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<br /> ;W�.r.�`'-'-,:� r!�iiwre�r is iad+bt�d to llerrt�e in the iMinc�lpd.44�m'of i.�?.3�7.26----,�vld�ne.•ed by Mort�go�'a e.ow
<br /> __J���f--s AI1t�d �y ��' 1995 (IN�Nn'rNot�")pe'Orldi�l for pNpmtnq ot Wtitld�Ml a1�d Iplt�rirt�wi!lltba MIIpN�al tb ---
<br /> :'.. .� Jr�ae 1� cu 5
<br /> === Indrbted�,it not soa►ar Wid,dtw wd pryabl�ob. * �—.
<br />--�..r� 1b+�ura the qyuser�t of tbe Nob,witli fntetrs�t u prwided tLerRln.Wa payr�nk ot�11 otMt wsuo,rrith int�reet, '
<br /> -'- ^„���:`�"` �dr�notd b l�or to cotRCt tM ucurlty of Wi�1►brt�.�a+�th�p�t�orn►�ace ot the co�nent��nd Mpwrn�'nts oL
<br /> ..,-_YT_ .-_�..:..,. F �+ P
<br /> �;�,� tbs MartpYor cwutaiueA i�a�i;�, Alo:tga�ar d�: hereby Atezt�e eud caArey tn �R�tp�ee tl�e fo!lowins describeA �_
<br /> �-3�.4::,.��;;:�. g��
<br /> s:,;s. .'"• pzop�rty located in_ Hnl� - County� Ntbnrlu:
<br /> .:r:
<br /> '"�'r�� �: �i �� I.ut �ighC (8), Block FourCeen (14), Packer aad Haxr's Additio,n to the Cit�+
<br /> '. `l.5�.: .
<br /> :-:,.� • �' ' o£ Gxand Ia land, Hall Counry, Nebrael�a� •�
<br /> �. .r� s � � ,� ,1 � �r' � j' -�rt ��S� �-
<br /> . .t�. � , n m � �:� � :r� �n ,�'�'" �
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<br /> Toaether w�ith�13 buUdin�s,impmvementa�tlxturea�streets.�ileys,pass�geways, e�raents,si�hta,psivile and ��ti
<br /> appustcnances loutcd theyeon or in�nywise pertelning thereto� and the renta,lssues and profits,rereealons�nd rem�ladere � -�"°"_
<br /> thereof;including,but not Umlted to,heatin�and coo!!ng equipment�nd such penond pmperLy thtt is�tt�checi to the ��'�',
<br /> '' (mprovemente so a� to consHtute a tbctura;dl of whlch,includin�eeplacements and Rddittons thereRo,[s heteby declRred �'~.
<br /> �,w.�
<br /> - to be a p�.tt of ttte re�l estate secwred by the llen of this Mort�age and dl of the tore�ofng befng refemd to hetein ts tHe -mm._�
<br /> - " • "ptoPettY'�• ;,,x a
<br /> .0
<br /> „ ' Mortg�gop further convenu►ts�nd a�rees,with Mortg��ee,as follows:
<br /> . •• 1. Payment. To pay the tpdebtedness tnd fhe[aternst thereon as provlded In this Mort�age and the Noto. "'�-�
<br /> " $. Title. Mostga�or ts the owner of tho Property�h�c the dght and tuthox�ty to mortga;e the Property,nnd
<br /> warrants thtt t�e Ilen cmaCed herebv is�tisst tnd prlur Ilen on the Pcoperty,except tt�a��y othenvlse bc set torth herein. ••
<br /> „ QL�e Property is subject to a 1Morigage whcrefn 1'.envuexcitiLRaapTO i
<br /> , l�the Mortgagee.reco�ded at Book ,P�gc o!the Mort�a�e Records of Hall �ouuty.�
<br /> � Nebr�lu�,wL1ch Mortgage is�lien prior to cke Ilen cteated hereby. �
<br /> �' f]Other p�lor liAns or enaumbraicrs:
<br /> ,.x �
<br /> ���t:
<br /> , $, Texea.A�veaamenta. To pey when due�II taxes,special assessments and all other cl�uges tgatnst the Pcopetty
<br /> �nd,upon wdtten demuid by Moatgagee,to sdd to the payments tequlred under the IJote secured heieby.such emount es i •,'�
<br /> may be�ufhctent to emble the Martg�gee to pay sucli taxes.�ssessmenks or otAer chuges as they become duv.
<br /> �•.�: �. Iiia�ance. To keep the improvements now or hereifSer located on the rcal estat,e descdbed heretn insured
<br /> : egdnst dun�ge by tire'wd euch other h�zanis�t�s Mortgagee m�y requlre,in am�unta and witD rnmpantes�cceptable to the
<br /> . Mort�t�ee,�nd w[th loss pNy�ble to the Mortg�gee. In cise of loa under such potictes the Mortgtgee Is auWo�ized to ,
<br /> �djust,coUect and compromiae,ln Ita dlscretion.all cl�ima theceunder�L ita sole option� nutho�ized toeither�pply tRe i�.•.
<br /> ptoceeds to ttce re�tor�tSvn of the Ptoperty ox u�wn tbe lndebtednesa sec�ued hereby,but paymeaC+hereuuder ch�li coa• ��
<br /> tinue�untAi Ehe sums eecured hereby are paid ln fuil• . � • I
<br /> 6. Cl�.ocrow For'�ucea+�nd Insurance. Notwlttisundin�anything eontdnecl in pangrapAs 3 and 4 hemof to the j
<br /> " " aontrary, MortgYgor Rhdl p�y to the Mortgigee at the tima of p�ying the monthiy iqstallanents ot pdneipal�id interest, I
<br /> one•tvreli:h of ttte yeuly tuces,�ssess8►enta�haz�rd ineurance premtums,�u►d gmund.rents(iL eny)wbtch m�y attsin n
<br /> - -__ _ -- �- - -- .. . .. . .. ....__ ..,.-------------t,_�_„� L
<br />_ �,- _- __ _ 1
<br /> . p�iortty mver tn[s naongaEe,lli es ieasonaAtY esmm�cea crom c�me w�ime vy�ae mongagee.t«�c a:cwnw w you ou�....� � - '
<br />- � held by¢fi�e Mort.qegee wiLl�out interest and epplted to the payment of the items in respect to which such emounts were '
<br /> j deposlter�.�e sums pdd W Mortgegee hereunder ue pledged as addttlond security tor ehe tndebteMess securnd by tl�[s �
<br /> 1 Mottg�e.Mottg��orshAi?�p�y to Mortgagee lhe amount of any deticiency between the tctud taxes,essessmenta,insutAnce
<br /> premfums pnd gcoun6 rPnta snd Lhc deposfta hereunder within 10 d�ye a[ter demsnd is tmde upon Mort��gor requ�sting
<br />= p�yment theccof. '
<br />- 6. Rep�ir.MnlnYen�nce and Use. 'Co prompLly repeir,restore or mbu4ld�ny bnildln�or improvaments now or
<br />- hernattet on the Property;to keep the pcoporty in goad condition and repair,without wute,and[ree itom mechantc's or
<br />� , olherUens not expicssly subordinated to the Iten liercof;not to mske,sutfer or permtt nny nu[sance to extst,nor to dimin-
<br /> ish or impalr the value of the Propnc2y by any act or omisston to ect;nnd to zomply with all reqalrements of law wlth �
<br /> � reapect to the Pcoperty.
<br /> p .
<br /> •S,
<br />, �
<br />