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(1 Ycar Trcusury Index-[txte C��xv) �OOZ73ti7 _ <br /> ���iIS AD7USTAi�L�RATR RIDER ia it�ndc this 2GTH day of ��{ . <br /> ,atxl is incatpurnted into nnd shull bc decmr.c➢ to nmcnd und supplemcnt the Mortgage,Dced of <br /> Taust or Securitv Dced(the"Sccurity [nstrument")of tlio same datc given by tha undersfgned(the"Borrawer")tu <br /> u th Bon w s Ad'u table�tate Nate(th "Note")ta <br /> �it e�Rs���A1��u�ding �nd�la�n Associetion o�arenE [st�nG, Ne6resAa, A Fedue] S�vings Benk <br /> (the"Lender")of die same date n��d covering the prapeny destribed in the Security Instrument xnd locaial at: <br /> 4222 ARIZONA GRAND FSLAND� NEBRASKA 6880a-1005 <br /> • (Property Addrcss) <br /> TkE N07E CAWTAINS PROVIffiION& ALLOWING FOp GHANGES �IN THE IW7EREST <br /> RA7E AI�D Tk� '�!�l�3'HLY PAXMENT. THE NOT� LIMITS THE AMQUWT THE <br /> BORROWER'S IMTEREST RATE CAN Ci�ANGE AT ANY ONE TIME AN� TNE <br /> MAXIMUM RATE THE BORROWER MUST PAY. , <br /> ADIIITIONAL CO�NANT3.In addition to the cavenunts and agreements made in dir Securiry Insavment, <br /> Iiorrower�nd[.c�nder further covcnant end agree as follows: <br /> A.INTGIiEST RA7i�� AND MONTHLY AAYMENT CNANGES -- <br /> The Note provides for un initinl incerese rate of �•875 °!o.The Nate provides for changes in <br /> the interest rate and the monthly payments,as follows: _ <br /> 4.INTEREST RATE AND MOi+iTHLY PAYMENT CHANGES � <br /> Pure�= <br /> ca>en�g�nAc� <br /> The interest ratc I wi11 pay may change on the first day of J UNE , 2000 . and on thut " <br /> � <br /> day every IZth month thereafter. Each date on vrhich my inter�st rate co�ld change is called a "Change Date." <br /> (B)Ttxe Endex `" <br /> �r,T;-: <br /> Begiru�ing with the first Change Dnte, my interest rate wi�l be bascd on an Index. The "Index"is the weekly � <br /> � <br /> nvcrage yield on Unitect States Treasury securities adjusted ta a constant maturity of 1 year,as made availablc by �.� <br /> the Feden!Reserve�7oard.The most recent Index f gure avaitable ns of the date 45 days before rach Change Aute <br /> is c.�lled¢hc"Current Index." �`':':- <br /> lf thc Index is no longer available.the Note T�alder will chcwsc a new index which is based upon comparable ���•; <br /> information.I'he Note Holder will�ive me notice of tttis choice. <br /> ;�`�:. <br /> (�y�alculation o!Changc� �'�' <br /> Before each Change Date,tha Nate Holder will calculate my new interest rate by adding ' '�"` <br /> � percenw�e point(s)( 2.000 %)to the Caerent 's;;,',1. <br /> Index. The Notc Holder will then ro�nd thc result ot this nddition to the nearest onc�cighth of one percentnBe �r�f��"• <br /> paint(0.12�!). Subject to the limits stated in S�ction 4(D)below,this rounded amount will be my new interest ,- <br /> rate untal thc next Change Date. . <br /> The Note Holdcr will thcn detcrmine thc amount of thc montlily payment that would bc sufficiert to repay die ' <br /> unpaid principa:that I acn expected to o�ve at the Chu��ge Date in fiill on the Mnturity Date at my new interest rate � <br /> in substantially equal payments. The result of this calculation will be the new amount of my monthly payment. <br /> (m)Li,mtts on Interest Rase Chnnges 5 <br /> The intcrest�a�c��requin,d to pay at the first Change Date wiil not be Srcater thrsn 9.87 5 �6 <br /> or Icss than 70. '['hereafter,my intemst ratc a�ill ncvcr be increased or decreased on i <br /> any sinsle Change Date by more thun twa pe►rentage point�(2.0 0) from the rate of interest I have lxen paying '�: . . <br /> �or the r odin welvc onths,[utv intcrest rate will °ver be gre��ter than �2•$7 5 S5 <br /> My ��i�ere�� ra�e wilT never be �owor tnan 5.875�. <br /> (�)Effcciivc�atc ot Chungrs i <br /> My new interest rate will bcxo�ne effective on each Chan�;e Date. I will pay the amount of my new monthly � <br /> payment bcginning on the first munthly p�yment date aftcr the Change Date until thc amount of my monthly i <br /> paymcnt cBnnges again. I <br /> � <br /> (F1 Nollce of Chan�es t <br /> The Note Holder will deliver or mai[ to me n notice of any changes in my interest rate and the amount of my � <br /> monthly payment bcfore the effcctivc date of any ch:�ngc. The noticc �vill inclade information rcyuim.d by law to ' <br /> bc given mc au►d also the title and tclephunc numbcr of a person wha will answer any qucstion I m�y have � <br /> rcgattting thc uoticc. � <br /> I <br /> � <br /> M!lLYtSTASE AWUSYABLE BAYE RIOEH-ARM 6-2•Singlo Family-Fennle MeelFreddie Meo U�Ifeem Instrument � <br /> Form 3111 3/86 � <br /> �-82�103051 V�1PA10fITGAGEiO(�MS �11001511�720� .^ Prinit00AfICCYC�CdP49C� <br /> rr <br /> � <br /> i <br /> I <br /> • ' I <br />