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<br /> - 17.'1'r.intifer uP Ihe 1'rn{xrty or n Pteneitcli�l Interest In Durro�vcr. If ull nr.iny pan uf thc Pruperty ur uny intere5t in it
<br /> ~'=�'?'`?:.�:f��' is suld�►r irumfcrrc�l 1�►r li�n hcnci�clul intcre,t in f3urrnwcr i4 �uld�►r tr,u�sfcrrcd,►nd Il�tirru�icr is not u naturil person)�vithuut
<br /> �r1:x'�t'�'"�1��F " ' IAnttcr'y ��ri��r w•riucn runticnt, I.cr.�trr mny. �u it, u{stiun. rcyuin in�mcdi�uc paymcnt in f«U �,f ,�II sums tiecu�cd by this .
<br />.a , ,t.,��
<br /> xrr.�.irc-.•°•� ' . SL'l'UCII)' II1S[T01►Il`tlL H��IVBVCr.ihi�u���inn tihull not bc cxcrci+ed by lAndcr if cxercitic iti prohibitcd hy f�dcral lu�v iis of the dnte --
<br /> ' :a,,;�,.-��,.� uf this Srcurity In�u�nncnt. :•`''-:
<br />`...�%•�����;,, : If lxndcr cxcr�itic,dds uptiun, l�:ndcr+hn�l givc Burro�vcr noticc uf'ncccEcr.�tion. Tlic nuticr shuU pmvidc u perind of not
<br /> Ictis than 30 dayti Irum �hc datc thc nuticc is dclivcrcd ur mailcd �vid�in which Dormwcr must pay ;dl suens sccurcd by this r�sz.ti�
<br /> ��.J.; ., -� ",v Sccurfty Instrun�ent. If I�urrower t'allti tu p:ry thesc sunu prinr to tl�e expir.uion ��f�his peri��d, l.cndcr may invoke any remcdics ��'�;,
<br /> '���,' permittcd by Ihis 5crurity Intitrument without furthcr nuticc m•dem:md on Barmwer. �;,.,.-
<br /> �..�y�*'"';,.. ,,�.:�, IH. l3arro�r•cr'y Klgl►Y tn kefnstatc. If [�urro�vcr mccts ccrtain ronditions, Borrotvcr shall havc thc right to huvc �„���
<br /> �_ cnforcenunt uf �ni+ S�curiry Instrumcut dismntinucd at mw timc prior to thc curlicr ul: (ul 5 dny:� (or such utf�cr period � --,--
<br />;,;.' .; .:.:;, applicnblc l:iw utay s�t�cify far rcinstatemcn!) bcfore sulc of the Propcny pursuant tu u��y po�ver of sa{c �ntained in this ��
<br /> '� '�: `� Securiry Instrument:ur lb)entry of u judgment enfurcing this Security i�istrument. Those conditions are that Burrawer:(a)pays
<br /> �,.,c� '` L,ender all sums �vhich then a�ould be due under this Securiry [nsirument nnd du Note as if ne�acceleration had occurred; (h)
<br /> • ,�,
<br /> �- •��:_.' cures any dcfault nf any other ravenants or agrcements; (cl pays all expenses incurred in enforcing thi� Sccurit�� [nstrument,
<br /> . includinb, hut not limitcd ta, rcasunablc atsorncys' fces; and (d)takcs such action as Lender may r�asonably require to ussure
<br /> �'�.,'.,.;;,�;�;� .; that the lien uf thiti Securiry Instrwnent, lander's rights in the Property and Borrawer's obligution tc�pay the sums secured by _
<br />"-�-..�:•�'..'�y�: � ' this Security In�trument s:hall conti�tuc unclianged. Upon reinstatemeut by Borrower, this Security Instrurnent and the —
<br /> - : ' ':'`�'; ` obligatiuus tiecumd hcnby sh;dl remain fully cffective as if no acceleration had occurred. However, this right to reinstate shall
<br /> '� � � not upply in thc casr�f acccicrati�m under paragraph 11.
<br /> ..,,�.;.�
<br />__� . '• 19. Sale of N�tc; Change oP I.aan Servlccr. Thc Notc or u panial intcres► in the Notc (togethcr with this 5ecurity
<br /> ` • ,� . Instrumcnt)may bc sold iine or morc timcs without prior no[icc ta eorrowcr. A salc may retiult in a chanh�in the entity(kno�vn
<br />""x ��'�"" " '" as thc"I.uuu S�r�l��r")tlr.�t wUc�t. uionthly payments due under the N��ce an�i this Sccur�ty Instrument.Tliere also may be one �_
<br />�_._�;`j.6- �� .____. . .. ..„�.,,.,�..•..,c,....�.�.�_hml�rM+r�:���Ie of ihe Note.if there is a change af the Loan Servicer, Barrower will be _
<br /> u� „���c�na��b:.,... ..._ ........ __.
<br /> ��'�;' ' Bivcn writtcn noticc of thc changc in uccordattc�with paragraph 14 above and applicablc Iciw.Thc naucc will sc.�et�cnc na�uc anu
<br /> • ,. ��'.. ;•.
<br /> .�-, ., nddrcss of'the new L.uan Scrvicer and the address to which payments shuuld be made. The notice �vill ulso contain any other
<br /> • i�. -� infonnation rcquirod by applicublc law.
<br /> • � �'`'���`�' 20. Hauirdous Substuncc�:. Borr�iwcr shull not causc or permit the presence. usc, disposal. storage, or rclease of�tny
<br /> ��M`�' �•r :' � Harardous Sub�tances on or in the Propetty. Borro�ver shall not do, aor aliow anyone else to do, unything affectin� the _-
<br /> � Properry that is in viol.Uion of any Environmentul Law. The preceding two sentences sha11 not ap�ly to tha presertce, use, ar
<br /> . •i����• ' sturage on the Property uf small yuantities of H:tzardous Subst�nces that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal
<br /> . -. ; ...�+���:;-'"r resici�ntiai u��,uii�i tCr u�au�t�.uui7�i�.f:�:�Prv��n�iv_ _.
<br /> . . .�:•:..,�
<br /> � • � Borrowcr shall promptly givc Lendcr writtcn noticc nf any investigation,claim, dcmand, lawsuit or otrter action by any
<br /> , .''�"��� `�' "��, govemmcntul or regulatory agcncy or privatc party involvin�the Yroperty and any Hsuardous Substance or Envaronmental L.aw
<br /> `'"'''�4°� ,�'<' , of which Borrower has uctual knowledge. If Borrower Ieams, or is nocifiai by any governmenG�l or regulutary authority, that
<br /> ' any remnval or other remediation of'sny Hu-r.ardous Substance affectin�the Prop�ny is necessary,Bonower shnit promptly talce
<br /> ��!':' all necessary remedial actions in aceordunce with Environment�l Law.
<br /> � ��`.'�J, : As used in this par.+graph 20. "Huardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or haxardous subsc�nces by
<br /> �'� � ;,�'�: Environmental L;sw und the follo�ving substanccs: gasoline. kcrosene, other flammabtc or toxic petroleum producis, toxic
<br /> �+ ''��� � � pesticides and hcrbicidr.s,volatile solvcnts, matcriuls contuining asbestas or formaldehydc,and radioactive matcrials.As usod in
<br /> •�'"'' �/ this paragraph 20, "Environmcntal Law" means fcderal laws an d laws o f t he juris dic ti o n vihere the Pru p ert y is locatcd that
<br /> :+°•c,:r,� �.. .y .
<br /> ,,a ., relate to hcalth,safcry or environmcntal protection.
<br /> ��� " NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borcower and Lender further covcnant and agree as follows:
<br /> , ' �� 2l.Acccleration;Remedics. I.cndcr shnll�ive notice to Borrower prior to uccelcrnttun following Rorrower's bt�each
<br /> .,�., of Any covenant or agreement in this 5ecurity Instrument (bu4 not prfor to accelerntion under pnrugraph 17 unl�s
<br /> , �..�t , ..
<br /> ,� applicable law prov[des other�vis�). Tlie not(ce shall spccify: (a)thc default; (b) the action requIred ta curc the default;
<br /> � (c) a date,noi I�.ss than 30 days From the dute the�notice is qiven to Rarrower,by�vhtch tlie default must be c�trecl;and
<br /> ���;:, � (d) that failnre to curc the default on or beforc the date speciiied in the notice muy result in ucceleration of thc sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instrwnent und sale of the Propertv. The notice shull furtlier inform 13orrowcr of the right to
<br /> . . ° .. 'f��-;,; ; refnstute �fter acccle��ation und the ri�ht to bring a court uctimi to nsscrt the non-existence of a default or any otl�e�•
<br /> defeaSe of Borrmser to ucceler.ition nnd sale. if the defiiult is not cured on or tsefore t�he date speci[ied in the natice,
<br /> '�. ;:.'�• �. � Lender, at its option, muy requlre immediate payment in fuU of c�ll sun�s secured bv this Securitv Instrument wtthout _
<br /> • Purdter demand nnd muy invoke thc psnver of side nnd uny other remedtes permitted by npplfcable lv�v. I.cndcr shall be
<br /> � " entitled to collect iill expenses i��curred In pursuing the remedies provided in this parngraph 21,3ncluding,but not UmEted
<br /> �� to.rcasonnble uttorneys' fc�.w and costs of title evidence. ---
<br /> • � If ti�te po�r•er of sule Is involded, Tcustee shall record u notice of defuult in eacii county iR �vhtch any part of tlte P_
<br /> ` Property is Icecnted nnd shull mail copikti of such notice in the mnnner prescribed by applicable law to Borro�ver nnd to ,__,
<br /> ,'�'.�` � the other pennns prescribE�d by applicuble lu�v. After tl�e time required by aRplicable law,Trustee shall�ive�►ubl[c notice �;.
<br /> - of sslc to thc persons and In ehc mauncr prescribecl by appltrable 1��►�.Trostee, without demand on Borro�ver. shall sr.11 —
<br /> � the Property�t publ(c nactton m the hi�t��.tit btdder ut the time and plt►ce ancD under tl�e terms desifinAted in the notice of
<br /> ' ���', . s�le i��one or mom purccls und in any ordcr Trustec dctcrmin�. Trustee may�ostpone salc of all or nny parcel uF thc
<br /> , , ;�::' ' property by publir. annowicement ut the t6ne and pluce uf�n�� prev:ously scheduled sale. Lender or its designee may
<br /> • ' ^ purchasc thc Property ut any sulc. � �
<br /> •,c. .. .
<br /> Form 3020 9190
<br /> . � Pupo 5 of G
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