa substances d�fined as toxic or l»zardous suhstance� by
<br /> -- - Gnvironmental Law and the foltowins sabstances: gasoline, kemsene, otlier flammnble or eoxic pea•olcum products, toxic �
<br /> ,w.r.,�,,;,� p:sticid�s and herbicides, volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde,und radioactive materials.As usecl in
<br /> :.-.,:�,,�,,�p,� this Eraragruph 20. "�mi�•onmcntal Law" means fecieral �aws and lnws of thc jurisdiction wherc thc Property is located that
<br /> -�.;��o relate to health, safety or enviranmentnl proteccion.
<br /> - NON-UNIFQRM COV�NANTS.Borro�ver and Lender furthci•cavenant and agree as follows:
<br /> �_-�'"�'� Zl.A�celerntiun;Remedies. Lender shuil give notice to Borrower prtor to acceleratlon fullowing Borrower's breach
<br />:__�r==�,� af any covenant or agreement in this Security Laatrument (but not prior to ucceleradon under parugraph 17 unless
<br /> ��:;�.:�:;�-� applicable lnvr provides otherwise). The notice shall spcicify: (a)the defaulh, (b)the action requlr�.Yl to cure the default;
<br />.V;;�_�g,;,,_�„y (c)e dute,not Iess than 30 days irom the dute the notice is given to Borro�ver, by which the deteult mast be cured;and
<br />- =;__,�_ (d) that [ailure to cure Uie defuult on or before che date specified in the notice may result in eccelerntton of the sums
<br />=_�=ti,t�°= secured by shis Security [nstru�►ent �nd sale of the Property. The notFce sl�all furtlier inform Qorrawer of the right to
<br /> reinstate alYer ucceleration and the right to brin�a court act�nn to usssrt the non-existence a�f� default �r any nther
<br /> �; ��•" defense uf gorrower to acceler.�tton und sale. IP the defnutt is not cured on or befom the Jate speciCed in the not3ce,
<br />-' � �'~ Lendcr, at its optiQn, mAy rr:quire imnzcvltate payment in full of all sums sctiurcd by this Security Instrumcnt without
<br /> '`4�°u���� further demand und may invoke the power of sale and any otlier remedies pc�Tnitted by appllcnble law. l.ender shall be
<br /> , �•.;,...
<br /> = �,.,y entitled t�soflect oll expenst�s incurred in pursuing the remecDies pmvtdrd M this pnra�raph 21. inelu�ing,but not limit
<br /> -�;:,5�,�,•;,,r� to,rcas.ana'ble nttorireys'fees nnd costs oP title evfdence.
<br /> •.. �:�, if thc posver of s�le 6s Invoked.Trustee shall record :� aatfce of default in euch county in whtch any Rnrt of the
<br /> .�'••���:r" PropeiKy i�located and shall mail copfes of such notice In the manner prescribed by appficnble law to Borrower and to
<br /> -""�4�`�:�a'�' the otder persons pr�vcr3bed by appl[cablc law.A,fter tl�e time required by upplEcable law, Trustee sl�:�ll qive pubftc noticc
<br /> '' -�s." �'�. of sale to the persuns and in the manner prescr6bed by appficable law. �'rustce, �vithout demmnd un[3orrower, sl►all sell
<br /> • . , -"` the Pruperty ut public auctlon to the highest b[dder nt the time and place und m�der the terms desi�natcd in the nottctie of
<br /> ° �. sale in ane or more parccls aad in any oniRr'Crustee deteivrninrs. Trustee mny post�u�nc sale of nll or any parccl of Nu =
<br /> . ' Froperty by public announcement at the time und pl�ce of Any previously schedulecl sale.I.ender or its designce may
<br />: . purcimse the Froperty nt nny sale. _
<br /> t.`:
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