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<br /> D1.1���iS3LE �'ab6��R OF ATTORN�Y - ___
<br /> (T�CJ T,�.TtE ICt�I�CT INiMEDIATELY] .
<br /> I, F r�.s, � , resident: o! the State oi
<br /> �
<br /> _ L�ash�:�ton,give . .�� _�.�J�,c��.� (rc:fen�tl to below
<br /> as the "sttorney-ln-tar.t"9 a tlural�lc �o�ver �ttomey. with the Intentinn
<br />'.� .�.a� af �n�» *A�„A�n �n a4fect and nmt bc limited oy any ruY.�re dlsai�iii�y �x '
<br /> �� . Incompetence d may havQ.
<br /> _:.
<br /> �
<br />�=p � �.!�on��ns
<br /> � l�. The attorney-in�fact shall c�st Fis�fiduciary for me�nd shall hava sll
<br /> por��ers over my estate rhat I h�ve ar acquire, both �vIS•d�.t�a and ovisitl� uf
<br />"� «�ash;ington. These ps>wars shall include.but nat be llmitcd to,tIie to.lRowing: •
<br /> � the power.to mal�e tls�.�sits to� and grayments from,any nc�.�unt fn my name
<br /> _� in any financial instltution; th� po«er to open and remove ltems trom any
<br />-, safe deposft twx in my name:the Power to sell� exchange or transfer tlLle to =
<br /> -- stocks�bonds or other securities;the pc�wer to sell.convey�r encumber any .
<br /> � real or personal property.
<br /> - B. It Is my wish that� to the full extent permitted by 1au•� property be �
<br />=-:-� transferred for the pue�ose of qualifying�e for governmental medical assls- _
<br /> ' tance should I need medical care. i s�eciftczlly authorize any transfer of -___
<br />- property as a gtit to my spouse. .The aitorney-In-fact is specificalls _
<br />:y� autharized to revake any commun[tS pTOperty agreement.
<br />