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<br /> - _ 19.'['�tmCer uX E�ue Pm�rk�'�r a�'���Y�te�t ta B'�wrower.Pf�lt ar any�ut c�F tk►c.Ym���Tktreat�in �t
<br />: - _ , f..�.�l�)���t�,�}cf;•�'e',�ri�e1i Yt:l fiL'PC�iL'i:l�'/li�i:T:SI Ift�l)l'1(t��C!'X`e OFf�t�t�r i�,ifSSi:ftiC'�illl�t ��t1CC0�t't�r is r.�,L'<i 11N1t1i'N� (1r'1yl►tZ WltfiCrtlt -
<br /> .. �. . �� . .. __i �... .s.:.• ;
<br /> �,,�y��r's prior writt�R ct�nsent, I..tnder mtty, at a�.s upitofi.,CCq�aine �mmcaia�e puy�►r.i����� ,u�� ..� «�. .,.,..... � •- -, -.
<br /> � Securi�y Instrument.Hawev�s,this�ptic�n sk�alt rat,be execei�czi by I.ender,if oxeierst is}�ns��I�itad�i�y 3'akrit(law de of the claee .
<br /> nf'this�ecurity�;;U�tnuent: . •
<br /> _ � �� I€L.ersdcr ear.reise�this option_ I,,e►xle�•xhall giva�3ar.rawer�nti�of�c:eelr.raticu�.'The ek�tic;�shuil pruvlde a pericx!uf na .
<br /> ; tesc than 3�D clays drom th� �l.�t�d�e n:,tice is del;vereci ar m4if�i i�i►hin which Ti�irr�wer snust pay sif,,sums :ic�urecl by this
<br /> -- Sa:urity Insu•u+ir�nt.I€Aorrowcr fails tn pay Atcsc sums piiur ta tlic expirtta�t.if tdts period, Ixnder anay invoke any remalies
<br /> _ � pr;rm�trr�l hy this Security Tr�sirumcnt without fur�her nntice er tlemazs+l on}3cir7�rw�er• _-�
<br /> u;!! t�avc tb:, x:ghc ta °LS:'c
<br /> --__-- 1$, �rrower's Right W xteineiat�. If t3orrowcr u�cets cctxain condiri�Tns, 8u:�a.��c, s;- -°
<br /> c�iforeemenf of this Security Instru�ent dise:ontim�ed nt any time�►riar. ta t;to earlier of: (n) 5.days {or sur.t4'other peri+_ci a4'
<br /> aprlicabl� law n�ay s�ecil`y fur reinatatei►:ent) lTefoce sale of¢he Pr�1�+erty pursuant to any �wer of sale ca:itainect in thi,; „
<br /> __ 5ec:uriEy Instrumetlt;or(h)entry of a judgme»t enforcing thts Securi7.y ir�stnunent.Thase cm�djiic�ns are ihat Bunc,wer:(a)pa.�+s
<br /> Lend�r ail,sunLy witich then would be due under tl�is Security Ins[rument and tlYC Nate as if:tii��.,nccr,ierati<in ha�i a;cun�;(b)
<br /> sur�s any default o1'.any othcr�.�venants or aKreemen4ti; (ej p�yS all exqens�s inGUrrsA in eufciif�c���this Sc�cwity I��.ct�vrner►c, _
<br /> -- incltiding, but�xK Iniiited to, re.tionable attomoys'�ecs;ancl(d)take,s such f�cbdt��i as I:ender ma�rtzt$or�ii�:�':'e,'A�c?RQ"•��'"'
<br /> t;a:t�;,licst o:':h:�S==slxli9�ssn'��"i�t,t,endcr's righ�s in fhe Propez4Y und Bc%iiawer's:�blibatic�u to pay t�he sums secvred�Y "'_
<br /> this S�curi4y Instru�n�nt shall continuo unchan�ed: �Lipon ceinstatement by Boteawct, this �ecur.tty �nstn�ment aaxi ii�c
<br /> - = obiic:+tions se�cur�heaeby shall rcmain feilly effective as if no accel�ration harl uccurnd. }iowcvc,-,,i�,ia rigl:t w reinstate shalt
<br /> --_= Mr�nnlv i�a�l,e rase of nccele:atia�i uaner uaraerapn i?. � � .�' � --�--
<br /> �� � -- �19. 5ale o8 i'�ToU�; Change oP 1Loan Serrteer, 'Chv Notu or .;partial in.terest in th� ivote (togeti�e� with N'�;a �:.curi.� ,. --
<br /> - -` - Insi�un►cui}���ay bc sa+d anc or marc times witltoLt pri�r notice!�Horrower. A SAIe mny cesiQt in a chanae in kh�entity(k+ioun ..___
<br /> ------ as!he"�.opn Servtcer")th�t collecYS mon.hly pay.ments due vnder the Nc�te and iliis Securiry inscn�went.There also niay�e one
<br /> ------ or ma1F ching�s of the l.oan Servicer u►u�:latul ta a sale of the Note.If there is a charige�f rhe Loa�i Servicer,8c�rrower will be
<br /> ________ ___ �iven�ivritien notice of the cliauge in accorctance with paragrap}1 14 abave and a�plicahle lsn�.The i�ouce wiU stute the natr�e a�xl —
<br /> _---= addresS of tl�e new Loan Serviccr and the aJdress to which payinents should be macle. '�'t�c notice w�ll also contain any aitccr `
<br /> ___�_ infurmation requim.d by applicsble law. • . .
<br /> • �....�.____.. D,,..,,, ti ae ..,.. . w..,,��r the nresen�e, use.disAOSal, stornP,�, or release of nriy
<br />.---_— b�l. f1A'Liti�tiiitii uu�nw�••.co. aw....:.'C: •°i...^... ..... ::::.°..°.�_ r'- -- --
<br /> ------ — H�yen�t�'�.s�s Substances an ar in thc Property. B�arrowcr shall not do. nor allow aj�ytine elsc to do; Enything affecting me _ _
<br /> -- ��.�:,aJ it�.t io iss vi:slaii�n Qf an; Lnyin,nme��tal Law. The precedin�two sentences S�►nll not apply to Ihe prescncc,u�e, ur •
<br /> - sturage on tlic Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that nre genemlly recognized to be appropnate m narmai _
<br /> -��- residential�lses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br />�_,,,���� Borrawer shal]promptly give l.ender writte»nolice of any investi�ation, claim,dc�mand. lawsui2 or ot�ter action by any
<br /> ----- govenunentnl or regul.atory agcncy or privute party involvin�d►e Property and any Hazardous Substnnce or Enviramnental �nw
<br /> -- -_-= uf which�orrower has actual knowledge. If Etorrower learns,or is notificd by any govermnentul or regulatory authority, dtat
<br />.. --._...=- --= uny rernovnl m•other remeciiation of uny Hazardous Sub.r•tancc affecting the Property is rscccssary,Bono�ver sh�l!gromptly take
<br /> _ �_,._.,_
<br /> ------- ' ali necessa remcdial actions in�ccc�rdancc with Environmental La�v.
<br /> ^-_�� -- -
<br /> Hs used in this pa��a�;raph 20. "tiazurdow Substances"ure those substances defined es toxic or hazardous substance� by -
<br /> �_=v�.� �nvironmental Luw and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flatnn�ble or toxic peuoleum p�ducts, toxic �
<br /> :_�M;;�,c�s;� pesticides and'nerbicides,volatile solvents,mate�ials cnntaining asb�sros ar formaldehyd�,�nd radioactive materials As usr,d in
<br />-__�_���%:R+ this paragrnph. 20, "Enviro�vnental Luw" means federll laws and laws uf tlie jurisdiction wtiere the Properry is locaterl tlsat �
<br /> --' �::':-:x.�'_� rcl�te To t�ealth,safety or environmental protection. _
<br /> ' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Aosrower and L.ender furthcr covenant and iigree as follows: .
<br />.:::t,,.,,.,_S�^�i 2E.Aceelerntion;Iaemedtes. Lender sball give notice to Borrower prlor to•acceleration folluwing lioreo�b•er'S breuch
<br /> _.:��,�:��;.�'9 of any covennnt or u�eement in this Security In.strument (6ut not prtor to a�c�eleration under par►gcapl� 17 unlc;s
<br /> _ -=T_-,�_,,� mpplicable law provides otl�erwise).The aotfce shall specify: ia)the def�ult; N)the sction r�qufrerl ta cure tlie d��fuult;
<br /> �c ��-�=""°° (d) tl Attfailure!o c�rc he de�t►It antor before the date�sPecificd i�!he notice mpyir,esalt inefa��eter tS��a�s tl e��s �
<br /> ����� sc�cured by this Security Instrunient nnd snle of the Property. Ttic nottee shall further dnform Borro�.er e�g 2he ri�;fit!o __
<br /> ,j__.��.��� rei�ut�tte after aeseterntton and tl�e right co brin� a court �ctton ta u�.scrt the non-exfstenze of u defuutt or nny other _
<br /> -_:��T-t° defense of Uorrowcr tfl acc�tleration and snle. It ttie dsfuult Is nut curcd on or betorc the datc specified In thc notfcc,
<br /> z�sJ��;,;; I.endcr, at its optton, �t�y require ImnieJ'iute nayment in full of nll sums Fecurecl by this SccurIty Instrumen!w�thout _.�`_
<br /> �"-'.�'�z furthcr dei�ian��nd may Invoke thc po�ver oF snle and any othcr remedies permftted by appltcuble Inw.Lender sbuli be
<br />:':�;;rr i�F�
<br />"".�x-* ' entitled to collecE a!L expenses incurced In pursutng tlie remedIes provid�d in th(s parngeapl�21,incluclLng,but not limaited
<br /> .,..�(':'`�: •.. �'E'
<br />"���rt�:�.'•`�rr ' to,reasonable attornevs'fee.s and coste of tltle evidence.
<br />.�_ E,�. ;,
<br /> ,;;.�;;;��.-,�. 1�'the power of sule is Mvoked, 'P�aostee shall record a notice of dxfuult in estci� county [n whlei�uny part vf Ehe
<br /> a�;��rs..:..�'�`:•�, '�t.
<br /> �,���,._.,.,,,,, Property is tor.ated ancl s1in11 mniD copies of such notice tn the manner prescribed bv anplicai�te law to Borro�ver and to
<br />�,;_•:�<.,�_;.u,� tlie other�ersuc�s prescribed by applicublc IAw.After the time rec�nircd by:�ppltcable la�y,'I'rustee shall givo pu61lc nottce _
<br />_�':-�w�::;::�:.r:�. of szde Fo tlte persons and In the mnnner prescribed by rapplicable Inw. Trn�tee, withuut demund on Borrower,shall sel!
<br /> ••�;��•���-+=�7-� the Property at publlc auction to tlic hisliest btdider at the time�ar►c��Ince c�nd undes the tern�a desi�n�tcd in the no4ic�of
<br /> '`��:,:;;�"= ''z�'' snlr.in one or mo!�: parccls und in rny order Trustee deterniines.Trustee may pustpane sale of all pr any pt+rcel e►f the
<br /> - {��.
<br /> _,`.1*r:;,,r,:•:�•,�•,�•. ,�raperty by Wublic smnoancement ut the time nnd place of nny prevfously scheduled snle. Lender or [ts desiguee mny
<br /> ----- �:=��:� pe�rchase the 1'�operty nt any sale.
<br />��w���.���
<br />::,..�,.
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