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<br /> ..'�.7 '_ . .:t .«.. . .. ... • """"_'..'....�"__...—��._.___...�'_'�._.__.._�—_.�.—� . �.
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<br /> , .: cav�;!nravo ����� ������ ., � .. ,. _ - .,
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<br /> 9. 1%c:�:�.=:i�. Ctorro+:fcr aprr,aa to r�ic.co o(� paym�nto an tha cccurcd dai�4 ��hon du�. Unlooa �orroti•!cr cnrl Lcndcr cprco uth�n•��co, r.ny „
<br /> ,. � p�yman4�Lcndcr rcccivo�iroro L'orroe�cr or im �orrowcr'o banofl4 ellll 60 oGPttcd Hrot to cny emounto Dorrueicr oe�os3 on tho nocured do6t --
<br /> ' ot icQuco oi oucuse�6cny�uiftp�ut d p ymnn2 utrtll4h�aocured debt in pald In Pull��prcpoym:nt ot tho sacurod dobt occuro 4or any roncon,It will
<br /> � 2.CIdm9 Ap�tns2 Yiu�.Co�rowor wid�by nt!toua�,a�aasnmonta.and othor charpoa nttributablo to tho praperty v�h�n dvo nnd v�lll dofond titlo �� �
<br /> " to the prupe� e�peinst eny Clei�n�which wet�:d lmpalr the Ilen o}thte doed of truot.Londor may roqulro t3orrowar ta ooulpn ony riphta,cialmn or
<br /> � ' d�ten5�s wh.�B�rrowor may t�ava apefnnt panles who suppiy labor or matoriels to improva or mnintaln the pcoportY. Y ^ �
<br /> " ' 3,tr�tut�nc�.Botrorrer wlll keep the proparty Insurod undev terTa cee;,ptab�a Ya Lcnd�r nt Borrov�dt'a cxponao and for Landor's hanofit.Atl
<br /> Insurence po'Icie�ehsll Inctude e e4en�erd mortQeQe clauee In fevor of Lendor.Len�er will ho namc�d es loc�peyae or ae tho Inoured on ony euch . ,
<br /> � or6to the c�culted d85t�ft Londarpoqulreaemartpapo Insuionco��B�otiowor apro�es to�melntslntsuch insurencetfor as lonp�ne londoraroqufroo roperty , ,.
<br /> '� ' 4.Prop��ty.8orrower wiii koep tho property In pood condition and mnko oil repeira raesonabty nacoeaery. °
<br /> . . .1..�^' .,
<br /> ;f 6.�n���.Borrowar nproea tu poy uli Londor'o oxpanaos includinp roasonabio ottornoya'fcoe,if Borrowor brenko any covenantu in thla dood �� " :
<br /> • af trust at In ony ob�igatlon aecured by this dood of trust.Lorrowor will poy thoso omounto to londor os providod In Covcnant 9 of thla dood of
<br /> . tmst. °
<br /> 8.Pria S�cur�ty Mtwato.Unlosa Borrowor f(ret obtaine Londor's wdtton consont,BorrAwar will not mnko or pormit sny chanpos to any prior
<br /> ' � eacurlty Interea•te. Borruwer wfll partorm ell o} Borrowor's obllgntlons undor eny prEor mart{�ope, dood of trust or othor eocurity oprooment,
<br /> � " including Borrowor's covonents to moko paymonte whan duo. "
<br /> " 7.Ass!pnm�nt of Rtnb and 4RoRU. 8orrowar oesiCns to Londer tha ronto and protite ot tho proporty.Unloas Borrowor nnd londcr havo aptaad �
<br /> othorvvlsn�n w.•fLe:d. Eu:rowor may colloat and rotein tho ronte aa long es Borrowor la not in dotautt. If Borrowor dofoulte, Landor, Landor's .
<br /> epont, or a cou►t appoi�ted �ecetver may toke possosslon end manego tho proporty end coltoct tF�n rcnto.Any►onta Londar collocte ehall 6u
<br /> nocessafry relet9d expentsoetTho er8i�atnlnp amount of rents will thon apply t�psymente un tho Boc ed dobt as p ovidad In�Covonant��ny other -
<br /> .. . �;.�:.;,':;:�, ..
<br /> "�•• "'�;s<';;r,'. 8.Lasoholdi•Condomirdums;Plannrd Urdt DavNopmanta.Borrowor aprons to aomply wfth tho prov(sions of eny leaso If this dosd of truat ie on ����.`i: .•.
<br /> � ••;:'.;, a loasehold. I�this deed of trust le on e unit In a condominium or a planned unit dovolopment,Borrower will per(orm all of Barrowar's dutios
<br /> , - •- ' ,
<br /> `'� undor the covenanUs,Gy-lawa,or regulationo of the condomintum or pinnned unit developmont. ` ° �
<br /> _ .. . _____...J _ _.:: ... ._
<br /> _.___, ____ ._ „_.._._ �.o_..,..,.,.. u a....��..�.�otto tn narfn►m anv of BorTOwnYs duti08 undor th�e deed of trust, LondO� n�ny L_ ..
<br /> -- O. Huu�N�.y V�ba�n:m ...._..N�., .M_�._.._.. .. __. _.._ ---- - ..
<br /> ' � p6rtorm the duUeo or cnuso thom to bo psrtormed. Lnnder mey sipn�orrower's riamo or pay eny omount it nocossary tor purionu�sucn.ii nny --°-----_ --
<br /> constructlon on tho�roparty la discontlnuod or not carriod on In e reosonablo manner, Lendor mny do whatover le nocoseary to protoct Londer's
<br /> „ „ socudty intoroet(n the propnrty.This moy Inctude complodng tho constructlon. ' .
<br /> ,,.• . • Londer's feiiure to periorm will not procludo Londor from oxorcisinp eny of its othor riphte undor the law or thia dood of trust. „ �
<br /> ,� , ��...
<br /> Any nmounts patd by Londnr to protoct Londor's security ir�torost wi�l bo securod by this deod of trust.Such amounte will be due on domand „�i'
<br /> antl will boar Interost from tho date of tho paymont until pald In fult at the intorust rato in eftect on tho eecurod debt. �� , ��;�
<br /> . ;Wry .� :---
<br /> 10.Qefault artd Acc�lora8on. If Borrowar fnils to moke any paymont when duo or tvonks any covenante undor thia daod of trust or eny :• !� ,
<br /> ' ',��'`•( • obfigation socured by this dand of truat or eny prlo�mortgego or dead of trusi, lendor may eccelorate tho maturity of the socurcd dobt end , , ,f ���
<br /> ' •:'. : domand Immadlata peymant and may Invako the powor of selo and nny otho�romedlos psrmitted by opplicablo law. r���
<br /> _ _ :,_ -`_-�
<br /> 11.Re�wst tor NoUc�of�eiwU. It la horoby roquesstad tfiat copioa of tho noticoa of doteutt end sale be aorrt to oaeh porson who Is a porty �-,� �;�
<br /> herota,nt the addrosa of onCh such person,ea sot torth P�orain. ,. "
<br /> � 12.Pnwu of SN�.If the Londor invakos tho powor of sflle,the Trustao shali flret record in tho oNico of tho rogister of deoda of oach county �� t
<br /> ' wherein tho trust p.*oporty o►somo pan or pnrcol thoroof ia cituetod a notice of default contoining tho information rc�quired by 18w.Tho Trusteo ;� . ' �;
<br /> ;;�.i;.?�;' shail aiso mall Gopiae of tho notico of dofuult ta thn Borrower, to each porson who Is e party horoto, and to other persons ae proscrlbod by ,
<br /> -!�-� epplica6lo law. Not losa thAn one month after tho Truatoe rocotds tho nutico of dafault, or two monthe If tho truat proporty is not In any
<br /> .;;_,•��' ' incarporeted ctty or vfllage and le ussd i�farming o�orotiono carriod on by the truetar,tho Truetao ehali qiva publio notico of sato to tha poraon� �` •��t'��',
<br /> • • end In tho menner prescribod bV�appplica6le law.Trustoo,w(thout demand on Borrower,shall sell tho proporty ot public euctfon to the hlphost . ., .� r
<br /> bidde►.If raqutrod by tho Fatm Homestoad Prutoction Act,Trustoa shell offar the proporty fn two separeto entes es required by appticablo law.
<br /> ;,,�:,.� • �� truatne may poatpone ealo of all or any pnrcol of tho ptoporty 6y public ennouncomont e f the tim9 a�d placo of eny proviously acheduled eate. F�y�;
<br /> � ,,, Lender or ite dosignoe mey purcheae the property et enV safo. , •, � -•�
<br /> ••�� 'F::,: Upon recotpt of paym ent of tho prica 6id,Trusteo shait doiivor to tho purchasor Truetoo's daed conveying the proporty.The rocitials contoinnd tn �.� � �•;
<br /> "`' Trustee's dead shall bo primo faclo uvidlonco of the truth ot tho statomonte contatnod thoreln.Trusteo ahatl apply tho pracoods of tho sula in the �, ,•,; r
<br /> �•"�:�;:' followinp order: (n) to all axpenssa of tho salo, Includirtg, but not Ilmitod to, reasonnble Trustoo's teos, roaaonnblo attornoy's fooe and
<br /> rolnstntomont feos;(b)to all sums secured by thia daod of truat,end(c)the balonce,if ony,to the peraona Iegaliy ontitiod to rocoivo(t. `�"'' ,..'�';�,
<br /> 13.Farrclos4r�.At Landnr's optian,this dood ot trust may bo foteclosed In tho mennor provido by appliceblo law for foraclosuro of mortgages ,y�j/�"
<br />, . on roai propoety. ,
<br />`;� 14.lnspecrilon.Londot may ontor tho property to inapsct it I}Londor gives Borrowor notice bofotohend. Tho notico must stata the roaso�ebte • �,
<br />=- causo tor LandeYO InspocNon. -'��
<br /> 16.Condtmnetlon.Borrowe►esslgns to Lander tho roceods of eny award or claim for damagoa connected with e condomnation or othor taking :";;�} .
<br /> •• �� of ell or eny part of tho prop0rty.Such proceeds wiP bo appllad es providod in Covonnnt 1.Thio oselgnmont is sub�ect to tho torma of any prlor ,? �
<br /> - � socurity aproomont. • � •
<br />= ,� 18.Wa(var.By oxerCisinp Any remady ovailablo to Lendor, Landor dooa not 8��e u any riphts to iotar uso any othor romody. By not axorcising ' i..
<br /> � on/romody upon Borcowor's dofauit,Lendor does not walve any right Yo latar consPdor tho ovont a dofauh ff It hoppona ngaln. • ,i�
<br />= ° 17.Jotnt end Ssverel llabiliri: Co•signaro: Succnaaore end Aaa►gns Dound. All dutios undor thio deed ot trust nru Jolnt and sovorol. Any �i,.;.;:•
<br /> Borrowor who co•sfgns this dood o}truat but dooa nnt co•sign tho undorlyIng dobt instrumontlsl doos so only to grnnt and convay thet .
<br /> � Borrowor'a Intoroat In tho proporty to tho Trustoo under tho torms of thla doad of trust.In additton,such a Borrowor agroos tt�at tho Lundor und •
<br /> uny otho►Borrowor undor thla dood of trust may oxtend,modi�or mnko arry othor changos In tho terms of thfa dood of truat or tho eecurad
<br /> , debt wkhout thet Borcowor's consont and without roloasing thnt orrowor irom tho torms of this dood of truat.
<br /> Tha dutiea and bonatits of this dood of truat chail bind und banofit tho succossora and nssigns of Londer a�d Borrowor. �
<br /> �
<br /> Y ' • ' 18.Notice.Untoss otfiorwiuo roqulrod by law,any notico to Borrowor ahnll bo pivon by dolivoring it or by mefiinp it by cortffiod mail oddrossad to �
<br /> ,n Horrowar at tho propartY add:oss or uny othor ad�rosa thnt Bonowor hoo gIvon to Londor.Borrowor wiil flivo uny notico to Londer by r.ertifiod I . �-
<br />:`a:, , mail to Londor's uddross on pago 1 of this dnnd of trust,or to uny otNor uddross which Lan�er has dosipnatod.biny othor notico to Londor shall
<br /> bo sont to l.ondor's addross aa etatad on pu6o 1 of thls doad oi truat. �
<br />-- Atr/notico shail be deemed to havo�non pivon to Bonowor or Londar whon piven In tho monner stated abovo. I '
<br />° ° �>��� � 19.To�nt4ar of t4��Propsnq o►e Boneflcid Irtnnst tn th�k�ortowu.If ull or nny part of tho proporty or any intorost In ft is sold or transferrod •.
<br />_— �.;,;..
<br /> •� r�•�, without Londo►'s prlor writton conaent, Lendor may domund immadinto paymont of tho socurod dobt. Londor may elso domond immedlate f
<br /> ����� poymant If tho Battowor la not o naturel porson ond o bonoticial Intoroat in ilio Borrowor Is sold or transforrod. Howovor, Londor moy not �
<br />'.' damand puymont In tho nbovo sltuntiono it it Ia prohibitod by todarol tow ns ni tho dato of thle dood of trust, j
<br /> - 20.Racanvayancs.Whnn tho o6ltgn4lon cocurad by thlo doud of tru�t hae doon pnEd,ond Londor hoe no turthor oblipntfon to mnko advancos � �
<br />;F'
<br /> �_______ __________ undor tho insVUrt�ante or n�raomonto eocerod by this daod of tru3t,tho Trustoo ehael,apo�*�tt*�q�o�9�b�hMtn n�r�n�har ovld°nco of�thn �
<br /> - — proper[Y.tno tortdm aiian aoiivm w um.,.�.......o..... .............�.��..�_�.. .. _.--•=--• _.----- ---- - - � - �.....___-._. ..
<br /> �. „ obligotion so enYlstfod.Borrowur chatl pay ony rocordotlon costo. I
<br /> � ' 21. �uccesvor Truet�e. Londor, ot Londor's optfan, moy romovo Trustoo nnd nppolnt n cuccascor t►uatoa by first, mnlling n copy of tho �
<br /> cubatitution oi trustao a3 roquitad by applicablo law,ond thon,by filinp tho ouhstitution of trustoo for racord In tho off�co of tho rogfstor of doods
<br /> �- ;� of aoch county In whlch tho trunt proporty,ar somo poK thoroof,Is situatad.Tho succosaor bustoo,without convoyanco of tho property,shc�il ;
<br /> succoad to a!i tho powor,dutlos,uutharity nnd titto of tho Truatao namod In tho dcod ot vust and of any succosaor trustoo.
<br />,�
<br /> ` rAngo 2 of 21
<br /> n ° • � OANKEII9 BvBTF.M9.i4C.,BT.CIOUD.MN G0701 Il•600J97•43�11 f-0fUl1 OCPauliO�NE OItBl3� __ _ �
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