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<br /> �?, 4�e��z�?�(�YS:��_c��r�z�i�����i��3�rQ.y�i�J::ct to n��t�llc�6�lo ir;,�ar t�t�rlfic���l�iv�,r sy t..e�ist;i•,t;nr�E;•.::;r cEi_il t�:�y I
<br /> �.�;".�. , to Le`rsAr nn tho da,y r�ionAitly�aa�mc�r�Yo 04�rhlclpal aiici intor�.:4 n��o pnyai�lo u�idcr l���h��o,un411 fii�Nt�to la p:af:1 i�� L�.
<br /> -�1�-_:.�.,,,,,: .r,�,;, tutl,a sum(herefn"Func13")equal ta�ne•tweHti�of the yes�rly tAxoa and�sseas�nont3(is�cludinfl c�ndaia�lnlum and - -
<br /> =�°__"_�:��.�:�:�_ planned unit develoAment asses�menta,If a��y)whlch cnay attaln prlorliy rzver thle�aec!of'�ust,an�p�ound rente an
<br />' "�.�..-`�'�::;�,;�;;���' the Property,il any,�lus ono-twofith af yaarl��premlum in�tullme��ts tar hezard'ineurancv,plua can�•twelftti of yeaNy
<br /> "`°"'`L"' premium Inetalimentator mortgage Insu�anco,If eny,all as teasonaaly e�stlmated Initlafly and fram tlrtae tc�t(mm by i.endor
<br /> �•?%:-�+a:i:.r�.:�:���� oi�the basis o1 nssesy�ent3 and bills a�d reasanabl:�estlmRtss therenf.Barrowar ahal�not be obllgaled fo meke aur,h �-
<br /> -��=s�`��$?y payments of Funds to Lender b the ex4ent Ehat Eiarrowar m�kes such payments to thp hctder of�prlur moripeqe or `��
<br /> •���«���•:°��r.�'� deed nf t�ust if auah hoider fa an instlWtion�!ten�er.
<br />"'���}�''����_'�' If 9orrowar pays Funds to Lr�ndor,the Funds shall ba held In an institutlon the d�poslts or sccnunts of whlch afe
<br />:��;��. '
<br /> —� insured ar guarantaed by a Federal or state a�sncy(including 1.onder if Lender le such an Institutlon).Lend�r shall
<br />-.��,����` apply thA Funds to pay said taxes,assessments,insuranco premlums and ground rents.Lender may not chgrge tar
<br />.,,:�:;R`�*�-_: soholdingandapplyingtheFunds,anatyzingasldsccountorverity�ingan�comp(Iingseldassessmantsandbllis,unlsse
<br /> '°.�'�'n R:=.�.:. Lender pays Borr�wer intarest on the Funds and applicable law parmtts Lender to mako such e cl�arga.l3airow�or end -�—
<br /> ' ''''`'''�'� Lender mey agrr�In wrltinp at tNo tima of exacutlon of thfs need ot 1Yust tfit+t intc�rest on tha Funda ai�n11 txi pald ta =—
<br />`:�,,:..,.,, tx
<br /> _, � '. �.�'�?'^ Borr�N!�r,�rtd+���:�such aflreamont la mAdo ar appllcable law requlres such intereat to be paki,l.ondor shail nAt -.--
<br />,.�, �' �''� �E.�: ba����,ulrr:�to�n3r l�oo�rower ri��;r interast or earnings an the Funds.Londer shall give to Bo�rowsr,withnut charge,en
<br /> ,,�;,:;'��::� ..�'��•, anr�;r.aJ:�:counting ot tho�u«r�r:��Jtowin�credite and debltg ta the Funds and the purpnse for�vhich eaeh dablt to the
<br /> �;�'''{ ''�� ��` Funds was made.7he FunQa�,�s pledged as additional security tor the sums s�+aur�ad by thla peed of'frust.
<br />:_�.A'�`r!�'(�L''/� .'
<br /> n'��t�j �. , if the amauntn!the Func�s heldby Lender,together with the tuture monthty instalimenta o!Funds payable prlar _.__.
<br /> �y=�` � ` ��' to the due dates of taxes,assessments,Ir�surance premiums end ground rents,shall exceed the amount requlred to
<br /> ��� c. '�;' ;`��� � pay�y r�taxes,assessments,insurance premiuma end ground rents as they fall due,such excess ehall be,at Borrow�er's
<br /> :'�', ; ���'�" � �� opsig��,c:ther promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to F3�rrsnwor on monthly InstaHmonts of Funds.Ii the amount o4 —
<br />.'�`J°,:`. `...:��.�". tho�y��;:s held t�gl.�nder ghatl riot be sutitclent to pay tax�a ass�sst�e�is,fnsuran�a pramlums and ground ronta cv --
<br /> ', f.';1 i;:',t?:���5
<br /> �..�lt:�:l�:l+t+�).:L_ fhOVfcll�l�m Glnvv.m�..��.•t_..n__..._� —
<br /> -=:_ �,��y,t`, . . ._, . _,_ _ . ,,,...���.ay���a��unr any amount nQC���ry to maKO up tne�aiiciency in one ar more payment�
<br />-:' ��:.��,;:��f�:ai�^ as Lendor may Q�r�n;re.
<br /> �-"'�'''� � Upon payment�n full of all swns secured by this Deec�¢�T�ust,�����^ir s�7�il prom��..;,�i�efus�.�f tra 13orrowor sny Funds
<br /> •L;�''S"r..
<br /> � -'�?:%!'��1'�� held by Lender If under paragraph 17 hereof the Proport�os�'d or the P�ra�rty is a'�:r,x,.�r�.yq�!�':c�i by Lendor,Lendor
<br /> •� . '"�`��? shall apply,no I�tar than Imm�dlately prior to ib��sats of C2aa Property or its acquis�fc�r.a I�y�onc�ar,any Funds held by
<br /> ,. . .
<br /> Lender at the t(me�f appllcation as a cred�a��inst the sums secured by this�oed caf Trusi.
<br /> � ' ���" 3�. Applicatbn of Payments.Untess appflcable law provides otherovise,all payments rece�a�+�l by Lender�nder
<br /> `` '° ` the Note and paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof ahall be app8ed by Lender flrst in paymont�f 2mounts I��yable to Lender by
<br />� :' � .. ��;� , �•- Borrower under paragraph 2 hersof,then to interest payabl�on the Note,and then Hm tho principal of the Note.
<br /> 4. Prior Mortgeges ond Deeds o4'n�est;Cherges;USn�.Borrower shall perform all o}B�rr�ever's obligations
<br /> ' under any mortgaga,deed of trust or other ssCUrity agreement with a I2an which has prfority oraP Q�is Qeed o}Trust, -
<br /> � including Borrow�mr'�covenants to makm p�y�r�onts when due. Borro�:ar shall pay or cause 4a�,a paid all taxes, ___
<br /> assessments and o��h�rchar�7es,fines and imp�si�ions attributable to the Pr�perty which may attain a pr(oriry ove�thts ---
<br /> •� • ;�`,rr',;y. ':' Deed of Trust,and leasehold p��rments ar ground rents,If any. ----
<br /> � r'•.��`:��':: 5. Hazerd Irsffi�arence.BorPawer shall keep the improvements novi existing or hereafter erected on the Property ��
<br /> ' � �����Y�''( insured a alnat loss b fire,hazards included within the term"extended covera e',and such othar hazards as Lender ``
<br /> ���: ,,,.�,' 9 Y g � l :..:
<br />"�'�" �'� �� may roquire and 3r�such amoun4s and tor sur.7�periads as Lender may u��e�uire.
<br /> ;;:"i� � ��`, � . The insurance carrier pravlding the Insuranca shall by chnsen by Borrawer subject to approval by Lendor;providod,
<br /> �.�.,��;:•.��
<br /> a'F� "�'��%�� t ha t suc h e ppr ov 3 l s h a l l n o t b e u n r e a s o n a b l y w i t h h e l d.A l l i n s u r a n c o p o l l c l e s a n d r e n a w a{s t h e r e o Y s�a l l b e I n a t m r e n '
<br />��%",���'�r,��":1?"•�� � acce�►ta'b1e to Lender and sha0(nciude a standard rnortgage cl�t�se In favor of and in a form aaceptable to Lender.�.anrlbr
<br /> ,;,,�t,.
<br /> ;�' ` � �> �hall P�a��e the right to hold the popcles and renewals ther�o9,subject to the terms of any mortgafls,deed of trust or
<br />� �� • � �;;< ; othec security agreement with a Ilen which la�s prior(ty ov�r this Deed of hust.
<br />• � ",;� In the event of loss,Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender.Lender may make proof �
<br /> . �: of loss it not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> � ,` �1�?the Property is abandonod by Borrower,or if Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days from the date
<br /> ,,,.. ..
<br />- � •, , � notica is mailed by Lender to Borrower that the Insurance carrfer oflers to settle a claim for Insurance benefits,Lender
<br /> . ' Is authurized to c�llpct and apply ihe Insuranca proceeds at Lender's option efther to restoration or repafr of the Property
<br />_ , • ' or to iho sums svcured by this Deed of Trus1.
<br /> � . 8. Preservatlon and Maa�t�ea�ance of Property;Leaseholda;Condominiums;Planned Ur�fi4�evelopments.
<br />- _,�, •: Borr��xer shall keep the Prop�r�y in good repair and shall not commit waste or permit impairment or deterioratlon of
<br /> ' the Property end shell comply with the provisfons of any lease if this Deed of Trust!s on a leasehold. If this Deed of , �
<br /> Trust is on a unit ina condominium or a planned unft development,Borrower shall porform all of Borrower's obllya4ions
<br /> under the declaration or covenants creating or governing the condominium or plannod unit development,the by-Iaws
<br /> ' � . �;- and regulatlons of the condominlu����r planned unft development,an�;conetituent documents.
<br /> � Rrotectlon of LendeT's�aeaurity.If Borrower fafls to perform the covenants arsd agreements containod in this �
<br /> � G�arl 01 YFust,or if any action mr proceeding is commenced which materlally aflocts Lander's intorost in tha Pro,perty, i
<br /> ti�an iL�ender,at Lnn�er's optioro,u,�on notice to Borrower,may make such appe�rances,disburse such sums,including 1
<br /> roa�onable attor�n��1ees,and take such action as Is n�cossary to proteci i.endar'3 fnterost.If Lendor r�quired mortgage �
<br /> . . • Insurance as a cc►nUition of making the loan secured by thfs DeAd of Trust,�nrrower shali pay the pr�mlums requf-ed �
<br /> to rr�aintaln such insurance in effect untfl such tfine as the requirement for such insurance terminates fn accardflnco
<br /> ° , wlth aorrower's and Lender's written agreemont or applicahle law. �
<br /> --- _
<br /> – �;_ : Any amounts disbursed by Lender purs�ant to this paragraph•7,with fnterest thereon,at the Note rate,shall beCOme . -
<br /> addidonal Indebtedness of Borrowor secured by this Deed of?i�ust.Unless Borro�ver and Lender�gree to other terms i
<br /> __ .. , of payment,such amounts�hall be payable upon notice from Londsr to Borrower requesting paymonQ thereof.Nothing �
<br /> ' cnntalnod In this paragraph 7 shall requlre Lender to incur any expense or tako any actlon hereunder.
<br /> -- 8. Inspectinn.Lender may make or causo to be made reasonable entries upon and inspectlons of the Property,
<br /> ., provided that Lender shall givo Borrower notice prforto any such inspectlon specliying re�asonable cause tlierefor related �
<br /> • •� to Londvr's Interest in the Property. �
<br /> ' 9. Condemnntlon.The proceeds of any award or clafm for damages,diroct or consequentlel,In connectfon with �
<br />– `� � any condemnation orother taking of the Property,or part thereof,or for conveyance In Ilou of condemnatfon,aro hereby
<br /> , asslgned and shall be pafd to Lender,subject to the torms of any mortgage,deed of trust or other security agreement
<br /> with�ilen whlch has prfority over thfs Deed of Trust.
<br /> , •• 1d. Borrower Plot peleased; Forbes�rance By Lendor Not a Walvar. Extensfon of the tfine for payment or
<br />_ „' modificatlon of amonizatfon of th�sums securod by this Deed of Trust granted by l.endvr to any successor in interest
<br />- ot Borrower shall no4 aperate to rele�se,In any m�nner,the Ifabllity of the origlnal Borrower and Borrowar's�uccessors
<br />-- . ,
<br />��,;.�
<br />