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<br /> rsrrweaurvsrva�s� Mortgage h— �_�
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<br />---= heraby piva Gommerefal fedarel Bank,a Fedenl Sahnga Bank(Commarcwl Federeq o mortgage of tho followinp proparty togothar with all improvemantn now ^�.�-
<br /> or heroafter enfcted on the properly.and all eacomente,ri9hts and eppurtonancea theroto: . ,
<br /> m�,' wr�'+r �+' �al2� or' r�ar_iwn (2� K� ��'' �a r x�Jr�s�.��.� .•;�..
<br />-� o� rrom F�t Sa��_n�gt�oat iviirzriY �,VF31 (�7) 0� GII,��P'9 ;'�s_,y-
<br /> T� Auos'ria[v tv tis� t;,ii�c� �i, ��wu'v�. Fie'slrL �. r�. �:',•, -_
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<br /> °• It more than one percon aigne thie mortpnpo,the wrord•I•meann'wa.' ��"�.~`_`'
<br />-��� `):�k;:;�
<br /> This mortp�pe aocuras a loan mada by Commercial fedoral.A note detod the samo dato os thia mortflago containa tho tortna tor ropayment of that Ioan.if tfiat � ;�,..
<br />_"'� nota is ever chanqed w replacod by a new rtote,it will be aecu:ed by thia mortgage. `�-
<br /> _*_ti� � t;r..;...
<br /> _' I promiss thotdlovufng thfnAs: ��`'
<br /> 1. All p�yme�u on�ny note or other ds6t nocured by thia mortpage v�nll ba peid when due. •=�
<br />° 2. An inwrence pWicy tor 6re and extendai crnrorage will be kept in force on the property in en emount et loast oqual to the debta eecurad by thia '`�'
<br />-��.±� mortgage pIus any other mortgages iiated in paragreph 9.The inaurance company must ba aatiafectory to Commarcial Federal,and Commercfel -._-
<br /> Federal will be s rtamed inturod on ths pdiop. , ��•:
<br />-�� 3. All taxs�and�uaaaments ai the pr�perty v�ill bo paid boforo they bocomo delinquent �
<br />�""!� •1. No watts will be ccxnmitted on 4he properry,nnd it will bo kept in pood ropair. '.
<br />�,_,;� B. The property wili not he wid (including by land controct�,loasod,end no intorost in it will bo assigned in any v�ay. ;;,ty, � '.
<br /> �`� 8. I own the properry free end cle�r of any othor mortgayes or oncumbrance� EXCEPT �'•��AT. �3YR'!?Ai� ,� �-
<br />,='.i� — ��
<br /> — 7. No othoi matgape or tien on the proparty will ever be allowod to bo in dainult or bo foroelosod. � „
<br /> !
<br /> H eny of those promisas ero not kept,then Commercial Federal con dxirre ell of the dubt(mmodixtely duo and payable without advance notico.'fhn 1ti;
<br /> ' intararit nte will Increaae to 19.0096 or ony groator rote ellovvablo by law at thnt time, and thie moripago cen Bo foraclosed.If tha doGt ia accoloretod,thon I ;.;�,..
<br /> � aiao awig��ny rent or other incane tvom the piwperty to Com►n�rcial Fadoml. �'�
<br />-� Ceruin emounts can be poid by Commoreial Faderal end edded to the debt aocurod by thia mortgape.Thoy ere eny tnxea or insurenca I have aflreed to �
<br /> �� pay but tait to,�ny ottomey feea or caurt expansos Cammereial Fodorol paya if it ia made e parry et any lepal action brought by aamoono olso concoming the
<br /> `'� properry,and eny aY.omey teea or court expensea which the lew might ailow if Comnrorcial Fedaral haa to po to court againat me to coilor.t tha dubt or
<br />_,`'�� foroeloem thla mortpege.If any oi these thinpa heppen,then the additional debt will uccruo intorest et the wme rnto ae tho rost of the debt and muat be paid "
<br /> =').� immedl�t�ly. [}',r .:
<br /> yk��-� IT thi�proparty io ever condom�ad undur tho power ot ominont domain or any afmilnr met�t inp party tor pub8c uso,uny procoede of the tuking i����
<br />-=�r{� wfll be pald to Commercial Federel up to the tull amount of the dobt eocured.
<br /> •-�� i .
<br /> ;:��� _IIU►V 9� 1 QAS _ r� �
<br /> '_�'-"� T�u a�a U:ste [forrawe�a Signat � ,
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<br />�:�.'?i:�' COUNTYOF FWiL I �
<br /> �1�'� On thfa 23I�duy of �Y ,19 g5,boforo ma,a notary puhlic in and for said counry, peraonally cnmo '
<br /> _=e�� i
<br /> �:�- ���' ny' ���j (�1'FR . to mo known to bo tho idantical parson or porsona whwo �
<br /> •��� ,.ama(e or aro atfixed to the ebove mort�ape,end th�y,he or sho soveralty acknovuledpod t eaid instrurnent and tho oxecution theraof to ba their voluntery
<br />__-_-- �tenddrd. i� i � � .. .
<br /> • � ,�if. WIYNESS my hond en +�dav o�����an abovo. 1.�� �� �/� ` .
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