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<br /> JEFFREY A. HORN and HAY,LY R. HORN, hueband and wi.fa
<br /> GRANTOR, in consideration of TPn Dollare ($10.00) and other
<br /> consideration xeceived from GR�INTEE, Jamea E. Titsworth and
<br /> Joan A. mftsworth, husband and wfi�.
<br /> aonveys to GRAN'PEE the following described real eatate (ae defined
<br /> in Neb. Rev. Stat. 76.2a1) :
<br /> A part of the Block Two (2) , of "Koehler Subdiviei.on"
<br /> located upon a part of the Southeast Quarter of the
<br /> Southweet Quarter (SE�(SW30 of Secti.on 15, in Townehip il
<br /> North, �taizge 9 Weet af the 6th P.M., and a part of Lot
<br /> - Fourteen (14) of the County Suk�diviaxon of the Weet Half
<br /> �f the southweet Quarter (W,4SW�) of Ser.tion iS, in
<br /> Townehip 17. North, Range 9 W�et of the 6th P.M, more
<br /> parti�ularly described ae Eollowe, to-wit: Commencing at
<br />- a point ��a the North boundary line of said Block Two (2) ,
<br /> - NinetY Five (95) feet West of the NArtheast corner of
<br /> ; aaid B].ock, running thence South �arallel with the West
<br />,:� moundary line of said Block for a dietance af One Hundred
<br /> Thirty Five (135) feet to a pQint on the Northe�ly
<br />= boundary line of the beat line of the Chicago, Burlington
<br />- & Quincy Railroad Company, running �hence in a _
<br />-? Southwesterly direction, along and upon eaid P7oreherly -
<br />�'j boundary line o£ said belt line for a dietance of 54.9 -
<br />:; feet, running �hence North para11e1 wi�h the Weat
<br />-' boundax�y line of eaid block for a dietance of One Hundred
<br /> -= Seventy-6'ive (175) feet to �he North boundary line o£
<br />=�� �aid block far a distance of 56.6 fEet to the place of
<br />"..� beginr�i.ng, H�11 County, Nebraoka.
<br /> � Suk�ject to eaeements, conditi.one, rest�ictione and
<br />-= lim3tatfons oE record.
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