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<br /> �� • Sll.,l�:;iu::'c'':i"i.3 C?�r�3 �"� �?t,-;--Z, I ��F'�C.�!_`WUtMR P:YiC.�:�1 Q!*P�t!�sE ftsi�figfN!g Nt�vi(I(1iDfc3itt�kl�t Of ��-
<br /> _ .,,.. _ _ n r�:ti::��c.:�'s.3 C�- -
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<br /> c;:'�C..,,_,..� I:.__z.h_..9�'---..:.._:;� f.t c:�c'.°.� �r;�7 c�[.`.�c°�'_r c: (�)a C._;� (cr r<.�7 c'�:_r f�:,��t�^. ��,��::-�.��F*,°�c:; �E�;:.::,t.�C,:
<br /> �. . -- c � ntnitulMnMtlD bab� sW o�l Mt�Nraperty gx�ew�+1 t� 1�ny PowK M iW oOrMaMM� h thf� 8�ou�Y kw�rtM�or(�1)M►wY ot� oud�pNM��4 ---
<br /> ";,.•,.. .�..�r` �tlotGhp thl0 B�aKRy InsRun�nt. �'l�ci�Condlhlxt� w E!t!A �Nro+ysr: (a) I�eY� UncleM �11 tu�ns wi►bh 1l+rn would b� du� und�r Yds _--
<br /> �;,�=..�4:.-::• .-:o .
<br /> - -�`°.s,'�� a,cu�Ry in,ln�n.,M .nd!h.NoM w r no�oc.+�rwo++N�a 000wru�(b)ou�e�rr1 d�bwR a.n�olh.r oov�N a�7 ta)ar+
<br /> �'��..±.:::_;�,.!n' NI�pinOw Yusuirrd fn�mkroinp fhk�ax'A�M�Mw�MM,!hok+dYp,bul not�nMO W�nwOrt�M�11orrMY�'N�:Mtd(d)Id�NA�h�oliorf
<br /> �a+���;�"°-:�� w Unda n+�Y na�o�wbN�'rQuln lo Mww Mwt dN Mn W tl+w J�Owfy k�t.Undws r�1+M M IM�r�opNt�r ond Sonqwwe oel�Mlon
<br /> . ... ., ., .. ..� �...... --.., _._ �. ........ ..........,.,+� r�4��rM 6E�►bwlv
<br />�°• --•- -•� �' F�Y Ga ru�.3 C:�.v+.� C� G.�3,.�t.�..,r L...:......: C.._7 C_.._._�i.:..,._.,�__, !.�^!!!f ....... ._. _ bp . thN�01x�y On�►1�N�t
<br /> =�r�.;;�ta��. 3• �nd IM obpMlaw lYOUnod Mrw�f► �hNl rreiNh A�jr MNOM��M M 1��ooM�reGW1 AW 00o1Mr�d. HowMNr.tl�M�At b nYN�W�ih�Mt
<br /> • , ..� �PPy h MN ffM�W�{MleNP P� �7.
<br />.'V.`�;a�:j;.�m�. " 1Y.�N�t Note;Ct1Mf��M L�tIMI SMVICM. lh� NoM a a t� MM� � tl� NoM (eop�Mw► �rAh Mds 9�axb
<br /> ', ;� .ri-,� InaMUnwM) rtry b�sold oeN cr mor�tYn�s wAhaul p�br nafb�to Borrowa. A NN nry�ut b 11 o1w�h IfN MrM1�(fuaw�M MN�
<br /> � `,,"�,�y,"'ry 'LoHe&edloec'I thM�oN�ol�n�orMhb D�Y�MM�dN und�►!M NoM*nd tltio 8�axr11�� lh��IW Ryy be on�o►ea�Wwqos
<br /> . � o!!ha Laan Qavlex une�alld M s dd�l a1 the NcM�. IP Mar�fs�ctwtqn of tM l.an�.'7on�BOn'Owrr w�bs pwen w�tAln noMo�W IA� _ -
<br /> ctwp�M �000td�no�wrh p�pr�pA 14�bow and�pplo�b�Mw. 71w nWio�wlr tlW IM��nd�ddrN�W 1h��pw l,ow� �rMo�r
<br /> . .nd a�..ddr�a eo whicn ar�r�Ma enoutQ 6i nwo.. TtN noth.aril wo c9nWi.ny oH,.r in1a+�Muon nquYrd br•or+��•w.
<br /> • Z0. H�sirdou�Subst�ncN. earowr ah�1 na oww or prmt a� a�«�a. us., dNpo� �wno�� �x �h.w a mfr
<br /> �� ' Fiaardaa 8ubot�aM on a In th�Prop�rtfr. Corto�w�Y not do�aa aeo+w M+Yon�Nw�a do.�r►Ythind aM�alinp IM Prop�AY tlwM M in
<br /> u
<br />_ � � viokuon a�nr Emrran�n�w�I�w. Tn.pno�dtrw swo ar�Mno«.!W not.pplr a aw p�a�cti uw.a atanw on an Rnp«n►a�i
<br /> 4 " �w�fll�. a He�ordow 8uaw�oM aMt�n p�ray ncoanE�d a a �vw�'�w� namrt nsld�neW wu r�d a nuM+wrmo� al Ns
<br />__ .. .. . . �a�,�;r� ° --
<br /> - gortowhr stW prar�ty pka t.ertd�r wr1Mn notlo�W anr h+�tip�tion�cWm, d�nw►d� hww!a aM��cNo� bY�1►��a
<br /> ' ��Y�Y a P�MM P�Y �p ����ny iMardoua 8ubq�a a Flwiro�wtMi Law d whioh Bortu�r Iw nok�l _
<br /> �, .." �. K eo�row.r �►s. �r �. nawa�y.r�y oaw��w+� a rwu�.c«r wa�orty� a� .ny �wi or oa�.r �wn�dwso� a ny �,,-�
<br /> _-- __-�-J w....tirw A�a�rrf��M�CfYfo fhr Pfowrlv 1{ n�stary. M�OMM► si1a0 {iiwTi"yii� iiw�7 G'J I'r.,.►-�Y rM!'��!�`��A!kfeM h�f`�adYlo�wih �-_-,
<br /> F1wIr0cMnM►td Liw. �_-_
<br /> " M uNd (n thN p�r�pr�ph 20� 'Hcxrdcw Subttant�ss" ato thoe� wbst�noM dMMNO � loxio a h�ardOw wbefrioM bll
<br /> � Er�vtom��4�1 6aw �nd fh� bbwinp wbslr�n�s: pa�olr�s, k�roi�M� otl�r fl�rmrbN a faodo PM'ulwm Prod�w�. Oe�do p�icidr�s �nd -
<br /> ,�- ��, hMbbldN� voMtM soArmtt. rtwbtWl CoAWnY�p asbNtoi a lotmaid�hyd�, �nd rildlo�ctNe tn�llriaM. At uf�3 h thN pwaprfPN 8D, ,..
<br /> `Env6�ucwiw�W Law• mNri� 9�dw�l i�Mf �nd laws a th� juriRdictla7 wtws tt� Pro�ty Y1 bcaS�d M�t rM�M M hWh, o�y ot ��"r3?;�
<br /> �:�.�
<br /> .. ornlronnWnW�xohction. °---
<br /> NANd1tJIFOAM COM1IENAt�ITB. Bm,�+wr r►d land�r kxthK covKwn erad�prM se folbwi: ��_-
<br /> - 21. Acc�l�atbn; Remedle�. Lendar dWl �Ivs notles to Borrow�r pFto+r to �cc�t�raMOn iaio�rkeY _ -
<br /> " BoROw�r'� br�ach of any covQnant or p�eem�nt In thl� Sscurity Instrum�nt (but not prior b a�cN�r� �:'-�'
<br /> � uaidK P�'�+MPh 17 unteas �ppilcibl� law proYtda otherwlss� Th� notic� MMII �p�ciy: (�) tM dthul� �„_�..
<br /> � (b) tM �ctbn requtrfd b cur� the defauH; (c) • d�te� not les� ttwn 30 daya trom th� d� ttw notic�1� ���
<br /> , �Iwn tio Borrower. by whlch thA dsf�uH must be cu�ed, �nd (d) tl�t hllur� to cu�� th� dshult on o� _-_
<br /> , bNor� th� d� �p�aMed In ehs notic� may reeult In aaceteratlon of th� rum� Mcured by Wa Secvrlty ==
<br /> �t Inttrum�nt�nd a1� oi th� Propsrty. Ths notic� ah�tl tu�Intorm Borrowar ot� rlpht���In�NtK
<br /> �cceleratbr� �nd th� �1Qht to brinp a court �ctlon to w�ert tlhe norrextsian�� of a deiwilt or �r►y oth�r r,�,,.
<br /> def�� of Borrower fo �cceie►atbn �nd MIe. If th� d�tsult I� not eured on or b�tor� th� dat� �p�otMd t •�
<br /> ,. In ttM notk�� Lender at It� optJon mty requka Immedla4e p�ymeret In f�lt of WI �uma Ncur�d by 9Mo
<br /> �• S�curity Instrument wtthaut turtf� demand snd may Invoke t�s power ot �sle �nd �ny oth�r r�madl�s
<br /> p�rmitted by �pPllcabt� law. L�ndK �11 be entltled �o coll�ct all expense� IncuR�d In punuln� th� . �
<br /> r�medlss provld�d In thl�p�ragnph 21. Includlnp, but not Ilmlted to�ressonabl� attorney�' taea �d co� r•
<br /> of tltl�evldencs.
<br /> , . � ff t� po�K of al� b Invoked� Tnrsb� �tl r�cord � notice o� dehutt In s�ch co�nty Ie wh{ah �ny
<br /> put oi th� Property 1�locatad �nd sh�ll mdl coplea of wch notice In the m�nner pre�fbsd by �ppllc�blo
<br /> „ law b �ow�r �d to the other per�ons prescrlbed by �ppllcabte I�w. After tbw t�me requked by
<br /> eppllc�bN law� Teuste� �att qtv� publlc notice of sals to �t�e penan� �nd In ths mar�e�� pr�scrfbtd by
<br /> , � ap�Pllaabf� law. Truitee� wlthout demand on Bonower� �II seli ths Property �t pub9}c wctton �o tbo
<br /> � � � hlphest bldder �t th� dmo �nd p�ace �nd under tha terQns deal�natad In th� noUcs of eaU fn on� or mor� �
<br /> � prcal� �rons3 In �ny arder Trust�t+ determinea. Tr�stea msay postpone wte nf sll or �ny parcN ot tf�
<br /> Prop�rty by publle �n�aunaement�at th� Um� �nd placs ot ��y pravbusly scheduled asle. �end� or Its E,;
<br /> ,`, daWgnee may purchae the Property �t�ny s�ts. 6:`.`�
<br />-�.�':;1:� . Upun raceJpt of �ayment ot tha prlce bld, Trurtee sh�il deftvmr to t�e purchtasr Truste�'s dMd !`�
<br /> � con�oeyinp E� Property. TPw recfata In ths Truates's deed �hall bs prlms tact� �vtdsnc� of th� trath ot (
<br /> '�:�; ttw statem0nt� made th�ret�. Tru�ta�shsll �ppty the p�acaeda of th�ale In ths blbwlnp order: (a)to atl I
<br /> � casts�d �xpensem ot �xercl�lnp th�power ot �ale. erad th� ateo Includtn� ths payneent ot t!�Tnastee'o
<br />-- '� teta�ct�uNty Incu�rad� no!W exeeed 3 % of the princlpal emouHt of the no4e at ths tlm� of th� ;
<br />- :��. , Ueclaratlon ot detwlt, �nd res�on�bt� attorney'a fees as perm[ried by law; (b) m atl wms secured by th[s ;.
<br />-';'°��° �cur(ty Instrument;rnd (c)�ny �xcew to the peraon or pereons lepatty e�UUed b IL i�'-
<br /> � � 2Z. Reconyey�nc�. Upon payn�tnt of d eums NCUrod by thit&�curty InsbumMU. LutdK ahd n�qu�tt Ttus1N to r�Cex►wy ttw
<br />_ , � ':-.; Pro[Mrty�G�h�tl wrr�ndar thM S�curty InsWmxit�nA !II notK �vfdcnohp dobt acund by thM SecurkY Insbummt to Truste�. TrustM �
<br /> ; �,..
<br /> ;:<:':: st�U nGOnvay tM Proputy wlthout w�rnnt�r�nd wkhout charp�to ttN p�r'son or p�rson� ip�y�nlNt�d to R. Suah pusfln or p�rtont thal
<br /> . . .,
<br />_ „ �ay�ny ncad�tton cosb.
<br /> .._- -:-,:,,- -__ � w..�r...�_ �__.__ .. ._ . " ..' __"'_ _'.. .___ ...._ .� .�..� r...� ...d .n....M� � m•n�es truslY fn ll�V .
<br /> ._.: _.-.�_.__ -. . __ '
<br /> -. ��l• �Ttt0fUW60 /fYiiOQ• I.�tt4�f�Qt �[t tIPWn� rtt� ntnn t��� w aen. . .....� ..�...��.� �-.. � _' _'__' " _ •
<br />� • TruitM�ppc'n2�d h�wndK by�n instrum�nt ncard�d h tM county h whl�h thf�S�curxy MstrumK►t Y hcotd�d. Wlthout conwyana of �
<br /> ' the PropNty�sucwstor trutlM ttW wcc�ed to oll th�Gtl�.Powr�nd dutMm cont�r�d upon Yrus{M haeln�nd by+WPfk�b�kw.
<br />_ � , • 24. RfQUlS4 i0i' NOt1Cl�. Bortow�r r��b th�t ooploe of lM nolM�of dWwt�nd�aM bi a�ni to Bnrtovrw� �ddr�s which
<br /> is t4N PropKh Addnsy.
<br />- �6. Rld�+ro Lo thts Secur(ry In�trunnent N on� or mon rfdus �n e�a�cut�d by Barow�r �nd Acard�d top�thM' wth thM
<br />-� . , S�cu�Ry ktslrurtnnf. the cotiww�W �nd aiprnrrwnts ol uch �uCh �fdK tha/ bs InCarpunt�d fnto �nd shal Nn�nd �t►d stepplortNnt th�
<br />'��L,. . ,i..•1�� � cowaant�Ynd�granNnta of tAls Securty Inttrummt a R th�dd�ta)wen a Wrt ot th�Sacurlry MstrummG
<br /> i ..
<br /> Py��of 6 Ferrn 004�YIYO
<br /> T . Ft09Y.U�W IU�)
<br /> i ,,,
<br /> ;
<br /> t�t �
<br />