rn..p, :ii.::,;;:� . q . .. ..� . r-._- � .__..
<br /> �Y •� �� . •,••.>>.,.wimrrn�,.wnr.v.. ' �
<br /> � .t. '� ; ' . . . .--fj�+;i' •. ' " . .� ..� _:
<br /> .i.n;µup,,. .. .. .. , , .. .n.L_ . .....awvreos ..a.. _ -
<br /> ' a:i?ti:,�Y�. ....� . . , . . ' , ��.v.r:i;-i.•' , . . . �-_
<br /> , - - «�..H.. ...Y...o._ ,.q.,.:. .:... .. . . . � _. . : . ..rp��• fT'�!f�T.�++ .nr� .� .
<br /> -.� h., • ,` •;. � ' �•} 4�'� .,,.�."•�ki, 'r�Y�' , . i - .. - i ..,R y1 ' �� ! 5�r-�q".
<br /> _„o„ ,,•�.a�,ur�.v°�ni.r. .�,�.t �k,-w+�Skid�YMt1¢t,►M�u G}+..h� � �- _ . . _..'
<br /> � �
<br /> � ' �
<br />� "�' �....i,.......,....��_.e.... � .
<br /> ___` '..` .."�__ _ .e�.JW... • . . .. _.__�.. ..�. ..w..e�u . - —� ...�_. ....... -
<br /> ..�����,� _. _. _'"_.
<br /> .__�_e._�.v. —_—__._v.eem� '�� --^---'_- �r':ny.'d1?h:r+:+.�
<br />- __."�___� __ _-._ ._ ._�.� _ .i.L... .�.._��..-�._.�.
<br /> �. ____ ��.....�...� . ..
<br /> ... _.. . .... . . . — __ .
<br /> --- ��.� �,�33�5 �- -
<br /> ,�� �:;;.� i � ; �
<br /> . • � �; ��� o� Q:s� ci tiio �o;�c�� , or a 6�;zc^.c'�I I�tcrcat In O t�i134 4YJY.i1Q e!! or peri o9 tho Rrop�'rry� la co!d or ` �, , _
<br /> b1�07kai:0 Iinil�i:.ii':.'�(Oi�{�7 th:ll tJj7(��1�� Of fi�=C�:11}uv u��uv�9::��°:'•=� I .
<br /> �� '^`•�
<br /> •::�r�.�. .�.,..t�� �,� Th�property lo not aceuplad by the Rurcfiascr or pranteo�e hls at her pdneipsl residor�ca, or the purchsac�or � ., _-
<br /> '��= •.� p r anta� do�s so ooeupy trie Prop�riY� b u l h ls a h w c f�d i f i a� r o t bc� c.�provcsl fn eQ�orc!�nce with the
<br /> __: �� rMuk�nt9 01 the Becret4ry. - . -_
<br /> --`="`"''_ (a) Na Yllalv�r. U ckcum�tancw ocar that wou l d p�+m l t L a i d e r t o r e Q u f n k n m e d l�t e p�Y i''�a+�t I n f u H, b u l l e ader , ,
<br /> .�=°�a��� doea not requka nuch p�)mmta,l.ender doee not w�r�ka riyhU with ratp�ct to�ubs�qumt eu�nte. ;.•:.?t,� :
<br />-_ ......�..,.._... „ ., --
<br /> ' - '-__`-= (d) 1��pu1lRtoni �N Fiu,i9 G�+s�G�'�;. Irs m_ny c,Ycl�metRncee r�uteit4ona Isauad by the 8ecret�ry wfM Nmlt --
<br /> -- r.t�NwU�,to nquk� knrtNdlata p�yrMnt fn tuN ond toncbad H not pald• Thla "
<br /> Lead�r'� r{phUe, kf ths aH ol p►yrnw►t .'•'''
<br />:::;:�7� Sscudly Inatrum�►t doae not outhalze�cca�entbn o►tor�doaure H not pam�cted bY repuUtic+na ot the Secretary. , _
<br /> -�°-�= (�) Aport� Net Inwrod. Borrowa�a��ss that ehould this Secudty h�otrument and the�N�th��� th�t, -
<br /> --'=,�,.' not be sRplbl�fw insuranca un�er tha Nstbnal Housinp Act wkhin 60 d� .. . .,�
<br />�.-°�-n_F;�� N 9� roguka knmedkte p�yment In full oi all aums
<br /> =�"� `^ Laadar mey� at Ita optlon �nd notwRhstandinp mylhinp in panyrap �,
<br />_:`-`�'`."•';t��� scs�urcd 6y thle 3ecurtty Inet�ument. A wrftten etatanent of any wthodzed sflent of the S�x�t�r1► d�►ted aubasquant . -_
<br /> i,a tQ un a..n. irom the date hereof, dscNnhO to hauro thta 3ecurlty Inatruma�t and the Note cccured . � , _ .,
<br /> ��?����� NotwHhetandinp ths toteyoNiQ, this optlan m�y not bs •
<br /> _'-:=��*�j`r¢, tAenby. shaN b� dsemed conduaNs proot of euch heifybWty .
<br /> .����.
<br />,�s_'�?'",.., f.; �ardsod by LendW whsn ths un�veA�blMty of Inauruice Is solely due to Lendab t�cNure to remtt e moRyepe Insunrtca . , ,�
<br /> ��`� � �� p�•err�lum to the Secretary• ''
<br /> i� ent in tUH becausa ot :•`�°'` :
<br /> � ��='�'�'"' �� 10, p��n��M�ryt, ppRpwur ha�a►lpht to be rehsUted H l.ex�dor hae required kmnediate paym ,
<br /> • gotrowerb fafiuro to pay en emount due unda the Note or tiiis Seaudty Instrumen� Thls dght appYes e�en n8er toredosuro :�_�,;y,,�..;:.�
<br /> wY���• 1R,£�^ _.
<br /> x ,s•;, ., �8��;� ���, To rdn�uYe the Secudry IneUument, Borrower ahaA tendar In • lurtg num �W amounis requked to
<br /> i '� �� ` ,.. :� -,-..,
<br /> �p gorrower'a nccount current Inciudin9� to the extent they ero obYpetlons ot �orrower under this 3ecurYy InsUurts�►t, .
<br /> - .�•'';�`;D;„�p�.. �oreclonun coats end ro�son�We and atstansry attaneys' tees and expansee prcPaN �ssociated wkh the toredosure ,,�U',��,r �
<br /> � .., p ee�fng.Upon relnatatamenl by Borrower,thir.Securfty Inatrument end the obYpeUona that(t securEa ehaH rcmeln In et(ect es ;, •
<br /> � '-°`"'�..a�'�••: i� LeacSar :�wd ItOt hqu!ted k►1nwrNete�yment kt filN. However. Lender is not raquked tq pertnit rekiatatement N: m Lender has �. _��,� `
<br /> '�'�• . Y.M �,.e �„�,,,,.,�amen� of loredosure proceedinqs wRhln two yeare IrnmediateN precedinp the �i ,.., •Y,�,�,ry,�,;;�c-
<br /> -- �;;4� accepiai �d��o�:������. • • -.
<br /> :;. .: . �'�-�l►�:
<br />�_��,=.s.,_;_;•� ��:, comn�encerner►t of�cumant foredosuro proceedfny� (i�relnetntement wfll predudo toredoaure on aRfEYt��i ywuuua m ii�o wtu�o, .:_',';`. � ___ ..
<br /> or(�roinsUtement wiN�dversey�ttect lhe prlority of tho Hen eroeted by ihis Securiry Instrumenl. '��: ,�
<br /> = 11. B�rrowor Not Rsi�eo�d; �o►bo�ranc� By Lsnd�r Not � Wde��r. ExFensbn o1 the time of payrt�nt or - .. ;�, -
<br />:!�, ,,,,+ � modMc�tlon ot�n�ortiuUon ot tha sume secured by thla Securtty inatrument panted by lender to any succesaor fn Interest oi � ._,�
<br /> �,.. �� ,,.,., BoROwer ah�ll not operate to rdeaae the Aabl�iy o1 the oriflinal Borrower or Borrower'a successor in interest. Lender ehaN not be .,;� . .
<br /> ,r.. . req�ked to oommence prooeedin9a sW�hst anY succossor in Interest or retuaa to extend tlme tor paymeat or otherwise modify ,;
<br /> r �r,1;y : ����� �� =�a � ��,.� �y t��a secudry InsWmer►t by reaaon ot ttny demand mede by the odglnal Borrower or :
<br /> . ,, .r.k. Borrowar'a succeesore In Interea� My(otbeart+nca by Leeder In exerdsing any dght or remedy shax not be � waiva oi or ::if�
<br /> � . . : �%"• prechicla the exerdse of any dpht or re�rnedy. �'�t� �
<br /> •� �a�}rs.
<br /> :'[.��.<';..
<br /> � . � �'��ti.)' ' 1 2. S u c c a s s o►e �n d Ass1 9RS Bound; Joint and Sovaral U�bility; Co-SipnerA. The covenante snd 'i�(::�lY,
<br /> , '•.:�,�;• ,.?�' .. agreemente of this 9ecurfry Inatrumait ahsil bind and benefit the succeusors and easigns o t Len der an d�o r ro w e r,s u b J e c t t o t h e "•T,
<br /> �.,ra,,;,.�,�,:F,, provisiona ot Parepr�ph 6.b. BoROwer'e covenante and egreemeete ah�ll be jolnt �nd eaveral.My Borranver who casigne thia . .;;�,,Yp,
<br /> , ti• Securiry(nsVument but does not oxecute the Note:(a)le co-sipnlnp thls Security Inawment ony to mortpafle,grant and con�ey �f. � :� �
<br /> �� ��'"'�' th�t Bomowe►'s irtt�rost in the Properly untHr th�termt af thia 3ecurily Inatrument; (b) le not personelly obAyatod to p+ry the �,��•::��
<br />`.-'i�^r�f•o`y, ,� `S . ,'/,`�cl�
<br /> ' ''.•'"" � suma eecured by thl� Seauiry Inetruma�� end (a) egaea that Lender end nny other Borrower may ayree to extend, modHy, p;ir.,�.
<br /> . `'`�'�',''�� ��• forbeer or rt►ske eny accort�rrwdetlona wRh reyard to the terms o} thia Socurity Instrument �r the Note without that BoROwer'e , .���
<br /> r,yx conaent. - ; ,_
<br /> w. ,.,.� ' 13. NORIC�.Any noticA to Borrower provided for In this Secudty Inatrument ohap be given by delivering ft or by malNrtg k -�y ;��: ,;`-
<br />_;`.y�•�.ti_, .;qt r Address or : .�, , .-
<br /> -;1�-:°°..�t;; s� by Ifrst c7tsa mdl unbss apptic�ble law tequlres use ot nnother method.fie notice shall be dkected to the Property , N., ,%,
<br /> �';:..
<br /> -�.,,,�_�..�,a:s.,,� �y o�ry��,�s� B�ower desipnatea by noUce to Lender. My�otice to Lendr.r shaA be glvm by flrot dass mail to Lendere ., %✓�'` ;�
<br /> �`;�F'"'.''�,Ir"!!`, addreoe stated hereln or any addresa Lende► desiynatee by notice to Bartower. My notice provided for in thts 3ecurity
<br /> `-- (naWment shaM be deemed to have been giver►to Bartower or Lender when glvero ea provided In thf� paregrt�ph. -
<br />: ��'.;,. ' 14. Dav�rnina L.aw; S�v�r�bllity. This Secutity Inawment ahaN be govcmed by Federal law end the Iaw ot tho
<br /> . "' Jurta�IcUon In wh�h tha PropeRy Is loceted, In the a+ent thnt eny provlslon or ckuee ot thl� Seourtty Inatrumont or the Note :f., ..
<br /> ,�;'�' conAicts with eppAcabb lew, euch canNct ehall not af1ect other provlaiona of thls Secudty Inatn�ment or the Note whlch can be
<br /> - . ,� ,•.�, ptyen etfect wHhout the conlNciNip provl�ion.To this end the provlsions oi thla Securfty Instrume�t and the Note are declared to ��`��►, :
<br /> ., • ,•�.� bs sevaabl�.
<br /> �.'. r
<br />.�, -•"` `, , 16. Borrower'o Copy. B��rower shall be glven one contortned copy of thla 3ecurity Inetrument.
<br /> -�-�:;,"�. � 16. As31gDm�nt df Rsnte. Barrower uncond�tlonaly easigns e�id tranaters to Lender all the rents end revenue�ot the � •':
<br /> � �..�.:::, ' Proyerry. Borrower nuthodzea Lender or Lender's agenle to coliuct tha rents end revenues and hereby dlrects each tenent of tho .:;� ,
<br />- � � propaty to pay the ror►te to Lender or Lender'a egente. However, pdor to Lender'a noUce to Borrower ot F3ortower's 6reach of I , .t.�
<br /> �. � .
<br /> • any coventnt or�proemont fn ths 3ecurtty IneVument,Bortower shaN coNeat and receNe nll rente end revenues of the Property
<br /> '�"'�` ae trustt�e tor the benef!t of Lendar end Borrower. This asslgnment of renta coneUtutes sn absotute essic�nment and not an I
<br /> ��•''r^!� na�ignment tor edditlonal secudty ony.
<br />� �� ;�. :�;.:" �f Le�nder gMRS noUce of bre�ch to Borrower. (e)sll renta received by 8ortowec shall be held by Borrower ae truatea for I
<br /> •• ;,��;,;;i-,��, benafl!09 lender a�y, to be�ppiled to the sumo oecured by the 3eu.�fty InaWment; (b) Lender shail be entitlad to collect artd
<br /> -- �, ;•:t�• receNe aA oi the rente o} the Propaty; and (c} each teeiant ot tha Property ahell pay aii rente due end unpald to Lender or I
<br /> ^ Lender'a eyent on Londc�'e vrriiten dertiend to the tenant I
<br /> � �z.� Borrower heo not Bxecuted any pdor assignment of tho rents and has not end wlll noi perform any act that would prevent ;
<br /> �°. ��* ° Lender irom exercieing Re dflhte under thia P�ngroph 1E. i
<br /> � . . �'�'� Lender e�haU not be requlred to enter upon,take control of or malntaln the Property betore or aRer gNing noUco ot breach to �
<br /> ° ---- ��`.`�'-----_ Bo�rower.However. Lender or a Judici�Ny appofntod recelver msy do so et any timo there is a broach. My nppllcaUon ot rents '
<br />_-,..-....— --- -• • • - • ••�- �----._.
<br /> - ehell not curo or waNe sny dofwft or Invalidate any other right or romeay ot �enaer. �ms esarpnmera rn ��o o, ���o r���r �---_--'�-�-
<br /> y '�'':' ahell tetrrYnetv when the debt secured by the Security Instrument Is pald k►tu}I. ,
<br />';;` '.1 17. For�clos�r� Proc�dur�. M L�nd�r raqulr�� Immadtab �aym�nt In tull undsr PaPagraph 9, .
<br /> � , . L�nd�r may Invoie� th� paw�r �o? eal� �nd s.ny uth�r r�m�dlos w�rmitted 4�y applioabt� law. �
<br /> -� .� Lendsr ahsll b� ontitlsd to coiloct a0 �xpons�s incurred !n pursuing the remsdles provided in �
<br /> ,��:�� ° " thla paraQraph 17� Inciudln�, but not IlmFt�d to. �oasonabl� attornoye' toos and ooats of title ,
<br /> . ovidmc�. i
<br /> F5�13.LM0(5/9s) Paqe 3 oT 4
<br /> _Y,��-�i... � , ,.
<br /> - �o�sa I .
<br /> 7` , I
<br /> ,�
<br /> ... ..
<br /> 3 --- _
<br />