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<br /> [Spaca Abnve 71�hlAnc Far Recorcllry�lhua� /✓,j,(�P�D7�, ��O
<br /> . DEED UF TRUST `��`� �
<br /> � NORWEST�AfdK NEBRASKA,Pl�l. •
<br /> Po.eax�4os -
<br /> -- OPdAHA,NE Ga103 —
<br /> ATTPJ: f't�ti'�IS JrPJSEU
<br /> THIS DHBD OF TRUST("Secudry Instmnxnt'7 is made on May 1, 1995 .The trust�r is
<br /> �erry L. Meier and Csr�l I,. Meier� hueband and wifP =—
<br /> ("Borrower").T!►e trustez is Norwest Bank Ne�raeka, National Aseocfation _
<br /> ("Trustec").The beneficiary is Norwest Saazk Nebraska. National Association =
<br /> which is organiz.�end existing under the laws of United States of America , and whose
<br /> eddre,ss is 2Q2 Weat Thisd Streat Grand Island, Nebraeka 68802 --
<br /> ("Lender").Borro�ver owes Lender the principal sum of -
<br /> Th3rty Thousand 1DollAxs and no/100----- --_-�-----�---Bolltus(U.S.S 30,000.00---------a• `
<br /> This debt is evidenced by Bonower's note dntecl the same date as this Security[nstrument("Note"), which provides for _
<br /> monthly payments,with the fult debt. if not paid earlier.due and payable on OS/Ol/2000 • --
<br /> Thls Security Instcument secures to Lender: (a)the repayment of the debt evidenced by the IYote,with interest,and all renewals,
<br /> eatensions and modificatiohs of the Note; (b) the payment of all other sums, with intercst, advanced under parascaph 7 to -- -
<br /> prmtect the security of this Security Ynstrument;and (c) the performance of Horrower's covenants and agrcements. Foc d�is �_�
<br /> purpose. Barrower irrevocably grants and convcys to Trustee. in truss, with power of sale, thc following described property ���
<br /> located in �a�,l ' County, Ncbraska: ��-F;
<br /> .��
<br /> Lot 8, B1ock 1. Colonia� Sstatea Tenth 5ubdivision. City of Grand Island. Hall County. Nebraoka.
<br /> _�-
<br /> .�
<br /> which hus tlie address of 3212 r?�gnolia CT� Grand Tsland �s�""'.��ry�.
<br /> Nebw,tslca 68803 ("Property Address");
<br /> IZip CodcJ
<br /> TC)GETHER W1TH aU thc improvcments now or hemafter erected on thc property, and all casements,appurtcnances, and
<br /> fixtures naw on c�rcaRcr a part of the property. All rcQlaccmcnts and additions shall also bc covcrcd by this Sccurity
<br /> Instrament. All of thc foregoing is refcned to in this Sccurity lnstrument as thc"Property."
<br /> k30RROWFR COVENANTS Qiat Borro�vcr is lawfully seiscd of the estate hereby conveyed and h�s the ri�ht to grant a�id '
<br /> . convey lite Propeny und that tite Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. Borrower wurrants and wili
<br /> defend generally the title to tl�e Property against all cluim5 and de►nands.subject t�:u�y cncumbrarcces of record.
<br /> TNIS SECURITY INSTRUMEN7'combines unif�nn covenants for national use lnci non-uniform rnvenants with limitcd
<br /> variutions by jurisdiction to constituto a tenifarm seturity instrument covering re:il pmperty.
<br /> UMFORM COVENANTS. Bore+nwcr a�x1 Le��dcr covcnant and:�grce as follows:
<br /> 1. Fayment uf Pr(ncips�l and interest; Yrcppyment and Lnte Gharges. Borro::��r �•h�!! promptly pay �vhen doe tlic
<br /> ....1....:..�t..0��.1 t...�...�.6�ar..�__�����_..7._fr_._--� -.."_�---_'--��-'--�-'_--�"-"-�--.�_ ��-" ..
<br /> p......pa..,.w.......eaw.v.a aan.�+„an a.�av�.�n.w v�uR:�.we mcu au� p�e�m�n�e�n um��aie�un�bea uue ouue�u�e�.v�e.
<br /> 7.. �n�s for Taxc� and Insursmce. Subjat to applicab(c I�w or tu a written �vaivcr by Lendcr, Borrawcr shall pay to
<br /> r
<br /> Lender ore thc day monthly payments are duc undcr thc lVotc,until the IVotc is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for: (a)ycarly taxcs
<br /> and ass�ssments whtch may attain priarity over this Security Instturncn:us a licn on thc Property; (b)yc:irly lc:i.cliol�paymcnts
<br /> or groue�d rents on the P'roperty,if any;(c)ycarly I�azard or property insurancc prcmiums;(d)yc.lrly flood insurance premiums.
<br /> i f a n�; (c)y c a r i y m o r tg a g c i ns arancc prcm�ums,i f any; �n d(��ny sums paya b lc by [iorrowcr to L cn dcr, in accor dancc wi t h
<br /> the�rovisians of parag�aph S, in licu of th�e paynunt of mortgage�nsurance premiums.These items arc r,dled"Escrow Items." �
<br /> Lendcr may, at any timc. collc+ct and hold Funds in an amount nut ta cxcccAi thc maximum umount a lcndcr far a fccicrally
<br /> related mortgage loan may reyuire for Borro�ver's escro�v uccount under the fGderal Real Estate Settlement {'rocedures Act of
<br /> 1974�s amended from time tu lime. l2 U.S.�. Scction 2G01 et sey. ("RESNA"), unless another la�v that applics to the Funds
<br /> sets a Icsscr amount. If so. Lender muy, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an:unount not to exceal thc letscr amount.
<br /> Lendcr may estitnate the umo�nt of�Funds duc on the basis of currcnt data and reasonablc estimatcs��f cxpcnditures uf fuwrc
<br /> Escrow Items or othcrwisc in accordmuc�vith applicablc law.
<br /> NEBpASKA-Singla FnmflyFnnnlo Mae/Freddlo Mao UNIFOFiM INSYRIiMEN7 Form 3028 9190
<br /> ��N1 12T97 MTQ Vh1P MOHTGA6E FORMS•13131T93 8100•IU001621•7291 Pepo�01 4 qmende� 5I91
<br /> f ,
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