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<br /> �, 1��►xard or i'roperty dusurAt�te. Rnrro�ver sllnll kecp thr, improvcntcnt:; n��w existing on c�rcaRcr crcctcd m� the
<br /> � prup�rtv tit�ured against loss Uy fire, 1m�.ards inctudcd wlthin the tern� "exten�ec!cuverap,e" u►x1 any other I�cuards. I�xlud�ng
<br /> -�
<br /> � 9
<br /> �- _
<br /> floucis nr flcx�linB• fi�r�vhich l.cnder rcyu+�e�i��ti►u•+��e+:. Thlti itlsut:t�t�e�h:+ll he ntttinl��ined in tlie anzou��ts nnd or t ie r�
<br /> ,. thut l.eadcr rcquimti. Thc in�,urancc carricr pr��v�niing thc insurancc sh�ll hc cl►oscn by i3ormivcr subj�ncicr,m�, .+t 1.rnd r�5
<br /> - ��hich sliall nat hc unreayonably withhcid. If 13nrrawcr fails ta mainluin c�rvcrngc dcsctiticd alx►vc.
<br /> option.nbtain covc�agc 4o protcct I..cr.�lct s rights in Utc Prop:rly in accani�tncc�vith r�,►r.+grapii 7.
<br /> = AII insur.�nec p�jlicies and rene�vcds shall be ucceptablc to Lender cmd shall includc u titandurd mortgugo cltiutise. l.ender
<br /> :+�� S I111 I I Qav c t h�r i g h t t o h a t d t N c p o l i c t c s a n d rencwnis. If Lctider rcquires,Ei+umwcr shall prumptfy Sivc to I.cnder nll r�cscipts of 4`-
<br /> -.,v PAItI piC11111Itl15 111d 1'CIICWA�110l1CC5. IO(Ilr CVCilI tlf IOSS.�OYtt1t9C1'SIlII�I�;I�C(17'nlll(11 llU11CC I6 I I lC II15UfA f 1 C�C A f f i G T:l l l d I.C I I C�C Y• �
<br /> `'7°- Lendcr may makc proof of toti�if nat madc promptly by[i�irrawer.
<br /> �?",� Unlcss Lcndcr c+nd Borro�ver��thcnvisc agrcc in writing. insurance proreecls sL�.11 be applicd to restaration or repair of the
<br /> T�"' property damagcd, if the restoration or repair is cc�nomically fca.r•ible i►nd Lender's Fccurity is not icssr,ned.lf the restoratian or
<br /> '-��� repalr is nat economia�lly fcasible�r l.ender's sccuriry w��uld be:IFSSened,the insurance procecds shall be nPp�led to lhc sums
<br /> `� secured by this Sccurily [nst.rument, �vhether or not tiicn due, with nny cxcess paid to Burrower. If(iatra�ver�bundons the
<br /> ;:.
<br />- !?�rop°rty, ur d�e�n�t unswer�vithin 30 duys a notice from l.ender that the insur�nce;carrier has affered ta sc:tlJ'a�c�a m•SUms ,._. _
<br /> fu:atdcr may collcct the i���su.r.ance pracceds. I.A:nder mny usc the proc�3� tu i.ti7ns.i.� or resrorc the Pr��;l n Y �
<br /> se�urcxl by this Sccurity Onsrr�zo.ient.�+tv.�h.er or nut tlicn duc.'Thc 3fl-d:Ry�ticxl�.i1L I,cgin�vhen tlie notice is Qiv��a.
<br />-.^.a Unl�,�ss ��rJ�r arv,f (�urcvti��er crtfter.t�;'tsc agrcc in writing, ;u�K a�?i�=ic4t'r.c,n. a[ps�nc+.�ds r.n principal shu�i nut extcnrJ rr - _
<br /> ...:-� nostuone th�ctue c�ate�f the muath6p• p�rymeut, ►cfere.d to in par^,Lr.:�{e.^t.,�V-c1c'�orn�`unolicies atid Procaeds result ng Ecr+.n
<br /> undcr paragr,13�3D eR.�'ra�:ty ts acyuireci oy iw:uuc�.u.,,�aw.:'s..A...... _.., . . —_
<br />- . damagc to the Prop�ecty privs co the acquisition shall pass to Lender to the excene c�t't[te sums secureJ by this Security Instrument
<br />�_;}; iinmediutcly Pmor to thc acquisiuon.
<br />- 6,pora�Q��mcy,PreservaUon,11luintenunce und 5'mtection u6 nL`�2 Froperty;Bu*ru���er's Loan ApPlicatton; I.eASelw�ds•
<br /> Borrower shall occupy,establish,and us�the Property as E3orrowec's principal residence within sixty days nfter the execution of
<br />- this Security Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Propany as Borrowcr's principal residence for at Ieasi onc year ufter
<br /> �- �n clnte of occuqa�tcy, unless Lender othenvise ngrees in writing. �vhich cimsent shall not be•unrcasoViab�^��ti�h�Tdi or�T�he
<br />-�
<br /> CX[CIIUAItIIs CIiCUtilStBRCES CXIS[ WhICh arc bcyond tiorro�vcr's CottlNl. s��������i ����! Z�• ��`•-f"+• �
<br /> �:,:.�� property, ullow the Prope»y to deteriorate, or commit wastc on the Propeny. 6orrawcr shall be in defautt if any forfeiture
<br /> action or pmccedinb, whether civil or criminal, is begun that in L.endcr's gooci faith judgmcnt could result in forfciture of the
<br /> l�rolserty or othenvis�materially impair the lien created by this Security Instnmunt or L.ender's security interest. Borrower may
<br /> cure such a default and reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causin�the actinn or procecding to bc dismissed with a ruling
<br /> ' t8at. in Lendcr's guod fai¢�h determination, prccludes forfeiture of the Bonawcr's interest in the Property or other material
<br /> - impairment of the lien created by this Security In�trument or Lender's sccurity interest. Bottower shall also be in default if �j -
<br /> ' Fsorrower,during the loan application process,gave materially false ur inuccurute infomtation ar s�atements to Lender(or fuiled �,..
<br />'l� , to provide Lender with any material information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note,including,tsut not limitecl �--;-
<br /> ;��;. .
<br /> to,representatiuns conccming Bonower's occupancy of the Property as a principal re�idence. If this Securiry Instrument is on a -
<br />�3�:,; teasehold. Borrmver shall comply �vith all the provisions of thc Icasc. If Borrowcr acquires fec title to the Property. the ,,,
<br /> = leasehold and the fee title shaU not mcrgc unless Lender agrees to thc mcrgcr in writing. � • .
<br /> �; -v 7.Protectton of Lender's Ri�hts in the Property.If Barcowcr fails to perfarm the covenants:uid agreements contained in
<br /> •" this Securiry [nstrument, or there is a legal proceeding that may significantly affect Lendsr's rights in the Property (such as u
<br /> proeeediag in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeiture or tu enforce laws or r��ulations�, then Lender may do and ,
<br /> ' pay for whatever is necGSSary to protect the value of the Propeny and Lender',rights in the Propercy. l.ender's uctions may
<br /> - include paying any sums secured by a lien �vhich has priority over this Security [ntitrument. appearing in court, paying
<br />��';,�.:;, : reasonable attomeys' fees and entcring on the Property to make repairs. Although L.endcr may take action under this para�raph
<br /> '`'``�'• 7,L.cndcr does not havc to do so.
<br /> ':-:'�'�.;:
<br /> `• Any amounts disbuned by Lcnder under this paragraph 7 sliall become additional debt of Borrower �ecured by ch�s
<br />�-!.��•� , Security Instrument. Unless Iiorrowcr and Lender agree to oihcr tenns of payment, these ami�unts shall hre..lr interest from thc
<br />-�'•��S'r�r datc of disbunement ut the Note rate and shall be payablc, with intcrest, upon naticc from L.:ndcr to 1B.�rrower rcquesting
<br />`rt;%:,�'•>:
<br /> ,,,,,,,_,� payment.
<br /> ,(�i�,.'•.'`� g, Mortgn�e Insurunce. If Lender requireci inortgage insurancc ss a condition of mahim.��che loan secured by this Securuy
<br /> :,� • Instrument, 8orro�ver s'ha11 pay thc prcmiums rec�u9r:d[o maintain thc moncage insur.ince i� c;f'cct. If, for any reason, thc
<br /> ` ` � mortgu�e insurancc cc�vErngc rcquircd by Lender lar�ses or ceases to be in effe�:.Borcuwcr shall pay ths��amiums rcyuircd to
<br /> �� obtain wvoragc substantinlly cquivalent ro thc mon�r�gr insurancc prcviou:�{y ��r,eifcct, at a co,t �ubstal:�:i'.:;�cquivalent to thc
<br /> cost tc� h3arrower of the �►ortgage insurance previously in effect. Sram an Filt:rnate mortgag, i��surer approveci by Lender. If
<br /> .., subslaniisu;�:agui��lent mortga�;e insurance caverage is nat avx*'i,ible. &�rrower shail pay ta L;,�Jer each munth a sum equal to
<br />- one-tweltth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being pui��;a 3onower when the insur.�are coverage lapsed or ceusul to
<br /> ` � be in effect. I.ender dvitl•��ccept, use and retain these puyments as a loss res�c�-:in lieu uf mortgage iusurance. l.oss reserve `
<br />-•F' . - Form 3028 9/90 ,:
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