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<br /> _ .� o. Fa�,,:.:ix. L'c,�u..,:e ��(�rc...:� tu ��i�:.� c!I � ,i�r:��[;l rn t��.i , �,.�.,t r,�r,i �u;. 41..' � , ,
<br /> ____ - �!zymnnts�ender tECSfvors(rnm Hcrrotver Gt or flnvawor's� bna�t.t w�i hu sppiirll S!({L 1U Oliy BuiGi�i7�Fl U:N'�.'i:r'+J7iSN U:C U+1 i�6�..�.t ud:+. "` ``
<br /> - ���= nof f�cs W��xcuso bny��ct eduted pa ment unt;th�tGU9�ti lIi{)l Ii�ii�(I�;A!�t,yi pr�p�yrnnif o►t�u e�c�xed d�hi nctu�s ter r�ry es�on,it wiM , -----
<br /> � 2.Gakr�i Ags3n�!7id�.13nrrawer will p�y��!t��es,e�s�sunenta,�nd otiwr chap���rirlba�.f�bN to tM prp*rtY wMn�k+o M+d wiN d�d tMM
<br /> dih�nsri�w�hlcYh�Hor�rewsi msy�h�w i0�i nit P�liipwhaiulipply Iti6Pr u en�tariM�to I�mprow o�i'y rmM�ntNneth�i prop�rtQjr��•�rl�htc,cl�knr ot
<br /> ---• ' � •� • �n- ,tn:urnd un!ier t�tme ecr.�ntubb tA L�nd�r tt Bo�rowN'���nw and 4�?►I.�nd�►'�bsMflc. AN
<br /> - _ 3.L�:u�.:�a. Cuiru.:,.r ti:�.1 I•:�p tm C..•'t1
<br /> Irowan��poUcNrs thall Inut�d��sta�d�rd maTOapEpclxiss Irt O�vor of I.�nd�r.Untkr wMt ba n�rtud�iwa p�yN�,r w� a�rr i��...:v��::..;:r'r-�• --
<br />_-_----�--- -, oMr o il�ic si�uied debtinf Lenderinpu�dsry rt�pe Iniwinci�t N�orrow�er,+q��ii to milntNnkwcti�in�ex��Nio�p ii La�dK�1�uk�a���
<br /> ��� 4.propKtY•Borrower will keep the{xaWrtV���aod condition�nd m�k�dl r�p�k�roesonaWy rwcrRwy.
<br /> 6.Exp�m��.Borrower aprees to pay ell LeMer'A oxponee�,Inelud!np tsaton�bl�attan�ya't���,if Borrovwr bn�ks enY cowmrKs in 1hi�dMd
<br /> of trust ar!n sny oblipation securod 6y thia daed ot truat.E3orrowsr wlil psy tlHto emaunt�to L�ndar�s provld«I in Co�n B nf thM+iwd of
<br /> trwt.
<br /> -' 8.Prtar S�curity Intenst�.Unloss Oorrower firet ohtains Lender'e writton contbnt,Borrower wiU not mak� a pwmit anY ct�a�0}�to sny pt{or t
<br /> — securtty Interbsis. Borrower wiil perform ell Q1 Borrower's obligations under iRy priqr mortyapf, de�d af trwt er othM R�CUrit11�Mnna�t.
<br /> including Barrower's cuvenants to make payments when due.
<br /> ---- 7.As��►t ef R�nt�rnd Profa.Borrower essigns to Lender tha ronte and profite of tM prop�rt�t.Ur+ks�Barorwr and LendK b�w a��Q
<br /> � attv�rwise fn writing, eo�rower may collect�nd retatn ihc� rente es lonfl ae 8orrower ia not in d�fwYt. If tiorrow�r dofaultt,I.N�dw. L«�d�r'�
<br /> ayaRt,or �court appomtod receiver mey tuke passesslon end manaas th� propeny and colisct ttw rsrrtt. Amr r�n1f L�nd�t���
<br /> apptiNi f'ust to the costs cf mnna�tn�the property, InFludin court cotts end attorrNys'fe��,commis�lon�to nntal�w►t�,
<br /> -- P�ecessey rel�ted oxpensas.The rc�me mng�maunt of rentx wRl then epply to p�ymenta an th�s�cur�d d�bt a�provld�d in Cownant/,
<br /> - ----�
<br /> s.L�a�N�otdr Condoenidums;Plenn�d Unit OwNopmenta.,Qorrower ag�ees M curopiy wiih l��a povi:da:�:o:tm�t�°�:6 tNe�o!tru!*- �s�+n
<br /> '�"'- �leatehald. 1�this dood�f t�ust fs on o untt in a candom�nfum or a planned ureit developmsnt,Be�rtower wiN p�itam �It of flarow�r'i dutiw
<br /> undar Me cavana�ts,bylaws,or ragulationa of the condominlum or ptanned unit daveloprtwnt.
<br /> �"�a'�"�'�-"� 9.^:��h^rily�f L�ndsr to Pertorm tot Elorrow�v. If Borrower tnits to parfcrm eny of 8orrower'e duties under thi�doad of tnut, L�ndK m�y
<br /> '-�-e=�^:e.�_d r p .
<br /> _ oarform the duties or cause thom to he performod.I.onder muy oip��Catthio�ma nert Leruf�r mnv dn what�wr Ie tieuw�^�^t�r�1'nd"�` �
<br />..-wA:�.Tr � COf1SLtUCt10I1 OO lh0 p�OpUfIY is uiawniinuoa.n nJt:...:::�..L...^=•°=•nn. .
<br /> ���-�.%;i±;-� securi2�interost in ihn proporty.This may fncludo comptetin�tho constructton.
<br /> _v_�_��� LsnJar's iailuro to perform will not precluda londer from uxorclsing any of Ets other rlghts under the law or thir deed of trust.
<br /> °="-'v Any emounts pafd 6y Londar to protect Lender's sacurity interest will be secured by thls deed of uust. Such�mounts wlll be dw an tMmand
<br /> �`".r7�z'l��S� ood will bear Intorest from tho doto of tho poymont until pntd In full nt tha Int�res4 rAte In eNect on the secured debt.
<br />-:'ti:.ac,c;_:
<br />:;�4°�y �,; 10. QsfWUlt and pccelerstlon. If Borrowor faUe to mako any paymont whon dun or breoks any covemM�undar th(e dMd of trust or snY
<br /> obligatlon securod by this dood o4 trust or any prlor morr.gage or clood pi trust, Londer may eccelarote the matuidy of tho��cursd Mbt and
<br /> .�-��'F`; : '" demand Immediate peymant and mny Invoke tha power of sele end am�ott�or ramedles parmitted by eppllcable I�w.
<br />_�;.`':,�;-��r..:��
<br />,��'" " � heio o�ot�tho addrooss of oach cu h porsonre sysot torth horoln.copies nt tho noticos of defsuh an�i aaie ioe eeni io eov���+o.:az�t,u i:a�;
<br />"+�'::a•,�: .' '
<br /> �'�"•�`� .'�' 12,Pawer of Ssle.I(tho Londnr Invokos tho powor of salo,the Trusteo shall flrat rocord In th9 oNice of tha ropiitK of dsed�of�ych r.ounty
<br /> �`,"'"`';:;y ' ';� wheretn tho trust prnporty or somo part or percel thorcof Is s(tuatad o nottce of deteult contalnlng the fnfwmation roquked by law.TiH 4ruRUa
<br /> �.::;!:°�r;�y•.� � shell also mafl coplus of tho notico of dQfault to iho B�rrowor, to euch purson who Is a perty hereto, end to otMr perconi npr�srxlbMl W
<br />=r '.`�;��n..�� - eppticabto lew. Not loss than ono month aftor tho Trustoo recorda the notice of default, ot two months if the Wst propsrty ia not In�ny
<br /> � �� incorporuted clty or villapu and is usod ln tarminfl oporatlons corrlod on by the trustur,tho Trustao ahell glvs public notir.s af sab to tt�p�►wrw
<br /> •�'''�,�,:;::_�;.���
<br /> Y? Y�rrS;: • i,�� end tn tha manner proscnbed b aF�pplicablo Inw.Trustao, without domand on Barrower, sha!I sel!the properry et pu6lia�uetlan to tfio hipfi��t
<br />_�=rsud�,,• _ blddoa If roquirod by the Farm�lomostoad Protection Act,Trustoo ahalt offor the proparty In two separete sekc af requlred by appl(cadM law.
<br /> __^?�:t•.,�. Trusteo mey postponn aelo oi all or eny Oercol of tha proporty by publlc aonouncomn�t at the tlme and ptace o} any prevlouafy sahodubd aNe.
<br /> �-=W�_'1�'w'•s•�=. Lender or ite designoo mny purChaso tho proporty at nny selo. _
<br /> ^,�'''"��� Upon rocofpt of paymont of tho prico bld,Trustoo shall dollvar to the purchaser Trustee's doed convoylng the properry. The rec(llsla contdn�d In
<br /> �� T�;..�;, • Trusteo's doad shall bo prima facio ovidl�nca of tho truth of the statomonts cantained therein.Truatee ehall apply 4ha proceeda of the eale In ti�e -__
<br />, rolns1tatoment foosa�lbl to lall sumsssocu ed by thls�doad of�tNSt end(c1l hot balanco,(f any,bto he porsona egally entltled�to eCelve It,feea and =^-.
<br />"` � .�
<br /> .:,.�::'.,r .
<br /> ",°`'"`"- ' 13.Foreclosure.At Londor's option,thls dead of trust may be(oreclosed In tho mannor provido by applfCablo lew for forocloaure ot mortgapee �_-.
<br /> ��. on real property.
<br /> - ---"'y '-;.r"!x'�.. F'fi_..
<br /> � 'l� '���.rK7��,p E:��
<br /> b••�1� 14. InspeatEon.Lendor may nntor tho praperty So Inspuct it if Lendor glves Barrawor notico botorehand.Tha noYltO muat stato the te0contble !,_ .
<br /> _ "r�"'••: oause tor Lander's inspoction. 6 -
<br /> 1�"
<br /> �'�%'����-`'�%�'' 16.Co�icl�mnaUon.Borrowcr asEigns to Londer tho rocoads of anv award or clafm tor damagoa connected wlth a condomnatlon or other taking •s�����
<br /> � ' oi all or any part ot tho proparty.5uch proceods wiP bo nppliod as providod In Covonant 1.This asalgnrtsont Is sub�ect to the terma of any prlar
<br />- • security aprooment. -
<br /> •�`''� 16.Ydaiwr.By exercisina any ramody nvailpblo to Lendnr, Londar does not plve up any rights to later uso any othor romedy.By not exerCfsing ?-
<br /> -;�<';t,"• eny remody upon Borrowor's dufault,Londor doos not waivo any Nght to latcr considor tho evnnt a dotault if It happons egaln.
<br /> .,'C:;'i� 17. Jolnt end Sevoral Llabflity: Co•slgnere; Succossote nnd Asslflns Bound, All dutloa undor thls deed of buat are�olnt and severol. Any ;'
<br />" "'�� Borroever who co•siflns this daod ot trust Eut does not co-sign tha undorlying debt instnimontls) daes so only to grent end convoy that
<br /> � � � • Borrowor's intorast In tha property to tha 1'ruatue undor tho torms of thls deod of trust.In uddltion,such e Dorrower ngreea that the Lender end .,;�,
<br /> " �" any other Borrowor undor thls deed oF truat mny oxtond, modify or mako any othor changea In the torms of this dood of trust or the sacured u:
<br /> dobt without thot Borrowor's oonsont nnd without roleaslnp that Borrower irom thn totms of thls dond of tri�st. �,
<br /> " Tho duties and bonofits of thls daod of trust shnll bind and baneflt tho succossors and asslgns of Londer end Bor►owor.
<br /> � 18.Q�oUae.Unloss uthorwiso roquirod by law,any notico to Borruwor sheH bo pivon by dollvaring It or by malling it by cortified meit nddreased to
<br /> � Borrowo►ot tho proporty uddross or any o4hor nddross thot Borrowor hns glven to Londor.Borrower will gtve eny notice to Lender by certNled
<br /> � mail to lor.der's nddross on pafla 1 of thls deed of trust,or to any othor addrass whish Lortdar hos doslgnatod.Any othnr nottce to Lender shetl
<br /> • - bo sont to Londnr's address os statod on pnpn 1 ot thls deod ot trust.
<br /> � Any notico sholl bo doumod to hava bonn givan to Borrowor or Londer whttn glvon(n tha mannor statad a6ove,
<br /> � 18.Tronafer of tho Pwporty�or n Eonefclel Interost In iho F3ureower.If atf or ony part of tho propertY or ony Intorost in It is sotd or uensforred
<br /> • ;�, paymant�if�t v•8o rawor rie�otcann tural Forson andda benaficial Intorosi in thot Bor►ower Isubo�lddob tr ns(orrad. Howo or�Londor may+not I �•.
<br /> , ''; dem�nd poyment in the abovo situations fl it Is prohibned by foderel law us ul lho duto of this douJ of trust. �,
<br /> �' � Y0.Raconv�yence.Whon tha obtigation eocurod by this dood o}trust has bo�n puld, nnd Londur hus no lunhor o6figatlon to mnko edvancea
<br /> undor tho i�strumnnts or a roomonte socurctd foy this dead of trust, tho Trusteo shall, upon wtitton roquost by tho Londot,rocon�nY tho ttust
<br /> ^-��•�� - Y.... T.._,_...�.,e�.ou�or.,a.��mn enrrowar.or to Bormwor's succassor In Intarost,tho trust dnod a�d tho nota or othur ovldence of tho
<br />-�------ -��-- v�..w..,. ...�........� _.._..-- -_.
<br /> r oblipatlon so outishod.Borrowor shall pay uny rocordation costs.
<br /> " Z7. Successar 7rusteu. Lender, at Londar's option, may removo Trustea ond nppofnt o succossor trustoo by first, mafling n copY o} the I
<br /> - substitutlon of truston as roawrod 6y opplicablo law,and tho�,by filing tho substitution of trustuo tor rncord In tho offico ot tho roglster of doede i
<br /> • succaudcouatl tho powor.tdutiess autho rty and titlo oft ho Tru t a namud in t o duad of tru t o d ot nny isuccassor Irustoo,of the property,shatl I
<br /> I
<br /> . , � � ,
<br /> n �
<br /> , . �
<br /> .� �
<br /> . r0age 7 0�21
<br /> ��' -� ORNBEAS SVSTEMS.INC.51.CLOUD.��N SW01 11�OOOJ97 27411 fOI�M OCV 61T6 ME pit�Jl91 _ _ _ i
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