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<br />�! condemnation or other taking of wiy part of the Propeny,or for ccx�toyance in lieu of condr.mnation,are F�ereby axsigned and
<br />; shalt be paid te[.ender.
<br /> In the evcnt of a total taking of the Property, thc pmceeds shalf bc applicd to the sums securcd by titiis Security
<br /> Instrument,whether ue not then due,with any excc•ss paid to Bonower. In the event of a purtial taking af the Pmperty in
<br /> which the fair market valnc of the Property immediatCly bofort the taking is equnl to or�reater ths►n the amount of thC sums
<br /> secured by ttiis Secudty Instrument imn�e�lintely ix:forr,thu taking,unless Borrowar und i.ender otherwise agrce in writinB,
<br /> tiia swns secuted S�y tiiis Sccurity instrumcnt shnit ts::rcduccd '�y the aei�ount of the prozecds multiplicd by thc fi�llowi�p, -
<br /> frnction: (a)the total amaunt of the sun1�secumd intrnediAtely bc:forc thu takin�.divided by(b)thc fair markct value of thc
<br /> P�opcny immediately befare the tuking. Any balanc,�shaDl be paid to Bonower. In the cvent of u partial takinb of►he
<br /> Property in which the fairinarkct vah�e of th�:Pt�perty immediat�ly M:fam tt�e.taking is tes�ihi�n thc amount af tlie sums
<br /> secun:d i����r..2diaucly bcforr, the taking, unlc�ss Borrower:►nd Lender otl�erwise agree in wi•itinb or unless applicable law
<br /> otheiwise p;nvides,the prqcc�ecfs shall be npptied to the sums secured by this Sec.urity Instrumr.l�2 whether or not th�:�sums n�e
<br /> �iL�.r.o duo,
<br /> . � Ef the Property is nl�nndaned by B�rrower,or if,uftcr notice by Lendcr to Borrower thut Iha condemnnr off.ers ta make
<br /> � an nwar�l or setde a clairtt for damuges,Borrawer fails to respond to Lerdcr witbin 30 days afrr.r[l�u�date th+�>r�oticc is given,
<br /> Lendar is authorized to collect and apply ihe proceeds,at its option;oither to restoi�ation or repair of the Prr,Eserty or to the
<br />' sums secci;c;9 bv{.his Security[nstrurnent,whether or not then ducr.
<br /> lJnle�s Lcnder rar.3£arruwer otherwise agree.i:�writin�,siny appiicltion of piucccds to p�-incipa� :,hall n�t czten� or `
<br /> postpone the due date o3 the monthly payments rcierscr►ta�n pac�gcapns i auu�vr ci�w�gc�i�c u��wu��i ui au�:�N�4,r�i��•���. �
<br /> 11. Dorrower n�2 Released; Forbearance Ely Lender Not n Wniver. Exfension of the tlme for }�aymont or
<br /> modification of umonizutlori of the sums sccured by tliis 3ecurity Imwment grnnted by Lender to any successor�n intexesl .
<br /> of Borrowcr shall not oper�te to releasc the liability of the original Borrower or Borcowcr's successors in inte�est. Lencicr
<br /> shall not��.�equired to commenec proceedings against:u�y surcessor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment ar
<br /> otherwise�ncxiify omortizntion of thc sums secured by this Security Instrumcnt by reasun of nny demand made by the original
<br /> Borrower nr Borrower's succeasors in intercst. Any forbearance by Lender in exercisin�any right or remedy shall not be a
<br /> waiver of or preclude tli�exercise of any right or remcdy. •
<br /> 12� ��scceccora nnd Accleas[ionnd:Juint and Several Ltabil[tv:Co-sieners. The covenanu:tnd n�reetnents of this
<br /> Security dnstrument shall bind and benefii the successor�and assigns of Lendce �nd Borrower,subject to the provision9 nf
<br /> puagrn�fi 17. Bonowert co��enan�ti and agreements shall 6e joint and several. Any Borrower who co-si�ns this Seourity
<br /> Instrument but dces not e�ecute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage,grr►►t and convey thnt
<br /> Borro�ver's interest in the Propr.rty under the[erms of this Securlty Instrument; (b)is not personnlly obligated to pay the sums
<br /> securcd by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees thut L.endee and uny other Borrower may ngree to extend.madify.forbear
<br /> or mnke any accommodutions with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or thc Note �vithout thut Boerower'.s
<br /> consent.
<br /> 13. Loan Chs�rges. [f the loan secured by this Security instrument is subject to a la�v which sets maximum loun
<br /> char�es,and that law is finally interpmted so that the interest or other loan ch�u•ges collected or to be coilected in connec:tion
<br /> with the loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any tiuch loan chnr�e shall be reduced by the amount necessary t�reduce
<br /> the chnrge to the permined limit:and(b)any sums 1lready collected from Bo�ro�ver which excceded perniitted liiuits wil!be
<br /> refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to mAke this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making u
<br /> di�ct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal,the reduction will be trcated as a partial pmpayment without any
<br /> prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> 14. Nottees. Any notice ta Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> niailing it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of:mother method.The notice shall be dirccted to tho Propeny
<br /> Addmss or any other address Bonower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first clnss
<br /> rnail to LenderS address stated herein or:my othcr address Lcnder designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for
<br /> in this Secterity Insttatncnt shall bc deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lendcr when given :is provided in this
<br /> paragrsph.
<br /> I5. Governing Luw; Severabillty. This Securiry Instrumen[ shall be govcrned by fcderal law and thc law of thc
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that uny provision or clause of this Security Insttument or the Note
<br /> conflicts with cipplicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Securitv Instrument or the Notc which can
<br /> be given effect without the conflicting provision. 'Ib this end xhe provisions or this Security Instrument and the Nute are
<br /> declared to be sevcrable.
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy_ Banower sh:►II bc given one confarmed copy of the Note und of this Sccurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> 17. 'llransf�r o,°thc Pruperty or n Bcneficinl I�vtcrest in I3arrower. [f all or any part of thc Property or any intcrest in
<br /> it is sold or tmnsfe�red(or if a beneticial interest in Borrowcr is sold or transfe►red and Borrowcr is not a natural pcnon)
<br /> Evithout Lender's piior�vritten consent,Lender may,at its option,rryuire immediate payment in full of all swns securcd by
<br /> this Sect9rity Instrument. Howevcr,this option shall not be cxer�cised by Lendcr if excrcisc is prohibited by fcderal law as of
<br /> the data ofshis Securiry Inst�vment.
<br /> If Lcnder exercises this option.Lender shsll give BoRO�ver notice of acccleration. The noti�e shull providc a period of
<br /> not less than 30 days from Nte date the noticc is delivered ur muiled within which Born>�ver must pay all sum�:>ecu�d by this
<br /> Sccurity Instrument. If Dorrower fails to pay thcse sums prior to the expiration of this periud, Lender mny invukc any
<br /> remedics pcnnitted by this Security Instrument without furthcr notice or demand on Borrowcr.
<br /> 1S. Borrmvcr's RtglYt tu Rcinstntc. ([ Borrowcr mccts certuin conditions, Borro�vcr sttall havc thc right to hcivc
<br /> cnforcement of this Securiry Instrument discontinucd at any time prior tn the carlicr uf: R�) 5 days(or such other period ati
<br /> Singlc F.unily--Funnfe Mue/FYcddte D1ac UNIFORDf INS"fRU11I:NT••Unitonn Cuvcna�us 9;90 �p�i�o4 u/n p�iin�
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