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<br /> _:;�;,,.. _'. • " � 16.I3aR�R�er'a Copy. tiomnK�er shall bc glven one con[oxmed copy af the N'ote nr.d of thls Security InsuumenG ,, • „
<br /> � i7.`r�n�;�c�oP lht Prageriy�or A�iensSlcial interrat in�3orrower. If nll ar nny p:ut of t1�c Property or any intcrest in it is . "`
<br /> �'``�=�'` -�- � sold w�mnsfcrred(or if a bsncf'�cial interest in dormwes is soid a�trensferrcd and Harrowcr is not u �adual persan) without � . =
<br /> ---- ��,,:��r� • —
<br /> � �"'�`� '� l.cn�dct's p�'tr,r wr�ltcn c�nsent,Lcn.dcr may.at its aptlan,rcctuirc immcdlatc{iaymcnt in full of all sums sccurcd by thls Sccuriry � ^ -
<br /> 9 iii��atir��,t.�l�s:�w:.�:,�.�:is option�hal1 net�a excrc���tt by i,�ad�r if eacrci��ts protu4it�i by fede��.l l�r�as of thc dnre�f Ih�g . � __
<br />`.::�S�s•t• ,�y�' $OCIlllly Iql7lt�Alf:tlt. ,
<br /> a.,��� If I�etu�A;��KCrr,ises tt�is opdon,Let�der sl�all give Borroxzr notice of acce{eradan.The natice Ehall p�vide a period of not less
<br /> �.'�`"--• iht►n 30�ls�ya�f�Yn tlia dnte�ho notica is delivCrcd or mallcd withu�wMict��lorrowcr must p�y all sums sQCUrcd by this Security -a
<br /> � �',�� In.s�umact�..I�k�rnawdr fails W pay thcse sums prior w the eapiration of thL9 pr.riad,Lcadr.r may invQkr,nny rcmedies permittcti � '
<br /> �'�° �' , by this St�.•util�,Iast�+m�at evithout Curthcr notice;or demarid on Haaowcr. .,
<br /> 18,.f3a�v�c�'s Rt�lt1 to Refnstata If Bottowr.r mtxts ceriain conditi4na, Bomawcr shaU have the rigbt W havc � � .
<br /> � enfomme,at,Rf.thi.� Sessuity Insuua�ent d�scontin�ecl at e�y time prior to ihes ea.dicr af: (a) S days(or such other perial as
<br /> , ' applirablfl la►�•mtiy spocify fur reinstatcmcnt)before s�le of the propsety pursuant Go any powcu of salc contnined ln�liis Sec►uity '
<br /> � Insuvmc.nx,Rr(ir1 r,nvy of a judgment�nforcing this Socurity Instnim.cnt,'ihose conditi.ona arc that Bonowcr:(a)pays Lendcr nll . . ,
<br /> �i►ns whi�:b.r,�nn would be due undr,r thl9 Security Instrumr,nt and the Notc av if no a�cele.�ntean had occurred(b)cure9 any , ' =
<br /> defa�dt 4f 9nyr,pther cavennnts or a�mements;(c)pays sill exncn.�s incurr�id ir��nfoncing this Security Insmunen�includin�,but , „ ,�
<br /> ' not limitGit tq,��a.�sona6lc attomcys'foe.4;and(d)wkr,�sueh tx:doa as Lendcr ma�r�casonahly require w r�ssiu�:that the licn of this •, �
<br /> - } Savrily, Ina:sul,�ent, Lend�x's nghts in che E'coperty and klorrower's oblignpan.. W pay We sums secured t�y Ihis Secu[ity w,�!''.�_.��,�
<br /> �; Instxu,manl.it'L�lt continue anchanged. Upon reinstat�mcnt by Aormwer. this 5c;curity Instrumr.nt s�nd Qic obligauons sccured � - ' � , o
<br /> . ; hac��:=ha1i c►.�,�in Sully etfecdve as if no xce!ercLion h�l eccun�l.Ho�Seves,this ri�.ht�a�elnsS..�'n s�11 not apply in thp c?�e of � ., ����!`�
<br />.--=L acro�.!�anti�n tt�dcr parng�raph 17. . , •��`°".�.,`-�y�
<br /> y",� 19,.��la,¢�i Notc;C�nnngr ot Loan Servicer. 'llie Notc or o parti�l intae�st in the Notc (togethec witt� this Security .�• "t.'`..,�
<br /> Iu,fxw�►r.ni}n��y Le sold u�te or moia tines withaut priar natica to Ao�rawcr.A sale may res��te in a cha,�ge i►�ihe enGry(icnuwn � ''� �-'�'
<br /> - ------'_...._.. � .. ... ._a--_-�1.I..,....t4wo.o....�bl.,no........ . -� -_---�.
<br /> ._._..___-__.._ «..�.........t.��1�nN^t«e..n...i.�I.:..Raw.:�..Y�ntrW�nnnt 'T7�nrPOlc�m.���.�..'�.�.: ' _-_ _
<br /> L_ .. . i'
<br /> iu usa �..auw Nw.�w.i«.w.........................� �.............e.......... ..... »� —,,y4 ;y�,� .
<br /> mcm:chatl�aE of the Loati Servicer unrelate�oo a sale of the Note.If there is a changa of thc Loa��Servicer,Borrower will be �����;.:
<br /> given wriUc�n nudce of tho change ea aacotdance with pazagraph 14 above anda�plicable law.'R�e nQbce will staus the name and :. ry __
<br /> • `�' addtess of tha.aGw Loan Servicer:uui the address to which payments should be made.'If�e nodce will also contain any other : •:'�•'
<br /> '�= infarmatian.rt�.quired 6y applicablc law. ;u'-�
<br /> �� Z0.Ha�lous Sr.bstonces. Bomower shall not cause ar perrtut the presence, use, disposal, storag�, ar release of any � � ..�
<br /> = Hazardous,SuU�cs on or in d�c Property.8omower shall not do,nor allaw anyone else to do.anything a€focti��g the Property • r-,�
<br /> ttu►2 is�n violr.tion of any Environmcntal Law.'Itie preceding two sentences shall not apply to the pnscnce,�sz,or stora�e on 1he ...;,.. '4�
<br /> � Propeaty af senup quantitics of Ha7,�r�lou:�Substanccs that are gencrally recognized to be appropnate to normal resid�ntial uses ` :.�;,�;'
<br /> �it![!�»�lAlYasli'r.�j thn_.Qnnmrt�r,
<br /> Doirnw�c ahall prempdy give Lendcr written notice of any imesdgation, claim,demand. lawsuit or othcr action by any �.: :' �
<br /> „ . govemmttt�ud,4�r regui�txy agcncy or priva�te party involving the Pcoperty and any Ha7ardous Substancc or Environmental Law
<br /> of whu.d P,4o�r.r.+wer has�cNal Icnowledge.[f Dorrower Icams.or is notifeed by any govemmental or regulatory authoriry.�hat any -
<br /> remava!qr c�t0�er reir�a9iadon of any Harardous Substance affecting the Propr.rty is necessar}+,Bormwer shall pmmpdy tc�3ce nU
<br /> necesstuy retncrJ�al sietions in accordancc with E,nvironmental Law. ,
<br /> As u�r:d Fa this paragraph 2f1. "Hardrdous Substances" are thoso substances defined as tonic or hatardous substaix�by ' ;, •% ,
<br /> Environm�atal �aw aed th�e following substances: gasoline, fcerasenc, od�er flammablc or w�ic petrofeum producis, toaic T
<br />, � •• prsticickss an,.�1,herbicides,volaqk sqlvents.materials containing asbestns or formaldehyde.end�adioactive materials.As used in .,:�' `
<br /> �� this 20."Environmental Law"means fedecal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where Uie Propeety is locau;d et�at relate j '�� .�
<br /> , • to health��i��or cnvironmcntal pmtscdon. i , � .w 4 .
<br /> , � -.,�:
<br /> NUP:»iAVil�'JRM COVENAIVTS.Boaawer and Lcndcl funher covenant and a�ee as follows: ; .
<br /> 21.Ac�:lr�rntioa;Itemedies.Leoder shall give aotice to Borrower prior to accekration tolbvving Boirower's breac6 ot ; ,��` '
<br /> asy coti�tmunt•ar a��ement in this Securi�y Instrament (bu4 not prior to accekrxtjon under paragraph 17 unlesv I ��,��%�l
<br /> ,,, . oppliriblu ia�v�rn�-ideg a�therwise).The aotice shall specify:(ay the defau[t;(b)t6e actioe required to curc the defaWt;(c) f
<br /> �date,not b�tha�3a da�ts from the tlate t6e notice�v given to Dorroa�ee�,by whic6 the defautt enust be cared; and(d) �
<br /> t6at faihn+�to cure tbe default�er btfore the d�te speci�ied in the na�ice may result in accekration ot the sums secured � � �'`� .'
<br /> � ''"��' by tbt�Secar+ty Iostrnment and sak of thc Propert�.T6e notkc s6all f�er inform liorrow�er a!the right to�ei�nstate i ,�
<br /> ' atter acwr(uatlon and the right to briag �court uction to asstrt the��tense of a default or u�y other defeose ot t , �,,� .
<br /> Dorr�wer to accekrat�n and sak.If the defsult ic not cuned on ar before the date specifled in t6e notke,I.ender�at its ' ,
<br /> - option,may rtquire immediat�payment in full of all sums secured by this Secarlty Instrumeet wiWout Purther demand � �
<br /> ?- ond�,y��nvoice the po�eer of sak an�aey other remedies permitted by�ppl�cubk law.Lender shsill be eatitkd[o oollect �
<br /> • aU expanz�ts incurred in pursuieg t6e remedirs provided in t63s paragraph Zl,inctuding, but not limited to, re�sonmbSe � �
<br /> attoree}�t'fe�s and costs ut titk ev3dence.
<br /> _ IP IhR power ot sak� invoked, Trustee sh�0 record a notKx of def'a�n1t in cacb rnunty in w6icb any part of the
<br /> Property t�kxated aoc!siwll mai�l ca���s olsuch notice in the maneer prescribed by a,�pl;cable law to Borrernxr�ed to the
<br /> Ml�cr perKOas pres�ribed by yRg56ex�T►;law.ARer We tune requi�ed by applic�6le IeR•,7'rustee shail give Qublic notice of ,
<br /> � sak ta tix�c persoes aecf in the m��er prescribed by applicabk law.Trustee,��iti�o+it ckmand on Rorrower,sh�ll seU the �
<br /> � . , ? Property s�t public 9uctioe to the highcst btdder at the time and place and under Mc teems designatted�n the aotice ot sale
<br /> '��
<br /> �.
<br /> � Form 302e 9/9D
<br /> - � . ! ��d1F'i(r��,:�(G212) Pa���a+8 inq�a�c - , -
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