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<br /> -.- -.� 7HI3 D�D OF 7RU5T("S�aMity Matn�nmt"�i�m�d�on Ma�y 2b1h �1�
<br /> -. Th�wstar is�ifu�IgF_M�dinsldlS�.rl�+���.. MutJ�nd and Wih wW.M�ui M.� �+r� w-
<br /> -°�u�+�x►:i:.Y� i UnfnKrlOd IyG:� �-tforro+wr�.i n�fru�iss is -
<br /> _ _-r=-' N�MAnpl Ba11k Qf COrnInNC� TrIN!�Mld SMri�A�rf1o11. __-
<br />--=`.='"`w'::,�r:,;a� l�Trustes').The 6unaflci�ry b 11� Ow�l� Nl�.4l�+l�_�lRk 4'�d�� -
<br /> �°:a l�M+�. .whicn a orq.nit.d.nd.o�llri,�r und�r a»Mwa a
<br /> --- =': TI1�Unk�d $� Q?Am�riC,�_ ,end whoae.ddnu i� �44 W�Tftird�t O�al►d lahl . _
<br />._r�..��cv:�w,�1
<br />�-_�_;�,'�';j��' � _�� ��Q1 (•l�dw°).Domow�►oww L�a�d�e d�pktidp�d�xn d
<br />- -- _ _ -_- �Stx TNoussnd,�yn�_Hundnd_�nd OOH00 —
<br /> �-L,Y�_. . DoIMn►(U.B.S 6¢.9Q0:� ). Thb debt b evklericed by BorrowK'e not� drt�d th� wrM d�t�e u thh Srarity
<br /> ,;;,r;,r�;,;.; . � �nsUwnent ('Not�'), whkh provklea ta monthy p�yments, wkh tM tuN d�ebt, If not p�ld s�'if�. �lu� md pay�bi� on
<br />�..;�;,,�n'+�'R Jun� 1.2025 . Thie 3ea�rity inatrument sewro� to LendM: (�) th� reprye�►E d tM d�bt
<br />--��°`.*.'"`„ " evidmced by the Note. wllb kr3ereat. �nd W renew�ls.a�denalona end mod�7calions; (b) ths paynNnt of� o1ha�awn�, wkh
<br />__,_•:,..�tC,t ; a�aur
<br />,;:r;y,,.�,;. , Interost, �dvanc�d under paraynph 6 to p�ntect the soc�,rribr a1 thla Security InsUum�nt;�nd(a)th�p�rfornrnce of BarowK'�
<br /> � , �,j' �° coven�nta �nd ��eemenb under tAis Suc:�rity Instrument and the Note. For this purpoae, Boirowa doe� h�roby mat�.
<br />��l'��i r�•�`g"'"• aifll v1d Conv to T�ustee vukh
<br />, y, 1�;_, ey power o?wb,the talowlnp deaaibed pr�peity bcated in HsN
<br /> ,,�•;.�`n,, Counly�
<br />=E� i`;:r. ;�� ;
<br />�`;: ,`�,, Ths Eat Forty FNt (40') af Lot �av�n (�� 81xk Fourts�n (14). Ruwdl WhNbr'�Additlon.C�t�r
<br /> ',:�S',.a:'�:.M � of tirand Isl�nd, Hafl County, Nsbraska. -
<br /> - .. :..v,.�.�
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<br /> whkh hea the eddresa of 118 W�st 9th Str��t (3r�nd islsmci €n-
<br />- ;� [svicet] [��b1 r."_�`"
<br /> �b►�1sk11 6H801 ('ProAeriY Address'l� "':.
<br /> (smte) [�A codeJ �
<br /> TOCxLTPiER Willi aW the Improvements now or hereefter erected on the Property, and aH easements, righta,npEwrtensncea. �
<br /> � rente, royaith�, minenl, u(I and gas dghta end profts, w$ter righta nnd stock and �ill Tixtures now or hereat�a a part of the I
<br /> ' ' . Praporty. AA rcpi�cemeRts end additiona she11 also 60�overed by th►a Security InsUumenL Ail of the toregoing is vafetred to in � ''"
<br /> ec
<br /> j.':`,.
<br /> this Securky InsUument as tho'Properry'.
<br /> �"�; BQRROWER COVENANTS thnt 9orr�ower Is IevAuly aelzed ot the astate hereby conveyed end has the Nght to mortg�pe.
<br /> •,; grant and convey the Property end thet the PrapMy Is unmcumberod, csxcept tor encumbmncea oi record. Bomower wamnb
<br /> � and wiN defend generWy tho titie to the Propzrty agnfnst all claima nnd demnnds, sub;Q�t to any encumbmncea ot rccord.
<br /> • 1. Payment of PWnclpal, Interest and E�4e Ch�rge. Borrower sheL!pay when dua tho pnncipal of,and Intereat
<br /> , on,the drrt�t avidenced by the Note and late charges due under the Afo1e. I
<br /> 2. Monthty paymeent of 'i'axea� Insurarra�, anc! Oihar Gh�rgea. eorrower ahall Include in eacn monthry �
<br /> payment, topcther with 4he principal and interest es se2 4onh In the Nota and eny kte charges, A sum for(a) texea and spodal i
<br /> , assessments levled or to be levled agafnst the Pruperty, (b) leasehold paymente ar ground renis on the Property, and (c) �"
<br /> , -- __ _-_ - prcmiums ior inaur�c�rt.quir�d unda raragrapn 4. in any year m wnlcn the Lenuer must pay a moKgego In�urance premlum to �
<br /> � tho Secretnry o1 tiou31n8 and Urbnn Dcvelopment('Sacrotsry'), or In eny yeat In whlch such prr.mlum would ha�e been requked
<br /> If Lender nUA hetd the Security Instrument, onch monthty pnyment ahaN nlso Includo Nther: (I) a sum for Ihe annual mortc�ago
<br /> Insurmce prernlum to be pald by Lender to the Secxetary, or (II) e monthy cherge Instead of e moRgege Insurence premlum If ,
<br /> �� Ihta 3ecxufty InsUument Is held by the Secretnry, In a r�asonabto nmount to bo deSo:mined by tho Secretary. Excopt for tho
<br /> ' maithy charpa by the Secretery, these Itema ere calletJ 'Escrow Iteme" nnd the suma paid to Lender ctre caA'ed 'Escrow
<br />_� - , Funds.' ;
<br /> F'SD19.1.f�1a I9/35) PapO Y Of 4
<br /> ., .
<br /> I
<br /> . � � .� I 950a2
<br />- �' I lr , : . � .
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