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<br /> M�ftRA�TX A� —
<br /> 9 5- 1��4`�4 �,
<br /> JSRRY J. STUDNICItA and StJFs�,LEN STUANICItA, hus�and a�a�c�.wif�, �'�
<br /> GRANTORS, in consideration of TWBNTY-BTGHT TFiOUSAND EIGH�� 3�UNARRD
<br /> AND NO/100 DOLLP,RS ($�8,800.00f , rsceipt af which 3s her�7�y
<br /> acl�.n_o!�jlec�gnd, convey� to
<br /> PA�'TI REN�� LAId�FNAQRF �
<br /> GRANTEB, the �ollawing descxibed xeal eatatP (as d�tfined �.n Neb.
<br /> � Rev. Stat, §76-201) in Hall County, Nebraska: —
<br /> A tract of land comprising a part of. the Northwest
<br /> Quarter (NW�) of Section Eighteen (19) , Tawnahip N�.ne
<br />_ (g1 Ider'th_, P..312s�.*� T�tt {2Q� �6ot af th8 'vtil F.2�. , Hd3'.i�
<br /> Countp, Nebraska, rnore part�.cularly described as
<br /> follows: B�ginning at a Q�int 435.85 feoC west of the
<br /> nort�a c;uarter corner of said Section 1� on the north
<br /> ].ine o� said Nw�; �hence we�terly along said north line
<br /> a di�Cance of 512.37 fee�, thence southerly along a —
<br /> Iine parallel to the eaet line af eaid NF�{ a distance
<br /> of 5.,320 Fe�t; thence eastsrly along a linp parallel to --
<br /> the north line of said NW+� a distance of 948.22 feeC to
<br /> the east line of said Nt�T3(; thence northerly on the east
<br /> line Af said NW�i a distance of 447.10 fee�; thence
<br /> westerly alang a line parallel to the north line of
<br />_ said IJWI,� a distance of 935.85 fe�t; L-hence nortl�prly -
<br /> along a line para11e1 to the east line of said NW� a '�°'�
<br />_ distznce of 87a.90 feet to the point of b�ginning. �
<br /> GRANTOAS cav�nant wi�h the GRANTFF tha� GRAN�ORS: --
<br />_ (1) are lawfully sei�ed oE suc�a real estate anol that - �
<br />_ it is� �ree from �ncumbrances except easements, re�Crictions oF �-=`
<br />= record and public road right of way; "�`'
<br />= f2) have legal power and lawful authority to convey
<br />= the same;
<br />_ (3? warrant and will defend the t�.tle to th� real
<br /> estate ag•ainat tne lawful �baims oE all per§ons.
<br /> TiXBCUTED: �� � 1995. '
<br /> -�
<br />_ ..��-� �. �,�.� ,
<br /> JERRY�f CTimNTrrrn .,. .�..�.. ..
<br /> �` -----•--�-- �vnua.raav D1ULtYlt,lV�! ---�
<br /> J
<br />_ sT��r� oF Ns��►s�u�, � I
<br />_ ) ss.
<br />- COUNTY OF HALL }
<br /> / he �orego��.'nstrument wae acknowledged before me on the
<br /> l� day of -- , 1395 by JBRRX J�. STUbNICKA and �
<br /> : SUSL $ �STUDNICKFi, hu and and wife. `
<br /> � ��At IQfAAY�N Arit� q/ � .
<br /> MANGi1AET6t.001WN .. ,> , 1 ' j
<br /> IN�1t tbr�►Exx 1M11�199� �� �' ' /
<br /> ; Notaxy Public �
<br /> �
<br />