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<br /> S. Il�rii or i'��op�rty Iaptr�noe. Born�wu shdl keep the irr�ve�r�ts nnw exfndt►� or herahtt,rtectbd au ►he
<br /> 1'rut►rny�mural agnintt loss by �rc,t�axanls includsd wiehin the term "oxtnxled covrn►ge" an�any ntFt�r huxtd�, includ�ng
<br /> Oaxi9 or floc�d{ng. ior v4hich l.cnQcr rcquiruq insurau�ce.'!h!s insurnnce shall be m�lntt�inod in the amounts and ror tnc perioaa�
<br /> th�at Lrnrfer reqaires,7'!�e insurancti carrier provlding the insur�sh�ll be choaen by Borrower subjoct to I.enckr'a approval
<br /> whish slu�ll nat l�c unrcaxinably withheld. If Borrower fails ta maintAin coverage described abnve. Lct�der may,at I.ender"s
<br /> c�xinn,abtei�a coverags to ptr,tnct Lc�xfer's rights in thr Pmperty in ucconliu�ce wich parngreph 7.
<br /> Ali ins�ar�nre policic� and renewals shall ne acce�table [o Lender w�d shall include a sta�xtard martgage clwse. J.xnder
<br /> shnll hnvc t{ic rigk�t ta hald the policies and renewkis. If L.cnAer rr,y�ires,Barrov►�er shall promptly give to L.ander all roadpt.�of
<br /> paid premiums e.nfl re[�wa!�wPices. In the event at IOss,�onower shall givs prom�rt notice to the insurance zarriee ar�Lender. ,
<br /> l.ender rnay make prooF of�oss if not made py'ompdy by Bc�rrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree:in wdting, insuraixc pir,ceeds snal�be appliod to restoration or rq�air of the
<br /> PropGny damagr.d. if the restorntiot�or repair is cconomically feasible ancl Lender's security(s nat lessened.If Ihe nstoration or
<br /> repair is na er:onomically feasiblc nr I.crKier's security v�oulc!br,lc.csencd, thc insurance procceds sha!! be ap,pliai ta the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrument. whcther or �wt then due, with any exce.ss paid to Borrower. [f Bormwer abaixions the
<br /> I+roperty,or d�:s not cuuwer within 3�days a notice frorn Lcndcr thut the insurance carrior has oFFerod to settle a r.laim, thcn
<br /> l.ender may collect the insurance pracceds. Lender may usc the procceds to repair or restore the Property oe ta pay sums
<br /> �c�:urrd by this Secarity lnstrument.�vhether or not Q�cn due.The 30-day period will begin when the nc�tice is given.
<br />. L�r�ass !e�rler nrl�! 4?��rrow�^i �fh�ttvjr..e noren in writin�. uny application of nroceeAs to princinal shall not extend or
<br /> postpone the due dute of the monthly pavments reterrea ro in paragrapns i umi Z u� c��augc i;�c w�n,wd .,."i,�L �:�.�w.—.:o. ::
<br /> under paragr�ph 21 d�e Pro�riy is acquired by l.ender,Borrower's rlght to uny insurance palicies and proceals resulting frorn
<br /> damage to the Property priar to tt►e acquisition shull pass to Lender to the extcnt af the sums socured by this Security instrumcnt
<br /> immcdiat�ly prior to the acquisition.
<br /> b,Occupancy,Prescrvetion,Mointenance And Protect9on of the 1'roperty;l3orrower's Loan Appltcatiott;I.easelx►Itts.
<br /> Barrower shall occupy, establish,flnd usc the Property us Borrowcr's principai residence within sixty days attcr the execution of
<br /> this Security Instrument nnd shall continue to occupy the Property as I3orrower's prIncipal residertce for At least one year after
<br /> the date of occupancy, unless I.ender othe�wise ogrees in�vriting, which consent siialt not be unreasonably withheid. or unless
<br /> extenuatfir.g circumstances exist which are beyond Borrawer's control. Bonower shall not destroy, damage or impair the
<br /> Property, allow the Praperty to deteriorate, or wmmit waste on the Property. Borrower shall bc in default if any forfriturc
<br /> action or proc�:cding, whether civil�r criminal,is bcgun that in Lender's good ftith judgment could result in forfciture of the
<br /> Propeny or oYherwise matcrially impair the licn created by tl�is Security Instrument or Lender's sccurity intcrest. IBorrower may
<br /> cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in psr.igeaph 18, by causin�the action or proceeding to be dismissed with a evling
<br /> that, in Lender's good faith determination, precludes forfeiture of the Borrawer's interest in the Property or odier material
<br /> imQairtnent of the lien created by this Security Instrument or Lene�er's security interest. Bonower shall also be in dcfault if
<br /> Bc►rrower,during the loan npplication pracess,gave materially false or inaccurate information or statements to Lender(or flilixi
<br /> to provide l.ender with any materinl informa3ion)in connectian with the loan evidenced by the Not�,including,but not limited
<br /> to, representations concerning Borrower's c�ccupancy of the Property ns a principal residence.If this Security Instrument is on a
<br /> le;isehold, Borrower shall comply with nll the provisions of thc Iease. If Bonower acquires fee title to the Property, the
<br /> Ieasehold nnd the fee title shall not mer�e unless L.ender agrees to die merger in writing.
<br /> 7. ProtectYon of Lender's Righ�s in the Property.If Bonower fnils to perform the covcnants and agrecments contained in
<br /> this Secudty Instrument, or thcrc is a legal procecding that may significantly affect Lcnder's rights in the Propeny (such as a
<br /> proceeding in bankruptcy,probate, for candemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulations), then L.ender may do nnd
<br /> �ay far what�vcr is ncc:essary to prateCt thc vulue of thc Property and Lc:ndcr's rights in thc Property. Lendcr's uctions may
<br /> inclade paying any sums secured by � lien which has priority e�ver this S�curity Instrument, uppearing in couit, puyinb
<br /> reasonable ataomeys'fees and entering i�n the Pmperty to make repairs.Althou�h L.ender may takc action under this pamgraph
<br /> 7, Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lcnder under thiti paragraph 7 shall becume udditional debt of Borrowcr secured by this
<br /> Security instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agrec to uther terms of payment, ihesc amounts shall bear intcrest from thc
<br /> date of disburscment at the Note ratc :uid shall bc payablc, with interest, upon notice From L.cndcr to Borrowcr requcsting -.
<br /> paymcnt. -
<br /> S. Mortgage Insurance.If Lender required mortgabe insurance as a conditioro of making the toan sv�ured by tl�is Security
<br /> instrument, Borrower sh�ill pay the pmmiums required to maintain the mon�age insurancc in effcct. If. for any reason, the
<br /> mortga�e insurnnce coverage requirecf by Lender lapses or ce:ises to be in effcct,t�onower shall pay the prerniums�equircd to
<br /> obtain coverage substantially equivatent to the mortgAgc insurancc prcviously in cffoct, at a cost subst;►ntially equivalcnt to the
<br /> cost to Borrower of thc mortga�c insurunce prcviously in effcct, from un altcrnate mortgagc insurcr approvcd by l,cnder. if
<br /> substantially equivalent mortgagc insurance covcra�e is not available,Dorro�ver shall pay to Lender each month a sum equ�l to �
<br /> one-t�velfih of the yearly mortgage insurancr. pmmium being paid by Bonower when the insurance coverage lapsed or ccased to
<br /> be in effcct.L.cndcr will aecept,use and retuin thesc payments as a Ioss reserve in lieu uf mortga�e insurance. Loss rescrve
<br /> Fotm 3028 9190
<br /> Pago 3 ot U
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