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<br />;�;R`�� TCX1E'TFi�It WITH ull tt►c improvcrtientv now an c�muftcr crectcd on thc property, and�11 casements,appuMCnances,nnd ��.
<br /> A`` -���''�"� fuctwr.a no�v an c�reefter a pazt of tha proyaty.All rcpla�ccments e��d nddidons shnll also be covered by this Sccurlty Ins�aumcnt.
<br /> :�-;•rr'.`'";'�- �� � �.
<br /> '�`; ... .. .., .� A!1 af We foregoing ds refcrred to in this Securiry Insuvmcnt as Iha Prope�ty. .
<br />�='"-�---�'�"�c�:�� BORROWBR COVENANTS lhat 8orrawcr 1s lawfully seised af thc estate hcreby conveycd And has ti�e rigtu to grcu►t iu-�d ".
<br /> ��.'_`��...f,��, canvey the Yraperty nnd that the l�nporty is unencumbtned,except for oncumbrnnces of record. Honower warrents and wil!
<br /> •�'�:� ' defand ge�nuaUy tha dtle to thn Property against all claims end demands,sub}ect to any encumbrances of recard. � �,
<br /> -- `°""�` TEIIS SECURTTX WSTEtUMENT combines uniform covenants for national use end aon•uniform cc�vcnanL9 with limited '
<br /> _ laa[.rr7_�', .. •
<br /> ��.,�""�` vuriatians by JurLsdicd�n to consptute a uniform sccuriry instrument wvc,ring rea!properry. ,.
<br />'�•°'�•�- :•. . � I1NIE�QRM COVBNANTS.Bo►�ow�.r and Lcndcr cavc�ant nnd egrec as foUows: �
<br />_ .- - �..' : .;t 1.P�ym�at of PrincipAl stnd Inttrest;PrspAyment ond Lote C6arges. Barrower shall pranpdy pay wl�en due ihe ' •
<br />�'�``;"'�;'�"��' ;' principal of cnd interest on the de6t cvidcnced by ihe NoLe and eny prcpayment and late charges due undcr tha Note. f �
<br />`��`;''�'�';�" ' 2.Nunds for Tatxes and Insuranca Sub}ect tn applicable law or ro a writtcn waiver by Lender, Bonowcr shall pay to �
<br /> �� �. • • ': L.ender on the day n�anthly paymeats are due under the Note,unW the Notc ia paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)ycarly taxcs � •
<br /> _-- `���•� �,• and assessrtients which may attain priority ovcr this Securiry Instrument as a Gen on the Property;(b)yearly Icasehold paymcnts
<br /> -- �,'���' or und rents on ihe Pro y haznrd or ro msurance premiums;(d)yearl floosl insurance remiiuns,if . •
<br /> . . .•. � Sm PertY�if eny;(�)Y�� P PenY� Y P I .. ��
<br /> any;(�}ye?rly n�ongz�g�inG»rnncc prcmiums,if any;smd(�uny sums payable by Borrower to Lcnder,in accardance with thc °
<br /> -r"._;,:_;,• ,';� provisians of pazab,..aph 8, ,. tieu ot �he payrne,� of mortgage ins�uan;.e prcaniums.'Ihese items aze c�alled "Hscrow Items." ° •
<br /> -°-- • � -� �� Ler.dcr may,at any time,collect end hald Funds in en amaunt not G�eacced the moxamum amount a lcndcr for a federdlly eelated .
<br /> ,. � mosl�•�e loan [nay require for Barrower'a escrow account under ihe federal Rea[Estau Settirment Prncedurec Act of 1974 as �_--__ .. �:.__-_----:
<br /> - - � .. .. - --
<br /> . ameoci.,d from time to time,1'l U.�.c:.JecUOn'16U1 el seq. ("RESPA"),tuiless another law that applies to ihe Funds sets a lesser
<br /> • � `� amounG If so. Lcnder may, at any time. collect and hold Funds in an funount not to excced the lesser smount. L.ender may ..
<br /> A �� esdmate the amount of Funcis due on the basis of curcent data and reasorwble essimates of expenditures o�future Fscrow Items oi c +
<br />' ' .���`' othciwise in accordance with appllcable law. . , :��•'� .
<br /> � 7ite Funds shall be held in an insdwaon whosc:dcposits are ins�ued by a federal agcncy,insuumensality,or entiry(including •� - �
<br /> Leader,if Lcndcr is such en instituaon) or in any Fedelal Home Loan Bank.Lendcr shaU apply the Funds to pay the Escraw i �``".�
<br /> • •�.��:''' •`�: t Items.Lender may not ch�rge Bottower for holding and epplying the�unds,annually anulyzin��he esc►nw account,or verifying �.� '
<br /> '�'�•�' _ '': the Ti�crow Items.unless Lcndea pays Boaowcr interest on the Funds amrl applicablc law permits Lendcr to ma�e such a charge. ���"'`'`
<br /> �---- r,r
<br /> ' � y Howevcr, Lcnder may rcquirc Borrowcr to pay a one•time cha�gc for an independent real estate tax reporting scrvice used by —T"�',�:F" �-
<br /> "�'•��' Lender in connecdon with this loan, unless appGcuble law provldes ouherwise. Unless�n ageement is madc or applicable law •��.� '�,;XJ`
<br /> <. �,,•,
<br /> roquir�r ir�uxest W be paid,Lender shall not be required to pAy BoROwer any interest or eamings on the Funds.Bonower and ';�';'. " ��,,
<br /> '� Lendar may agroe in wripng,however,that lnterest shall be p�id on the�nds.Lcnder shall�ivo w Borrower,without chargc,an �� . � '';`�:t, •,
<br /> ,. annual accounting af the�nds,showing credits and debi� to the Funds and the puipose for�which each dobit to the Funds wos , _ •t;;. �
<br /> � ' '��" made.'llie Funds are Pledged as addidonal�ecwrity for all sums secum�d by this Security InstrumenG 1 ����" -
<br /> • ,,:.
<br />, � �� • j If ihe Funds hcld by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by appllcable law,Lender shall account to Borrower for ..r�;,�:!
<br /> ' ' � ", the eacess Fn��ig in accordance with the requirements of epplicable law.If ttte amount of the Funds held by Lender at any tune is I �� � .._
<br /> �'`•' ' ' � not sufficicnt to pay the F.scrow Items when due,Lender may so notify Bonower in wridng,and,in such case Borrower shall pay
<br /> , . �`.� fY _` ' �
<br /> . � „ to Lender the amount necessary to mnke up the deficiency. Barrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than twelve f � ; ,�:.
<br /> °_ . � rnontl�ly paymcnts,at Lendcr's solc discredon. . , . •
<br /> •• � • • - •c� Upon paymcnt in full of nll sums secnrcd by this Srcurity Instrurrtent,Lender shall prompdy refund to Borrower any Funds I ,,;;.-". .
<br /> ` •� ' "'`" held by I.cndcr.If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell thc Property,L.endor,prior w the acquisition or sala of the j
<br /> "` '�� ''"�"�` Property, shall npply any Funds held by Lcnder at the tune oi acquisirion or sale as a credit ngainst the sums securcd by this j ;;��'.,
<br />: � �� � - SecuriryInstrumcn� � �;�'':`..��, . �
<br /> � •� � 3.Applksttton of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all pflyments received by l..ender under paragraphs ` ;��• . . . '':
<br /> , 1 and 2 shaU be upplied: fust,to a��y prcpayment chargcs due undcr thc Note; sccond,to amounts payable under paragraph Z; • ;"•` ;
<br /> thied,to interest due;fourth,to principal due;t�nd last,to any late charges due under the Note. : �"'; w,
<br /> - 4.Charges;Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessmen�s,charges,fines and imposidons s►uributable to the Property � �•����"' •
<br /> � J�;�j which may euain priority over this Sceurity Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any.Borrower shall pay thesc
<br /> " '�°� obligadons in thc manner provided in paragaph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borcower shall pay them on time dirccdy to thc �
<br /> ..� „ - �:� pcison owed payment. Borrower shall promgdy furnish to Lender all nnriccs of amounts to be pairl under this paragraph. 1f �
<br /> � � Borrower makes these paymenis direcdy,Bonower shall prompdy fumish to Lender reccipts evidencing the payments. ' .
<br /> Bortowcr shall promptly dischargc any lien which has priority ovcr this Securiry Instr�ment unlcss Bo�ower. (a)agrecs in
<br /> � 's� writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable w Lender;(b)contests in good faith the lien
<br /> sr,� by,or defends u�ainst enforcement of the lirn in. legel proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the � .
<br /> enforcemcnt of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien un agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating thc licn to '
<br /> • ��4 this Securiry Instrument�If L.ender determines that su►y part of the Fropeny is subjoct to a lien which may attain priority ovee this �
<br /> � ,:� Sccurity Instrument,Lcndcr may givc IIorrowcr a nodc.:identifying the Gen.Bono�ver shall saasfy the licn or take onc or more '
<br /> ff of the actions sct forth above within 10 days of d►e�ivin�of norice.
<br /> ���.�:1 Form9028 9/90 �
<br /> �-E�(NE)to2121 Pap�2 ot 6 i����aio:
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