. . ' .. . . .. . ' �(ir:'y�� � .. , �.. .� . .; • _
<br /> a _ ., " :3• ., , i ' ��' ��• . . _"
<br /> _. .�� ]. . ' .. �. '.. ., .. �:.:r, ' " ^ ,.. l ., . .. • � . n " ... n ., ' .. � r~
<br /> .,±��a^n.„ . � ' " . ., i1 i� .n . , . _.-
<br /> ' � . .. . r1 rJ ,, t1 `.ti . . � !� .. .
<br /> :+�e '�a•• �Y . ' . .� ., - cS� , . .. �` ' - -
<br /> _�7�n-:x+:-�-r.: ,�x..,. �'� ~-r- �.....,.,...__....__...�__.�.�.i`..__�....�__.'_.._........._i_.�....l:.�_!n-.n�_,_....._`.._.�....._.�..__� ,.�_�.._-.___�_...�s'�c ., .. � .. -
<br />� .'l - ... a ' l' .. � .. ., ,.
<br /> ' . �I 6Y�� r.+�fY�.`�C��� I .
<br /> . cove:ranr�YC �
<br /> 9. F:,yr�::::�do. t3GSroe:�r cprcoa to mnfco all paymQnto �n th� oocurcd dobt whon duo. Unloaa Oorrowcr �nd Londcr aprco othorwlsn, nny I
<br /> .. psym^nto Lr,ndcr rce�ivoa Prom �oaroLVC�• or Tor Borrowee'o bcrtofit e�lll bo opplicd Nrat to any omoi�nto I�arravcr owon on tho aocurcd da64 r' ,
<br /> not�ro�di�co pr�oxcu6o any�ochc duiad p�ymontiintil thpnaucu�nd doht io�pold In lull���rapnymont of tho aocurod dobt or,curo tor any roocon,It will
<br /> �-... „ „
<br />, ,, a.Cl�tm�Ay�innt Yttlo.Bonowor v�lil pey oll toxc�,ooe000monto,cnd othcr chorpon ottributebto to thp propor4y vihon duo ond will dofond Ntlo „ -
<br /> to ti�e propert�f n1�elnet eny cltims which vrauld impalr tho Iian o}thie deed of trust.Lendor may roquiro Borrawor to nsstpn nny rlphte,claime o�
<br /> dsto»aa��vhicl�6orrowor may hnva opelnst pnrtlos who auppty lotor ar mntar�ats to Improvo ar malntaln tho proporty, '
<br /> 3.Intursnce. E.nrower wlll keep tha property IasuteA under 4ermo eccoptebia to I.ondor et Borrowor'o oxponca und (or Lender's banafit.AU � ,
<br /> �• � Innurance polleles nhell Inciude e at�ndard mort aRa cleuse in fevor of Lendar.(.ender wfll bo named os loae pnyue or ea the insurod on eny euch � .• ;
<br /> oisto tho aocured dobt�If tnndor equlros�na�rtti�po P surun o't Dlo�roworrafldroos t Imalnta�o auch In�urunco(or oo lonp ao Londor raqulroe raperty , �
<br /> �=^�`' 4.Ptaperty.Borrower wlll kaop the proporfy in pood candition und mnko�i�ropnire reesonahly nocosaery. •
<br /> • G.6xp�ntea.Borrower epreea to pay ell Londer's oxpansoo Inciudinp roaeonahlo nttornoya'faos,If Borrowor bronke nny covonnnSS in thio dnod '
<br /> o}trust or!n ony obtipetlon aacured by thfa deed of truet.�oreowor will pay thaso amounto to Londor es providod in Covonant f)of thfa dond uf f• „ �•
<br />: ^ „ trust. f .
<br />. ocwiryn terent9'�Bonsower���nrll porforni�elltoTtBortowurLo�obliQutiona under any�prlor mortpape�dood�of trustrori�othorc6uecurity agroomontr I
<br /> Inciudi�p BorroweYo cove�onte ta mnka poymonts whnn duo. � „ „
<br /> 7.Atai�nent of itonta and Profi3o.Qarrowor aselpne to Londor tho ront�ond profito of thu proporry.Unlese 8�rrowor ond Londor havo eprood �'
<br /> othcrwTSe In writinp, �ortnwor rtsay co!iect artd rotoln tha ronte es lonp ea Borrowur fa not in dotaul4. li B�arrow�r doinulca, Londar, Londor's ..
<br /> epern,or a court nppolnted recelver maV tako possesalon end monago th�proparty und colloct tho renta. Any ronta Landor collocts shaA tro � .
<br /> ' appiled flrs4 to the costs of inenagin the proporty, includino court costo end ottornoye' taos, commisslons to rontul ueonte, and cr�othor
<br />_ . nncaesary roiatad oxpensoa.Tho romaQnina amount af ronte will then spply to payments on thn oocured dobt ne providod in Covonant 1. � �
<br /> ��-� 8.Laa�rholds•Condueniniums;Rtgnnod UNt Osvdopmonto.Borrowar ai1 roea to comply with eho provisiona of any loasa if this deed o4 trust is on �
<br /> '��7� • e Ieasehoid.1�thie dead ot trust Is on o urtit tn o candominium or a plonned unit development, Borrower wfll purform all of Borrower'o duties I
<br /> -�- � undor tho cavanente,by-lews,ar tapulations of tha condominlum or ptannod unit developmont. II ��
<br /> -°— _ - ' . .. . ......__ ..i_�__a..s...... �e..Aor muv L _
<br /> ` '--.-:`_.`.'�--•'- .9.Aumarlty at��nde►so�mim���'vr oO��uAO. ii uuuuwo� �duo iu Moi i�i�Ti 6i�y w ou�iuL':ai o uuuoo u:'•o:L....,......0... ''�. . :
<br /> _ ........ ...... .___--_-_
<br /> n perfonn the dutlea ar causn them to bo porformod.Lende�mey slpn Borrowor's nome or pay any amount It necossary for porformanco. If any � �", �; c=---"—'�•---�
<br /> constructlon on 4he propnrty Is dlaconttnuad or not carrla�on In o roesoneblo mannor,lendor may do whatevor le nocosaory to protoct Lendor's
<br /> • socur(ty Intorost in tho proporty.Thls may Includo complotlnfl tho conauuctlon. �=
<br /> - Lender'e fnlluro tu pertorm will not precludo Lendor fvom oxorclolnp any of Ito other rlghte�+ndar tho law or thlo dood of trust. .
<br /> ''' �� ' Any amounte Fatd by l.ondar to protact Londa�'e oocurlty Intorout wfll be 5ecurod by thls dood ot truct.Such omounta wlll bo duo on demand ".F"'�
<br /> �� � ^ end will boar Int�rest fro�n tha deto of the peymont untll pafd In full at the tntoreat rnte In effoat on tho socurod dobt. � "
<br /> ,% -
<br /> . `�.
<br /> ` „ •� 10. Dsfeuit and Acc�l�riUoei. If Borrowor fnils to mako nny paymont when due or broake any covo�onts under thia dood oi trust or eny '
<br /> • obllpetfon secured by thfe daed of trust or any prfor mortpape or deod of trust, Londor may ecceterato tho maturlty of the socur�d do6t nnd � ��"•. �< •
<br /> - -. - Anrna�uf tmmadlato Qaymont and may Invoko tho power of aalo and nny other romodlea permittad Gy appllaablo law. ;�:'S+� �j:•�_,
<br /> :r.,
<br /> " ' 11.R�qu��t tor NoUc�of D�fwlt.It la heroby r�quosted that coplea of the noticos nf dofautt and ealo bo sont to aach porson who Is e party z �` % �{�� �
<br /> hereto,at the eddreca ot oach such poTaon,as sot forth horeln. '� , ;1.� ��
<br /> �� • 12.Vow�r o!SNe.If tho Landor Involcos tho powo►of sale,the Truatee sholl flret rocard In tho oiffce ot the replstor of deeds o4�snch county ;������
<br /> ' wheroln the trust propttrtV or somo part or percel thetaof(s sltuatod u notico ot dofault contalnfng tha informntlon roqulred by law.The T�ustoe , __,�,�=.__,� _
<br /> � shall al&o mell copfea ot tAo notico of dofoult to the 8orrowor,to aach porson who fe e pnrty harnto, nnd to other porsona as proscrihed by �-,. �;,�-- �-
<br /> applicabte Inw.Not loss then one monih aftor tha Trustoo rocords tha notica of default, or two monihs !f thd trust proporty la not 1�eny � v
<br /> �• ' Incarporated clty or vitlapn and la usod tn forming oporetlons carrfed an by tha uustar,the Trusteo shall glve pubflc notico of sele tc the persons ,. , ';:�,���
<br /> � and In the msnno►proacrlbed by�apppficabla lew.Truatno,w(thout domend on Borrowor,shall sell the property et publtc auatlon to the htghest � % !�
<br /> " 'bfdder.If requtred by tho Farm Homeatead Protaatlon Aat,Truatee ehall oNor tho proparty In two soparate seleo ae requlred by e�pllcablo lew.
<br /> � ' Truateo mey postpone ealo of alf or ony percol of the proporty by publlc annoancomont nt tho ttmo nnd placa of oay prevlousty scheduled eete. ��� i��i
<br /> . Lender or its deslgneo may purchase tho proporty at ony salo. '�" .
<br /> Upon rocelpt ot paymunt of tho prlco 61d,Trustee ehall doliver to the purcheser Trusteo's deod convoyln the proporty.Tho►oc(tlals contafnod in . � ��'�«
<br /> Trustee's dood ahall be prlma faclo evtdfonee of tho tnnh of tho statomonts contslnad thoraln.Trustoo s�all apply the procaoda ot tho sule In tha '�'� '
<br /> tollowing ordor: (o) to aIl expunaoo ot tho enlo, Ineludinp, but not Ilmltod to, ronsonablo Trueteo's feea, rensonablo ettornoy's fooa end �.' ' �n-��
<br />- � rolnatetnment taea;lb)to all sums securod by thfs doed of trust,ond lc)tho bolanco,if uny,to tho poroons Iegally entftlud to rocolve it. � ,�•;��y°�A±,r:��
<br /> �� .
<br /> U ;���'' ' 13.For�lqsur�.At Lttndor'e optlon,thle dood of truet moy bo forecbsed In tho mnnner prov�dn by opplicablo law for foraclosuro of mortpnptsu o �. ���'
<br /> ;i;Cit on roal proporty. ...f.e�/�e::-
<br /> ':,i;r; • , .
<br /> ,.���,t.o.�.•.
<br />� ' ' 14.In�pfctlon.Londor may enter tho proporty to In�poct It If Londor glvoo Borrower notico 6oforehand.The notico must etnto tho roasonable - � _
<br />- � " . ceuse for Londer's Inspactlon.
<br /> �.
<br />. • f,;;.,,� �:. 16.CondfmnsUnn.Borrowor esalgns to Lendot the rocoeda of uny nward or clolm for demngoe connoctod wlth a condamnatlon or othor teklnp ,
<br />- • , f, • o}nIl or any part of tha proporty.5uch procoode wIP bo eppllnd es provldod In Covornnt 1.Thls asslpnmont le subJe.t to tho torme of eny prlor
<br /> , sucutlry aAroomont. � . �
<br /> ' 16.Wdver.By exorcisfng uny romody avallebto to Londer,Lundor d000 not glva uF uny rlphte to Iotor uso anV othar romady.By not axorclsfng „ �'�t.
<br /> ony romndy upon dorrower's dofault,Lendor dooa not waivo eny rlght to lator consldor the ovont o dofnutt If It happons npnln. � �
<br /> " 17. Jofnt �nd S�wtal LIaWIIty; Cailpn�n; Suceosson and Asalpns Bovnd. All dutioe undor thls daocl of trust are Jolnt nnd sovoral. Any ' '�•,�
<br />- �� Borrowor who ca•slgns thte duod ot t�uet but daos not co-slpn the undortyInA dnbt instrumont(s1 daos o0 only to grant und cornoy that ' "�"'
<br /> _ "� Borrowor'o Interost In tho property to tho Trustoo undor tho torms of thfs dnod of truet.In additlon,such a Borrownr aproos that tho Londar and , "��•, • �
<br /> ,,, ony othor Borrowar undor thls deod of trust mny oxtond, modtf�r or mako any othor chongoe In the tvrms of thla dood ot trust or tho sacurad ,%, ;�;;`� ; .��
<br /> dobt wfthout that Borrowor's consant end wlthout roloaeinp that eorrowor from the torme of thls�eed of Vust. !�• .
<br /> ' - Tho dutios nnd bonnfits o4 thls dood of truat ohull bind ond bonefit the succossors ond nsofpna of Londer end Eiurrowor.
<br /> _ .. . U
<br /> " � 18.NuU��.Unloss otherwlso roqulrod by law,any notica to Borrowar shall bo pivon by dollvorl�ip ft or by mnfling It by cortlitud moll eddressod to
<br /> Dor►owat ut tho proporty nddru�s or anV othor addroes that Borrowor hos give�to Londor. Borrowor wlll glvo any notico to Landor by carttfiod ,
<br />— � mall to londor's addreas on pneo 1 of thla d¢od of truat,or to ony othor addroea whlch Landor hos doslgnotod.Any othor noticu to Londnr ahall . "
<br /> bo snnt to Londor's nddroao os statod on pago 1 of thls dord of Vuat.
<br /> Any notico shall Go doomod to hava baon glvon to Borrowor or Lander whon pivon(n tho mnnoor stetod abovo. � _
<br />= 10.Ttansfe�of th�Ptoparty or o B�ns4iclal tntonat in tho(3orrowar.If otl or any pert of tho proportY or any intoroat fn It is aotd or tranaforred
<br /> ' vrithout Londer's prlor wr{:tan consont, Landor moy demand immodiato pnymnnt of tho socurod dobt. Londor muy ulso domund immodinte
<br /> - . , �- � domDndtpinymont n�tho obovu cituotlon3r If f2 lu prohfb ad by f°daral low es of tiio dn o nf hfo dood oi truBionafurrod. Howovor, Londor may not � ` ,
<br /> p ,
<br /> ,� 20.Reeonvayartsa.Whon tho obligatlon cocurec!by thls dnod of trust hna boan pald, and Londor hao na furthor obllgatlon tn moko odvancas "
<br /> ---- - ---------- undnr thn ir�suumnnts or ovuamonte eocurod bV thia dood of trust,tho Trustee ahnll,upon writton roquost,by tho Londor,.roconvoy tho trust �_
<br /> �' proporty.Yho Laa�or ehnll dolivar to tho eorrowor,or to eorrowora succoaeor in incerast,cno crasi daed ono mo ooro or omar vv�dvnco vi iRo
<br /> obliflation co sottn4tad.Borrowcr ahnll pay any rocardatlon costs. r —
<br /> I. .
<br /> i._ 21. 6uccessor Tru�tea. Londor, ai Landor'o optlon, moy romovo Trustoa nnd appolnt a 6UCC0360► ItUIIL00 b}/ fIfBC, mufling o cnpy ot tho � •
<br />�;. ,' �� subatltutlan ot truatoo na roqulrod by oppflcabto low,and thon,by filfng tho sub3tftutlon of trustov tor rocord in tho oNico ot tho roglstor of duods � ,
<br />° �, ot obch county tn whlch tho truot propo►ty,or aomo port thereof, la eftuntod.Tho succassor truetoa,wlthout convoyanco of tho proporty,shnll �
<br />— , succaod to oll tho powor,dutloo,authority nnd tltlo of tho Tiustao namnd in tho daod of trust ond of nny succossor bustoo. � „
<br /> �., ,, .�, � .,
<br /> ,
<br /> �. I
<br /> _ .. - rpado z or ti ;
<br /> �`� - � OANKEt1S 8v8TEM9.INC..ST.CLOUD.MN 60307 1�-OOD•�07•19411 WRM OCP�MT6NE O�tUl81 ___ � '
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