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<br /> �7�AT�3AT�.��T ,�EtaT QF_�r•.�SL ..—
<br /> FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION cf the �um of Eight Hundxei! ThAU-
<br /> �and Do].].ars ($800,000.00) loa�ad ax ta b� loaned to �I�� undar-
<br /> signed, DO�?ALD D. kdEHRINC and ItE�ECGA L. MEH,�ttING, hie wife; _ -
<br /> DONAZ.A L. MEI3RING, Truetee nf the NAPiCY �1. �RWIN TRUST j DONALA D•
<br /> MEHRING, Tru�tee of the JOHI�1 M. MEHRING TRUSTt �N�+� �. �ING, _
<br /> Tru��ee aL 'the ELI�ETH A. ERG7IN TRUST; and BONAI.f� I�. NlEN�tIN�G� .
<br /> Cone�rv�tor o£ th� ESTATE OF f�IRISTIAN S. MEHI3ING, A PRO�ECTED
<br /> pERSON, hPreinaf�er re£�rred to ae "Ae�igncsr". do hereby sell,
<br /> aee�.gn and tranefer unto TH� OVERLAND NATION�I+ HANK CJF GRANI�
<br /> ISLANA, hereinafter re�erred to ae "Ansignee", all of ABei.gnor�e -
<br /> righC, ti�le and 3nter�et in and to a Leaee far Real Property
<br /> dated ^�er.'L�_, 19�, whexein J��� f•��'"
<br /> + ie idei��i� �d a� the -
<br /> Tenant in xespect to a portion of that real eeCate legd7.ly
<br /> c��ocribed ae: -
<br /> LOCi3 E�g�$ (ti 1 7.Ild dYlIIB (J) , C:oncrrsi.c:ya i�0a i.ia :��u.ua'v i- =.-
<br /> �aon, Ha7.l County, Lvebraeka.
<br /> k1V'D
<br /> A +tract of land comprising a part of Lot One �1D Cones-
<br /> ���� ::crt:z p?in�h �,:�aiyi�;^n ;n r�P city of Grand
<br /> Island, F?all County, Nebraaka, and more particularly
<br /> deecribed �� followa:
<br /> Beginnix�g at the �authwes� corner of Lnt I�ine (9) . Con�
<br /> eetoga North Subdivieiora; thence eaeterly along and --
<br /> upon tYae south line of L4ts Nine (9) aad EigYit (8) , �-
<br /> Conestoga North Subdivision, a distance of Three Hun- ,�
<br /> dred (300.OU) Feet to the Southeast coxner of said Lot ;;;;t_.
<br /> Eight (e? ; thence southerly parallel with the west line
<br /> oE aaid Lot (i) , a dietance of One Hundzed Fort,y and .�''
<br /> Seventy-Three H�andredthe (i40.73) f�et, more or leee, '-Y+
<br /> to a peint that is One Hundred Ninety Five (195.0) fe�t �;_
<br /> north of the south line of said Lot One (1) ; tlience �
<br /> weeterly paral�.E1 to the soutri li:�e of eaid Lot One
<br /> (1) , a. diatance o� Three Hundred (300.0) f.eet; thence
<br /> northerly, parallel with thP west line of said Lot One �• �
<br /> (l.) , a diatance of One H�andred Forty and Seventy-Three ,
<br /> Hundredths (140.73) feet, more or leea, to the point of .
<br /> beginning.
<br />- 1. Thie Aesignment is given to secure the payment o£ the I
<br /> indebtednese deecribed above and as security £or such other aumE
<br /> as may be hereafter advanced by Aseiyra�e to, or £or eh� benefit �
<br /> �
<br /> { ii
<br /> I "•
<br /> - �
<br />-� � �
<br />- ►
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<br />.1��rY-Iw^ r�r.i�fst�u,}�n�+lw�-.Mh+...i�r�f�i:liel.� i ' :��� •ry.��Vn�.`" .
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