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<br /> YW ' • 17.Tranifcr of thc Pra�►erty or n Iienc�ciat Ii�tcrest in Ik�rroKCr,if nll���n�n��o`yt�t iP�natu ul�persas��wichout
<br /> -_--'""*�F�"'� is�Ald or tr.►nsfcrrcd (or�f u Ueneficial intcrest in fian•��wcr is sotd or tr�nsfcrrc
<br /> l.c�ndcr's prior wriuc►i cansent, l.cndcr may, nt i[s option, rcquirc immcdintc p:rym�ru in full uf ail sums sccutrd by this
<br /> - _-_--s:.:;,� 5ecurity Instrument. Howcvcr,this opdcro shall not b�excrciscd by Lender if excrcisc�s prohibitcd 4y fcderul luw as of the dr►tte
<br /> ,_.s�.-�:, -
<br /> - - �
<br /> of ehis Sceurity Iustr�mcsit.
<br /> lf Lender exercises this option, I,ender shnll give Borrower notice af uceeleration. The natice shall pra��ids c+��e+►c;. � s�u� -- -
<br /> - less than 30 days from the date the notice i::deliverul or mailed a�itl�in whi�h Borrowcr must p�y nU sums sccurcd by this
<br /> �=� 5ecurity Instrument. If f3orrower fctils tu pa�these sums prior to 11�e expiration nf this peric�d. Lendec iriay invake any reniadies
<br /> " a� permitced by this 5ecuriry Instrumem without further noticc oc demsnd on Borrmvcr.
<br /> --_- -= 18. Dorro�scr'v Right to Reinsintc. If �rrower mcet�s ccrtain cunditians, Donower shaU have the right to have
<br /> --o.�..:.,�, enforcement of this Securiry Instrument discontinued nt m�y time prior to �he earlier oh (a) 5 days (or such ather periat as
<br /> - - - "-- = nppiicabtc luw may s{�cify for reinstetemenq lxfare salc of dic PropeRy ptirsuant ro any power of sale cantuined in this �_
<br /> ,_,��_
<br /> - Securlty Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgmcnt cnfon:ing this Security In�trument. Those condilions a�e that}3orcowcr:(a pays
<br /> Lender all sums which thcn �vould be due undcr this Security(nstrumcnt and the Note as if no acceleration ha�accuttal: (b? _
<br /> ___ --�� cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; (c) p�y3�dl exgenses incurred in enfarcing this Security Instrunknt,
<br /> :�,�-,� including,but not limited to, reasonable ateorneys' fees; and (d) takes such action ns [.enrfer may reasanably require ta assure
<br /> ""!'�'�.'� that the lien o€this Security Instntmcnt. Lendcr's rights in 1he Propeny and Borrower's obiigation to Ray the sums secured by
<br /> - -•= this Securiry [nstrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borco�ver, tt►is Security Instrument und the
<br /> ------ °" obligntions secured lureby shall renu�in fully effective as if na acceleratian had occurred. However, this right to reirtstate s,hall
<br /> `�"=a not apply in the case of acccleration w�Jer{�aragrnph 17.
<br /> --- ���"'"� 19. Sale o?Note; Chang.°, cf Loan 5ervicer. Thc Note or a partial interest in the Nore (together with tlus SeGUrity
<br /> __.^y�;��_��� Instrument)may be sold one ur more timcs without prior notice to Bormwer.A calc may result in a c'hangc in the entity(kiwwn -
<br /> as the "Loon Scrviccr"1 t6at collects monthly payments duc undcr thc Notc��nd this Security Insttument.Therc alsa n�ay be one
<br /> �r m�m ohanecs of�hc 1 nan Servicer unrelated to A sale of the Notc. liii�erc is a changc oF Q�TLva�Sei�i:e�cBolTO�vno��'.'�11q�
<br /> �';`-�"� given�vritten notice of the change in accordance�vuh paragrapn �4 uoove anu appiiwu�o�a.+. ..�,,.�..•.... •••••-�.----._ ._.
<br />-`1-'"��`"`"�" address of the ne�v Loan Servicer and the address to which payrnents should be made.The noticF avill also cantain any oth�r
<br /> -=._,:;�:�r��.
<br /> ---�--w��w,, information required by applicable law.
<br /> _=::-�`�;:",- 2A. Hawrdous Sutu-tytnces. Borrower shall nat causc or permit thc presence, use, disposal, s.arage, or rclease of any
<br />�"=�A:'�1 t�laz;udaus Substances on or in the Froperty. Horrower shall �ot do, nor nllow anyone elsc ro do, anything affecting tl�e
<br /> �.,n,n.. '',
<br /> ::;_�;r�� Property that is in violation af uny Environmental Law. The pr�c��ding nvo sentenccs shall not apply to the prese,nce,us�, or
<br /> =•x^r�• x storage on the Property of small quantetics of H:vardous Substanccs that m�c generally recognizcd to be appropriate to normal
<br /> =��`.��'i� _ "� residential uscs and to maintcn:u�ce of the Property.
<br /> -T���_'_- - Borco�ver shaU promptiy give i..r:ndes�v❑itc�i ��ot�c��f u��y i��:tiga:icn.^1��Rt. �tr�nand,lawsuit nr other aetion by any -
<br /> •Q`''`-'� • � g �' �S Y P P Y S P� .Y Y
<br /> ,,r A go�•emmental or ir ulato � enc or rivate an involvin tlte Pr� n and an Ha7ardous Substance or Environmental Law
<br /> ���<.rt�`�;va',': of�vhich Borrowcr has actual krowledgc. If Rorrotiver Icams,or is notttied by any gavernmental or regulatory authariYy, that -
<br /> r_�"� ';:'<�,°".7,`" �° any rcmoval or other rcmedintio..or anY Fiazardous Substancc affccting thc Property is neccssary. 8orrowcr shall promptly tukc =__
<br />'=`=�'���� � all necessary remeAiial actians in accordance tivith�nvironmental la�v.
<br />-_,-:;�;�
<br /> �v:�:• "•' '•' As used in this paragrnph 20, "Harardous Substances"are those subst:u�ces defined as toxec or harardous subsGvtces by
<br /> :-_,�=� � .
<br /> _`��1���;>,�: Environmental Law und the folto�ving substances: gasoline, kerosene, other ilammable or toxic petroleum praducts. tox�c
<br /> pesticides and lierbicides.volatile solvents,materials contnining usbestos or formald�hyde,and radioactive materials. As used in
<br />"3t►�;'ri��y;'.•:,''�tr;. this paragraph 20, "Environmental Law" means fedcral laws and laws of thc jurisdiction whcre the Property is located that �.:
<br /> "'=-'�---'1�;;, . relute to he;ilth.safety orenvironmental protection. �_-
<br /> �°"�f�,�.�,,., ; NON�•UNIFORM COVGNANTS.Borro�vcr and Lcndcr furthcr covcnant and agrce as follows:
<br /> ''i'1`.:�`.`�' Zl.Acceleration; Remedtes. I.ender shall�ive nottceto Borrot�•er prior to ncccleratfon fofto�r•ing Borro«•er's bmach '�''=-:_
<br /> `�""__�_����'�� ;� of any coventint or ugreement in this Security Instrument (but not prior to acceleratton under paregwaph 17 unless �,X".
<br /> � '�' -��� appl[r.able lativ provtdes uthenvise). The nntice shull specffy: (n) the default; (b) die nct[on requireti to cure the defuult; �'�
<br /> -Ny-,;,:_�.�a%ti?,_ L°::°:
<br /> .._�L�w��� (c)a date.not less than 3�davs irom tt�e date the notfce is�Given to IIorrawer. by which the defauit mact be curect;und �v�;
<br /> -` `�•�-=-y-~'�-� (d) that fatluce to cure tl�r a�efa�dt on or before the dute speciiied in tlhe natice may result in acceieration of the sums -
<br />-�����.
<br />-:=•%��,�r;^�•x,; +ecured by this Security Instrument and sale of the Property. �'he not{cc sha!1 t�rthcr inform BorroK•er of thc rigt►t Ro . ;•,
<br />_-n�-,�;i:--=_-;:���,� refnstate aftcr acceleration and thc rigE�9 to brin� a court actton to nsscrt the non-existeeue o�� dcfault or any other
<br /> .i. :.
<br /> - `;..� ,,.�.�rj defense of Borroµer to acceleratton and sale. If the defaul3 fs no! cured on or before the date specitied in tlie nutice,
<br /> ,,,:'`"'
<br /> ...,�:r!.':� � f d�der. nt its option, may rcqulre immediafe payment in full ot all sums securcd by thls Securit�• i�utruntent �vithazit
<br />._;.4«�"'� ? ffe�rther dcmund and mny in�•okc the po�scr of sale and uny ottice�emedics permitted 6y app�[cuble law. I.ender shull be .
<br /> �s���'..• endtled to collect a!I expenses incurred in pursuina the rentedies prov(ded in this paragraph 2l,including,but not limited .
<br /> •-,.;:"`r.°�'•'", ' !o,rc�sonable atturneys' fecs and costs of title evidence..
<br /> ''�"��:•�"''�`r � If the pur�ver of sale is invoke�l,Trustee shull record a aotice uf defuult in cach county in which �ny purt nf tt�c
<br /> ,t.. ._ ..._.. , „
<br /> ; ''��^`""'°'!��•>>'' Property is lu�ut�etl nnd shall rnail coptes of such notice In the n�nnner prescribed b�•appfica�le lu�r to�orro«•cr and to
<br /> 'v^,�E ..tS-':
<br />"'`:"'',x:�;,� •�3� the other persons prescribed b}�applicnble la�r•. After the time re�uired bv applicable lan�•.Trustee shall�ive public not ce
<br />_�_.-�;'I�_.,...:;,�:° , of sale ta the persm�s and in the mamter peescribed by applisnblc lu�v.Trustee. ��ithout demand on Borro«•eP,shall sell .
<br /> '�.`V: :_ •• the Property at nublic auctfon to th2 hE�tt�t bidder e�t the tir��e attd pluce and under the terms desi�nated in the uotice of l •
<br /> �" �' "�M ° salc in one or more parcels�nd in�ny orde�'➢'nistce detcrmiu�. Trustee may postpnnc ssle of uU or nny�urcc1 of the � '`
<br /> - °" '` '� Pro rt b ublic announcement nt Ef►e¢ime e�nd place of am•pnwiously sc h e duled salc. I.cndcr or its desl�nee muy
<br />-:•,:�.:.,�f����, 1� Y Y P I
<br />-;;, �; . purchase the Property ut any sale.
<br />-.r:;i;1a.j• � .
<br /> _��,"`It=`i":,'•,��, 1l
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