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<br />� � ... .. ,{.I yd.����{���.. ' uof.ti.w..----..�..--d:L_:..... ��—..... R .,,. „ _
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<br /> 1 r,ov�:�aa�v� ��`�c�° �Q��i�'J� .
<br /> .. ncura�l d;.f�4 +.�h:n Guo. Unl;,o f)nrro�vc� and Laidcr r,preo oth�rv,rlao, oo�V I
<br /> • � 9. V a ys�:cr�?9• C a r r n ti...r c v r cc� t o n i c b.a C�I p n V m o n t o o n t h s c �
<br /> � payrr::nto Lcndcr rocclv��irora Darrot.rcr or �or Oorrot•icr'a d�natit will ba oppllcd 8ro4 to uny omounm �orrovrcr ow o� o n l i�o c o c s;r c d dc b t
<br /> �� oxcluaivo�4 Intcroat or pr(nclpcl,nccond to Intoroc2,and thon to prinClpcl.II partial propoymcrit ot tho cocurcd dout occura(or nny roc:on,ft��l(I I
<br /> not roduco ar oxcus�an�ochvdu!n;1 poymCtt�.ttntt4lEt�cacu►cd dobt ia pa!41n h►SI. � .
<br /> 1 ��1qy pll�ta;ia9;o3escr�mor.ta,nnd othor chnrpos attrihutablo to tho propnrty whan duo ond will Qetersd Htlo '
<br /> ° 2.Gtaim�A$n'.nsi ti i�a:F3orrotvc�,v�II t ° - .
<br /> to the property op11nstµ�Y clolma whichuvquld'Ifnpeit fho Ilan o1 thin daed of truat.londor moy ropuiro Borrowo►tn nssipn nny riphto, ctolms or .
<br /> dotansos vfilch 6orreswev nay he+r�aQainst p�r8ae wAo rtuCA�V�abar or matcriato to improvo or rneintein tho proporty. �
<br /> 3.Intur�nca.Jorrowcr wiil kCap 41;o prop:rty Ir�urcd undcf tcrm� nccoptobfa to Londor ot Borrov�or'o oxponao aM for Londor'6 honoflt. All � " , "_
<br /> � - ' Inaur�nce Ra Uc iea e ha t l hic fu d e e s t a n d a r d m o rt p e p e c l a u s e i n f a v o r o 1 L a n d n r.L o ndor will 6o nomod uu loss pe yoo or o�tho insurod on ony euel� � _., „
<br /> Insurance palicy.Any Insurenr,e proceedn may ba appiied,withln Londar's discretion,to aither tho roatorotian or rapalr of the domaps d proparty � ,.
<br /> or to tRe cecurad dob:.It Londer roquiroa monQapo Insurenco,Borrovrar eprar.9 to melntnln cuch inauronco tor ns lonp us Lcndcr roquiroa. .
<br /> - � °�—� 4.Ptop�rty.Borrowor wiil koep tho proporty In pood condltion and meko all ropnlro reoconably nncoaeary. ^
<br /> ' 6.[xpsntss.Borrovrnr atlraas to pay nll Lortrlor'o oxponsos,Inctudinq ransonabfo attornoys' foos,if Borrower broake nny covonante in this doed •
<br /> " ' of Vust or in nny obligetlon eacurad by thla dead of truat.Borrowor wfll puy theaa emounts tu Lendor ao providad fn Covonant 9 of thie doad of
<br /> ,� truat. �
<br /> ' ' 68curit�y Inturo LsInBaROwur�will per�torm nlltof Borrowor�e oblipotlono�undor any P�o►mortgago�doedeof tiustroi othoresecuAityteeioemontr I � •
<br /> � �, inc'udir�q Borrower's covonento to make pnymento whon duo. {
<br /> 7.Assf�nm�nt of R�nt�end Profite.Borrowor eselpns to Lendar tho ronto end profits of the proporty. Unlase Borrowat nnd Londer havo aprood ` , .
<br /> ' othorwTee in vuitinp, Borrower may coitoat end ratain tho ronte as lonp eo Borcowor ta not tn dofauit.If Borro�vor dofaulte, Lendor, Lendee's �
<br /> � " "' epont, or a court uppolntad rocofver muy teke possossion ond manege tho property and colloct thu rnntc.Any ronte Lander coll6cts shall 6a k
<br /> • nppliod(!rst to the coats of manapin tho property, Including court coete end attornoya' feea, commisoians to rqntut opente,und any othor � , ,
<br /> � nocescery rotetctd oxpenses.Tha tomaQning amount of ronts will then appry to paymonts on tho socurud dobt ee provEdod in Covonant 1. "�
<br />- ~�4 8.lena�holdr Condom{r�ums;Plenned Untt Dovelapmmts.Borrowor a reos to campty with tha provistone oi nny leese If Yhis doad af trust Is on
<br /> ,_ ,.__' •. g •
<br />_ �• a(eeseholrl.I�thi9 doed at trust ta on o unit in o condominium or a p9annqd unit dovalopmont,Dorrawer will portotm eil of Borrouuar's duties �
<br /> �_� .._._ � under the eove�anta,by-lawe,or reflulntions o4 the condominium or pinnnad urtit davelopment.
<br /> --��_---- -:--��`_-�� o.Muunrii:f u: :'vi..'•"oG:v o..'�...» �:.°.II.."=•":='•u qnnnwar Iullo m..odn.m nnv n/ Rnrr�war'a duti�o unde�thfs deod Of tfUBt. �.�f1dOf.r►lUy .•. .. • __�
<br /> pa�form tha dutiaa or ceuso them to be periormad. Londor may elgo�orrower's numo or pay nny emount If nocossary tor portormooco.i�nny -,— r--;.,— - -
<br />- � . sacu�ty intoro�tln tho proportyaThis�may inctudo complat np t o cons�►uctlonmannor, Londnr mey do whntovor Is nocoasary to proioct Lendor's :.„ .�, ,
<br /> Lenddr's faiture to portorm will not proclude Londur from oxercising any of Its oYher rigMe under tho law or this daod of trust. �� �:%
<br /> Any emounte pald by Lendor to protoct Londet's socuriry interost wiil bu securad by thls deed of trust.S�ch amounte will be duo an dom�nd ."�: r
<br /> �or�,
<br /> . end wiil boar Intarost flom tho dato�f tho paymont untfl paid In full nt tha Intareat rete in offect on tha socurod dobt. _
<br /> _ , :t.r+, ,
<br /> •� 10.D�twit end Aec�I�raUon. If Borrowor falis to make any peymont whon duo or broaM.s an� covanante under thle deed of truct or uny ;
<br /> •�:..�
<br /> � oblipation secured by this dnod o4 truat or ony prior mortgego or dood ot truet, Lender may ncceloreto the matu►ity of tho socured dobt and
<br /> , domand immadiato pnYment und mey invoke tha powor of eole end uny othor remedios parmittod by epplicabto levi. ..; _ �,. •
<br /> 11.Request fer Notice of DofaufG It Is horaby roqueated that caploa of tho noticea of default and eato be sont to each person who is a pariy '_� " ,�,•ry
<br /> , haroto,et tho addrose of eech Fuch porson,as set 4orth hereln. I + J ����•
<br />; , tiV � i,.
<br />� 1 Z.Pown o}SM�. If tho Londor Inwkes tho powar of anlo,the Trustee shall flrst record in the ottica of tho rnplstor of doods of nach caunty , :�;. �� ,
<br />- wMrotn tho truot proporty o�samo part ar partol thornof Is sltunted a notico of dofeult contolrsing t he In formet lon requ lra d by low.T h o T r u s t o e
<br /> shell also �nall copl�s uf tho notice o4 defnutt to tho Bot►owo�,to each person wha Is a porty heroto,and to other porsons as proscribed by "� �';f ;�
<br /> � oppliccfble law. Not less than ono month aftor tho Truatoo raeorda tho nottco of default, or two months If tho trust property ie not In any � K-
<br /> Incorporatad city or vlllags and la usod In fatming oparatlons carrlod on by tho trustor,tho Trustoo ahall glvo publlc notico of ealo to tho poreona ,;, ''.:S;�,
<br />- � ond In the menner preacribed by apppllcablo taw.Trustoo,wlthout dsmand on Barrowar,shall sall tho praporcy at pu6lio nuatlon to the htphast � �
<br /> ' bfdder.If rnquirod by tho Farm Homostesd Protoctlon Act,Trustoo shelt oHor tho proporry In two sepurote eatos ns roqutrod by appiicable law. •$.,-,
<br />. ' Londe,eo%�its dealprtoe niey purchas the prop rty at anyrselo�by publfo ennouncement et the tlme und place ot any prevlously scheduled sala. ,; �;►��o �;
<br /> 1� tf.yy�
<br /> {
<br />' ' Upon roco�pt of paYmont of tho pricn bld,Trustao shntl delivor to the purchaso►Trustee's daed cortveyfnp the proprsrty.Tha recltlata contelnod In �:
<br /> - � Trustoo'e daed ehall bo pflma facle evldlenco of tho truth of tho stotoments contalnod thorotn.7vustae ahall epply the procooda ot tho eale in tho . „ �_ ,.•�
<br /> - ° followfnp ordor: l0) to alI exAanaea of tho sale, Including, but not Ilmlted to, roasonnblo Trueteo'e fees, renconn6lo ettornoy's foos nnd ,��;.�
<br />° '• rotnstatomont foes; lbl to all sums sncurod by thfe deod of truat,and(c)tho balanco,If ony,to the porsona lagally entitled to rocolve It. • _:�'..
<br /> � 13.Fonclowre.At Londor's optlon,thfa deod of trust may bo foroclosad In the manner provldo by eppllcablo luw tor foroclosuro of mortgagos ' "'"=•"�'�i
<br /> _ .j��t � �9�`'
<br /> - on roal property. �r,,
<br />- � 14.InipecUon. Londor may anter the proporty to inspoct It If I.ondor elvos Borrowor notfce botorehand.7ho notice muet stnto tho reaEOnaDle . � ,
<br /> = ceuse for Lendor e inspoctlon. ;
<br /> 16.Condamnetlon. Bortowor assl�lna to Londer the procaede of any nward or clalm tor demeges connactod with a condomnation or otF�ar takinp
<br />- •• . of ell or pny part of the proporty.Such procooda wfll bo epplled os pro�ldod In Covenant t.Thls asalpnmont Ia subJeCt 4o tho terms of any prl„r
<br />�° �• security a{treoment. , :'�:'._
<br /> f � 18.Wdvsr.Fy exerc(slnA eny remody availablo to Lendor,Landor doos rat pive u�any rlghta to Inter uae eny other remedy. 8y not exorclsing '��.�'''�,'}
<br /> pny romecly upon Borrowor'a default,Gondor doos not wnlvo any rlght to leter cons der the evcnt a dofeult if It happens ageln.
<br /> __ . ,_::;�` 77.3olnt end S�vsral LlaWlft�l; Co•nlgnere; Succeaeors end Aeatpna Oound. All dutfoe under thia dood of trust are jAlnt and soveral.Any
<br /> �s Borrowor who ca•slpns thls dood of trust but d000 not co•slgn tho undorlyIng dobt Instrumontls) doos so only to gtent and convoy that �•
<br /> _ � 8orrowur's Intoro9t in ti�a property to tho Trustoa undor tho torm{�rs of thla doed of trost.In additlon,such a Borrowar ngreos that tho Lvndor end
<br /> - debt without th t Borrowerts�consant and without roloaafnp that$arrowar hom the�torme of thls doodtof tveist thls dood of truat or tho socurod •
<br />`''A� . Tho datlos nnd banoflte ot thls dood of trust shall bind end bonofit tho succossora ond ass�gns ot Lendor end Borrowor, I .
<br /> - 10.(Kotice.Unlccs othsrwlso roquired by low,eny no4lco to Borrowor chall bo glvon try dolivoring it or by molllnp It by cartlflod meil addreseod to I
<br />-- Borrowor at the Droperty nddroea or enV othor addrooa that Borrowor hae givon to Londor.Borrowor wlll glva any notico to Lendor by co�tiflod
<br />�"� � � mull ta Londar's ed�]resc on pngo 1 oi thle dood ot truat,or to nny othor addroes whfch Lendor has doslgnated.Any ot7�er notice to Londor shall � �
<br /> ,� . • bo eent to Landor's addroSa as etntod on pnpo 1 of thle dood of truat. �
<br /> '� Any notico cl�all bo deomad to huvo boon fllvon to Borrowor or Londor�+vhun plvon In tho mannor statod obovo. ,
<br />,= 79.Tnnsdr o4 th�Praperty or a Benaflclel tnt�rest In the Bormwer.If oq or any pa-t ot tho proporttr or any Interoet In It le sold or transtorrod i .
<br /> - � paymont ifntNo,Borro�wor Istnot onnoturnl poreon nnddo bonoilclo/ntarosiin tltotBor owor�leu9utld�iortranstorod Howover�Londormmay inot '
<br /> • �• . " domand p�ymont In tho ebovo sltuatlona ff It lo prohibftad by todoral law oa of tha dnte of thle daed of tnis�. :
<br />�� � 20.Racom�yene�. Whon tho obltflut(on soaurad by thla doud of trust hou boon pald, and Lendet hae no further obllpatlon to moko advnrtcoa
<br /> � ,;;•� undol tho tnatrumonte or a{�roomonte socurod by thle dood of truat,tho Trustoo ehnll,upon wrlttnn requoat by tho Londor, roconvoy tho truat
<br /> ------ ----- ----._ ___r.. T�..,..,.a_..tiou u.,o.r�rt,a anrrnwnr.or to Borrownr's succoasor fn Intoraet, tho truat dood ond tho note or othor ovidanca of tho
<br /> �--.-��------ .�. ...�......�...�..__..._. .- - - ------:-.:..
<br /> `� ob'�patl�n ao sntl�ffod.Borrowor ehnll pay nny rocordatlon coato. �—'"�
<br /> ;:,�
<br />:_�I ' 29. 6uccmtfor Truatae. Londor, et Londor's optlon, mny romovo Truatoo and oppolnt n succosaor trustoo by flrst, mnlling o copy of tho
<br /> aubstftutton of tru3tao ae rnqufrod by np�Ifcoblo law,und than,by fillng tho substftutton of trustoo tor racord In tho otflco ot the roplstor of doods •
<br /> ;� of oach county fn whlCh tho truat proporty,or somo port thnroof, fe oituatod. Tho ouccossor trustno, wlthout convoyunco of tho proporty,sholl i
<br /> succoad to oll tho powor,dutlos,authority nnd tltlo of tho Truetoo nnmad In tho deod of truet ond of ony auccoseor truatao. i
<br />�� • , ,
<br /> �
<br /> IPnpo 1 0/11
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